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**  GalleryView - jQuery Content Gallery Plugin
**  Author:         Jack Anderson
**  Version:        2.1 (March 14, 2010)
**  Please use this development script if you intend to make changes to the
**  plugin code.  For production sites, please use jquery.galleryview-2.1-pack.js.
**  See README.txt for instructions on how to markup your HTML
**  See CHANGELOG.txt for a review of changes and LICENSE.txt for the applicable
**  licensing information.

//Global variable to check if window is already loaded
//Used for calling GalleryView after page has loaded
var window_loaded = false;

    $.fn.galleryView = function(options) {
        var opts = $.extend($.fn.galleryView.defaults,options);

        var id;
        var iterator = 0;       // INT - Currently visible panel/frame
        var item_count = 0;     // INT - Total number of panels/frames
        var slide_method;       // STRING - indicator to slide entire filmstrip or just the pointer ('strip','pointer')
        var theme_path = opts.theme_path;           // STRING - relative path to theme directory
        var paused = false;     // BOOLEAN - flag to indicate whether automated transitions are active

    // Element dimensions
        var gallery_width;
        var gallery_height;
        var pointer_height;
        var pointer_width;
        var strip_width;
        var strip_height;
        var wrapper_width;
        var f_frame_width;
        var f_frame_height;
        var frame_caption_size = 20;
        var gallery_padding;
        var filmstrip_margin;
        var filmstrip_orientation;

    // Arrays used to scale frames and panels
        var frame_img_scale = {};
        var panel_img_scale = {};
        var img_h = {};
        var img_w = {};

    // Flag indicating whether to scale panel images
        var scale_panel_images = true;

        var panel_nav_displayed = false;

    // Define jQuery objects for reuse
        var j_gallery;
        var j_filmstrip;
        var j_frames;
        var j_frame_img_wrappers;
        var j_panels;
        var j_pointer;

**  Plugin Functions

    **  showItem(int)
    **      Transition from current frame to frame i (1-based index)
        function showItem(i) {
            // Disable next/prev buttons until transition is complete
            // This prevents overlapping of animations

            if(opts.show_filmstrip) {
                // Fade out all frames
                // Fade in target frame

            //If necessary, fade out all panels while fading in target panel
            if(opts.show_panels && opts.fade_panels) {
                    //If no filmstrip exists, re-bind click events to navigation buttons
                    if(!opts.show_filmstrip) {

            // If gallery has a filmstrip, handle animation of frames
            if(opts.show_filmstrip) {
                // Slide either pointer or filmstrip, depending on transition method
                if(slide_method=='strip') {
                    // Stop filmstrip if it's currently in motion
                    var distance;
                    var diststr;
                    if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
                        // Determine distance between pointer (eventual destination) and target frame
                        distance = getPos(j_frames[i]).left - (getPos(j_pointer[0]).left+(pointer_width/2)-(f_frame_width/2));
                        diststr = (distance>=0?'-=':'+=')+Math.abs(distance)+'px';

                        // Animate filmstrip and slide target frame under pointer
                            var old_i = i;
                            // After transition is complete, shift filmstrip so that a sufficient number of frames
                            // remain on either side of the visible filmstrip
                            if(i>item_count) {
                                i = i%item_count;
                                iterator = i;
                            } else if (i<=(item_count-strip_size)) {
                                i = (i%item_count)+item_count;
                                iterator = i;
                            // If the target frame has changed due to filmstrip shifting,
                            // make sure new target frame has 'current' class and correct size/opacity settings
                            if(old_i != i) {
                            // If panels are not set to fade in/out, simply hide all panels and show the target panel
                            if(!opts.fade_panels) {

                            // Once animation is complete, re-bind click events to navigation buttons
                    } else { // filmstrip_orientation == 'vertical'
                        //Determine distance between pointer (eventual destination) and target frame
                        distance = getPos(j_frames[i]).top - (getPos(j_pointer[0]).top+(pointer_height)-(f_frame_height/2));
                        diststr = (distance>=0?'-=':'+=')+Math.abs(distance)+'px';

