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1 wk
Test Coverage
 * Plugin Name: Meta Slider
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: Easy to use slideshow plugin. Create SEO optimised responsive slideshows with Nivo Slider, Flex Slider, Coin Slider and Responsive Slides.
 * Version: 2.6.3
 * Author: Matcha Labs
 * Author URI:
 * License: GPLv2 or later
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

// disable direct access
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

define('METASLIDER_VERSION', '2.6.3');
define('METASLIDER_BASE_URL', plugins_url('ml-slider') . '/'); //plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)

// include slider classes
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'slider/metaslider.class.php';
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'slider/metaslider.coin.class.php';
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'slider/metaslider.flex.class.php';
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'slider/metaslider.nivo.class.php';
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'slider/metaslider.responsive.class.php';

// include slide classes
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'slide/metaslide.class.php';
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'slide/metaslide.image.class.php';

// include image helper
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'metaslider.imagehelper.class.php';

// include widget
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'metaslider.widget.class.php';

// include system check
require_once METASLIDER_INC_DIR . 'metaslider.systemcheck.class.php';

 * Register the plugin.
 * Display the administration panel, insert JavaScript etc.
class MetaSliderPlugin
    /** Current Slider **/
    public $slider = null;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        // create the admin menu/page
        add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'register_admin_menu'], 9553);

        // register slider post type and taxonomy
        add_action('init', [$this, 'register_post_type']);
        add_action('init', [$this, 'register_taxonomy']);
        add_action('init', [$this, 'load_plugin_textdomain']);

        // register shortcodes
        add_shortcode('metaslider', [$this, 'register_shortcode']);
        add_shortcode('ml-slider', [$this, 'register_shortcode']); // backwards compatibility

        add_filter('media_upload_tabs', [$this, 'custom_media_upload_tab_name'], 998);
        add_filter('media_view_strings', [$this, 'custom_media_uploader_tabs'], 5);
        add_action('media_upload_vimeo', [$this, 'metaslider_pro_tab']);
        add_action('media_upload_youtube', [$this, 'metaslider_pro_tab']);
        add_action('media_upload_post_feed', [$this, 'metaslider_pro_tab']);
        add_action('media_upload_layer', [$this, 'metaslider_pro_tab']);

        add_filter('media_buttons_context', [$this, 'insert_metaslider_button']);
        add_action('admin_footer', [$this, 'admin_footer']);

        // add 'go pro' link to plugin options
        $plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
        add_filter("plugin_action_links_{$plugin}", [$this, 'upgrade_to_pro']);


     * Check our WordPress installation is compatible with Meta Slider
    public function system_check()
        $systemCheck = new MetaSliderSystemCheck();

     * Add settings link on plugin page
     * @param $links
     * @return array
    public function upgrade_to_pro($links)
        if (function_exists('is_plugin_active') && !is_plugin_active('ml-slider-pro/ml-slider-pro.php')) {
            $links[] = '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Go Pro', 'metaslider') . '</a>';

        return $links;

     * Return the meta slider pro upgrade iFrame
    public function metaslider_pro_tab()
        if (function_exists('is_plugin_active') && !is_plugin_active('ml-slider-pro/ml-slider-pro.php')) {
            return wp_iframe([$this, 'iframe']);

     * Media Manager iframe HTML
    public function iframe()
        wp_enqueue_style('metaslider-admin-styles', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'metaslider/admin.css', false, METASLIDER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_script('google-font-api', ',700');

        $link = apply_filters('metaslider_hoplink', '');
        $link .= '?utm_source=lite&amp;utm_medium=more-slide-types&amp;utm_campaign=pro';

        echo "<div class='metaslider'>";
        echo "<p style='text-align: center; font-size: 1.2em; margin-top: 50px;'>Get the Pro Addon pack to add support for: <b>Post Feed</b> Slides, <b>YouTube</b> Slides, <b>HTML</b> Slides & <b>Vimeo</b> Slides</p>";
        echo "<p style='text-align: center; font-size: 1.2em;'><b>NEW: </b> Animated HTML <b>Layer</b> Slides (with an awesome Drag & Drop editor!)</p>";
        echo "<p style='text-align: center; font-size: 1.2em;'><b></b> Live Theme Editor!</p>";
        echo "<p style='text-align: center; font-size: 1.2em;'><b>NEW:</b> Thumbnail Navigation for Flex & Nivo Slider!</p>";
        echo "<a class='probutton' href='{$link}' target='_blank'>Get <span class='logo'><strong>Meta</strong>Slider</span><span class='super'>Pro</span></a>";
        echo "<span class='subtext'>Opens in a new window</span>";
        echo '</div>';

     * Register our slide types
    private function register_slide_types()
        $image = new MetaImageSlide();

     * Initialise translations
    public function load_plugin_textdomain()
        load_plugin_textdomain('metaslider', false, \dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/');

