* Flex Slider specific markup, javascript, css and settings.
class MetaFlexSlider extends MetaSlider
protected $js_function = 'flexslider';
protected $js_path = 'sliders/flexslider/jquery.flexslider-min.js';
protected $css_path = 'sliders/flexslider/flexslider.css';
protected $carousel_item_margin = 5;
* Constructor
* @param int $id slideshow ID
* @param $shortcode_settings
public function __construct($id, $shortcode_settings)
parent::__construct($id, $shortcode_settings);
add_filter('metaslider_flex_slider_parameters', [$this, 'enable_carousel_mode'], 10, 2);
add_filter('metaslider_flex_slider_parameters', [$this, 'enable_easing'], 10, 2);
add_filter('metaslider_css', [$this, 'get_carousel_css'], 11, 3);
add_filter('metaslider_css_classes', [$this, 'remove_bottom_margin'], 11, 3);
$this->carousel_item_margin = apply_filters('metaslider_carousel_margin', $this->carousel_item_margin, $id);
* Adjust the slider parameters so they're comparible with the carousel mode
* @param array $options
* @param int $slider_id
* @return array $options
public function enable_carousel_mode($options, $slider_id)
if (isset($options['carouselMode'])) {
if ('true' === $options['carouselMode']) {
$options['itemWidth'] = $this->get_setting('width');
$options['animation'] = "'slide'";
$options['direction'] = "'horizontal'";
$options['minItems'] = 1;
$options['itemMargin'] = $this->carousel_item_margin;
// we don't want this filter hanging around if there's more than one slideshow on the page
remove_filter('metaslider_flex_slider_parameters', [$this, 'enable_carousel_mode'], 10, 2);
return $options;
* Ensure CSS transitions are disabled when easing is enabled.
* @param array $options
* @param int $slider_id
* @return array $options
public function enable_easing($options, $slider_id)
if (isset($options['easing'])) {
$options['useCSS'] = 'false';
// we don't want this filter hanging around if there's more than one slideshow on the page
remove_filter('metaslider_flex_slider_parameters', [$this, 'enable_easing'], 10, 2);
return $options;
* Add a 'nav-hidden' class to slideshows where the navigation is hidden.
* @param $class
* @param $id
* @param array $settings
* @return string $css
* @internal param string $css
* @internal param int $slider_id
public function remove_bottom_margin($class, $id, $settings)
if (isset($settings['navigation']) && 'false' === $settings['navigation']) {
return $class .= ' nav-hidden';
// we don't want this filter hanging around if there's more than one slideshow on the page
remove_filter('metaslider_css_classes', [$this, 'remove_bottom_margin'], 11, 3);
return $class;
* Return css to ensure our slides are rendered correctly in the carousel
* @param string $css
* @param array $settings
* @param int $slider_id
* @return string $css
public function get_carousel_css($css, $settings, $slider_id)
if (isset($settings['carouselMode']) && 'true' === $settings['carouselMode']) {
$css .= "\n #metaslider_{$slider_id}.flexslider li {margin-right: {$this->carousel_item_margin}px;}";
// we don't want this filter hanging around if there's more than one slideshow on the page
remove_filter('metaslider_css', [$this, 'get_carousel_css'], 11, 3);
return $css;
* Enable the parameters that are accepted by the slider
* @param string $param
* @return array|bool enabled parameters (false if parameter doesn't exist)
protected function get_param($param)
$params = [
'effect' => 'animation',
'direction' => 'direction',
'prevText' => 'prevText',
'nextText' => 'nextText',
'delay' => 'slideshowSpeed',
'animationSpeed' => 'animationSpeed',
'hoverPause' => 'pauseOnHover',
'reverse' => 'reverse',
'navigation' => 'controlNav',
'links' => 'directionNav',
'carouselMode' => 'carouselMode',
'easing' => 'easing',
'autoPlay' => 'slideshow',
if (isset($params[$param])) {
return $params[$param];
return false;
* Include slider assets
public function enqueue_scripts()
if ('true' === $this->get_setting('printJs')) {
wp_enqueue_script('metaslider-easing', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'easing/jQuery.easing.min.js', ['jquery'], METASLIDER_VERSION);
* Build the HTML for a slider.
* @return string slider markup.
protected function get_html()
$class = 'true' === $this->get_setting('noConflict') ? '' : ' class="flexslider"';
$return_value = '<div id="' . $this->get_identifier() . '"' . $class . '>';
$return_value .= "\n <ul class=\"slides\">";
foreach ($this->slides as $slide) {
// backwards compatibility with older versions of Meta Slider Pro (< v2.0)
// MS Pro < 2.0 does not include the <li>
// MS Pro 2.0+ returns the <li>
if (0 === mb_strpos($slide, '<li')) {
$return_value .= "\n " . $slide;
} else {
$return_value .= "\n <li style=\"display: none;\">" . $slide . '</li>';
$return_value .= "\n </ul>";
$return_value .= "\n </div>";
return apply_filters('metaslider_flex_slider_get_html', $return_value, $this->id, $this->settings);