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namespace XoopsModules\Gwiki;

use const _MI_GWIKI_WIKI404;

use const ENT_HTML5;

 * gwikiPage.php - class to access wiki page data
 * This file is part of gwiki - geekwright wiki

\define('_WIKI_CAMELCASE_REGEX', '(([A-Z]{1,}[a-z\x80-\xff0-9\:]+){2,}\d*)');
\define('_WIKI_KEYWORD_REGEX', '([A-Za-z\x80-\xff0-9.\:-]{1,})');

 * gwikiPage.php - class to access wiki page data
 * @category  Class
 * @package   Gwiki
 * @author    Richard Griffith <>
 * @copyright 2013-2015 geekwright, LLC. All rights reserved.
 * @license   gwiki/docs/license.txt  GNU General Public License (GPL)
class GwikiPage
    // Properties -  public, protected, and private

    protected $currentid;
    protected $currentkeyword;
    public    $gwiki_id;
    public    $keyword;
    public    $display_keyword;
    public    $title;
    public    $body;
    public    $parent_page;
    public    $page_set_home;
    public    $page_set_order;
    public    $meta_description;
    public    $meta_keywords;
    public    $lastmodified;
    public    $uid;
    public    $admin_lock;
    public    $active;
    public    $search_body;
    public    $toc_cache;
    public    $show_in_index;
    public    $gwiki_version;
    public    $page_id; // an integer id for the keyword
    public    $wikiHomePage; // the home page
    public    $currentprefix; // Prefix of current keyword, if any
    public    $currentprefixid; // id of current Prefix
    public    $currenttemplateid; // template for current Prefix (0=use default)
    public    $attachments;
    public    $renderedPage;
    private   $numberOfRecentItems = 10;
    // $wikiLinkURL is a sprintf format string, with keyword as only arg. Better link establised in __construct()
    private $wikiLinkURL   = 'index.php?page=%s';
    public  $dateFormat;
    public  $defaultThumbSize;
    private $tocIdPrefix   = 'toc';
    private $tocAnchorFmt  = '#%s';
    private $imageLib      = [];
    private $useCamelCase;
    private $autoNameFormat;
    private $module_id;
    private $wikiDir; // dirname of the gwiki module
    private $gwikiVersion  = 1; // wiki syntax version for future backward compatibility
    private $highlightArg;
    private $noWikiQueue   = []; // hold no wiki content during rendering
    private $noWikiIndex   = 0;
    private $tocQueue      = []; // track headers for toc
    private $tocIndex      = 0;
    private $refQueue      = []; // track reference
    private $refIndex      = 0;
    private $refShown      = false;
    private $wikiPageLinks = []; // link in current page
    // Out Of Bounds data - not cleared with resetPage
    private $pageIndexPrefix = ''; // current prefix for the pageindex
    // Methods

     * class constructor
    public function __construct()
        $dir           = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));
        $this->wikiDir = $dir;

        //        $helper                 = Xmf\Module\Helper::getHelper($dir);
        $helper = \XoopsModules\Gwiki\Helper::getInstance();

        $this->wikiLinkURL      = $helper->getConfig('wikilink_template');
        $this->wikiHomePage     = $helper->getConfig('wiki_home_page');
        $this->dateFormat       = $helper->getConfig('date_format');
        $this->imageLib         = \explode(',', $helper->getConfig('imagelib_pages'));
        $this->useCamelCase     = $helper->getConfig('allow_camelcase');
        $this->defaultThumbSize = $helper->getConfig('default_thumb_size');
        $this->autoNameFormat   = $helper->getConfig('auto_name_format');
        $this->module_id        = $helper->getModule()->getVar('mid');

        if (!\defined('_MI_GWIKI_WIKIHOME')) {
            $this->loadLanguage('modinfo', $dir);
        if (!\defined('_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NUM')) {
            $this->loadLanguage('main', $dir);

     * load language resources
     * @param string $name     language file name (main, modinfo, etc.)
     * @param string $domain   domain/module
     * @param null   $language language
    private function loadLanguage($name, $domain = '', $language = null)
        //        global $xoopsConfig;
        //        if (!@require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/{$domain}/language/" . $xoopsConfig['language'] . "/{$name}.php") {
        //            require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/{$domain}/language/english/{$name}.php";
        //        }
        \xoops_loadLanguage($name, $domain, $language);

     * Reset all page properties
    protected function resetPage()
        $this->gwiki_id         = null;
        $this->keyword          = '';
        $this->display_keyword  = '';
        $this->title            = '';
        $this->body             = '';
        $this->parent_page      = '';
        $this->page_set_home    = '';
        $this->page_set_order   = '';
        $this->meta_description = '';
        $this->meta_keywords    = '';
        $this->lastmodified     = 0;
        $this->uid              = 0;
        $this->admin_lock       = 0;
        $this->active           = 0;
        $this->search_body      = '';
        $this->toc_cache        = '';
        $this->show_in_index    = 1;
        $this->gwiki_version    = $this->gwikiVersion;

        $this->page_id           = 0;
        $this->created           = 0;
        $this->renderedPage      = '';
        $this->currentprefix     = '';
        $this->currentprefixid   = '';
        $this->currenttemplateid = 0;
        $this->attachments       = [];
        $this->tocQueue          = [];
        $this->tocIndex          = 0;
        $this->refQueue          = [];
        $this->refIndex          = 0;
        $this->refShown          = false;
        $this->wikiPageLinks     = [];

     * escape a string to be "safe" for use in database
     * @param string $value string to be escaped
     * @return string
    public function escapeForDB($value)
        global $xoopsDB;

        return $value = $xoopsDB->escape($value);

     * set the count for recent item list
     * @param int $count item count
    public function setRecentCount($count)
        $count = (int)$count;
        if ($count > 1 && $count < 1000) {
            $this->numberOfRecentItems = $count;

     * Set the URL pattern for wiki links
     * @param string $url sprintf pattern for URL. Will get page name as parameter.
    public function setWikiLinkURL($url)
        $this->wikiLinkURL = $url;

     * Get the URL pattern for wiki links
     * @return string
    public function getWikiLinkURL()
        return $this->wikiLinkURL;

     * git the wiki directory (dirname)
     * @return string
    public function getWikiDir()
        return $this->wikiDir;

     * get max upload size from ini
     * @return int|string
    public function getMaxUploadSize()
        $maxSizeIni = \trim(\ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
        $last       = mb_strtolower($maxSizeIni[mb_strlen($maxSizeIni) - 1]);
        $val        = mb_substr($maxSizeIni, 0, -1);
        switch ($last) {
            // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0
            case 'g':
                $val *= 1024;
            // no break
            case 'm':
                $val *= 1024;
            // no break
            case 'k':
                $val *= 1024;

        return $val;

     * set format for TOC links
     * @param string $prefix     prefix
     * @param string $linkformat anchor
    public function setTocFormat($prefix, $linkformat)
        $this->tocIdPrefix  = $prefix;
        $this->tocAnchorFmt = $linkformat;

     * Make sure that keyword obeys formatting rules or switch to illegal name
     * @param mixed $keyword - wiki page name
     * @return string
    public function makeKeyword($keyword)
        if (!\preg_match('#^' . \_WIKI_KEYWORD_REGEX . '$#', $keyword)) {
            $keyword = _MI_GWIKI_WIKI404;
        } else { // check for undefined prefix
            $prefix = $this->getPrefix($keyword);
            if ($prefix && !$prefix['defined']) {
                $keyword = _MI_GWIKI_WIKI404;

        return $keyword;

     * add namespace prefix to a wiki word
     * @param int    $nsid namespace (prefix) id
     * @param string $page keyword
     * @return bool|string
    public function makeKeywordFromPrefix($nsid, $page)
        if ($nsid >= 0) {
            $pfx = $this->getPrefixFromId($nsid);
            if (empty($page)) {
                if ($pfx['prefix_auto_name']) {
                    $page = \date($this->autoNameFormat);
                } else {
                    $page = $pfx['prefix_home'];
            $page = $pfx['prefix'] . ':' . $page;

        return $page;

