Showing 701 of 9,653 total issues
Method TrDisplay
has 72 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
function TrDisplay()
global $g_pcl_trace_level;
global $g_pcl_trace_mode;
global $g_pcl_trace_filename;
Function load
has 71 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
load : function( source, selector, config ) {
var self = this,
o = this._options;
Function load
has 71 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
load : function( source, selector, config ) {
var self = this,
o = this._options;
Method build_settings_rows
has 71 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
public function build_settings_rows($aFields)
// order the fields by priority
uasort($aFields, [$this, 'compare_elems']);
Method PclTarHandleAddList
has 70 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
function PclTarHandleAddList($p_tar, $p_list, $p_mode, &$p_list_detail, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir)
TrFctStart(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'PclTarHandleAddList', "tar='$p_tar', list, mode='$p_mode', add_dir='$p_add_dir', remove_dir='$p_remove_dir'");
$v_result = 1;
$v_header = [];
Function isBlockCloned
has a Cognitive Complexity of 20 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
function isBlockCloned($bid, $bside, $bweight, $bvisible, $bcachetime, $bmodule, $options)
xoops_loadLanguage('admin', 'system');
xoops_loadLanguage('admin/blocksadmin', 'system');
xoops_loadLanguage('admin/groups', 'system');
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Cognitive Complexity
Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.
A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:
- Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
- Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
- Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"
Further reading
Function xoops_module_install_extgallery
has a Cognitive Complexity of 20 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
function xoops_module_install_extgallery(\XoopsModule $module)
$module_id = $module->getVar('mid');
/** @var \XoopsGroupPermHandler $grouppermHandler */
$grouppermHandler = xoops_getHandler('groupperm');
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Cognitive Complexity
Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.
A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:
- Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
- Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
- Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"
Further reading
Function PclTarHandleExtractByIndexList
has a Cognitive Complexity of 20 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
function PclTarHandleExtractByIndexList(
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Cognitive Complexity
Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.
A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:
- Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
- Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
- Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"
Further reading
Function convertResultSet
has a Cognitive Complexity of 20 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
public function convertResultSet($result, $id_as_key = false, $as_object = true)
$trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1);
\trigger_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated.' . ". Called from {$trace[0]['file']}line {$trace[0]['line']}", \E_USER_WARNING);
$ret = [];
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Cognitive Complexity
Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.
A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:
- Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
- Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
- Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"
Further reading
Function launch
has 68 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
function launch(target) {
if (!closing) {
element = target;
Function initGallery
has 68 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
initGallery: function() {
var gSt =,
ns = '.mfp-gallery',
supportsFastClick = Boolean($.fn.mfpFastClick);
File jquery.microgallery.js
has 280 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
(function($) {
$.fn.microgallery = function(options) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.microgallery.defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
Function _parseData
has 67 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
_parseData : function( callback ) {
var self = this,
ready = false,
Function loadCSS
has 67 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
loadCSS : function( href, id, callback ) {
var link,
ready = false,
Function _parseData
has 67 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
_parseData : function( callback ) {
var self = this,
ready = false,
has 24 functions (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
class MetaSlider
public $id = 0; // slider ID
public $identifier = 0; // unique identifier
public $slides = []; //slides belonging to this slider
Method PclTarHandleReadHeader
has 65 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
function PclTarHandleReadHeader($v_binary_data, &$v_header)
TrFctStart(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'PclTarHandleReadHeader', '');
$v_result = 1;
Function render
has a Cognitive Complexity of 19 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
public function render()
// load all child ids for javascript codes
foreach (\array_keys($this->_itemTree) as $item_id) {
$this->_itemTree[$item_id]['allchild'] = [];
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Cognitive Complexity
Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.
A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:
- Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
- Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
- Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"
Further reading
File PhpCaptcha.php
has 274 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
namespace XoopsModules\Extgallery;
Function addPan
has 63 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
addPan : function( img ) {
if ( this._options.imageCrop === false ) {