     * Update the tab options in the media manager
     * @param $strings
     * @return mixed
    public function custom_media_uploader_tabs($strings)
        //update strings
        if (\Xmf\Request::hasVar('page', 'GET') && 'metaslider' == $_GET['page']) {
            $strings['insertMediaTitle'] = __('Image', 'metaslider');
            $strings['insertIntoPost']   = __('Add to slider', 'metaslider');
            // remove options
            if (isset($strings['createGalleryTitle'])) {
            if (isset($strings['insertFromUrlTitle'])) {

        return $strings;

     * Add extra tabs to the default wordpress Media Manager iframe
     * @param mixed $tabs
     * @return array
    public function custom_media_upload_tab_name($tabs)
        $metaslider_tabs = ['post_feed', 'layer', 'youtube', 'vimeo'];

        // restrict our tab changes to the meta slider plugin page
        if ((isset($_GET['page']) && 'metaslider' === $_GET['page']) || (isset($_GET['tab']) && in_array($_GET['tab'], $metaslider_tabs))) {
            $newtabs = [];

            if (function_exists('is_plugin_active') && !is_plugin_active('ml-slider-pro/ml-slider-pro.php')) {
                $newtabs = [
                    'post_feed' => __('Post Feed', 'metaslider'),
                    'vimeo'     => __('Vimeo', 'metaslider'),
                    'youtube'   => __('YouTube', 'metaslider'),
                    'layer'     => __('Layer Slide', 'metaslider'),

            if (isset($tabs['nextgen'])) {

            return array_merge($tabs, $newtabs);

        return $tabs;

     * Rehister admin styles
    public function register_admin_styles()
        wp_enqueue_style('metaslider-admin-styles', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'metaslider/admin.css', false, METASLIDER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_style('metaslider-colorbox-styles', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'colorbox/colorbox.css', false, METASLIDER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_style('metaslider-tipsy-styles', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'tipsy/tipsy.css', false, METASLIDER_VERSION);


     * Register admin JavaScript
    public function register_admin_scripts()
        if (wp_script_is('wp-auth-check', 'queue')) {
            // meta slider checks for active AJAX requests in order to show the spinner
            // .. but the auth-check runs an AJAX request every 15 seconds
            // deregister the script that displays the login panel if the user becomes logged
            // out at some point
            // todo: implement some more intelligent request checking
            wp_register_script('wp-auth-check', null); // fix php notice

        // media library dependencies

        // plugin dependencies
        wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core', ['jquery']);
        wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-sortable', ['jquery', 'jquery-ui-core']);
        wp_enqueue_script('metaslider-colorbox', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js', ['jquery'], METASLIDER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_script('metaslider-tipsy', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'tipsy/jquery.tipsy.js', ['jquery'], METASLIDER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_script('metaslider-admin-script', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'metaslider/admin.js', ['jquery', 'metaslider-tipsy', 'media-upload'], METASLIDER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_script('metaslider-admin-addslide', METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'metaslider/image/image.js', ['metaslider-admin-script'], METASLIDER_VERSION);

        // localise the JS
        wp_localize_script('metaslider-admin-addslide', 'metaslider_image', [
            'addslide_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('metaslider_addslide'),

        // localise the JS
        wp_localize_script('metaslider-admin-script', 'metaslider', [
            'url'            => __('URL', 'metaslider'),
            'caption'        => __('Caption', 'metaslider'),
            'new_window'     => __('New Window', 'metaslider'),
            'confirm'        => __('Are you sure?', 'metaslider'),
            'ajaxurl'        => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'),
            'resize_nonce'   => wp_create_nonce('metaslider_resize'),
            'iframeurl'      => METASLIDER_BASE_URL . 'preview.php',
            'useWithCaution' => __("Caution: This setting is for advanced developers only. If you're unsure, leave it checked.", 'metaslider'),


     * Add the menu page
    public function register_admin_menu()
        $title = apply_filters('metaslider_menu_title', 'Meta Slider');

        $page = add_menu_page($title, $title, 'edit_others_posts', 'metaslider', [
        ], METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL . 'metaslider/matchalabs.png', 9501);

        // ensure our JavaScript is only loaded on the Meta Slider admin page
        add_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $page, [$this, 'register_admin_scripts']);
        add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $page, [$this, 'register_admin_styles']);
        add_action('load-' . $page, [$this, 'help_tab']);

     * Upgrade CTA.
    public function go_pro_cta()
        if (function_exists('is_plugin_active') && !is_plugin_active('ml-slider-pro/ml-slider-pro.php')) {
            $link = apply_filters('metaslider_hoplink', '');

            $link .= '?utm_source=lite&amp;utm_medium=nag&amp;utm_campaign=pro';