     * Capture out of bounds data traveling with keyword. Such data is sent
     * in keyword(oob) construct. This function processes any oob data and
     * returns a clean keyword.
     * oob data is used this way to pass page specific data in any url
     * Only call this if you will NOT be calling normalizeKeyword or the
     * OOB data will be lost.
     * @param mixed $keyword - wiki page name possibily containing OOB data
     * @return string - keyword with no OOB data
    public function getOOBFromKeyword($keyword)
        $oob = null;
        if (')' === mb_substr($keyword, -1)) {
            $lparen = mb_strpos($keyword, '(');
            if (false !== $lparen) {
                $inparen = mb_substr($keyword, $lparen);
                $inparen = mb_substr($inparen, 1, -2);
                $keyword = mb_substr($keyword, 0, $lparen);
                $oob     = $inparen;
        // currently this is the only use
        $this->pageIndexPrefix = mb_strtolower($oob??'');

        return $keyword;

     * If page exists, fix case of page name to that specified in database
     * @param string $keyword - wiki page name
     * @return string normalized keyword
    public function normalizeKeyword($keyword)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $keyword = $this->getOOBFromKeyword($keyword);
        $keyword = $this->escapeForDB($keyword);
        $sql     = 'SELECT keyword FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . " WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' AND active=1 ";
        $result  = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        $content = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
        if ($content) {
            $keyword = $content['keyword'];
        } else {
            $keyword = $this->makeKeyword($keyword);

        return $keyword;

     * Get the gwiki_id of the active page for the keyword
     * @param mixed $keyword - wiki page name
     * @return int - id of page
    public function getCurrentId($keyword)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $sql    = 'SELECT gwiki_id FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
        $sql    .= " WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' AND active = 1 ORDER BY gwiki_id DESC LIMIT 1";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        [$id] = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);

        return (int)$id;

     * Add current page as a new revision
     * @param bool $leave_inactive true to save page as inactive
     * @return mixed
    public function addRevision($leave_inactive = false)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $page = $this->escapeForDB($this->keyword);
        if (empty($this->display_keyword)) {
            $this->display_keyword = $page;
        $this->tocQueue      = [];
        $this->tocIndex      = 0;
        $this->refQueue      = [];
        $this->refIndex      = 0;
        $this->wikiPageLinks = [];

        // eliminate things we don't want in search page because they
        // are misleading and/or change outside of the page itself
        $search[]  = "#{(PageIndex|RecentChanges)([^\"<\n]+?)?}#si";
        $replace[] = '';
        $search[]  = '#\{toc\}#i';
        $replace[] = '';
        $search[]  = '#\{pagesettoc\}#i';
        $replace[] = '';
        $tempbody  = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->body) . "\n\n";

        $this->search_body   = \strip_tags($this->renderPage($tempbody));
        $this->toc_cache     = \serialize($this->tocQueue);
        $this->gwiki_version = $this->gwikiVersion; // new revisions always for current engine

        // if we are adding to a page set, auto increment the order if none specified
        if (!empty($this->page_set_home) && '' === $this->page_set_order) {
            $this->page_set_order = $this->getNextPageSetOrder($this->page_set_home);

        // this will usually fail (duplicate)
        $sql    = 'INSERT INTO ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pageids') . " (keyword, created) VALUES('{$page}', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        if ($result) {
            $page_id       = $xoopsDB->getInsertId();
            $this->page_id = $page_id;
        if ($leave_inactive) {
            // allow a save that is not activated (for conflict management, and maybe more)
            $this->active = 0;
            $sql          = 'INSERT INTO ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
            $sql          .= ' (keyword, display_keyword, title, body, parent_page, page_set_home, page_set_order';
            $sql          .= ', meta_description, meta_keywords';
            $sql          .= ', lastmodified, uid, admin_lock, active, search_body, toc_cache, show_in_index, gwiki_version)';
            $sql          .= ' VALUES (';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $page . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->display_keyword) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->title) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->body) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->parent_page) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->page_set_home) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->page_set_order) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->meta_description) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->meta_keywords) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->uid) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->admin_lock) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->active) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->search_body) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->toc_cache) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->show_in_index) . '\' ,';
            $sql          .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->gwiki_version) . '\' )';
            $result       = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
            if ($result) {
                $result         = $xoopsDB->getInsertId();
                $this->gwiki_id = $result;
        } else {
            $sql    = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . " SET active = 0 WHERE keyword='{$page}' and active = 1 ";
            $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
            if ($result) {
                $previous_rows = $xoopsDB->getAffectedRows();
                $this->active  = 1;
                $sql           = 'INSERT INTO ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
                $sql           .= ' (keyword, display_keyword, title, body, parent_page, page_set_home, page_set_order';
                $sql           .= ', meta_description, meta_keywords, lastmodified';
                $sql           .= ', uid, admin_lock, active, search_body, toc_cache, show_in_index, gwiki_version)';
                $sql           .= ' VALUES (';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $page . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->display_keyword) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->title) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->body) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->parent_page) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->page_set_home) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->page_set_order) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->meta_description) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->meta_keywords) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->uid) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->admin_lock) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->active) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->search_body) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->toc_cache) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->show_in_index) . '\' ,';
                $sql           .= '\'' . $this->escapeForDB($this->gwiki_version) . '\' )';
                $result        = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
                if ($result) {
                    $result         = $xoopsDB->getInsertId();
                    $this->gwiki_id = $result;

                    /** @var \XoopsNotificationHandler $notificationHandler */
                    $notificationHandler = \xoops_getHandler('notification');
                    $tags['PAGE_NAME']   = $page;
                    $tags['PAGE_TITLE']  = $this->title;
                    if (empty($tags['PAGE_TITLE'])) {
                        $tags['PAGE_TITLE'] = $this->display_keyword;
                    if (empty($tags['PAGE_TITLE'])) {
                        $tags['PAGE_TITLE'] = $page;
                    $tags['PAGE_LINK'] = \sprintf($this->wikiLinkURL, $page);
                    $tags['NAMESPACE'] = $this->currentprefix;

                    if ($previous_rows < 1) {
                        // only for new
                        $notificationHandler->triggerEvent('global', 0, 'new_page', $tags, [], $this->module_id);
                        if ($this->currentprefixid) { // have namespace
                            $notificationHandler->triggerEvent('namespace', $this->currentprefixid, 'new_ns_page', $tags, [], $this->module_id);
                    // for all cases (new is also an update)
                    $notificationHandler->triggerEvent('page', $this->page_id, 'page_watch', $tags, [], $this->module_id);
                    $notificationHandler->triggerEvent('global', 0, 'upd_page', $tags, [], $this->module_id);
                    if ($this->currentprefixid) { // have namespace
                        $notificationHandler->triggerEvent('namespace', $this->currentprefixid, 'upd_ns_page', $tags, [], $this->module_id);

        return $result;

     * update gwiki_pagelinks table - expects $page to be current
     * @param bool $render do a fresh page render before updating
    private function updatePageLinks($render = false)
        global $xoopsDB;

        if ($render) {
            // eliminate things we don't want in search page because they
            // are misleading and/or change outside of the page itself
            $search[]  = "#{(PageIndex|RecentChanges)([^\"<\n]+?)?}#si";
            $replace[] = '';
            $search[]  = '#\{toc\}#i';
            $replace[] = '';
            $search[]  = '#\{pagesettoc\}#i';
            $replace[] = '';
            $tempbody  = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->body) . "\n\n";

        $page = $this->escapeForDB($this->keyword);