                        // Animate filmstrip and slide target frame under pointer
                            // After transition is complete, shift filmstrip so that a sufficient number of frames
                            // remain on either side of the visible filmstrip
                            var old_i = i;
                            if(i>item_count) {
                                i = i%item_count;
                                iterator = i;
                            } else if (i<=(item_count-strip_size)) {
                                i = (i%item_count)+item_count;
                                iterator = i;
                            //If the target frame has changed due to filmstrip shifting,
                            //Make sure new target frame has 'current' class and correct size/opacity settings
                            if(old_i != i) {
                            // If panels are not set to fade in/out, simply hide all panels and show the target panel
                            if(!opts.fade_panels) {

                            // Once animation is complete, re-bind click events to navigation buttons
                } else if(slide_method=='pointer') {
                    // Stop pointer if it's currently in motion
                    // Get screen position of target frame
                    var pos = getPos(j_frames[i]);

                    if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
                        // Slide the pointer over the target frame
                            if(!opts.fade_panels) {
                    } else {
                        // Slide the pointer over the target frame
                            if(!opts.fade_panels) {


    **  extraWidth(jQuery element)
    **      Return the combined width of the border and padding to the elements left and right.
    **      If the border is non-numerical, assume zero (not ideal, will fix later)
    **      RETURNS - int
        function extraWidth(el) {
            if(!el) { return 0; }
            if(el.length==0) { return 0; }
            el = el.eq(0);
            var ew = 0;
            ew += getInt(el.css('paddingLeft'));
            ew += getInt(el.css('paddingRight'));
            ew += getInt(el.css('borderLeftWidth'));
            ew += getInt(el.css('borderRightWidth'));
            return ew;

    **  extraHeight(jQuery element)
    **      Return the combined height of the border and padding above and below the element
    **      If the border is non-numerical, assume zero (not ideal, will fix later)
    **      RETURN - int
        function extraHeight(el) {
            if(!el) { return 0; }
            if(el.length==0) { return 0; }
            el = el.eq(0);
            var eh = 0;
            eh += getInt(el.css('paddingTop'));
            eh += getInt(el.css('paddingBottom'));
            eh += getInt(el.css('borderTopWidth'));
            eh += getInt(el.css('borderBottomWidth'));
            return eh;

    **  showNextItem()
    **      Transition from current frame to next frame
        function showNextItem() {

            // Cancel any transition timers until we have completed this function
            if(++iterator==j_frames.length) {iterator=0;}
            // We've already written the code to transition to an arbitrary panel/frame, so use it
            // If automated transitions haven't been cancelled by an option or paused on hover, re-enable them
            if(!paused) {

    **  showPrevItem()
    **      Transition from current frame to previous frame
        function showPrevItem() {
            // Cancel any transition timers until we have completed this function
            if(--iterator<0) {iterator = item_count-1;}
            // We've already written the code to transition to an arbitrary panel/frame, so use it
            // If automated transitions haven't been cancelled by an option or paused on hover, re-enable them
            if(!paused) {

    **  getPos(jQuery element
    **      Calculate position of an element relative to top/left corner of gallery
    **      If the gallery bounding box itself is passed to the function, calculate position of gallery relative to top/left corner of browser window
    **      RETURNS - JSON {left: int, top: int}
        function getPos(el) {
            var left = 0, top = 0;
            var el_id =;
            if(el.offsetParent) {
                do {
                    left += el.offsetLeft;
                    top += el.offsetTop;
                } while(el = el.offsetParent);
            //If we want the position of the gallery itself, return it
            if(el_id == id) {return {'left':left,'top':top};}
            //Otherwise, get position of element relative to gallery
            else {
                var gPos = getPos(j_gallery[0]);
                var gLeft = gPos.left;
                var gTop =;

                return {'left':left-gLeft,'top':top-gTop};