            $goPro = "<div style='display: none;' id='screen-options-link-wrap'><a target='_blank' class='show-settings' href='{$link}'>Meta Slider v" . METASLIDER_VERSION . ' - ' . __('Upgrade to Pro $19', 'metaslider') . '</a></div>';

            echo $goPro;

    public function help_tab()
        $screen = get_current_screen();

        // documentation tab
                                  'id'      => 'documentation',
                                  'title'   => __('Documentation'),
                                  'content' => "<p><a href='' target='blank'>Meta Slider Documentation</a></p>",

     * Register ML Slider post type
    public function register_post_type()
        register_post_type('ml-slider', [
            'query_var' => false,
            'rewrite'   => false,
            'public'    => true,
            'show_ui'   => false,
            'labels'    => [
                'name' => 'Meta Slider',

     * Register taxonomy to store slider => slides relationship
    public function register_taxonomy()
        register_taxonomy('ml-slider', 'attachment', [
            'hierarchical' => true,
            'public'       => false,
            'query_var'    => false,
            'rewrite'      => false,

     * Shortcode used to display slideshow
     * @param $atts
     * @return string HTML output of the shortcode
    public function register_shortcode($atts)
        if (!isset($atts['id'])) {
            return false;

        // we have an ID to work with
        $slider = get_post($atts['id']);

        // check the slider is published
        if ('publish' !== $slider->post_status) {
            return false;

        // lets go
        $this->set_slider($atts['id'], $atts);

        return $this->slider->render_public_slides();

     * Set the current slider
     * @param       $id
     * @param array $shortcode_settings
    public function set_slider($id, $shortcode_settings = [])
        $type = 'flex';

        $settings = array_merge(get_post_meta($id, 'ml-slider_settings', true), $shortcode_settings);

        if (isset($settings['type']) && in_array($settings['type'], ['flex', 'coin', 'nivo', 'responsive'])) {
            $type = $settings['type'];

        $this->slider = $this->create_slider($type, $id, $shortcode_settings);

     * Create a new slider based on the sliders type setting
     * @param $type
     * @param $id
     * @param $shortcode_settings
     * @return MetaFlexSlider|MetaNivoSlider|MetaResponsiveSlider
    private function create_slider($type, $id, $shortcode_settings)
        switch ($type) {
            case ('coin'):

                return new MetaCoinSlider($id, $shortcode_settings);
            case ('flex'):

                return new MetaFlexSlider($id, $shortcode_settings);
            case ('nivo'):

                return new MetaNivoSlider($id, $shortcode_settings);
            case ('responsive'):

                return new MetaResponsiveSlider($id, $shortcode_settings);

                return new MetaFlexSlider($id, $shortcode_settings);

     * Handle slide uploads/changes.
    public function admin_process()
        // this function should only ever be called from the Meta Slider admin page.
        if (!is_admin()) {

        // default to the latest slider
        $slider_id = $this->find_slider('modified', 'DESC');

        // delete a slider
        if (\Xmf\Request::hasVar('delete', 'GET')) {
            $slider_id = $this->delete_slider((int)$_GET['delete']);

        // create a new slider
        if (\Xmf\Request::hasVar('add', 'GET')) {
            $slider_id = $this->add_slider();

        // load a slider by ID
        if (\Xmf\Request::hasVar('id', 'REQUEST')) {
            $temp_id = (int)$_REQUEST['id'];

            // check valid post ID
            if (get_post($temp_id)) {
                $slider_id = $temp_id;

        if ($slider_id > 0) {

     * Create a new slider
    private function add_slider()
        // check nonce

        $defaults = [];

        // if possible, take a copy of the last edited slider settings in place of default settings
        $last_modified = $this->find_slider('modified', 'DESC');
        if ($last_modified) {
            $defaults = get_post_meta($last_modified, 'ml-slider_settings', true);

        // use the default settings if we can't find anything more suitable.
        if (empty($defaults)) {
            $slider   = new MetaSlider($id, []);
            $defaults = $slider->get_default_parameters();

        // insert the post
        $id = wp_insert_post([
                                 'post_title'  => __('New Slider', 'metaslider'),
                                 'post_status' => 'publish',
                                 'post_type'   => 'ml-slider',

        // insert the post meta
        add_post_meta($id, 'ml-slider_settings', $defaults, true);

        // create the taxonomy term, the term is the ID of the slider itself
        wp_insert_term($id, 'ml-slider');

        return $id;

     * Delete a slider (send it to trash)
     * @param int $id
     * @return int
    private function delete_slider($id)
        // check nonce

        // send the post to trash
                           'ID'          => $id,
                           'post_status' => 'trash',

        return $this->find_slider('date', 'DESC');

     * Find a single slider ID. For example, last edited, or first published.
     * @param  string $orderby field to order.
     * @param  string $order   direction (ASC or DESC).
     * @return int    slider ID.
    private function find_slider($orderby, $order)
        $args = [
            'force_no_custom_order' => true,
            'post_type'             => 'ml-slider',
            'num_posts'             => 1,
            'post_status'           => 'publish',
            'suppress_filters'      => 1, // wpml, ignore language filter
            'orderby'               => $orderby,
            'order'                 => $order,