        $sql    = 'DELETE FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pagelinks');
        $sql    .= ' WHERE from_keyword = \'' . $page . '\'';
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

        if (!empty($this->wikiPageLinks)) {
            $sql    = 'INSERT INTO ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pagelinks') . ' (from_keyword, to_keyword) VALUES ';
            $values = '';
            foreach ($this->wikiPageLinks as $i => $v) {
                if (!empty($values)) {
                    $values .= ', ';
                $values .= '(\'' . $page . '\', \'' . $this->escapeForDB($i) . '\')';
            $sql    .= $values;
            $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

     * get the next higher unused page_set_order for a given page_set_home
     * @param string $page_set_home keyword of page set home
     * @return int
    private function getNextPageSetOrder($page_set_home)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $page_set_order = 1;

        $keyword = $this->escapeForDB($page_set_home);

        $sql    = 'SELECT MAX(page_set_order) FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . " WHERE active = 1 and page_set_home = '{$keyword}' ";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        if ($result) {
            $myrow          = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
            $page_set_order = $myrow[0] + 1;

        return $page_set_order;

     * Check if the current user may edit the current page
     * Since the class can be used outside the module where permissions are assigned, we have to work at this a bit
     * @return bool mayEdit
    public function checkEdit()
        global $xoopsUser, $xoopsDB;

        $mayEdit = false;
        $keyword = $this->keyword;

        $module_id = $this->module_id;

        $dir    = $this->wikiDir;
        $helper = \XoopsModules\Gwiki\Helper::getInstance();
        $groups = XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
        if (\is_object($xoopsUser)) {
            $groups = $xoopsUser->getGroups();

        $grouppermHandler = \xoops_getHandler('groupperm');

        $edit_any   = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NUM, $groups, $module_id);
        $edit_pfx   = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_EDIT_PFX_NUM, $groups, $module_id);
        $create_any = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_CREATE_ANY_NUM, $groups, $module_id);
        $create_pfx = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_CREATE_PFX_NUM, $groups, $module_id);

        // check for namespace prefix
        $prefix = $this->getPrefix($keyword);
        if ($prefix) {
            if ($prefix['defined']) {
                if (\is_array($groups)) {
                    $groupwhere = ' IN (' . \implode(', ', $groups) . ') ';
                } else {
                    $groupwhere = " = '" . $groups . "'";
                $sql    = 'SELECT group_prefix_id FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_group_prefix') . ' WHERE prefix_id = \'' . $prefix['prefix_id'] . '\' AND group_id ' . $groupwhere;
                $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
                $rows   = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
                if ($rows) { // prefix is assigned to one or more of user's groups
                    if (($edit_pfx || $create_pfx) && $this->gwiki_id) {
                        $mayEdit = true;
                    if ($create_pfx && !$this->gwiki_id) {
                        $mayEdit = true;
                if (($edit_any || $create_any) && $this->gwiki_id) {
                    $mayEdit = true;
                if ($create_any && !$this->gwiki_id) {
                    $mayEdit = true;
            } else { // allow edit, but no create if prefix is undefined
                if ($edit_any && $this->gwiki_id) {
                    $mayEdit = true;
        } else {
            if (($edit_any || $create_any) && $this->gwiki_id) {
                $mayEdit = true;
            if ($create_any && !$this->gwiki_id) {
                $mayEdit = true;

        return $mayEdit;

     * get user name based on id
     * @param int $uid user id
     * @return string
    public function getUserName($uid)
        global $xoopsConfig;

        $uid = (int)$uid;

        if ($uid > 0) {
            $memberHandler = \xoops_getHandler('member');
            $user          = $memberHandler->getUser($uid);
            if (\is_object($user)) {
                return '<a href="' . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=$uid\">" . \htmlspecialchars($user->getVar('uname'), \ENT_QUOTES) . '</a>';

        return $xoopsConfig['anonymous'];

     * get array of prefixes user can edit
     * @param bool $createonly true to show only prefixes with create permission
     * @return string[]|false
    public function getUserNamespaces($createonly = false)
        global $xoopsUser, $xoopsDB;

        $dir = $this->wikiDir;
        /** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
        $moduleHandler = \xoops_getHandler('module');
        $module        = $moduleHandler->getByDirname($dir);
        $module_id     = $module->getVar('mid');

        $groups = XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
        if (\is_object($xoopsUser)) {
            $groups = $xoopsUser->getGroups();

        $grouppermHandler = \xoops_getHandler('groupperm');

        $edit_any   = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NUM, $groups, $module_id);
        $edit_pfx   = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_EDIT_PFX_NUM, $groups, $module_id);
        $create_any = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_CREATE_ANY_NUM, $groups, $module_id);
        $create_pfx = $grouppermHandler->checkRight('wiki_authority', \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_PERM_CREATE_PFX_NUM, $groups, $module_id);

        if (\is_array($groups)) {
            $groupwhere = ' IN (' . \implode(', ', $groups) . ') ';
        } else {
            $groupwhere = " = '" . $groups . "'";

        $sql      = 'SELECT DISTINCT p.prefix_id, prefix FROM ';
        $sql      .= $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_prefix') . ' p, ';
        $sql      .= $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_group_prefix') . ' g ';
        $sql      .= ' WHERE group_id ' . $groupwhere;
        $sql      .= ' AND p.prefix_id = g.prefix_id';
        $sql      .= ' ORDER BY prefix ';
        $prefixes = [];
        $result   = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        if ($create_any) {
            $prefixes[] = ['prefix_id' => -1, 'prefix' => ' '];
        while (false !== ($myrow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
            $prefixes[] = $myrow;

        // make sure we have some edit/create permission. We need full keyword to be certain, so let edit sort it out.
        $mayEdit = ($edit_any || $create_any || $edit_pfx || $create_pfx);
        if ($createonly) {
            $mayEdit = ($create_any || $create_pfx);
        if ($mayEdit) {
            return $prefixes;

        return false;

     * Get keyword for an id
     * @param int $page_id id
     * @return string|null wiki keyword (page)
    public function getKeywordById($page_id)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $keyword = null;

        $sql    = 'SELECT keyword FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pageids') . " WHERE page_id = '{$page_id}' ";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        if ($result) {
            $myrow   = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
            $keyword = $myrow[0];

        return $keyword;

     * lookup id for a keyword
     * @param string $keyword keyword
     * @return int
    public function getPageId($keyword)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $page_id = 0;

        $keyword = $this->escapeForDB($keyword);

        $sql    = 'SELECT page_id FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pageids') . " WHERE keyword = '{$keyword}' ";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        if ($result) {
            $myrow   = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
            $page_id = $myrow[0] ?? 0;

        return $page_id;

     * record a page hit for a keyword
     * @param string $keyword keyword
     * @return int count of rows updated
    public function registerHit($keyword)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $keyword = $this->escapeForDB($keyword);

        $sql    = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pageids') . " SET hit_count = hit_count + 1 WHERE keyword = '{$keyword}' ";
        $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql);

        // nothing to do if it fails
        return $xoopsDB->getAffectedRows();

     * set a specific revison as active for a keyword
     * @param string $keyword wiki keyword
     * @param int    $id      id of revision to activate
     * @return mixed
    public function setRevision($keyword, $id)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $keyword = $this->escapeForDB($keyword);
        $id      = (int)$id;

        $page = $this->getPage($keyword, $id);
        if (!$page) {
            return false;

        $sql    = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . " SET active = 0 WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' and active = 1 ";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

        $sql    = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . " SET active = 1 WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' AND gwiki_id='{$id}'";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);


        return $result;

     * load a page with optional revision id
     * @param string   $keyword keyword
     * @param int|null $id      optional page id
     * @return bool
    public function getPage($keyword, $id = null)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $this->keyword = $keyword;
        $prefix        = $this->getPrefix($keyword);
        if ($prefix && $prefix['defined']) {
            $this->currentprefix     = $prefix['prefix'];
            $this->currentprefixid   = $prefix['prefix_id'];
            $this->currenttemplateid = $prefix['prefix_template_id'];