    **  enableFrameClicking()
    **      Add an onclick event handler to each frame
    **      Exception: if a frame has an anchor tag, do not add an onlick handler
        function enableFrameClicking() {
                if($('a',this).length==0) {
                        // Prevent transitioning to the current frame (unnecessary)
                        if(iterator!=i) {
                            iterator = i;
                            if(!paused) {

    **  buildPanels()
    **      Construct gallery panels from <div class="panel"> elements
    **      NOTE - These DIVs are generated automatically from the content of the UL passed to the plugin
        function buildPanels() {
            // If panel overlay content exists, add the necessary overlay background DIV
            // The overlay content and background are separate elements so the background's opacity isn't inherited by the content
                if($('.panel-overlay',this).length>0) {
                    $(this).append('<div class="overlay-background"></div>');
            // If there is no filmstrip in this gallery, add navigation buttons to the panel itself
            if(!opts.show_filmstrip) {
                $('<img />').addClass('nav-next').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/next.png').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
                $('<img />').addClass('nav-prev').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/prev.png').appendTo(j_gallery).css({

                $('<img />').addClass('nav-next-overlay').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/panel-nav-next.png').appendTo(j_gallery).css({

                $('<img />').addClass('nav-prev-overlay').attr('src',theme_path+opts.nav_theme+'/panel-nav-prev.png').appendTo(j_gallery).css({
            // Set the height and width of each panel, and position it appropriately within the gallery
                switch(opts.filmstrip_position) {
                    case 'top': $(this).css({
                                }); break;
                    case 'left': $(this).css({
                                 }); break;
                    default: $(this).css({'top':gallery_padding+'px','left':gallery_padding+'px'}); break;
            // Position each panel overlay within panel
            if(opts.overlay_position=='top') {
            } else {

            $('.panel iframe',j_panels).css({

            // If panel images have to be scaled to fit within frame, do so and position them accordingly
            if(scale_panel_images) {

    **  buildFilmstrip()
    **      Construct filmstrip from <ul class="filmstrip"> element
    **      NOTE - 'filmstrip' class is automatically added to UL passed to plugin
        function buildFilmstrip() {
            // Add wrapper to filmstrip to hide extra frames
            j_filmstrip.wrap('<div class="strip_wrapper"></div>');
            if(slide_method=='strip') {
                j_frames = $('li',j_filmstrip);
            // If captions are enabled, add caption DIV to each frame and fill with the image titles
            if(opts.show_captions) {
                j_frames.append('<div class="caption"></div>').each(function(i){
            // Position the filmstrip within the gallery
                'top':(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical' && slide_method=='strip'?-((f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)*iterator):0)+'px',
                'left':(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal' && slide_method=='strip'?-((f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)*iterator):0)+'px',
            // Set frame margins based on user options and position of filmstrip within gallery
            switch(opts.filmstrip_position) {
                case 'top': j_frames.css({
                            }); break;
                case 'bottom': j_frames.css({
                            }); break;
                case 'left': j_frames.css({
                            }); break;
                case 'right': j_frames.css({
                            }); break;
            // Apply styling to individual image wrappers. These will eventually hide overflow in the case of cropped filmstrip images
                    'top':(opts.show_captions && opts.filmstrip_position=='top'?frame_caption_size:0)+Math.max(0,(opts.frame_height-(frame_img_scale[i%item_count]*img_h[i%item_count]))/2)+'px',
            // Scale each filmstrip image if necessary and position it within the image wrapper

                    //Don't fade out current frame on mouseout
                    if(!$(this).parent().parent().hasClass('current')) { $(this).stop().animate({'opacity':opts.frame_opacity},300); }
            // Set overflow of filmstrip wrapper to hidden so as to hide frames that don't fit within the gallery
            // Position filmstrip within gallery based on user options
            if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
            } else {
            // Style frame captions
            // Create pointer for current frame
            var pointer = $('<div></div>');

            // For IE6, use predefined color string in place of transparent (IE6 bug fix, see stylesheet)
            var transColor = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1)=='6' ? 'pink' : 'transparent';