        $the_query = new WP_Query($args);

        while ($the_query->have_posts()) {

            return $the_query->post->ID;


        return false;

     * Get sliders. Returns a nicely formatted array of currently
     * published sliders.
     * @param  string $sort_key
     * @return array  all published sliders
    private function all_meta_sliders($sort_key = 'date')
        $sliders = false;

        // list the tabs
        $args = [
            'post_type'        => 'ml-slider',
            'post_status'      => 'publish',
            'orderby'          => $sort_key,
            'suppress_filters' => 1, // wpml, ignore language filter
            'order'            => 'ASC',
            'posts_per_page'   => -1,

        $args = apply_filters('metaslider_all_meta_sliders_args', $args);

        $the_query = new WP_Query($args);

        while ($the_query->have_posts()) {
            $active = $this->slider && ($this->slider->id == $the_query->post->ID) ? true : false;

            $sliders[] = [
                'active' => $active,
                'title'  => get_the_title(),
                'id'     => $the_query->post->ID,


        return $sliders;

     * Compare array values
     * @param  array $elem1
     * @param  array $elem2
     * @return bool
    private function compare_elems($elem1, $elem2)
        return $elem1['priority'] > $elem2['priority'];

     * @param  array $aFields - array of field to render
     * @return string
    public function build_settings_rows($aFields)
        // order the fields by priority
        uasort($aFields, [$this, 'compare_elems']);

        $return = '';

        // loop through the array and build the settings HTML
        foreach ($aFields as $id => $row) {
            // checkbox input type
            if ('checkbox' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><input class='option {$row['class']} {$id}' type='checkbox' name='settings[{$id}]' {$row['checked']} >";

                if (isset($row['after'])) {
                    $return .= "<span class='after'>{$row['after']}</span>";

                $return .= '</td></tr>';

            // navigation row
            if ('navigation' === $row['type']) {
                $navigation_row = "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><ul>";

                foreach ($row['options'] as $k => $v) {
                    $checked        = checked($k, $row['value'], false);
                    $disabled       = 'thumbnails' === $k ? 'disabled' : '';
                    $navigation_row .= "<li><label><input type='radio' name='settings[{$id}]' value='{$k}' {$checked} {$disabled}>{$v['label']}</label></li>";

                $navigation_row .= '</ul></td></tr>';

                $return .= apply_filters('metaslider_navigation_options', $navigation_row, $this->slider);

            // navigation row
            if ('radio' === $row['type']) {
                $navigation_row = "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><ul>";

                foreach ($row['options'] as $k => $v) {
                    $checked        = checked($k, $row['value'], false);
                    $class          = isset($v['class']) ? $v['class'] : '';
                    $navigation_row .= "<li><label><input type='radio' name='settings[{$id}]' value='{$k}' {$checked} class='radio {$class}'>{$v['label']}</label></li>";

                $navigation_row .= '</ul></td></tr>';

                $return .= apply_filters('metaslider_navigation_options', $navigation_row, $this->slider);

            // header/divider row
            if ('divider' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td colspan='2' class='divider'><b>{$row['value']}</b></td></tr>";

            // slideshow select row
            if ('slider-lib' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td colspan='2' class='slider-lib-row'>";

                foreach ($row['options'] as $k => $v) {
                    $checked = checked($k, $row['value'], false);
                    $return  .= "<input class='select-slider' id='{$k}' rel='{$k}' type='radio' name='settings[type]' value='{$k}' {$checked} >
                    <label for='{$k}'>{$v['label']}</label>";

                $return .= '</td></tr>';

            // number input type
            if ('number' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><input class='option {$row['class']} {$id}' type='number' min='{$row['min']}' max='{$row['max']}' step='{$row['step']}' name='settings[{$id}]' value='{$row['value']}' ><span class='after'>{$row['after']}</span></td></tr>";

            // select drop down
            if ('select' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><select class='option {$row['class']} {$id}' name='settings[{$id}]'>";
                foreach ($row['options'] as $k => $v) {
                    $selected = selected($k, $row['value'], false);
                    $return   .= "<option class='{$v['class']}' value='{$k}' {$selected}>{$v['label']}</option>";
                $return .= '</select></td></tr>';

            // theme drop down
            if ('theme' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><select class='option {$row['class']} {$id}' name='settings[{$id}]'>";
                $themes = '';

                foreach ($row['options'] as $k => $v) {
                    $selected = selected($k, $row['value'], false);
                    $themes   .= "<option class='{$v['class']}' value='{$k}' {$selected}>{$v['label']}</option>";

                $return .= apply_filters('metaslider_get_available_themes', $themes, $this->slider->get_setting('theme'));