        $keyword = $this->escapeForDB($keyword);

        $this->page_id = $this->getPageId($keyword);

        if (empty($id)) {
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . ' natural left join ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pageids') . " WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' and active = 1 ";
        } else {
            $id  = (int)$id;
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . ' natural left join ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pageids') . " WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' and gwiki_id = {$id} ";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        $page   = false;
        $rows   = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
        if ($rows > 0) {
            $page = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);

            $this->gwiki_id        = $page['gwiki_id'];
            $this->keyword         = $page['keyword'];
            $this->display_keyword = $page['display_keyword'];
            $this->title           = $page['title'];
            $this->body            = $page['body'];
            $this->parent_page     = $page['parent_page'];

            $this->page_set_home  = $page['page_set_home'];
            $this->page_set_order = $page['page_set_order'];

            $this->meta_description = $page['meta_description'];
            $this->meta_keywords    = $page['meta_keywords'];
            $this->lastmodified     = $page['lastmodified'];
            $this->uid              = $page['uid'];
            $this->admin_lock       = $page['admin_lock'];
            $this->active           = $page['active'];
            $this->search_body      = $page['search_body'];
            $this->toc_cache        = $page['toc_cache'];
            $this->show_in_index    = $page['show_in_index'];

            $this->gwiki_version = $page['gwiki_version'];
            $this->page_id       = $page['page_id'];
            $this->created       = $page['created'];

            $page['author']       = $this->getUserName($page['uid']);
            $page['revisiontime'] = \date($this->dateFormat, $page['lastmodified']);
            $page['createdtime']  = \date($this->dateFormat, $page['created']);
            $page['createdmonth'] = \date('M', $page['created']);
            $page['createdday']   = \date('d', $page['created']);
            $page['createdyear']  = \date('Y', $page['created']);

            $temp = $this->renderPageSetNav($keyword);
            if ($temp) {
                $page['pageset'] = $temp;

        return $page;

     * Check for a prefix (namespace)
     * @param mixed $keyword - wiki page name
     * @return bool
    public function getPrefix($keyword)
         gwiki_prefix columns
          prefix_external_url < sprintf template for page in external namespace
        */ global $xoopsDB;

        $prefix  = false;
        $keyword = $this->escapeForDB($keyword);

        $pos = mb_strpos($keyword, ':');
        // split namespace and page reference on first colon
        if (false !== $pos && $pos > 0) {
            $pre    = mb_substr($keyword, 0, $pos);
            $page   = mb_substr($keyword, $pos + 1);
            $q_pre  = $this->escapeForDB($pre);
            $sql    = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_prefix') . " WHERE prefix='{$q_pre}' ";
            $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
            $rows   = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
            if ($rows > 0) {
                $prefix = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
                if ('' === $page) {
                    $page = $prefix['prefix_home'];
                } // supply home page if empty
                $prefix['defined'] = true;
                // external namespace
                if ($prefix['prefix_is_external']) {
                    $prefix['actual_page'] = \sprintf($prefix['prefix_external_url'], $page);
                } else { // local namespace
                    $prefix['actual_page'] = $prefix['prefix'] . ':' . $page;
            } else { // we have an undefined prefix
                $prefix['defined'] = false;

        return $prefix;

     * get prefix string for an id
     * @param int $pid prefix id
     * @return string namespace prefix, or empty string
    public function getPrefixFromId($pid)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $sql    = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_prefix') . ' WHERE prefix_id =' . $pid;
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        while (false !== ($myrow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
            return $myrow;

        return '';

     * get template for the current page
     * @return string template name
    public function getTemplateName()
        $template = 'gwiki_view.tpl';
        if ($this->currenttemplateid) {
            $template = $this->wikiDir . '_prefix_' . $this->currentprefixid . '.tpl';

        return $template;

     * get attachment info associated with a page
     * @param string $page keyword
     * @return array
    public function getAttachments($page)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $this->attachments = [];
        $q_keyword         = $this->escapeForDB($page);
        $sql               = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_page_files') . " WHERE keyword='{$q_keyword}' ";
        $result            = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        $rows              = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
        while (false !== ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
            $row['iconlink']     = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->wikiDir . '/assets/icons/48px/' . $row['file_icon'] . '.png';
            $row['userlink']     = $this->getUserName($row['file_uid']);
            $row['size']         = \number_format($row['file_size']);
            $row['date']         = \date($this->dateFormat, $row['file_upload_date']);
            $this->attachments[] = $row;

        return $this->attachments;

     * Make a link from a wiki keyword
     * @param mixed $keyword - wiki page name
     * @param mixed $altkey  - alternate text for link. If empty, display_keyword will be used.
     * @return string
    public function wikiLink($keyword, $altkey = null)
        global $xoopsDB;

        // HACK - get rid of spaces in page
        // WikiCreole site is filled with page references such as [[Creole 1.0 Poll]] which resolve as
        // hrefs like
        // will assume this is considered normal wikiish behavior, and try to emulate.
        // Also seems to capitalize each portion, ie 'Ab and Cd' yields 'AbAndCd' - emulate this, too.
        $org_keyword = $keyword;
        if (mb_strpos(\trim($keyword), ' ')) {
            $keys = \explode(' ', $keyword);
            foreach ($keys as $i => $k) {
                $keys[$i] = \ucfirst($k);
            $keyword = \implode('', $keys);
        // $keyword=str_replace (' ', '', $keyword);

        // check for namespace prefix
        $prefix = $this->getPrefix($keyword);
        if ($prefix && $prefix['defined']) {
            $link = $prefix['actual_page'];
            // external namespace
            if ($prefix['prefix_is_external']) {
                $linktext = $org_keyword;
                if ($altkey) {
                    $linktext = $altkey;
                $linktext = \stripslashes($linktext);
                $ret      = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank" title="' . \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_EXT_LINK_TT . '">' . $linktext . '<span class="wikiextlink"> </span></a>';

                return $ret;
            }   // interal namespace
            $keyword = $link; // we may have modified the keyword

        $sql    = 'SELECT keyword, display_keyword, title FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages') . " WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' and active = 1 ";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        $rows   = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
        if ($rows) { // existing page
            [$keyword, $display_keyword, $title] = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
            $display_keyword = \htmlentities($display_keyword, \ENT_QUOTES);
            if (empty($display_keyword)) {
                $display_keyword = $org_keyword;
            $keyword = mb_strtolower($keyword);
            $newpage = '';
        } else { // new page link
            $display_keyword = $org_keyword;
            $newpage         = '<span class="wikinewpage"> </span>';
            $title           = \sprintf(\_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_CREATE_TT, $keyword);
        if (!empty($altkey)) {
            $display_keyword = $altkey;
        $title           = \htmlspecialchars($title, \ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
        $display_keyword = \stripslashes($display_keyword);

        // track where this page links
        if (isset($this->wikiPageLinks[$keyword])) {
        } else {
            $this->wikiPageLinks[$keyword] = 1;

        $url = \sprintf($this->wikiLinkURL, $keyword);

        return \sprintf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s%s</a>', $url, $title, $display_keyword, $newpage);

     * callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function wikiCCLink($matches)
        return $this->wikiLink($matches[1]);

     * get tabbed page index
     * @return array
    private function getIndexTabs()
        global $xoopsDB;

        $tabs = [];

        $sql = 'SELECT SUBSTRING(display_keyword,1,1) as letter, count(*) as count ';
        $sql .= ' FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
        $sql .= ' WHERE active=1 AND show_in_index=1 ';
        $sql .= ' GROUP BY letter ';

        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

        $currentset = false;
        $rows       = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
        if ($rows) {
            while (false !== ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
                $row['letter'] = mb_strtolower($row['letter']);
                if ($this->pageIndexPrefix === $row['letter']) {
                    $row['current'] = true;
                    $currentset     = true;
                } else {
                    $row['current'] = false;
                $tabs[] = $row;

        if (!$currentset) {
            $this->pageIndexPrefix = $tabs[0]['letter'];
            $tabs[0]['current']    = true;

        return $tabs;