            // If there are no panels, make pointer transparent (nothing to point to)
            // This is not the optimal solution, but we need the pointer to exist as a reference for transition animations
            if(!opts.show_panels) { pointer.css('borderColor',transColor); }

                switch(opts.filmstrip_position) {
                    case 'top': pointer.css({
                                }); break;
                    case 'bottom': pointer.css({
                                    }); break;
                    case 'left': pointer.css({
                                }); break;
                    case 'right': pointer.css({
                                }); break;

            j_pointer = $('.pointer',j_gallery);

            // Add navigation buttons
            var navNext = $('<img />');
            var navPrev = $('<img />');
            if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
            } else {

    **  mouseIsOverGallery(int,int)
    **      Check to see if mouse coordinates lie within borders of gallery
    **      This is a more reliable method than using the mouseover event
    **      RETURN - boolean
        function mouseIsOverGallery(x,y) {
            var pos = getPos(j_gallery[0]);
            var top =;
            var left = pos.left;
            return x > left && x < left+gallery_width+(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin)) && y > top && y < top+gallery_height+(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical'?(gallery_padding*2):gallery_padding+Math.max(gallery_padding,filmstrip_margin));

    **  getInt(string)
    **      Parse a string to obtain the integer value contained
    **      If the string contains no number, return zero
    **      RETURN - int
        function getInt(i) {
            i = parseInt(i,10);
            if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0; }
            return i;

    **  buildGallery()
    **      Construct HTML and CSS for the gallery, based on user options
        function buildGallery() {
            var gallery_images = opts.show_filmstrip?$('img',j_frames):$('img',j_panels);
            // For each image in the gallery, add its original dimensions and scaled dimensions to the appropriate arrays for later reference
                img_h[i] = this.height;
                img_w[i] = this.width;
                if(opts.frame_scale=='nocrop') {
                    frame_img_scale[i] = Math.min(opts.frame_height/img_h[i],opts.frame_width/img_w[i]);
                } else {
                    frame_img_scale[i] = Math.max(opts.frame_height/img_h[i],opts.frame_width/img_w[i]);

                if(opts.panel_scale=='nocrop') {
                    panel_img_scale[i] = Math.min(opts.panel_height/img_h[i],opts.panel_width/img_w[i]);
                } else {
                    panel_img_scale[i] = Math.max(opts.panel_height/img_h[i],opts.panel_width/img_w[i]);

            // Size gallery based on position of filmstrip

            // Build filmstrip if necessary
            if(opts.show_filmstrip) {
            // Build panels if necessary
            if(opts.show_panels) {

            // If user opts to pause on hover, or no filmstrip exists, add some mouseover functionality
            if(opts.pause_on_hover || (opts.show_panels && !opts.show_filmstrip)) {
                    if(mouseIsOverGallery(e.pageX,e.pageY)) {
                        // If the user opts to pause on hover, kill automated transitions
                        if(opts.pause_on_hover) {
                            if(!paused) {
                                // Pause slideshow in 500ms
                        // Display panel navigation on mouseover
                        if(opts.show_panels && !opts.show_filmstrip && !panel_nav_displayed) {
                            panel_nav_displayed = true;
                    } else {
                        // If the mouse leaves the gallery, stop the pause timer and restart automated transitions
                        if(opts.pause_on_hover) {
                            if(paused) {
                                paused = false;
                        // Hide panel navigation
                        if(opts.show_panels && !opts.show_filmstrip && panel_nav_displayed) {
                            panel_nav_displayed = false;

            // Hide loading box and display gallery
                // Show the 'first' panel (set by opts.start_frame)
                // If we have more than one item, begin automated transitions
                if(item_count > 1) {

        return this.each(function() {
            //Hide the unstyled UL until we've created the gallery

            // Wrap UL in DIV and transfer ID to container DIV
            j_gallery = $(this).parent();

            // Assign filmstrip class to UL

            // If the transition or pause timers exist for any reason, stop them now.

