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namespace XoopsModules\Extcal\Form\Spin;

 * FormSpin element  -  Spin button.
 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (
 * @license         GNU GPL 2 (
 * @since           2.0.0
 * @author          Jean-Jacques DELALANDRE <>
 * @version         FormSpin v 1.2


 * A select field.
 * @author      Jean-Jacques DELALANDRE <>
 * @copyright   JJD

 * Class FormSpin.
class FormSpin extends \XoopsFormElement
     * Value.
     * @var int
    protected $_value = 0;
     * Value minimum.
     * @var int
    protected $_min = 0;
     * Value maximum.
     * @var int
    protected $_max = 100;
     * Small increment.
     * @var int
    protected $_smallIncrement = 1;
     * Large increment.
     * @var int
    protected $_largeIncrement = 10;
     *  unite for information on value.
     * @var string
    protected $_unite = '';
     * Folder of arrow image.
     * @var string
    protected $_imgFolder = 'default';
     * size of input text in nb car.
     * @var int
    protected $_size = 2;
     *  minMaxVisible show buttons to go minimum and maximum.
     * @var bool|int
    protected $_minMaxVisible = true;
     *  tyleBordure ;  style CSS of frame control.
     * @var string
    protected $_styleBordure = 'color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #CCCCCC; line-height: 100%;border-width:1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0';
     *  tyleText : style CSS of input text.
     * @var string
    protected $_styleText = 'color: #000000; text-align: right; margin-left: 1; margin-right: 2; padding-right: 8';
     * Allow loading of javascript.
     * @var bool
    protected $_loadJS = true;

     * Constructor.
     * @param string $caption        Caption
     * @param string $name           "name" attribute
     * @param int    $value          Pre-selected value.
     * @param int    $min            value
     * @param int    $max            value
     * @param int    $smallIncrement Increment when click on button
     * @param int    $largeIncrement Increment when click on button
     * @param int    $size           Number caractere of inputtext
     * @param string $unite          of the value
     * @param string $imgFolder      of image gif for button
     * @param string $styleText      style CSs of text
     * @param string $styleBordure   style CSs of frame
     * @param bool   $minMaxVisible  show min and mas buttons
    public function __construct(
        $value = 0,
        $min = 0,
        $max = 100,
        $smallIncrement = 1,
        $largeIncrement = 10,
        $size = 5,
        $unite = '',
        $imgFolder = 'default',
        $styleText = '',
        $styleBordure = '',
        $minMaxVisible = true
    ) {


     * Get the values.
    public function getValue()
        return $this->_value;

     * Set the value.
     * @param int $value
    public function setValue($value)
        $this->_value = $value;


     * Get the min value.
    public function getMin()
        return $this->_min;

     * Set the min value.
     * @param int $min
    public function setMin($min)
        $this->_min = (int)$min;


     * Get the max value - must be more great then min.
    public function getMax()
        return $this->_max;

     * Set the max value - must be more great then min.
     * @param int $max
    public function setMax($max)
        $this->_max = (int)$max;


     * Get the small increment when click a short time on up down nutton.
    public function getSmallIncrement()
        return $this->_smallIncrement;

     * Set the small increment when click a short time on up down nutton
     * must be  " > 0 ".
     * @param $smallIncrement
     * @internal param int $value
    public function setSmallIncrement($smallIncrement)
        $this->_smallIncrement = (int)$smallIncrement;
        if (0 == $this->_smallIncrement) {
            $this->_smallIncrement = 1;


     * Get the large increment when click a long time on up down nutton.
    public function getLargeIncrement()
        return $this->_largeIncrement;

     * Set the large increment when click a long time on up down nutton.
     * @param int $largeIncrement
    public function setLargeIncrement($largeIncrement)
        $this->_largeIncrement = (int)$largeIncrement;
        if (0 == $this->_largeIncrement) {
            $this->_largeIncrement = 10;


     * Get the size in nb car of the input text for the value.
    public function getSize()
        return $this->_size;

     * Set the size in nb car of the input text for the value
     * must be 2 car min.
     * @param mixed $size
    public function setSize($size)
        $this->_size = $size;
        if (0 == $this->_size) {
            $this->_size = 2;


     * @return string
    public function getImgFolder()
         * Get the shortname of the folder images
        return $this->_imgFolder;

     * Set the shortname of the folder images.
     * @param string $folder
    public function setImgFolder($folder)
        if ('' != $folder) {
            $this->_imgFolder = $folder;


     * Get the label of unites between value and buttons.
    public function getUnite()
        return $this->_unite;

     * Set the label of unites between value and buttons.
     * @param string $unite
    public function setUnite($unite)
        $this->_unite = $unite;


     * Get the style CSS of the text.
    public function getStyleText()
        return $this->_styleText;

     * Set the style CSS of the text.
     * @param string $style
    public function setStyleText($style)
        if ('' != $style) {
            $this->_styleText = $style;


     * Get the style CSS of the frame.
    public function getStyleBordure()
        return $this->_styleBordure;

     * Set the style CSS of the frame.
     * @param string $style
    public function setStyleBordure($style)
        if ('' != $style) {
            $this->_styleBordure = $style;


     * Get MinMaxVisible : show the button to go min and max value.
    public function getMinMaxVisible()
        return $this->_minMaxVisible;