     * get a page index
     * @param string|null $prefix if not null, limit index to a prefix
     * @return string rendered index
    private function pageIndex($prefix = null)
        global $xoopsDB;
        $simplelayout = false;
        $tablayout    = false;

        $body = '';

        $pageselect = 'active=1 AND show_in_index=1 ';

        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $pageselect .= ' AND keyword LIKE "' . $prefix . '%" ';
        } else {
            $sql    = 'SELECT count(*) AS count  FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
            $sql    .= ' WHERE ' . $pageselect;
            $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
            $row    = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
            $cnt    = $row['count'];
            if ($cnt > 500) {
                $tablayout    = true;
                $simplelayout = true; // tablayout is already grouped by first character
                $tabs         = $this->getIndexTabs();
                $pageselect   .= ' AND display_keyword LIKE "' . $this->pageIndexPrefix . '%" ';

        $sql = 'SELECT keyword, display_keyword, title';
        $sql .= ' FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
        $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $pageselect;
        $sql .= ' ORDER BY display_keyword ';
        //      $sql.=' ORDER BY active, show_in_index, display_keyword ';

        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        $rowcnt = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);

        if ($rowcnt < 50) {
            $simplelayout = true;
        } // skip the fancy by letter breakout if this is a small index

        if ($tablayout) {
            $body .= '<div class="wikiindex"><div class="wikiindextabs"><ul>';

            foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
                $class = '';
                if ($tab['current']) {
                    $class = ' id="wikiindextabactive"';
                $url    = \sprintf($this->wikiLinkURL, mb_strtolower($this->keyword . '(\\' . $tab['letter'] . ')'));
                $letter = mb_strtoupper($tab['letter']);
                $body   .= "\n<li{$class}><a href=\"{$url}\">{$letter}</a></li>";
            $body .= '</ul></div><div class="wikiindexbody">';

        $lastletter = '';
        if ($simplelayout) {
            $body .= '<ul>';
        while (false !== ($content = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
            $display_keyword = $content['display_keyword'];
            if (empty($display_keyword)) {
                $display_keyword = $content['keyword'];
            if (!$simplelayout) {
                if (\function_exists('mb_substr')) {
                    $testletter = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($display_keyword, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8');
                } else {
                    $testletter = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($display_keyword, 0, 1));
                if ('' === $lastletter) {
                    $lastletter = $testletter;
                    $body       .= "<h3>{$lastletter}</h3><ul>";
                if ($lastletter !== $testletter) {
                    $lastletter = $testletter;
                    $body       .= "</ul><h3>{$lastletter}</h3><ul>";
            $title           = \htmlspecialchars($content['title'], \ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
            $display_keyword = \htmlspecialchars($display_keyword, \ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
            $url             = \sprintf($this->wikiLinkURL, mb_strtolower($content['keyword']));
            $link            = \sprintf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s%s</a>', $url, $title, $display_keyword, '');
            $body            .= '<li>' . $link . ' : ' . $title . '</li>';
        if ($tablayout) {
            $body .= '</ul></div></div>';
        } elseif ('' != $body) {
            $body .= '</ul>';

        return $body . "\n\n";

     * get a recently modfied page index
     * @param string|null $prefix if not null, limit index to a prefix
     * @return string rendered index
    private function recentIndex($prefix = null)
        global $xoopsDB;

        // only show active pages
        $pageselect = 'active=1  AND show_in_index=1 ';
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $pageselect .= ' AND keyword LIKE "' . $prefix . '%" ';

        $body = '';

        $sql = 'SELECT keyword, display_keyword, title, lastmodified';
        $sql .= ', FROM_UNIXTIME(lastmodified) as fmtlastmodified, uid';
        $sql .= ' FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
        $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $pageselect;
        $sql .= ' ORDER BY lastmodified DESC LIMIT ' . $this->numberOfRecentItems;

        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

        $lastdate = '';
        while (false !== ($content = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
            $testdate = mb_substr($content['fmtlastmodified'], 0, 10);
            if ('' === $lastdate) {
                $lastdate = $testdate;
                $body     .= "<h3>{$lastdate}</h3><ul>";
            if ($lastdate !== $testdate) {
                $lastdate = $testdate;
                $body     .= "</ul><h3>{$lastdate}</h3><ul>";

            $title           = \htmlspecialchars($content['title'], \ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
            $display_keyword = \htmlspecialchars($content['display_keyword'], \ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
            $url             = \sprintf($this->wikiLinkURL, mb_strtolower($content['keyword']));
            $link            = \sprintf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s%s</a>', $url, $title, $display_keyword, '');
            $body            .= '<li>' . $link . ' : ' . $title . '</li>';
        if ('' !== $body) {
            $body .= '</ul>';

        return $body . "\n\n";

     * callback render match specified index
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return bool|string
    private function renderIndex($matches)
        $type  = $matches[1];
        $parms = '';
        if (isset($matches[2])) {
            $parms = \trim($matches[2]);
        if (0 === \strcasecmp($type, 'RecentChanges')) {
            return $this->recentIndex($parms);
        if (0 === \strcasecmp($type, 'PageIndex')) {
            return $this->pageIndex($parms);

        return false;

     * highlight search terms
     * adapted from:
     * @param string[] $capture matches
     * @return string
    private function mon_rplc_callback($capture)
        $haystack = $capture[1];
        $p1       = mb_stripos($haystack, $this->highlightArg['needle']);
        $l1       = mb_strlen($this->highlightArg['needle']);
        $ret      = '';
        while (false !== $p1) {
            $ret      .= mb_substr($haystack, 0, $p1) . $this->highlightArg['pre'] . mb_substr($haystack, $p1, $l1) . $this->highlightArg['post'];
            $haystack = mb_substr($haystack, $p1 + $l1);
            $p1       = mb_stripos($haystack, $this->highlightArg['needle']);
        $ret .= $haystack . $capture[2];

        return $ret;

     * split string aware of html tags
     * @param string $needle string to find
     * @param string $pre    string to include before each match
     * @param string $post   string to include after each match
     * @param string $txt    text to search
     * @return string
    private function split_on_tag($needle, $pre, $post, $txt)
        $this->highlightArg = \compact('needle', 'pre', 'post');

        return \preg_replace_callback('#((?:(?!<[/a-z]).)*)([^>]*>|$)#si', [$this, 'mon_rplc_callback'], $txt);

     * highlight words in page
     * @param string $words space separated words to match
     * @return string rendered page with words highlighted
    public function highlightWords($words)
        $words = \str_replace('  ', ' ', $words);
        $words = \explode(' ', $words);
        $body  = $this->renderedPage;
        foreach ($words as $word) {
            $body = $this->split_on_tag($word, '<span class="wiki_search_term">', '</span>', $body);

        return $body;

     * Hold content not to be processed for wiki markup, generate a unique tag to locate later
     * @param string $type   type of nowiki invocation (block, wcinline or inline)
     * @param string $source content to hold
     * @return string generated tag for held content
    private function noWikiHold($type, $source)
        switch ($type) {
            case 'block':
                $this->noWikiQueue[$this->noWikiIndex] = "<pre>\n{$source}\n</pre>";
            case 'wcinline':
                $this->noWikiQueue[$this->noWikiIndex] = '<span class="wikinoinline">' . $source . '</span>';
            case 'inline':
                $this->noWikiQueue[$this->noWikiIndex] = $source;

        $ret = "{PdNlNw:{$this->noWikiIndex}}";

        return $ret;

     * no wiki block callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function noWikiHoldBlock($matches)
        return $this->noWikiHold('block', $matches[1]);

     * no wiki inline callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function noWikiHoldInline($matches)
        return $this->noWikiHold('inline', $matches[1]);