            // Save the id of the UL passed to the plugin
            id = j_gallery.attr('id');

            // If the UL does not contain any <div class="panel-content"> elements, we will scale the UL images to fill the panels
            scale_panel_images = $('.panel-content',j_gallery).length==0;

            // Define dimensions of pointer <div>
            pointer_height = opts.pointer_size;
            pointer_width = opts.pointer_size*2;

            // Determine filmstrip orientation (vertical or horizontal)
            // Do not show captions on vertical filmstrips (override user set option)
            filmstrip_orientation = (opts.filmstrip_position=='top'||opts.filmstrip_position=='bottom'?'horizontal':'vertical');
            if(filmstrip_orientation=='vertical') { opts.show_captions = false; }

            // Determine path between current page and plugin images
            // Scan script tags and look for path to GalleryView plugin
                var s = $(this);
                if(s.attr('src') && s.attr('src').match(/jquery\.galleryview/)){
                    loader_path = s.attr('src').split('jquery.galleryview')[0];
                    theme_path = s.attr('src').split('jquery.galleryview')[0]+'themes/';

            // Assign elements to variables to minimize calls to jQuery
            j_filmstrip = $('.filmstrip',j_gallery);
            j_frames = $('li',j_filmstrip);

            // If the user wants panels, generate them using the filmstrip images
            if(opts.show_panels) {
                for(i=j_frames.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
                    if(j_frames.eq(i).find('.panel-content').length>0) {
                    } else {
                        p = $('<div>');
                        im = $('<img />');
            } else {

            // If the user doesn't want a filmstrip, delete it
            if(!opts.show_filmstrip) { j_filmstrip.remove(); }
            else {
                // Wrap the frame images (and links, if applicable) in container divs
                // These divs will handle cropping and zooming of the images
                    if($(this).find('a').length>0) {
                        $(this).find('a').wrap('<div class="img_wrap"></div>');
                    } else {
                        $(this).find('img').wrap('<div class="img_wrap"></div>');
                j_frame_img_wrappers = $('.img_wrap',j_frames);

            j_panels = $('.panel',j_gallery);

            if(!opts.show_panels) {
                opts.panel_height = 0;
                opts.panel_width = 0;

            // Determine final frame dimensions, accounting for user-added padding and border
            f_frame_width = opts.frame_width+extraWidth(j_frame_img_wrappers);
            f_frame_height = opts.frame_height+extraHeight(j_frame_img_wrappers);

            // Number of frames in filmstrip
            item_count = opts.show_panels?j_panels.length:j_frames.length;

            // Number of frames that can display within the gallery block
            // 64 = width of block for navigation button * 2 + 20
            if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
                strip_size = opts.show_panels?Math.floor((opts.panel_width-((opts.frame_gap+22)*2))/(f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap)):Math.min(item_count,opts.filmstrip_size);
            } else {
                strip_size = opts.show_panels?Math.floor((opts.panel_height-(opts.frame_gap+22))/(f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap)):Math.min(item_count,opts.filmstrip_size);

            // Determine animation method for filmstrip
            // If more items than strip size, slide filmstrip
            // Otherwise, slide pointer
            if(strip_size >= item_count) {
                slide_method = 'pointer';
                strip_size = item_count;
            else {slide_method = 'strip';}

            iterator = (strip_size<item_count?item_count:0)+opts.start_frame-1;

            // Determine dimensions of various gallery elements
            filmstrip_margin = (opts.show_panels?getInt(j_filmstrip.css('marginTop')):0);

            if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
                // Width of gallery block
                gallery_width = opts.show_panels?opts.panel_width:(strip_size*(f_frame_width+opts.frame_gap))+44+opts.frame_gap;

                // Height of gallery block = screen + filmstrip + captions (optional)
                gallery_height = (opts.show_panels?opts.panel_height:0)+(opts.show_filmstrip?f_frame_height+filmstrip_margin+(opts.show_captions?frame_caption_size:0):0);
            } else {
                // Width of gallery block
                gallery_height = opts.show_panels?opts.panel_height:(strip_size*(f_frame_height+opts.frame_gap))+22;

