* Description: same as 1.php, but using the PEAR::Date engine
* Notice the use of the CALENDAR_ENGINE constant, which
* switches the calculation "engine"
* Note: make sure PEAR::Date is a stable release!!!
function getmicrotime()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float)$usec + (float)$sec;
// Switch to PEAR::Date engine
define('CALENDAR_ENGINE', 'PearDate');
if (!@require_once __DIR__ . '/Calendar/Calendar.php') {
define('CALENDAR_ROOT', '../../');
if (!isset($_GET['y'])) {
$_GET['y'] = 2003;
if (!isset($_GET['m'])) {
$_GET['m'] = 8;
if (!isset($_GET['d'])) {
$_GET['d'] = 9;
if (!isset($_GET['h'])) {
$_GET['h'] = 12;
if (!isset($_GET['i'])) {
$_GET['i'] = 34;
if (!isset($_GET['s'])) {
$_GET['s'] = 46;
switch (@$_GET['view']) {
$_GET['view'] = 'calendar_year';
// no break
case 'calendar_year':
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Year.php';
$c = new Calendar_Year($_GET['y']);
case 'calendar_month':
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Month.php';
$c = new Calendar_Month($_GET['y'], $_GET['m']);
case 'calendar_day':
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Day.php';
$c = new Calendar_Day($_GET['y'], $_GET['m'], $_GET['d']);
case 'calendar_hour':
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Hour.php';
$c = new Calendar_Hour($_GET['y'], $_GET['m'], $_GET['d'], $_GET['h']);
case 'calendar_minute':
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Minute.php';
$c = new Calendar_Minute($_GET['y'], $_GET['m'], $_GET['d'], $_GET['h'], $_GET['i']);
case 'calendar_second':
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Second.php';
$c = new Calendar_Second($_GET['y'], $_GET['m'], $_GET['d'], $_GET['h'], $_GET['i'], $_GET['s']);
// Convert timestamp to human readable date
$date = new Date($c->getTimestamp());
echo '<h1>Using PEAR::Date engine</h1>';
echo 'Viewing: ' . @$_GET['view'] . '<br>';
echo 'The time is now: ' . $date->format('%Y %a %e %T') . '<br >';
$i = 1;
echo '<h1>First Iteration</h1>';
echo '<p>The first iteration is more "expensive", the calendar data
structures having to be built.</p>';
$start = getmicrotime();
while (false !== ($e = $c->fetch())) {
$class = mb_strtolower(get_class($e));
$link = '&y=' . $e->thisYear() . '&m=' . $e->thisMonth() . '&d=' . $e->thisDay() . '&h=' . $e->thisHour() . '&i=' . $e->thisMinute() . '&s=' . $e->thisSecond();
$method = 'this' . str_replace('calendar_', '', $class);
echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?view=' . $class . $link . '">' . $e->{$method}() . '</a> : ';
if (0 == ($i % 10)) {
echo '<br>';
echo '<p><b>Took: ' . (getmicrotime() - $start) . ' seconds</b></p>';
$i = 1;
echo '<h1>Second Iteration</h1>';
echo '<p>This second iteration is faster, the data structures
being re-used</p>';
$start = getmicrotime();
while (false !== ($e = $c->fetch())) {
$class = mb_strtolower(get_class($e));
$link = '&y=' . $e->thisYear() . '&m=' . $e->thisMonth() . '&d=' . $e->thisDay() . '&h=' . $e->thisHour() . '&i=' . $e->thisMinute() . '&s=' . $e->thisSecond();
$method = 'this' . str_replace('calendar_', '', $class);
echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?view=' . $class . $link . '">' . $e->{$method}() . '</a> : ';
if (0 == ($i % 10)) {
echo '<br>';
echo '<p><b>Took: ' . (getmicrotime() - $start) . ' seconds</b></p>';