     * no wiki inline (WikiCreole style) callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function noWikiHoldWCInline($matches)
        return $this->noWikiHold('wcinline', $matches[1]);

     * no wiki for code block callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function noWikiHoldCode($matches)
        return $matches[1] . $this->noWikiHold('block', $matches[2]) . $matches[3];

     * emit save nowiki content callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function noWikiEmit($matches)
        $index = $matches[1];

        return $this->noWikiQueue[$index];

     * table support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderTables($matches)
        $source = $matches[0];
        $rowcnt = 0;
        $table  = "<table class=\"wikitable\">\n";
        $rows   = \explode("\n", $source);
        foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
            $row = \trim($row);
            if (!empty($row)) {
                if ('|' === $row[0]) {
                    $row = mb_substr($row, 1);
                if ('|' === mb_substr($row, -1)) {
                    $row = mb_substr($row, 0, -1);
                $cols  = \explode('|', $row);
                $table .= '<tr' . (($rowcnt % 2) ? ' class="even"' : ' class="odd"') . '>';
                foreach ($cols as $col) {
                    if (empty($col)) {
                        $table .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                    } elseif ('=' === $col[0]) {
                        $table .= '<th>' . mb_substr($col, 1) . '</th>';
                    } elseif ('>' === $col[0]) {
                        $table .= '<td class="right">' . mb_substr($col, 1) . '</td>';
                    } elseif ('+' === $col[0]) {
                        $table .= '<td class="center">' . mb_substr($col, 1) . '</td>';
                    } elseif ('&lt;' === mb_substr($col, 0, 4)) {
                        $table .= '<td class="left">' . mb_substr($col, 4) . '</td>';
                    } elseif (\preg_match('/^\s*[0-9.$+\-]+\s*$/', $col)) {
                        $class = 'number';
                        if ((float)\preg_replace('/[^-0-9\.]/', '', $col) < 0) {
                            $class = 'number negative';
                        $table .= '<td class="' . $class . '">' . \trim($col) . '</td>';
                    } else {
                        $table .= '<td>' . $col . '</td>';
                $table .= "</tr>\n";
        $table .= "</table>\n";

        return $table;

     * link support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderLink($matches)
        $source = \trim($matches[1]);
        $pos    = mb_strpos($source, '|');

        if (false === $pos) { // no delimter - whole thing is the link
            $link     = $source;
            $linktext = '';
            // handle the pathological case of a possesive of a person page.
            // Creole test includes "[[Ward Cunningham's]]" which leads to a
            // wiki page WardCunningham. Included in spirit of compatibility.
            if ("'s" === mb_substr($link, -2)) {
                $templink = mb_substr($link, 0, -3); // quote is slashed
                // only if a wiki page
                if (\preg_match('/^([A-Za-z\x80-\xff0-9.:\- ]){2,}$/', $templink)) {
                    $linktext = $link;
                    $link     = $templink;
        } else {
            $link     = \trim(mb_substr($source, 0, $pos));
            $linktext = \trim(mb_substr($source, $pos + 1));

        if (\preg_match('/^([A-Za-z\x80-\xff0-9.:\- ]){2,}$/', $link)) {
            //$link=str_replace (' ', '', $link);
            if (empty($linktext)) {
                $ret = $this->wikiLink($link);
            } else {
                $ret = $this->wikiLink($link, \stripslashes($linktext));
        } else {
            $ext = true;
            if (0 === \strncasecmp($link, XOOPS_URL, mb_strlen(XOOPS_URL))) {
                $ext = false;
            } // matches our site
            if (0 === \strcasecmp('siteurl:', mb_substr($link, 0, 8))) { // explicit reference to our site
                $link = XOOPS_URL . mb_substr($link, 8);
                $ext  = false;
            if (false === mb_strpos($link, ':')) {
                $ext = false;
            } // no protocol, assume relative url
            if ('' === $linktext) {
                $linktext = $link;
            $linktext = \stripslashes($linktext);
            // $linktext=$this->noWikiHold('inline',stripslashes($linktext));
            $ret = "<a href=\"{$link}\" title=\"{$linktext}\">{$linktext}</a>";
            if ($ext) {
                $ret = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank" title="' . \_MD_GWIKI_PAGE_EXT_LINK_TT . '">' . $linktext . '<span class="wikiextlink"> </span></a>';

        return $ret;

     * header support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderHeader($matches)
        $source                          = $matches[3];
        $level                           = $matches[2];
        $level                           = mb_strlen($level) + 1;
        $this->tocQueue[$this->tocIndex] = ['level' => $level, 'name' => $source];
        $toc                             = "\n<h" . $level . ' id="' . $this->tocIdPrefix . $this->tocIndex . '" >' . $source . '</h' . $level . ">\n";

        return $toc;

     * indent support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderIndent($matches)
        $source = $matches[2];
        $level  = $matches[1];
        $level  = mb_strlen($level);
        $ret    = "\n<div class=\"wikiindent{$level}\">\n{$source}\n</div>";

        return $ret;

     * table of contents support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderToc($matches)
        $tocq = $this->tocQueue;
        $toc  = '';
        foreach ($tocq as $i => $v) {
            $toc .= '<li class="wikitoclevel' . $v['level'] . '"><a href="' . \sprintf($this->tocAnchorFmt, $this->tocIdPrefix . $i) . '">' . \strip_tags($v['name']) . '</a></li>';
        if (!empty($toc)) {
            $toc = '<div class="wikitoc"><div class="wikitocheader">' . \_MD_GWIKI_TOC . '</div><ul class="wikitoclist">' . $toc . '</ul></div>';

        return $toc;

     * fetch table of contents for a page
     * @param string $page keyword
     * @return array|bool
    public function fetchPageSetToc(&$page)
        global $xoopsDB;
        $toc = false;

        $q_page = $this->escapeForDB($page);

        $sql = 'SELECT gwiki_id, keyword, display_keyword, page_set_home, page_set_order, toc_cache ';
        $sql .= ' FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
        $sql .= " WHERE active=1 and keyword='{$q_page}' ";

        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

        $rows = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
        if ($rows) {
            $row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
            if (!empty($row['page_set_home'])) {
                $page   = $row['page_set_home']; // this is passed back up to caller!
                $q_page = $this->escapeForDB($row['page_set_home']);
                $sql = 'SELECT gwiki_id, keyword, display_keyword, page_set_home, page_set_order, toc_cache ';
                $sql .= ' FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_pages');
                $sql .= " WHERE active=1 and page_set_home='{$q_page}' ";
                $sql .= ' ORDER BY page_set_order, keyword ';

                $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
                while (false !== ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
                    $row['display_keyword'] = \strip_tags($row['display_keyword']);
                    if (!empty($row['toc_cache'])) {
                        $tmp = \unserialize($row['toc_cache']);
                        foreach ($tmp as $i => $v) {
                            $tmp[$i]['name'] = \strip_tags($tmp[$i]['name']);
                        $row['toc'] = $tmp;

                        $toc[] = $row;

        return $toc;

     * page set toc support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    public function renderPageSetTocWrapper($matches)
        return $this->renderPageSetToc($this->keyword, 6);

     * render a table of contents
     * @param string $page     keyword
     * @param int    $level    level limit
     * @param string $tocclass base class for toc. Current level will be appended
     * @return bool|string
    public function renderPageSetToc(&$page, $level, $tocclass = 'wikitocpage')
        $toc = $this->fetchPageSetToc($page);
        if (!$toc) {
            return false;
        $tocout = '';
        foreach ($toc as $ti => $tv) {
            foreach ($tv['toc'] as $i => $v) {
                if ((int)$v['level'] <= $level) {
                    $tocout .= '<li class="wikitoclevel' . $v['level'] . '"><a href="' . \sprintf($this->getWikiLinkURL(), $tv['keyword'] . \sprintf($this->tocAnchorFmt, $this->tocIdPrefix . $i)) . '">' . $v['name'] . '</a></li>';
        if (!empty($tocout)) {
            $tocout = '<div class="' . $tocclass . '"><ul class="wikitoclist">' . $tocout . '</ul></div>';

        return $tocout;

