* Galleria Picasa Plugin 2012-04-04
* Licensed under the MIT license
(function($) {
/*global jQuery, Galleria, window */
Galleria.requires(1.25, 'The Picasa Plugin requires Galleria version 1.2.5 or later.');
// The script path
var PATH = Galleria.utils.getScriptPath();
@example var picasa = new Galleria.Picasa();
@requires jQuery
@requires Galleria
@returns Instance
Galleria.Picasa = function() {
this.options = {
max: 30, // photos to return
imageSize: 'medium', // photo size ( thumb,small,medium,big,original ) or a number
thumbSize: 'thumb', // thumbnail size ( thumb,small,medium,big,original ) or a number
complete: function(){} // callback to be called inside the Galleria.prototype.load
Galleria.Picasa.prototype = {
// bring back the constructor reference
constructor: Galleria.Picasa,
Search for anything at Picasa
@param {String} phrase The string to search for
@param {Function} [callback] The callback to be called when the data is ready
@returns Instance
search: function( phrase, callback ) {
return this._call( 'search', 'all', {
q: phrase
}, callback );
Get a user's public photos
@param {String} username The username to fetch photos from
@param {Function} [callback] The callback to be called when the data is ready
@returns Instance
user: function( username, callback ) {
return this._call( 'user', 'user/' + username, callback );
Get photos from an album
@param {String} username The username that owns the album
@param {String} album The album ID
@param {Function} [callback] The callback to be called when the data is ready
@returns Instance
useralbum: function( username, album, callback ) {
return this._call( 'useralbum', 'user/' + username + '/album/' + album, callback );
Set picasa options
@param {Object} options The options object to blend
@returns Instance
setOptions: function( options ) {
$.extend(this.options, options);
return this;
// call Picasa
_call: function( type, url, params, callback ) {
url = '' + url + '?';
if (typeof params == 'function') {
callback = params;
params = {};
var self = this;
params = $.extend({
'kind': 'photo',
'access': 'public',
'max-results': this.options.max,
'thumbsize': this._getSizes().join(','),
'alt': 'json-in-script',
'callback': '?'
}, params );
$.each(params, function( key, value ) {
url += '&' + key + '=' + value;
// since Picasa throws 404 when the call is malformed, we must set a timeout here:
var data = false;
until: function() {
return data;
success: function() { self, data.feed.entry, callback );
error: function() {
var msg = '';
if ( type == 'user' ) {
msg = 'user not found.';
} else if ( type == 'useralbum' ) {
msg = 'album or user not found.';
Galleria.raise('Picasa request failed' + (msg ? ': ' + msg : '.'));
timeout: 5000
$.getJSON( url, function( result ) {
data = result;
return self;
// parse image sizes and return an array of three
_getSizes: function() {
var self = this,
norm = {
small: '72c',
thumb: '104u',
medium: '640u',
big: '1024u',
original: '1600u'
op = self.options,
t = {},
sz = [32,48,64,72,94,104,110,128,144,150,160,200,220,288,320,400,512,576,640,720,800,912,1024,1152,1280,1440,1600];
$(['thumbSize', 'imageSize']).each(function() {
if( op[this] in norm ) {
t[this] = norm[ op[this] ];
} else {
n = Galleria.utils.parseValue( op[this] );
if (n > 1600) {
n = 1600;
} else {
$.each( sz, function(i) {
if ( n < this ) {
n = sz[i-1];
return false;
t[this] = n;
return [ t.thumbSize, t.imageSize, '1280u'];
// parse the result and call the callback with the galleria-ready data array
_parse: function( data, callback ) {
var self = this,
gallery = [],
$.each( data, function() {
img =$$thumbnail;
thumb: img[0].url,
image: img[1].url,
big: img[2].url,
title: this.summary.$t
}); this, gallery );
Galleria modifications
We fake-extend the load prototype to make Picasa integration as simple as possible
// save the old prototype in a local variable
var load = Galleria.prototype.load;
// fake-extend the load prototype using the picasa data
Galleria.prototype.load = function() {
// pass if no data is provided or picasa option not found
if ( arguments.length || typeof this._options.picasa !== 'string' ) {
load.apply( this, Galleria.utils.array( arguments ) );
// define some local vars
var self = this,
args = Galleria.utils.array( arguments ),
picasa = this._options.picasa.split(':'),
opts = $.extend({}, self._options.picasaOptions),
loader = typeof opts.loader !== 'undefined' ?
opts.loader : $('<div>').css({
width: 48,
height: 48,
opacity: 0.7,
background:'#000 url('+PATH+'loader.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%'
if ( picasa.length ) {
// validate the method
if ( typeof Galleria.Picasa.prototype[ picasa[0] ] !== 'function' ) {
Galleria.raise( picasa[0] + ' method not found in Picasa plugin' );
return load.apply( this, args );
// validate the argument
if ( !picasa[1] ) {
Galleria.raise( 'No picasa argument found' );
return load.apply( this, args );
// apply the preloader
window.setTimeout(function() {
self.$( 'target' ).append( loader );
// create the instance
p = new Galleria.Picasa();
// apply Flickr options
if ( typeof self._options.picasaOptions === 'object' ) {
p.setOptions( self._options.picasaOptions );
// call the picasa method and trigger the DATA event
var arg = [];
if ( picasa[0] == 'useralbum' ) {
arg = picasa[1].split('/');
if (arg.length != 2) {
Galleria.raise( 'Picasa useralbum not correctly formatted (should be [user]/[album])');
} else {
arg.push( picasa[1] );
arg.push(function(data) {
self._data = data;
self.trigger( Galleria.DATA );, data);
p[ picasa[0] ].apply( p, arg );
} else {
// if flickr array not found, pass
load.apply( this, args );
}( jQuery ) );