                $return .= '</select></td></tr>';

            // text input type
            if ('text' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><input class='option {$row['class']} {$id}' type='text' name='settings[{$id}]' value='{$row['value']}' ></td></tr>";

            // text input type
            if ('title' === $row['type']) {
                $return .= "<tr class='{$row['type']}'><td class='tipsy-tooltip' title=\"{$row['helptext']}\">{$row['label']}</td><td><input class='option {$row['class']} {$id}' type='text' name='{$id}' value='{$row['value']}' ></td></tr>";

        return $return;

     * Return an indexed array of all easing options
     * @return array
    private function get_easing_options()
        $options = [

        foreach ($options as $option) {
            $return[$option] = [
                'label' => ucfirst(preg_replace('/(\w+)([A-Z])/U', '\\1 \\2', $option)),
                'class' => '',

        return $return;

     * Render the admin page (tabs, slides, settings)
    public function render_admin_page()
        $max_tabs = apply_filters('metaslider_max_tabs', 0); ?>

        <script type='text/javascript'>
            var metaslider_slider_id = <?php echo $this->slider->id; ?>;
            var metaslider_pro_active = <?php echo function_exists('is_plugin_active') && is_plugin_active('ml-slider-pro/ml-slider-pro.php') ? 'true' : 'false' ?>;

        <div class="wrap metaslider">
            <form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="?page=metaslider&amp;id=<?php echo $this->slider->id ?>" method="post">
                if ($this->slider) {
                    wp_nonce_field('metaslider_save_' . $this->slider->id);

                $title   = '';
                $add_url = wp_nonce_url('?page=metaslider&amp;add=true', 'metaslider_add_slider');

                $tabs = $this->all_meta_sliders();
                if ($tabs) {
                    if ($max_tabs && count($tabs) > $max_tabs) {
                        if (\Xmf\Request::hasVar('add', 'GET') && 'true' === $_GET['add']) {
                            echo "<div id='message' class='updated'><p>" . __("New slideshow created. Click 'Add Slide' to get started!", 'metaslider') . '</p></div>';
                        echo "<div style='margin-top: 20px;'><label for='select-slider'>Select Slider: </label>";
                        echo "<select name='select-slider' onchange='if (this.value) window.location.href=this.value'>";

                        $tabs = $this->all_meta_sliders('title');

                        foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
                            $selected = $tab['active'] ? ' selected' : '';

                            if ($tab['active']) {
                                $title = $tab['title'];

                            echo "<option value='?page=metaslider&amp;id={$tab['id']}'{$selected}>{$tab['title']}</option>";
                        echo '</select> ' . __('or', 'metaslider') . ' ';
                        echo "<a href='{$add_url}'>" . __('Add New Slideshow', 'metaslider') . '</a></div>';
                    } else {
                        echo "<h3 class='nav-tab-wrapper'>";
                        foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
                            if ($tab['active']) {
                                echo "<div class='nav-tab nav-tab-active'><input type='text' name='title'  value='" . $tab['title'] . "' onfocus=' = ((this.value.length + 1) * 9) + \"px\"' ></div>";
                            } else {
                                echo "<a href='?page=metaslider&amp;id={$tab['id']}' class='nav-tab'>" . $tab['title'] . '</a>';
                        echo "<a href='{$add_url}' id='create_new_tab' class='nav-tab'>+</a>";
                        echo '</h3>';
                } else {
                    echo "<h3 class='nav-tab-wrapper'>";
                    echo "<a href='{$add_url}' id='create_new_tab' class='nav-tab'>+</a>";
                    echo "<div class='bubble'>" . __('Create your first slideshow') . '</div>';
                    echo '</h3>';
                } ?>

                if (!$this->slider) {
                } ?>
                <div id='poststuff'>
                    <div id='post-body' class='metabox-holder columns-2'>

                        <div id='post-body-content'>
                            <div class="left">
                                <table class="widefat sortable">
                                        <th style="width: 100px;">
                                            <h3><?php _e('Slides', 'metaslider') ?></h3>
                                            <a href='#' class='button alignright add-slide' data-editor='content' title='<?php _e('Add Slide', 'metaslider') ?>'>
                                                <span class='wp-media-buttons-icon'></span> <?php _e('Add Slide', 'metaslider') ?>

