namespace XoopsModules\Extgallery;
* ExtGallery Class Manager
* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
* of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
* which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* @copyright {@link XOOPS Project}
* @license GNU GPL 2 (
* @author Zoullou (
* @package ExtGallery
use XoopsModules\Extgallery;
* Class NestedTree
* @package XoopsModules\Extgallery
class NestedTree
public $db;
public $table;
public $fields;
* Constructor. Set the database table name and necessary field names
* @param $db
* @param string $table Name of the tree database table
* @param string $idField Name of the primary key ID field
* @param string $parentField Name of the parent ID field
* @param string $sortField Name of the field to sort data.
public function __construct(\XoopsDatabase $db, $table, $idField, $parentField, $sortField)
$this->db = $db;
$this->table = $db->prefix($table);
$this->fields = [
'id' => $idField,
'parent' => $parentField,
'sort' => $sortField,
* Fetch the node data for the node identified by $id
* @param int $id The ID of the node to fetch
* @return null|\XoopsObject An object containing the node's
* data, or null if node not found
public function getNode($id)
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %d', $this->table, $this->fields['id'], $id);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchArray($result);
if ($row) {
return $row;
return null;
* Fetch the descendants of a node, or if no node is specified, fetch the
* entire tree. Optionally, only return child data instead of all descendant
* data.
* @param int $id The ID of the node to fetch descendant data for.
* Specify an invalid ID (e.g. 0) to retrieve all data.
* @param bool $includeSelf Whether or not to include the passed node in the
* the results. This has no meaning if fetching entire tree.
* @param bool $childrenOnly True if only returning children data. False if
* returning all descendant data
* @return array The descendants of the passed now
public function getDescendants($id = 0, $includeSelf = false, $childrenOnly = false)
$idField = $this->fields['id'];
$node = $this->getNode($id);
if (null === $node) {
$nleft = 0;
$nright = 0;
$parent_id = 0;
} else {
$nleft = $node['nleft'];
$nright = $node['nright'];
$parent_id = $node[$this->fields['id']];
if ($childrenOnly) {
if ($includeSelf) {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %d OR %s = %d ORDER BY nleft', $this->table, $this->fields['id'], $parent_id, $this->fields['parent'], $parent_id);
} else {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %d ORDER BY nleft', $this->table, $this->fields['parent'], $parent_id);
} else {
if ($nleft > 0 && $includeSelf) {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE nleft >= %d AND nright <= %d ORDER BY nleft', $this->table, $nleft, $nright);
} else {
if ($nleft > 0) {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE nleft > %d AND nright < %d ORDER BY nleft', $this->table, $nleft, $nright);
} else {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` ORDER BY nleft', $this->table);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$arr = [];
while (false !== ($row = $this->db->fetchArray($result))) {
$arr[$row[$idField]] = $row;
return $arr;
* Fetch the children of a node, or if no node is specified, fetch the
* top level items.
* @param int $id The ID of the node to fetch child data for.
* @param bool $includeSelf Whether or not to include the passed node in the
* the results.
* @return array The children of the passed node
public function getChildren($id = 0, $includeSelf = false)
return $this->getDescendants($id, $includeSelf, true);
* Fetch the path to a node. If an invalid node is passed, an empty array is returned.
* If a top level node is passed, an array containing on that node is included (if
* 'includeSelf' is set to true, otherwise an empty array)
* @param int $id The ID of the node to fetch child data for.
* @param bool $includeSelf Whether or not to include the passed node in the
* the results.
* @return array An array of each node to passed node
public function getPath($id = 0, $includeSelf = false)
$node = $this->getNode($id);
if (null === $node) {
return [];
if ($includeSelf) {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE nleft <= %d AND nright >= %d ORDER BY nlevel', $this->table, $node['nleft'], $node['nright']);
} else {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE nleft < %d AND nright > %d ORDER BY nlevel', $this->table, $node['nleft'], $node['nright']);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$idField = $this->fields['id'];
$arr = [];
while (false !== ($row = $this->db->fetchArray($result))) {
$arr[$row[$idField]] = $row;
return $arr;
* Check if one node descends from another node. If either node is not
* found, then false is returned.
* @param int $descendant_id The node that potentially descends
* @param int $ancestor_id The node that is potentially descended from
* @return bool True if $descendant_id descends from $ancestor_id, false otherwise
public function isDescendantOf($descendant_id, $ancestor_id)
$node = $this->getNode($ancestor_id);
if (null === $node) {
return false;
$query = \sprintf(
'SELECT COUNT(*) AS is_descendant
FROM `%s`
WHERE `%s` = %d
AND nleft > %d
AND nright < %d',
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchArray($result);
if ($row) {
return $row['is_descendant'] > 0;
return false;
* Check if one node is a child of another node. If either node is not
* found, then false is returned.