     * render navigation for a page set
     * @param $page
     * @return mixed
    public function renderPageSetNav($page)
        $sethome = $page;
        $toc     = $this->fetchPageSetToc($sethome); // this will set home
        if (!$toc) {
            return false;
        $home    = -1;
        $current = -1;
        $prev    = -1;
        $next    = -1;
        foreach ($toc as $i => $v) {
            if (0 === \strcasecmp($toc[$i]['keyword'], $page)) {
                $current = $i;
            if (0 === \strcasecmp($toc[$i]['keyword'], $sethome)) {
                $home = $i;

        if ($current > -1) {
            $prev = $current - 1;
            $next = $current + 1;

        $first = 0;
        $last  = \count($toc) - 1;

        // should these wrap instead?
        if ($next > $last) {
            $next = $last;
        if ($prev < 0) {
            $prev = 0;
        if ($home < 0) {
            $home = 0;

        $pageset['first'] = [
            'link' => \sprintf($this->getWikiLinkURL(), $toc[$first]['keyword']),
            'text' => \htmlentities($toc[$first]['display_keyword'], \ENT_QUOTES),
            'desc' => \_MD_GWIKI_PAGENAV_FIRST,

        $pageset['prev'] = [
            'link' => \sprintf($this->getWikiLinkURL(), $toc[$prev]['keyword']),
            'text' => \htmlentities($toc[$prev]['display_keyword'], \ENT_QUOTES),
            'desc' => \_MD_GWIKI_PAGENAV_PREV,

        $pageset['home'] = [
            'link' => \sprintf($this->getWikiLinkURL(), $toc[$home]['keyword']),
            'text' => \htmlentities($toc[$home]['display_keyword'], \ENT_QUOTES),
            'desc' => \_MD_GWIKI_PAGENAV_TOP,

        $pageset['next'] = [
            'link' => \sprintf($this->getWikiLinkURL(), $toc[$next]['keyword']),
            'text' => \htmlentities($toc[$next]['display_keyword'], \ENT_QUOTES),
            'desc' => \_MD_GWIKI_PAGENAV_NEXT,

        $pageset['last'] = [
            'link' => \sprintf($this->getWikiLinkURL(), $toc[$last]['keyword']),
            'text' => \htmlentities($toc[$last]['display_keyword'], \ENT_QUOTES),
            'desc' => \_MD_GWIKI_PAGENAV_LAST,

        if (0 === \strcasecmp($toc[$first]['keyword'], $page)) {
            $pageset['first']['link'] = 'javascript:void(0)';
        if (0 === \strcasecmp($toc[$prev]['keyword'], $page)) {
            $pageset['prev']['link'] = 'javascript:void(0)';
        if (0 === \strcasecmp($toc[$home]['keyword'], $page)) {
            $pageset['home']['link'] = 'javascript:void(0)';
        if (0 === \strcasecmp($toc[$next]['keyword'], $page)) {
            $pageset['next']['link'] = 'javascript:void(0)';
        if (0 === \strcasecmp($toc[$last]['keyword'], $page)) {
            $pageset['last']['link'] = 'javascript:void(0)';

        return $pageset;

     * get image libraries for a page
     * @param string $keyword keyword of page
     * @return string[]
    public function getImageLib($keyword)
        $lib = $this->imageLib;
        \array_unshift($lib, $keyword);

        return \array_unique($lib);

     * get an image relative to specified page
     * return array includes:
     *   image_id
     *   keyword
     *   image_name
     *   image_alt_text
     *   image_file
     * @param string $keyword keyword of page
     * @param string $name    image name
     * @return array|bool image data or false if invalid or not found
    public function getPageImage($keyword, $name)
        global $xoopsDB;

        if (0 === \strncasecmp($name, 'http://', 7) || 0 === \strncasecmp($name, 'https://', 8)) {
            return false;
        $lib = $this->imageLib;
        \array_unshift($lib, $keyword);
        foreach ($lib as $page) {
            $sql    = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_page_images') . ' WHERE keyword=\'' . $this->escapeForDB($page) . '\' ';
            $sql    .= ' AND image_name=\'' . $this->escapeForDB($name) . '\' ';
            $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
            $image  = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
            if ($image) {
                return $image;

        return false;

     * render image support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderImage($matches)
        $source = \trim($matches[1]);
        $pos    = mb_strpos($source, '|');
        //if($pos===false) $pos=strpos($source,' ');
        if (false === $pos) { // no delimter - whole thing is the image url
            $link  = $source;
            $parms = [];
        } else {
            $link  = \trim(mb_substr($source, 0, $pos));
            $parms = \explode('|', \trim(mb_substr($source, $pos + 1)));
            foreach ($parms as $i => $parm) {
                $parms[$i] = \trim($parm);
        if (0 === \strcasecmp('siteurl:', mb_substr($link, 0, 8))) { // explicit reference to our site
            $link = XOOPS_URL . mb_substr($link, 8);
        $showthumb     = false;
        $showthumblink = false;
        if (0 === \strcasecmp('thumb:', mb_substr($link, 0, 6))) { // explicit request for thumbnail, links to full image
            $revertlink    = $link;
            $link          = mb_substr($link, 6);
            $showthumblink = true;
        $alttext = empty($parms[0]) ? '' : $parms[0];
        $align   = empty($parms[1]) ? '' : $parms[1];
        $maxpx   = empty($parms[2]) ? '' : (int)$parms[2];

        // align must be left, right, center or empty
        $align = '';
        if (0 === \strcasecmp($align, 'left')) {
            $align = 'left';
        } elseif (0 === \strcasecmp($align, 'right')) {
            $align = 'right';
        } elseif (0 === \strcasecmp($align, 'center')) {
            $align = 'center';

        $alignparm = '';
        if ('left' === $align || 'right' === $align || 'center' === $align) {
            $alignparm = ', ' . $align;

        // look up link in page_images table, if found use that, otherwise just pass on link as is
        $image = $this->getPageImage($this->keyword, $link);
        if ($image) {
            // image array includes:
            //   image_id
            //   keyword
            //   image_name
            //   image_alt_text
            //   image_file
            //   use_to_represent
            $link = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $this->wikiDir . '/' . $image['image_file'];
            if (empty($alttext)) {
                $alttext = $image['image_alt_text'];
        } else {
            // thumbs don't apply, so put everything back the way it was
            if ($showthumblink) {
                $link          = $revertlink;
                $showthumblink = false;

        $alt = '';
        //      $alttext=htmlspecialchars($alttext);
        if (!empty($alttext)) {
            $alt = " alt=\"{$alttext}\"  title=\"{$alttext}\" ";

        $maxpxstyle = '';
        if (!empty($maxpx)) {
            $maxpxstyle = " style=\"max-width:{$maxpx}px; max-height:{$maxpx}px; width:auto; height:auto;\" ";
            $showthumb  = true; // trigger automatic thumbnail use

        if ($showthumb) {
            $thumbsize = $this->defaultThumbSize;
            if (!empty($maxpx)) {
                $thumbsize = $maxpx;
            $link = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->wikiDir . '/getthumb.php?page=' . $image['keyword'] . '&name=' . \urlencode($image['image_name']) . '&size=' . $thumbsize;

        if ($showthumblink) {
            $ret       = '';
            $thumbsize = $this->defaultThumbSize;
            if (!empty($maxpx)) {
                $thumbsize = $maxpx;
            $thumb = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->wikiDir . '/getthumb.php?page=' . $image['keyword'] . '&name=' . \urlencode($image['image_name']) . '&size=' . $thumbsize;
            $img   = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $this->wikiDir . '/' . $image['image_file'];
            $ret   .= '<a href="' . $img . '" ' . $alt . '><img src="' . $thumb . '"' . $alt . $maxpxstyle . '></a>';
        } else {
            $ret = "<img class=\"wikiimage{$alignparm}\" src=\"{$link}\" {$alt}{$maxpxstyle}>";

        if ('center' === $align) {
            $ret = '<div style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;">' . $ret . '</div>';

        return $ret;

