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/*! tablesorter tbody sorting widget (BETA) - 11/26/2016 (v2.28.0)
 * Requires tablesorter v2.22.2+ and jQuery 1.4+
 * by Rob Garrison
 * Contributors: Chris Rogers
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
/*global jQuery: false */
;( function( $ ) {
    'use strict';
    var ts = $.tablesorter;

    ts.sortTbodies = {
        init: function( c, wo ) {

            var index, rows, txt, max, $rows,
                namespace = c.namespace + 'sortTbody',
                $tbodies = c.$table.children( 'tbody' ),
                len = $tbodies.length;

            // save serverSideSorting value; use to toggle internal row sorting
            wo.sortTbody_original_serverSideSorting = c.serverSideSorting;

            // include info-only tbodies - we need parsed data from *all* tbodies
            wo.sortTbody_original_cssInfoBlock = c.cssInfoBlock;
            c.cssInfoBlock = wo.sortTbody_noSort;
            ts.sortTbodies.setTbodies( c, wo );

            // add original order index for stable sort
            for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
                $tbodies.eq( index ).attr( 'data-ts-original-order', index );

                .unbind( 'sortBegin updateComplete '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ) )
                .bind( 'sortBegin' + namespace, function() {
                    ts.sortTbodies.sorter( c );
                .bind( 'updateComplete' + namespace, function() {
                    // find parsers for each column
                    ts.sortTbodies.setTbodies( c, wo );
                    ts.updateCache( c, null, c.$tbodies );
                .bind('sortEnd', function() {
                    // Moves the head row back to the top of the tbody
                    var primaryRow = wo.sortTbody_primaryRow;
                    if ( wo.sortTbody_lockHead && primaryRow ) {
                        c.$table.find( primaryRow ).each( function() {
                            $( this ).parents( 'tbody' ).prepend( this );

            // detect parsers - in case the table contains only info-only tbodies
            if ( $.isEmptyObject( c.parsers ) || c.$tbodies.length !== $tbodies.length ) {
                ts.sortTbodies.setTbodies( c, wo );
                ts.updateCache( c, null, c.$tbodies );

            // find colMax; this only matter for numeric columns
            $rows = $tbodies.children( 'tr' );
            len = $rows.length;
            for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) {
                max = 0;
                if ( c.parsers[ index ].type === 'numeric' ) {
                    for ( rows = 0; rows < len; rows++ ) {
                        // update column max value (ignore sign)
                        txt = ts.getParsedText( c, $rows.eq( rows ).children()[ index ], index );
                        max = Math.max( Math.abs( txt ) || 0, max );
                c.$headerIndexed[ index ].attr( 'data-ts-col-max-value', max );


        // make sure c.$tbodies is up-to-date (init & after updates)
        setTbodies: function( c, wo ) {
            c.$tbodies = c.$table.children( 'tbody' ).not( '.' + wo.sortTbody_noSort );

        sorter: function( c ) {
            var $table = c.$table,
                wo = c.widgetOptions;

            // prevent multiple calls while processing
            if ( wo.sortTbody_busy !== true ) {
                wo.sortTbody_busy = true;
                var $tbodies = $table.children( 'tbody' ).not( '.' + wo.sortTbody_noSort ),
                    primary = wo.sortTbody_primaryRow || 'tr:eq(0)',
                    sortList = c.sortList || [],
                    len = sortList.length;

                if ( len ) {

                    // toggle internal row sorting
                    c.serverSideSorting = !wo.sortTbody_sortRows;

                    $tbodies.sort( function( a, b ) {
                        var sortListIndex, txt, dir, num, colMax, sort, col, order, colA, colB, x, y,
                            table = c.table,
                            parsers = c.parsers,
                            cts = c.textSorter || '',
                            $tbodyA = $( a ),
                            $tbodyB = $( b ),
                            $a = $tbodyA.find( primary ).children( 'td, th' ),
                            $b = $tbodyB.find( primary ).children( 'td, th' );
                        for ( sortListIndex = 0; sortListIndex < len; sortListIndex++ ) {
                            col = sortList[ sortListIndex ][0];
                            order = sortList[ sortListIndex ][1];
                            // sort direction, true = asc, false = desc
                            dir = order === 0;
                            // column txt - tbody A
                            txt = ts.getElementText( c, $a.eq( col ), col );
                            colA = parsers[ col ].format( txt, table, $a[ col ], col );
                            // column txt - tbody B
                            txt = ts.getElementText( c, $b.eq( col ), col );
                            colB = parsers[ col ].format( txt, table, $b[ col ], col );

                            if (c.sortStable && colA === colB && len === 1) {
                                return $tbodyA.attr( 'data-ts-original-order' ) - $tbodyB.attr( 'data-ts-original-order' );