                                    $this->slider->render_admin_slides(); ?>

                        <div id='postbox-container-1' class='postbox-container'>
                            <div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables">
                                <div class='right'>
                                    <div class="postbox">
                                        <h3 class='configuration'>
                                            <?php _e('Settings', 'metaslider') ?>
                                            <input class='alignright button button-primary' type='submit' name='save' id='ms-save' value='<?php _e('Save', 'metaslider') ?>'>
                                            <input class='alignright button button-primary' type='submit' name='preview' id='ms-preview' value='<?php _e('Save & Preview', 'metaslider') ?>' data-slider_id='<?php echo $this->slider->id ?>'
                                                   data-slider_width='<?php echo $this->slider->get_setting('width') ?>' data-slider_height='<?php echo $this->slider->get_setting('height') ?>'>
                                            <span class="spinner"></span>
                                        <div class="inside">
                                            <table class="widefat settings">
                                                $aFields = [
                                                    'type'       => [
                                                        'priority' => 0,
                                                        'type'     => 'slider-lib',
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('type'),
                                                        'options'  => [
                                                            'flex'       => ['label' => __('Flex Slider', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'responsive' => ['label' => __('Responsive', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'nivo'       => ['label' => __('Nivo Slider', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'coin'       => ['label' => __('Coin Slider', 'metaslider')],
                                                    'width'      => [
                                                        'priority' => 10,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 9999,
                                                        'step'     => 1,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('width'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Width', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Slideshow width', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => __('px', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'height'     => [
                                                        'priority' => 20,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 9999,
                                                        'step'     => 1,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('height'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Height', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Slideshow height', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => __('px', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'effect'     => [
                                                        'priority' => 30,
                                                        'type'     => 'select',
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('effect'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Effect', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'effect coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Slide transition effect', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'options'  => [
                                                            'random'             => ['class' => 'option coin nivo', 'label' => __('Random', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'swirl'              => ['class' => 'option coin', 'label' => __('Swirl', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'rain'               => ['class' => 'option coin', 'label' => __('Rain', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'straight'           => ['class' => 'option coin', 'label' => __('Straight', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'sliceDown'          => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Slide Down', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'sliceUp'            => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Slice Up', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'sliceUpLeft'        => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Slide Up Left', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'sliceUpDown'        => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Slice Up Down', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'slideUpDownLeft'    => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Slide Up Down Left', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'fold'               => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Fold', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'fade'               => ['class' => 'option nivo flex responsive', 'label' => __('Fade', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'slideInRight'       => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Slide In Right', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'slideInLeft'        => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Slide In Left', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'boxRandom'          => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Box Random', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'boxRain'            => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Box Rain', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'boxRainReverse'     => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Box Rain Reverse', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'boxRainGrowReverse' => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Box Rain Grow Reverse', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'slide'              => ['class' => 'option flex', 'label' => __('Slide', 'metaslider')],
                                                    'theme'      => [
                                                        'priority' => 40,
                                                        'type'     => 'theme',
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('theme'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Theme', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'effect coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Slideshow theme', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'options'  => [
                                                            'default' => ['class' => 'option nivo flex coin responsive', 'label' => __('Default', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'dark'    => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Dark (Nivo)', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'light'   => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Light (Nivo)', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'bar'     => ['class' => 'option nivo', 'label' => __('Bar (Nivo)', 'metaslider')],
                                                    'links'      => [
                                                        'priority' => 50,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Arrows', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('links') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Show the previous/next arrows', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'navigation' => [
                                                        'priority' => 60,
                                                        'type'     => 'navigation',
                                                        'label'    => __('Navigation', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('navigation'),
                                                        'helptext' => __('Show the slide navigation bullets', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'options'  => [
                                                            'false'      => ['label' => __('Hidden', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'true'       => ['label' => __('Dots', 'metaslider')],
                                                            'thumbnails' => ['label' => __('Thumbnails (Pro)', 'metaslider')],

                                                if ($max_tabs && count($this->all_meta_sliders()) > $max_tabs) {
                                                    $aFields['title'] = [
                                                        'type'     => 'title',
                                                        'priority' => 5,
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex nivo responsive coin',
                                                        'value'    => $title,
                                                        'label'    => __('Title', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'helptext' => __('Slideshow title', 'metaslider'),

                                                $aFields = apply_filters('metaslider_basic_settings', $aFields, $this->slider);