* @param int $child_id The node that is possibly a child
* @param int $parent_id The node that is possibly a parent
* @return bool True if $child_id is a child of $parent_id, false otherwise
public function isChildOf($child_id, $parent_id)
$query = \sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) AS is_child FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %d AND %s = %d', $this->table, $this->fields['id'], $child_id, $this->fields['parent'], $parent_id);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchArray($result);
if ($row) {
return $row['is_child'] > 0;
return false;
* Find the number of descendants a node has
* @param int $id The ID of the node to search for. Pass 0 to count all nodes in the tree.
* @return int The number of descendants the node has, or -1 if the node isn't found.
public function numDescendants($id)
if (0 == $id) {
$query = \sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_descendants FROM `%s`', $this->table);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchArray($result);
if ($row) {
return $row['num_descendants'];
} else {
$node = $this->getNode($id);
if (!null === $node) {
return ($node['nright'] - $node['nleft'] - 1) / 2;
return -1;
* Find the number of children a node has
* @param int $id The ID of the node to search for. Pass 0 to count the first level items
* @return int The number of descendants the node has, or -1 if the node isn't found.
public function numChildren($id)
$query = \sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_children FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %d', $this->table, $this->fields['parent'], $id);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchArray($result);
if ($row) {
return $row['num_children'];
return -1;
* @param $id
* @return int
public function numLeef($id)
$query = \sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_leef FROM `%s` WHERE nright - nleft = 1', $this->table);
if (0 != $id) {
$node = $this->getNode($id);
$query .= \sprintf(' AND nleft > %d AND nright < %d', $node['nleft'], $node['nright']);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchArray($result);
if ($row) {
return $row['num_leef'];
return -1;
* Fetch the tree data, nesting within each node references to the node's children
* @return array The tree with the node's child data
public function getTreeWithChildren()
$idField = $this->fields['id'];
$parentField = $this->fields['parent'];
$query = \sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` ORDER BY %s', $this->table, $this->fields['sort']);
$result = $this->db->query($query);
// create a root node to hold child data about first level items
$root = [];
$root[$this->fields['id']] = 0;
$root['children'] = [];
$arr = [
// populate the array and create an empty children array
while (false !== ($row = $this->db->fetchArray($result))) {
$arr[$row[$this->fields['id']]] = $row;
$arr[$row[$this->fields['id']]]['children'] = [];
// now process the array and build the child data
foreach ($arr as $id => $row) {
if (isset($row[$this->fields['parent']])) {
$arr[$row[$this->fields['parent']]]['children'][$id] = $id;
return $arr;
* Rebuilds the tree data and saves it to the database
public function rebuild()
$data = $this->getTreeWithChildren();
$n = 0; // need a variable to hold the running n tally
$level = 0; // need a variable to hold the running level tally
// invoke the recursive function. Start it processing
// on the fake "root node" generated in getTreeWithChildren().
// because this node doesn't really exist in the database, we
// give it an initial nleft value of 0 and an nlevel of 0.
$this->_generateTreeData($data, 0, 0, $n);
//echo "<pre>";print_r($data);echo "</pre>";
// at this point the the root node will have nleft of 0, nlevel of 0
// and nright of (tree size * 2 + 1)
foreach ($data as $id => $row) {
// skip the root node
if (0 == $id) {
$query = \sprintf('UPDATE `%s` SET nlevel = %d, nleft = %d, nright = %d WHERE `%s` = %d', $this->table, $row['nlevel'], $row['nleft'], $row['nright'], $this->fields['id'], $id);
* Generate the tree data. A single call to this generates the n-values for
* 1 node in the tree. This function assigns the passed in n value as the
* node's nleft value. It then processes all the node's children (which
* in turn recursively processes that node's children and so on), and when
* it is finally done, it takes the update n-value and assigns it as its
* nright value. Because it is passed as a reference, the subsequent changes
* in subrequests are held over to when control is returned so the nright
* can be assigned.
* @param array &$arr A reference to the data array, since we need to
* be able to update the data in it
* @param int $id The ID of the current node to process
* @param int $level The nlevel to assign to the current node
* @param int &$n A reference to the running tally for the n-value
public function _generateTreeData(&$arr, $id, $level, &$n)
$arr[$id]['nlevel'] = $level;
$arr[$id]['nleft'] = ++$n;
// loop over the node's children and process their data
// before assigning the nright value
foreach ($arr[$id]['children'] as $child_id) {
$this->_generateTreeData($arr, $child_id, $level + 1, $n);
$arr[$id]['nright'] = ++$n;