                // Height of gallery block = screen + filmstrip + captions (optional)
                gallery_width = (opts.show_panels?opts.panel_width:0)+(opts.show_filmstrip?f_frame_width+filmstrip_margin:0);

            // Width of filmstrip
            if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
                if(slide_method == 'pointer') {strip_width = (f_frame_width*item_count)+(opts.frame_gap*(item_count));}
                else {strip_width = (f_frame_width*item_count*3)+(opts.frame_gap*(item_count*3));}
            } else {
                strip_width = (f_frame_width+filmstrip_margin);
            if(filmstrip_orientation=='horizontal') {
                strip_height = (f_frame_height+filmstrip_margin+(opts.show_captions?frame_caption_size:0));
            } else {
                if(slide_method == 'pointer') {strip_height = (f_frame_height*item_count+opts.frame_gap*(item_count));}
                else {strip_height = (f_frame_height*item_count*3)+(opts.frame_gap*(item_count*3));}

            // Width of filmstrip wrapper (to hide overflow)
            wrapper_width = ((strip_size*f_frame_width)+((strip_size-1)*opts.frame_gap));
            wrapper_height = ((strip_size*f_frame_height)+((strip_size-1)*opts.frame_gap));

            gallery_padding = getInt(j_gallery.css('paddingTop'));

            // Place loading box over gallery until page loads
            galleryPos = getPos(j_gallery[0]);

            // Don't call the buildGallery function until the window is loaded
            // NOTE - lazy way of waiting until all images are loaded, may find a better solution for future versions
            if(!window_loaded) {
                    window_loaded = true;
            } else {


**  GalleryView options and default values
    $.fn.galleryView.defaults = {

        show_panels: true,                  //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide panel portion of gallery
        show_filmstrip: true,               //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide filmstrip portion of gallery

        panel_width: 600,                   //INT - width of gallery panel (in pixels)
        panel_height: 400,                  //INT - height of gallery panel (in pixels)
        frame_width: 60,                    //INT - width of filmstrip frames (in pixels)
        frame_height: 40,                   //INT - width of filmstrip frames (in pixels)

        start_frame: 1,                     //INT - index of panel/frame to show first when gallery loads
        filmstrip_size: 3,
        transition_speed: 800,              //INT - duration of panel/frame transition (in milliseconds)
        transition_interval: 4000,          //INT - delay between panel/frame transitions (in milliseconds)

        overlay_opacity: 0.7,               //FLOAT - transparency for panel overlay (1.0 = opaque, 0.0 = transparent)
        frame_opacity: 0.3,                 //FLOAT - transparency of non-active frames (1.0 = opaque, 0.0 = transparent)

        pointer_size: 8,                    //INT - Height of frame pointer (in pixels)

        nav_theme: 'dark',                  //STRING - name of navigation theme to use (folder must exist within 'themes' directory)
        easing: 'swing',                    //STRING - easing method to use for animations (jQuery provides 'swing' or 'linear', more available with jQuery UI or Easing plugin)

        filmstrip_position: 'bottom',       //STRING - position of filmstrip within gallery (bottom, top, left, right)
        overlay_position: 'bottom',         //STRING - position of panel overlay (bottom, top, left, right)

        panel_scale: 'nocrop',              //STRING - cropping option for panel images (crop = scale image and fit to aspect ratio determined by panel_width and panel_height, nocrop = scale image and preserve original aspect ratio)
        frame_scale: 'crop',                //STRING - cropping option for filmstrip images (same as above)

        frame_gap: 5,                       //INT - spacing between frames within filmstrip (in pixels)

        show_captions: false,               //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide frame captions
        fade_panels: true,                  //BOOLEAN - flag to fade panels during transitions or swap instantly
        pause_on_hover: false               //BOOLEAN - flag to pause slideshow when user hovers over the gallery