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/*! Widget: alignChar - updated 2/7/2015 (v2.19.0) *//*
 * Align Characters, Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+
 * by Rob Garrison
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
/*global jQuery: false */
    'use strict';
    var ts = $.tablesorter;

    ts.alignChar = {

        init : function(table, c, wo) {
            c.$headers.filter('[' + wo.alignChar_charAttrib + ']').each(function(){
                var $this = $(this),
                vars = {
                    column     : this.column,
                    align      : $this.attr(wo.alignChar_charAttrib),
                    alignIndex : parseInt( $this.attr(wo.alignChar_indexAttrib) || 0, 10),
                    adjust     : parseFloat($this.attr(wo.alignChar_adjustAttrib)) || 0
                vars.regex = new RegExp('\\' + vars.align, 'g');
                if (typeof vars.align !== 'undefined') {
                    wo.alignChar_savedVars[this.column] = vars;
                    ts.alignChar.setup(table, c, wo, vars);

        setup: function(table, c, wo, v){
            // do nothing for empty tables
            if ($.isEmptyObject(c.cache)) { return; }
            var tbodyIndex, rowIndex, start, end, last, index, rows, val, count,
                len, wLeft, wRight, alignChar, $row,
                left = [],
                right = [];
            for (tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++){
                rows = c.cache[tbodyIndex];
                len = rows.normalized.length;
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++) {
                    // set up to work with modified cache v2.16.0+
                    $row = rows.row ? rows.row[rowIndex] : rows.normalized[rowIndex][c.columns].$row;
                    val = $row.find('td').eq(v.column).text().replace(/[ ]/g, '\u00a0');
                    // count how many 'align' characters are in the string
                    count = (val.match( v.regex ) || []).length;
                    // set alignment @ alignIndex (one-based index)
                    if (count > 0 && v.alignIndex > 0) {
                        end = Math.min(v.alignIndex, count);
                        start = 0;
                        index = 0;
                        last = 0;
                        // find index of nth align character based on alignIndex (data-align-index)
                        while (start++ < end) {
                            last = val.indexOf(v.align, last + 1);
                            index = last < 0 ? index : last;
                    } else {
                        index = val.indexOf(v.align);
                    if ( index >= 0 ) {
                        left.push( val.substring(0, index) || '' );
                        right.push( val.substring(index, val.length) || '' );
                    } else {
                        // no align character found!
                        // put val in right or left based on the align index
                        left.push( (count >= 1 && v.alignIndex >= count) ? '' : val || '' );
                        right.push( (count >= 1 && v.alignIndex >= count) ? val || '' : '' );

            // find widest segments
            wLeft = ($.extend([], left)).sort(function(a, b){ return b.length - a.length; })[0];
            wRight = ($.extend([], right)).sort(function(a, b){ return b.length - a.length; })[0];
            // calculate percentage widths
            v.width = v.width || ( Math.floor(wLeft.length / (wLeft.length + wRight.length) * 100) + v.adjust );
            wLeft = 'min-width:' + v.width + '%';
            wRight = 'min-width:' + (100 - v.width)  + '%';

            for (tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++){
                rows = c.cache[tbodyIndex];
                len = rows.normalized.length;
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++) {
                    alignChar = $(wo.alignChar_wrap).length ? $(wo.alignChar_wrap).html(v.align)[0].outerHTML : v.align;
                    $row = rows.row ? rows.row[rowIndex] : rows.normalized[rowIndex][c.columns].$row;
                    last = right[rowIndex].slice(v.align.length);
                        '<span class="ts-align-wrap"><span class="ts-align-left" style="' + wLeft + '">' + left[rowIndex] + '</span>' +
                        '<span class="ts-align-right" style="' + wRight + '">' + ( last.length ? alignChar + last : '' ) + '</span></span>'
            wo.alignChar_initialized = true;


        remove: function(table, c, column){
            if ($.isEmptyObject(c.cache)) { return; }
            var tbodyIndex, rowIndex, len, rows, $row, $cell;
            for (tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++){
                rows = c.cache[tbodyIndex];
                len = rows.normalized.length;
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++) {
                    $row = rows.row ? rows.row[rowIndex] : rows.normalized[rowIndex][c.columns].$row;
                    $cell = $row.find('td').eq(column);
                    $cell.html( $cell.text().replace(/\s/g, ' ') );

        id: 'alignChar',
        priority: 100,
        options: {
            alignChar_wrap         : '',
            alignChar_charAttrib   : 'data-align-char',
            alignChar_indexAttrib  : 'data-align-index',
            alignChar_adjustAttrib : 'data-align-adjust' // percentage width adjustments
        init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo){
            wo.alignChar_initialized = false;
            wo.alignChar_savedVars = [];
            ts.alignChar.init(table, c, wo);
            c.$table.on('pagerEnd refreshAlign', function(){
                c.$headers.filter('[' + wo.alignChar_charAttrib + ']').each(function(){
                    ts.alignChar.remove(table, c, this.column);
                ts.alignChar.init(table, c, wo);
        format : function(table, c, wo){
            // reinitialize in case table is empty when first initialized
            if (!wo.alignChar_initialized) {
        remove : function(table, c, wo, refreshing){
            if (refreshing) { return; }
            c.$headers.filter('[' + wo.alignChar_charAttrib + ']').each(function(){
                ts.alignChar.remove(table, c, this.column);
            wo.alignChar_initialized = false;