                                                echo $this->build_settings_rows($aFields); ?>

                                    <div class="postbox ms-toggle closed">
                                        <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"><br></div>
                                        <h3 class="hndle"><span><?php _e('Advanced Settings', 'metaslider') ?></span></h3>
                                        <div class="inside">
                                                $aFields = [
                                                    'fullWidth'        => [
                                                        'priority' => 5,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Stretch', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'after'    => __('100% wide output', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('fullWidth') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __("Stretch the slideshow output to fill it's parent container", 'metaslider'),
                                                    'center'           => [
                                                        'priority' => 10,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Center align', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('center') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Center align the slideshow', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'autoPlay'         => [
                                                        'priority' => 20,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Auto play', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('autoPlay') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Transition between slides automatically', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'smartCrop'        => [
                                                        'priority' => 30,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Smart crop', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('smartCrop') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Smart Crop ensures your responsive slides are cropped to a ratio that results in a consistent slideshow size', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'carouselMode'     => [
                                                        'priority' => 40,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Carousel mode', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('carouselMode') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Display multiple slides at once. Slideshow output will be 100% wide.', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'random'           => [
                                                        'priority' => 50,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Random', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('random') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Randomise the order of the slides', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'hoverPause'       => [
                                                        'priority' => 60,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Hover pause', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex nivo responsive',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('hoverPause') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Pause the slideshow when hovering over slider, then resume when no longer hovering.', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'reverse'          => [
                                                        'priority' => 70,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Reverse', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('reverse') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Reverse the animation direction', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'delay'            => [
                                                        'priority' => 80,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 500,
                                                        'max'      => 10000,
                                                        'step'     => 100,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('delay'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Slide delay', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('How long to display each slide, in milliseconds', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => __('ms', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'animationSpeed'   => [
                                                        'priority' => 90,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 2000,
                                                        'step'     => 100,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('animationSpeed'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Animation speed', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Set the speed of animations, in milliseconds', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => __('ms', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'slices'           => [
                                                        'priority' => 100,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 20,
                                                        'step'     => 1,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('slices'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Number of slices', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Number of slices', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => __('ms', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'spw'              => [
                                                        'priority' => 110,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 20,
                                                        'step'     => 1,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('spw'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Number of squares', 'metaslider') . ' (' . __('Width', 'metaslider') . ')',
                                                        'class'    => 'option nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Number of squares', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => '',
                                                    'sph'              => [
                                                        'priority' => 120,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 20,
                                                        'step'     => 1,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('sph'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Number of squares', 'metaslider') . ' (' . __('Height', 'metaslider') . ')',
                                                        'class'    => 'option nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Number of squares', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => '',
                                                    'direction'        => [
                                                        'priority' => 130,
                                                        'type'     => 'select',
                                                        'label'    => __('Slide direction', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Select the sliding direction', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('direction'),
                                                        'options'  => [
                                                            'horizontal' => ['label' => __('Horizontal', 'metaslider'), 'class' => ''],
                                                            'vertical'   => ['label' => __('Vertical', 'metaslider'), 'class' => ''],
                                                    'easing'           => [
                                                        'priority' => 140,
                                                        'type'     => 'select',
                                                        'label'    => __('Easing', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Animation easing effect', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('easing'),
                                                        'options'  => $this->get_easing_options(),
                                                    'prevText'         => [
                                                        'priority' => 150,
                                                        'type'     => 'text',
                                                        'label'    => __('Previous text', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __("Set the text for the 'previous' direction item", 'metaslider'),
                                                        'value'    => 'false' === $this->slider->get_setting('prevText') ? '' : $this->slider->get_setting('prevText'),
                                                    'nextText'         => [
                                                        'priority' => 160,
                                                        'type'     => 'text',
                                                        'label'    => __('Next text', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __("Set the text for the 'next' direction item", 'metaslider'),
                                                        'value'    => 'false' === $this->slider->get_setting('nextText') ? '' : $this->slider->get_setting('nextText'),
                                                    'sDelay'           => [
                                                        'priority' => 170,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 500,
                                                        'step'     => 10,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('sDelay'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Square delay', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Delay between squares in ms', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => __('ms', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'opacity'          => [
                                                        'priority' => 180,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 1,
                                                        'step'     => 0.1,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('opacity'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Opacity', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Opacity of title and navigation', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => '',
                                                    'titleSpeed'       => [
                                                        'priority' => 190,
                                                        'type'     => 'number',
                                                        'size'     => 3,
                                                        'min'      => 0,
                                                        'max'      => 10000,
                                                        'step'     => 100,
                                                        'value'    => $this->slider->get_setting('titleSpeed'),
                                                        'label'    => __('Caption speed', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Set the fade in speed of the caption', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'after'    => __('ms', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'developerOptions' => [
                                                        'priority' => 195,
                                                        'type'     => 'divider',
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'value'    => __('Developer options', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'cssClass'         => [
                                                        'priority' => 200,
                                                        'type'     => 'text',
                                                        'label'    => __('CSS classes', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex responsive nivo',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Specify any custom CSS Classes you would like to be added to the slider wrapper', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'value'    => 'false' === $this->slider->get_setting('cssClass') ? '' : $this->slider->get_setting('cssClass'),
                                                    'printCss'         => [
                                                        'priority' => 210,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Print CSS', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex responsive nivo useWithCaution',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('printCss') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Uncheck this is you would like to include your own CSS', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'printJs'          => [
                                                        'priority' => 220,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('Print JS', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option coin flex responsive nivo useWithCaution',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('printJs') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Uncheck this is you would like to include your own Javascript', 'metaslider'),
                                                    'noConflict'       => [
                                                        'priority' => 230,
                                                        'type'     => 'checkbox',
                                                        'label'    => __('No conflict mode', 'metaslider'),
                                                        'class'    => 'option flex',
                                                        'checked'  => 'true' === $this->slider->get_setting('noConflict') ? 'checked' : '',
                                                        'helptext' => __('Delay adding the flexslider class to the slideshow', 'metaslider'),

