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 * Description: generating elements of a form with PEAR::Calendar, using
 * selections as well as validating the submission.
function getmicrotime()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());

    return (float)$usec + (float)$sec;

$start = getmicrotime();

if (!@require_once __DIR__ . '/Calendar/Calendar.php') {
    define('CALENDAR_ROOT', '../../');
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Year.php';
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Month.php';
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Day.php';
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Hour.php';
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Minute.php';
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT . 'Second.php';

// Initialize if not set
if (!isset($_POST['y'])) {
    $_POST['y'] = date('Y');
if (!isset($_POST['m'])) {
    $_POST['m'] = date('n');
if (!isset($_POST['d'])) {
    $_POST['d'] = date('j');
if (!isset($_POST['h'])) {
    $_POST['h'] = date('H');
if (!isset($_POST['i'])) {
    $_POST['i'] = date('i');
if (!isset($_POST['s'])) {
    $_POST['s'] = date('s');
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> Select and Update </title>
<h1>Select and Update</h1>
if (\Xmf\Request::hasVar('update', 'POST')) {
    $Second = new Calendar_Second($_POST['y'], $_POST['m'], $_POST['d'], $_POST['h'], $_POST['i'], $_POST['s']);
    if (!$Second->isValid()) {
        $V = &$Second->getValidator();
        echo '<p>Validation failed:</p>';
        while (false !== ($error = $V->fetch())) {
            echo $error->toString() . '<br>';
    } else {
        echo '<p>Validation success.</p>';
        echo '<p>New timestamp is: ' . $Second->getTimestamp() . ' which could be used to update a database, for example';
} else {
$Year   = new Calendar_Year($_POST['y']);
$Month  = new Calendar_Month($_POST['y'], $_POST['m']);
$Day    = new Calendar_Day($_POST['y'], $_POST['m'], $_POST['d']);
$Hour   = new Calendar_Hour($_POST['y'], $_POST['m'], $_POST['d'], $_POST['h']);
$Minute = new Calendar_Minute($_POST['y'], $_POST['m'], $_POST['d'], $_POST['h'], $_POST['i']);
$Second = new Calendar_Second($_POST['y'], $_POST['m'], $_POST['d'], $_POST['h'], $_POST['i'], $_POST['s']); ?>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Set the alarm clock</p></p>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>" method="post">
    Year: <input type="text" name="y" value="<?php echo $_POST['y']; ?>" size="4">&nbsp;
    Month:<select name="m">
        $selection = [$Month];
        while (false !== ($Child = $Year->fetch())) {
            if ($Child->isSelected()) {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisMonth() . '" selected>' . $Child->thisMonth() . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisMonth() . '">' . $Child->thisMonth() . "\n";
        } ?>
    Day:<select name="d">
        $selection = [$Day];
        while (false !== ($Child = $Month->fetch())) {
            if ($Child->isSelected()) {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisDay() . '" selected>' . $Child->thisDay() . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisDay() . '">' . $Child->thisDay() . "\n";
        } ?>
    Hour:<select name="h">
        $selection = [$Hour];
        while (false !== ($Child = $Day->fetch())) {
            if ($Child->isSelected()) {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisHour() . '" selected>' . $Child->thisHour() . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisHour() . '">' . $Child->thisHour() . "\n";
        } ?>
    Minute:<select name="i">
        $selection = [$Minute];
        while (false !== ($Child = $Hour->fetch())) {
            if ($Child->isSelected()) {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisMinute() . '" selected>' . $Child->thisMinute() . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisMinute() . '">' . $Child->thisMinute() . "\n";
        } ?>
    Second:<select name="s">
        $selection = [$Second];
        while (false !== ($Child = $Minute->fetch())) {
            if ($Child->isSelected()) {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisSecond() . '" selected>' . $Child->thisSecond() . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . $Child->thisSecond() . '">' . $Child->thisSecond() . "\n";
        } ?>
    <input type="submit" name="update" value="Set Alarm"><br>
    <?php echo '<p><b>Took: ' . (getmicrotime() - $start) . ' seconds</b></p>'; ?>