     * Set  MinMaxVisible : show the button to go min and max value.
     * @param bool $visible
    public function setMinMaxVisible($visible)
        $this->_minMaxVisible = $visible;


     * Prepare HTML for output.
     * @return string HTML
    public function render()
        $sSpinFolder = $this->getFolder();
        $sFolderImg  = "{$sSpinFolder}/images/{$this->getImgFolder()}/";

        $prefixe  = $this->getName();
        $prefixe2 = 'spin' . $prefixe;

        $smallIncrement = $this->getSmallIncrement();
        $largeIncrement = $this->getLargeIncrement();

        $delai        = 200;
        $onMouseDown1 = "spinStart(\"{$prefixe}\", \"{$prefixe2}\",  {$smallIncrement},  {$largeIncrement}, {$delai}, \"{$sFolderImg}spinUp1.gif\");";
        $onMouseDown2 = "spinStart(\"{$prefixe}\", \"{$prefixe2}\", -{$smallIncrement}, -{$largeIncrement}, {$delai}, \"{$sFolderImg}spinDown1.gif\");";

        $onMouseUp = 'spinStop();';
        $styleBordure = $this->htmlAddAttribut('style', $this->getStyleBordure());
        $styleText    = $this->htmlAddAttribut('style', $this->getStyleText());
        $styleArrow   = 'style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; font-size: 7 pt; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0"';
        $t = [];

        if ($this->_loadJS) {
            $js  = $sSpinFolder . '/js/spin.js';
            $t[] = "<script src='{$js}' type='text/javascript'></script>";

        $t[] = "<div STYLE='width:50px;'>";
        //$t[] = "<table border='0' width='8%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
        $t[] = "<table border='0' width='8%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' {$styleBordure}>";
        $t[] = '  <tr>';
        //$t[] = "    <td width='60%'>{$Caption}</td>";
        $t[] = "    <td width='60%'>";
        $t[] = "      <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='{$prefixe2}_min' VALUE='{$this->getMin()}'>";
        $t[] = "      <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='{$prefixe2}_max' VALUE='{$this->getMax()}'>";
        $t[] = "      <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='{$prefixe2}_smallIncrement' VALUE='{$this->_smallIncrement}'  style='text-align: right;'>";
        $t[] = "      <input type='text'  name='{$prefixe}' size='{$this->getSize()}' value='{$this->getValue()}' {$styleText}>";
        $t[] = '    </td>';

        $unite = $this->getUnite();
        if ('' != $unite) {
            $t[] = "    <td style='display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle; '>&nbsp;{$unite}&nbsp;</td>";
        if ($this->getMinMaxVisible()) {
            $onMouseDownMin = "spinSetValue(\"{$prefixe}\", \"{$prefixe2}\",  \"Min\", {$this->getMin()}, {$delai}, \"{$sFolderImg}spinMin1.gif\");";
            $t[]            = "    <td width='63%' align='center' {$styleArrow}>";
            $t[]            = "      <img border='0' name='{$prefixe2}_imgMin' src='{$sFolderImg}spinMin0.gif'   onmousedown='{$onMouseDownMin}'><br>";
            $t[]            = '    </td>';
        $t[] = "    <td width='63%' align='center' {$styleArrow}>";

        $t[] = "      <img border='0' name='{$prefixe2}_img0' src='{$sFolderImg}spinUp0.gif'   onmousedown='{$onMouseDown1}' onmouseup='{$onMouseUp}' onmouseout='{$onMouseUp}'><br>";
        $t[] = "      <img border='0' name='{$prefixe2}_img1' src='{$sFolderImg}spinDown0.gif' onmousedown='{$onMouseDown2}' onmouseup='{$onMouseUp}' onmouseout='{$onMouseUp}'>";

        $t[] = '    </td>';

        if ($this->getMinMaxVisible()) {
            $onMouseDownMax = "spinSetValue(\"{$prefixe}\", \"{$prefixe2}\",  \"Max\", {$this->getMax()}, {$delai}, \"{$sFolderImg}spinMax1.gif\");";
            $t[]            = "    <td width='63%' align='center' {$styleArrow}>";
            $t[]            = "      <img border='0' name='{$prefixe2}_imgMax' src='{$sFolderImg}spinMax0.gif'   onmousedown='{$onMouseDownMax}'><br>";
            $t[]            = '    </td>';

        $t[] = '  </tr>';
        $t[] = '</table>' . "\n";
        $t[] = '</div>';
        $html = \implode("\n", $t);

        return $html;

     * calcul du dossier du composant
    public function getFolder()
        $sSpinFolder = $GLOBALS['xoops']->url('modules/extcal/class/Form/Spin/');

        return $sSpinFolder;

     * @param        $attribut
     * @param        $value
     * @param string $default
     * @return string
    public function htmlAddAttribut($attribut, $value, $default = '')
        $r = '';
        if ('' == $value) {
            $value = $default;

        if ('' != $value) {
            //            if (substr($value, 0, strlen($attribut)) != $attribut) {
            if (0 !== mb_strpos($value, $attribut)) {
                $r = "{$attribut}=\"{$value}\"";

            return $r;

        /*-----------------------------------------------*/ /*---          fin de la classe               ---*/