                                                $aFields = apply_filters('metaslider_advanced_settings', $aFields, $this->slider);

                                                echo $this->build_settings_rows($aFields); ?>

                                    <div class="postbox shortcode ms-toggle">
                                        <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"><br></div>
                                        <h3 class="hndle"><span><?php _e('Usage', 'metaslider') ?></span></h3>
                                        <div class="inside">
                                            <ul class='tabs'>
                                                <li rel='tab-1' class='selected'><?php _e('Shortcode', 'metaslider') ?></li>
                                                <li rel='tab-2'><?php _e('Template Include', 'metaslider') ?></li>
                                            <div class='tabs-content'>
                                                <div class='tab tab-1'>
                                                    <p><?php _e('Copy & paste the shortcode directly into any WordPress post or page.', 'metaslider'); ?></p>
                                                    <input readonly='readonly' type='text' value='[metaslider id=<?php echo $this->slider->id ?>]'></div>
                                                <div class='tab tab-2' style='display: none'>
                                                    <p><?php _e('Copy & paste this code into a template file to include the slideshow within your theme.', 'metaslider'); ?></p>
                                                    <textarea readonly='readonly'>&lt;?php &#13;&#10;    echo do_shortcode("[metaslider id=<?php echo $this->slider->id ?>]"); &#13;&#10;?></textarea></div>

                                    <div class="postbox social">
                                        <div class="inside">
                                            <ul class='info'>
                                                <li style='width: 33%;'>
                                                    <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="" data-text="Check out Meta Slider, an easy to use slideshow plugin for WordPress" data-hashtags="metaslider, wordpress, slideshow">Tweet</a>
                                                    <script>!function (d, s, id) {
                                                            var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https';
                                                            if (!d.getElementById(id)) {
                                                                js = d.createElement(s);
                                                       = id;
                                                                js.src = p + '://';
                                                                fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
                                                        }(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script>
                                                <li style='width: 34%;'>
                                                    <div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-href=""></div>
                                                    <script type="text/javascript">
                                                        (function () {
                                                            var po = document.createElement('script');
                                                            po.type = 'text/javascript';
                                                            po.async = true;
                                                            po.src = '';
                                                            var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
                                                            s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
                                                <li style='width: 33%;'>
                                                    <iframe style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:80px; height:21px;'
                                                            scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
                                    <a class='delete-slider alignright button-secondary confirm' href='<?php echo wp_nonce_url("?page=metaslider&amp;delete={$this->slider->id}", 'metaslider_delete_slider'); ?>'><?php _e('Delete Slider', 'metaslider') ?></a>

     * Append the 'Add Slider' button to selected admin pages
     * @param $context
     * @return string
    public function insert_metaslider_button($context)
        global $pagenow;

        if (in_array($pagenow, ['post.php', 'page.php', 'post-new.php', 'post-edit.php'])) {
            $context .= '<a href="#TB_inline?&inlineId=choose-meta-slider" class="thickbox button" title="'
                        . __('Select slideshow to insert into post', 'metaslider')
                        . '"><span class="wp-media-buttons-icon" style="background: url('
                        . METASLIDER_ASSETS_URL
                        . '/metaslider/matchalabs.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left bottom;"></span> '
                        . __('Add slider', 'metaslider')
                        . '</a>';

        return $context;

     * Append the 'Choose Meta Slider' thickbox content to the bottom of selected admin pages
    public function admin_footer()
        global $pagenow;

        // Only run in post/page creation and edit screens
        if (in_array($pagenow, ['post.php', 'page.php', 'post-new.php', 'post-edit.php'])) {
            $sliders = $this->all_meta_sliders('title'); ?>

            <script type="text/javascript">
                jQuery(document).ready(function () {
                    jQuery('#insertMetaSlider').on('click', function () {
                        var id = jQuery('#metaslider-select option:selected').val();
                        window.send_to_editor('[metaslider id="' + id + '"]');

            <div id="choose-meta-slider" style="display: none;">
                <div class="wrap">
                    if (count($sliders)) {
                        echo "<h3 style='margin-bottom: 20px;'>" . __('Insert Meta Slider', 'metaslider') . '</h3>';
                        echo "<select id='metaslider-select'>";
                        echo '<option disabled=disabled>' . __('Choose slideshow', 'metaslider') . '</option>';
                        foreach ($sliders as $slider) {
                            echo "<option value='{$slider['id']}'>{$slider['title']}</option>";
                        echo '</select>';
                        echo "<button class='button primary' id='insertMetaSlider'>Insert Slideshow</button>";
                    } else {
                        _e('No slideshows found', 'metaslider');
                    } ?>

$metaslider = new MetaSliderPlugin();
