# If you want to add new properties, either create your own lang files, or add this property first to the
# file, which is the reference for all existing properties.
# Each property missing in, will be removed from all other properties file in the next execution
# of build_translation.xml
# All information for contributors is available here:
# Please update the files in the /src/main/lang.utf-16/ directory.
# As the directory is named, they are all in UTF-16 format. Then execute the build_translation.xml file, to
# report these modifications to the wjhk/jupload/lang pacakge, for use in the applet.
# Doing this, allows:
# - To have all translation in Human readable text, instead of unicode text.
# - To mark all missing text, in other languages (important note: the file is the reference for all properties).
# The %1$d (and similar) code sequences are placeholders for variable substitution,
# The sequence %% represents a single percent-character.
#First section: general information about this translation.
#These parameters are used by the translation maven plugin.
#They are used to generate the transation part of JUpload web site, to display existing translations to translators. They
#can then check translation, and submit updated or new translations.
generateHtmlFileForTranslators = true
language = Norwegian
contributor = Unkown
#A link to the Coppermine plugin language file. No link with the applet itself. This plugin
#uses the applet, and I linked both translations this way.
coppermine.language = norwegian
#Second section: the translation itself.
buttonBrowse = Bla gjennom ...
buttonRemoveSelected = Fjern valgte
buttonRemoveAll = Fjern alle
buttonRotateLeft = Roter venstre
buttonRotateRight = Roter h\u00f8yre
buttonUpload = Last opp
buttonStop = STOPP
#MISSING messageLogWindowCopiedToClipboard = Debugging messages have been copied to the clipboard.
#JUploadPanel, The components of the status line
speedunit_gb_per_second = Gb/s
speedunit_mb_per_second = Mb/s
speedunit_kb_per_second = Kb/s
speedunit_b_per_second = b/s
timefmt_hms = %1$d tim., %2$d min. and %3$d sek.
timefmt_ms = %1$d min. and %2$d sek.
timefmt_s = %1$d sekunder
timefmt_unknown = ukjent
status_msg = JUpload %1$d%% ferdig, overf\u00f8ringshastighet: %2$s, ETA: %3$s
#MISSING menuitem_paste = Paste
errFileTooBig = Filen '%1$s' er for stor (%2$s)
preparingFile = Forbereder fil %1$d/%2$d
#MISSING filesPrepared = %1$d files prepared
infoUploading = Laster opp filer %1$s
infoUploaded = %1$s fil(er) lastet opp. Venter p\u00e5 serverrespons ...
infoAborted = Opplasting avbrutt etter %1$d fil(er).
nbUploadedFiles = %1$d fil(er) lastet opp
errDuringUpload = Opplastingen stoppet med feil
errHttpResponse = Opplastingen feilet: uventet HTTP respons
questionSendMailOnError = Det skjedde en feil under opplasting. \u00d8nsker du \u00e5 sende all relevant informasjon til webmaster?
#MISSING dialogUploadRetryText = An error occurs occured during the upload of the files to the server. Do you want to retry uploading these files?\n\nThe upload will automatically be re-executed in %1$d seconds.
#MISSING dialogUploadRetryTitle = Retry the upload?
#MISSING buttonDetails = Details
#MISSING buttonYes = Yes
#MISSING buttonNo = No
#MISSING errorDuringUpload = The following error occured during upload:\n%1$s\n\nDo you want to go on with the current upload?
colName = Navn
colSize = St\u00f8rrelse
colDirectory = Katalog
colModified = Endret
colReadable = Lesbar?
errForbiddenExtension = Ugyldig filetternavn.
errDuringLogManagement = Det skjedde en feil under loggbehandlingen
chooseAlbumFirst = V\u00e6r vennlig og velg et album f\u00f8rst
coppermineUploadOk = Bildene har blitt korrekt lastet opp til serveren, i det valgte albumet.\n\nKlikk OK n\u00e5 for \u00e5 fullf\u00f8re opplastingen.\n\nIkke glem \u00e5 lagre eventuelle endringer du har gjort.
dragDirectoriesAndFilesToHere = Flytt filer og mapper over her
tooBigPicture = Bilde '%1$s' er for stort. Bildet vil bli lastet opp uten endringer (ingen rotering eller endring av st\u00f8rrelse ...).
notAPicture = Filen '%1$s' er ikke en gyldig bildefil. Den er ikke lagt til i listen over filer som skal lastes opp.
buttonClose = Lukk
dateformat = dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm
#SizeRenderer. See
unitBytes = b
unitGigabytes = GiB
unitMegabytes = MiB
unitKilobytes = KiB
Confirm = Bekreft
itm_title_pass = Enter %1$s password
itm_prompt_pass = %1$s password:
itm_cert_alert = SSL Certificate Alert
itm_cert_details = Certificate details:
itm_cert_subject = Subject:
itm_cert_issuer = Issuer:
itm_cert_nbefore = Not before:
itm_cert_nafter = Not after:
itm_cert_serial = Serial:
itm_cert_fprint = %1$s Fingerprint:
itm_cert_C = Country:
itm_cert_CN = Common name:
itm_cert_L = Locality:
itm_cert_ST = State or province:
itm_cert_O = Organization:
itm_cert_OU = Organizational unit:
itm_reasons = Reason(s):
itm_reason_cnmatch = The certificate common name does not match the hostname (%1$s).
itm_reason_itrust = Certificate issuer is not trusted.
itm_reason_expired = The certificate is expired.
itm_reason_notyet = The certificate is not yet valid.
itm_fail_verify = The certificate, presented by the server could not be verified.
itm_accept_prompt = Do you want to accept this certificate?
itm_accept_always = Always
itm_accept_now = Only for this session
itm_accept_no = No
itm_new_tstore = New TrustStore
itm_tstore = TrustStore