                            // fallback to natural sort since it is more robust
                            num = /n/i.test( parsers && parsers[ col ] ? parsers[ col ].type || '' : '' );
                            if ( num && c.strings[ col ] ) {
                                colMax = c.$headerIndexed[ col ].attr( 'data-ts-col-max-value' ) ||
                                    1.79E+308; // close to Number.MAX_VALUE
                                // sort strings in numerical columns
                                if ( typeof ( ts.string[ c.strings[ col ] ] ) === 'boolean' ) {
                                    num = ( dir ? 1 : -1 ) * ( ts.string[ c.strings[ col ] ] ? -1 : 1 );
                                } else {
                                    num = ( c.strings[ col ] ) ? ts.string[ c.strings[ col ] ] || 0 : 0;
                                // fall back to built-in numeric sort
                                // var sort = $.tablesorter['sort' + s](a, b, dir, colMax, table);
                                sort = c.numberSorter ? c.numberSorter( colA, colB, dir, colMax, table ) :
                                    ts[ 'sortNumeric' + ( dir ? 'Asc' : 'Desc' ) ]( colA, colB, num, colMax, col, c );
                            } else {
                                // set a & b depending on sort direction
                                x = dir ? colA : colB;
                                y = dir ? colB : colA;
                                // text sort function
                                if ( typeof ( cts ) === 'function' ) {
                                    // custom OVERALL text sorter
                                    sort = cts( x, y, dir, col, table );
                                } else if ( typeof ( cts ) === 'object' && cts.hasOwnProperty( col ) ) {
                                    // custom text sorter for a SPECIFIC COLUMN
                                    sort = cts[ col ]( x, y, dir, col, table );
                                } else {
                                    // fall back to natural sort
                                    sort = ts[ 'sortNatural' + ( dir ? 'Asc' : 'Desc' ) ]( colA, colB, col, c );
                            if ( sort ) { return sort; }
                        return $tbodyA.attr( 'data-ts-original-order' ) - $tbodyB.attr( 'data-ts-original-order' );

                    ts.sortTbodies.restoreTbodies( c, wo, $tbodies );
                    wo.sortTbody_busy = false;

        restoreTbodies : function ( c, wo, $sortedTbodies ) {
            var $nosort, $tbodies, $thisTbody, tbLen, nsLen, index, targetIndex,
                $table = c.$table,
                hasShuffled = true,
                indx = 0;

            // hide entire table to improve sort performance
            $sortedTbodies.appendTo( $table );

            // reposition no-sort tbodies
            $tbodies = $table.children( 'tbody' );
            tbLen = $tbodies.length;
            $nosort = $tbodies.filter( '.' + wo.sortTbody_noSort ).appendTo( $table );
            nsLen = $nosort.length;

            if ( nsLen ) {
                // don't allow the while loop to cycle more times than the set number of no-sort tbodies
                while ( hasShuffled && indx < nsLen ) {
                    hasShuffled = false;
                    for ( index = 0; index < nsLen; index++ ) {
                        targetIndex = parseInt( $nosort.eq( index ).attr( 'data-ts-original-order' ), 10 );
                        // if target index > number of tbodies, make it last
                        targetIndex = targetIndex >= tbLen ? tbLen : targetIndex < 0 ? 0 : targetIndex;

                        if ( targetIndex !== $nosort.eq( index ).index() ) {
                            hasShuffled = true;
                            $thisTbody = $nosort.eq( index ).detach();

                            if ( targetIndex >= tbLen ) {
                                // Are we trying to be the last tbody?
                                $thisTbody.appendTo( $table );
                            } else if ( targetIndex === 0 ) {
                                // Are we trying to be the first tbody?
                                $thisTbody.prependTo( $table );
                            } else {
                                // No, we want to be somewhere in the middle!
                                $thisTbody.insertBefore( $table.children( 'tbody:eq(' + targetIndex + ')' ) );




        id: 'sortTbody',
        // priority < 50 (filter widget), so c.$tbodies has the correct elements
        priority: 40,
        options: {
            // lock primary row as a header when sorting
            sortTbody_lockHead   : false,
            // point to a row within the tbody that matches the number of header columns
            sortTbody_primaryRow : null,
            // sort tbody internal rows
            sortTbody_sortRows   : false,
            // static tbodies (like static rows)
            sortTbody_noSort     : 'tablesorter-no-sort-tbody'
        init : function( table, thisWidget, c, wo ) {
            ts.sortTbodies.init( c, wo );
        remove : function( table, c, wo, refreshing ) {
            c.$table.unbind( 'sortBegin updateComplete '.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'sortTbody ' ) );
            c.serverSideSorting = wo.sortTbody_original_serverSideSorting;
            c.cssInfoBlock = wo.sortTbody_original_cssInfoBlock;

})( jQuery );