     * gallery support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderGallery($matches)
        global $xoopsDB;

        $source = '';
        if (isset($matches[1])) {
            $source = $matches[1];
        $maxpx = (int)\trim($source);
        if ($maxpx < 10) {
            $maxpx = $this->defaultThumbSize;
        $page = $this->keyword;

        $sql    = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('gwiki_page_images') . ' WHERE keyword = \'' . $page . '\' ' . ' ORDER BY image_name ';
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

        $dir  = $this->wikiDir;
        $body = '<div class="wikigallery"><ul class="wikigalleryimg">';

        for ($i = 0, $iMax = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); $i < $iMax; ++$i) {
            $image = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
            $img   = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $dir . '/' . $image['image_file'];
            $thumb = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $dir . '/getthumb.php?page=' . $image['keyword'] . '&name=' . \urlencode($image['image_name']) . '&size=' . $maxpx;
            $alt   = \htmlentities($image['image_alt_text'], \ENT_QUOTES);
            $name  = \htmlentities($image['image_name'], \ENT_QUOTES);
            if (empty($alt)) {
                $alt = $name;
            $body .= '<li><a href="' . $img . '" title="' . $name . '"><img src="' . $thumb . '" alt="' . $alt . '" title="' . $alt . '"></a></li>' . "\n";

        $body .= '</ul><br style="clear:both;"></div>';

        return $body;

     * list support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderLists($matches)
        $lines = \explode("\n", $matches[0]);
        $last  = '';
        foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
            $line = \ltrim($line);
            if (!empty($line)) {
                $list    = '';
                $p       = mb_strpos($line, ' ');
                $current = mb_substr($line, 0, $p);
                $x       = 0;
                while (!empty($last[$x]) && !empty($current[$x]) && $last[$x] === $current[$x]) {
                // $x is where the last and current list prefixes differ
                // close anything from $x to end in last
                $close = \strrev(mb_substr($last, $x));
                $y     = 0;
                while (!empty($close[$y])) {
                    if ('*' === $close[$y]) {
                        $list .= '</li></ul>';
                    } //.($x>0?'</li>':'');
                    if ('#' === $close[$y]) {
                        $list .= '</li></ol>';
                    } //.($x>0?'</li>':'');
                // open anything from $x to end in
                $open = mb_substr($current, $x);
                $y    = 0;
                while (!empty($open[$y])) {
                    if ('*' === $open[$y]) {
                        $list .= '<ul class="wikiulist">';
                    if ('#' === $open[$y]) {
                        $list .= '<ol class="wikiolist">';
                $endli     = ($last === $current) ? '</li>' : '';
                $last      = $current;
                $lines[$i] = $list . $endli . "\n<li> " . mb_substr($line, $p + 1);

        // put list back together
        $list = "\n";
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if (!empty($line)) {
                $list .= $line;
        // close anything left open
        $close = \strrev($last);
        $y     = 0;
        while (!empty($close[$y])) {
            if ('*' === $close[$y]) {
                $list .= "</li></ul>\n";
            if ('#' === $close[$y]) {
                $list .= "</li></ol>\n";

        return $list;

     * reference support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderRef($matches)
        $refinfo      = $matches[1];
        $source       = $matches[2];
        $first_ref    = false;
        $refs         = \explode('|', \trim($refinfo) . '|||');
        $rq['id']     = $refs[0];
        $rq['first']  = $refs[1];
        $rq['repeat'] = $refs[2];
        $rq['source'] = $source;
        $refid        = (-1);
        if (!empty($rq['id'])) {
            foreach ($this->refQueue as $i => $v) {
                if ($v['id'] === $rq['id']) {
                    $refid = $i;
        if ($refid === (-1)) {
            $refid                           = $this->refIndex;
            $first_ref                       = true;
            $this->refQueue[$this->refIndex] = $rq;
        $paren_ref = false;
        if (!empty($this->refQueue[$refid]['first'])) {
            $paren_ref = true;
        if ($paren_ref) {
            $ref_text = $this->refQueue[$refid]['first'];
            if (!$first_ref) {
                if (!empty($this->refQueue[$refid]['repeat'])) {
                    $ref_text = $this->refQueue[$refid]['repeat'];
            $r = '<span class="wikiparenref"><a href="#ref' . $refid . '">(' . $ref_text . ')</a></span>';
        } else {
            $r = '<span class="wikinumref"><a href="#ref' . $refid . '">' . ($refid + 1) . '</a></span>';

        return $r;

     * reference list support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderRefList($matches)
        $this->refShown = true;
        $r              = '<div class="wikicitelist">';

        foreach ($this->refQueue as $i => $v) {
            $refid = $i;
            if (empty($v['first'])) {
                $r .= '<div class="wikicitenumitem" id="ref' . $refid . '"><span class="wikicitenum">' . ($refid + 1) . '. </span>' . $v['source'] . "</div>\n";
            } else {
                $r .= '<div class="wikiciteparenitem" id="ref' . $refid . '">' . $v['source'] . "</div>\n";

        $r .= '</div>';

        return $r;

     * box support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderBox($matches)
        $type  = $matches[1];
        $title = $matches[2];
        $body  = $matches[3];
        // make sure we have a valid type
        $type = mb_strtolower($type);
        if (!('code' === $type || 'info' === $type || 'note' === $type || 'tip' === $type || 'warn' === $type
              || 'folded' === $type)) {
            $type = 'info';

        // $title may include options ( title | align ) :
        //   align: adds additonal class 'left' or 'right' to box so css can alter float, size, etc.
        $title    = \trim($title);
        $eclass   = '';
        $ejs      = '';
        $etooltip = '';
        $pos      = mb_strpos($title, '|');
        if (false !== $pos) { // if no delimiter - whole thing is the title
            $parms = \explode('|', $title);
            $title = $parms[0];
            if (!empty($parms[1]) && ('left' === $parms[1] || 'right' === $parms[1])) {
                $eclass = ' ' . $parms[1];
        if ('folded' === $type) {
            $foldclass   = 'wikifolded' . $eclass;
            $unfoldclass = 'wikiunfolded' . $eclass;
            $ejs         = ' onclick="var c=this.className; if(c==\'' . $foldclass . '\') this.className=\'' . $unfoldclass . '\'; else this.className=\'' . $foldclass . '\';"';
            $etooltip    = '<span>' . \_MD_GWIKI_FOLDED_TT . '</span>';

        $ret = '<div class="wiki' . $type . $eclass . '"' . $ejs . '><div class="wiki' . $type . 'icon"></div><div class="wiki' . $type . 'title">' . $title . $etooltip . '</div><div class="wiki' . $type . 'inner">' . $body . '<br clear="all"></div></div>' . "\n\n";

        return $ret;

     * Convert entities
     * @param string $body wiki text to process
     * @return string
    private function convertEntities($body)
        // convert some entites
        $sym   = [];
        $ent   = [];
        $sym[] = '{cent}';
        $ent[] = '&cent;';
        $sym[] = '{pound}';
        $ent[] = '&pound;';
        $sym[] = '{yen}';
        $ent[] = '&yen;';
        $sym[] = '{euro}';
        $ent[] = '&euro;';
        $sym[] = '{c}';
        $ent[] = '&copy;';
        $sym[] = '(c)';
        $ent[] = '&copy;';
        $sym[] = '{r}';
        $ent[] = '&reg;';
        $sym[] = '(r)';
        $ent[] = '&reg;';
        $sym[] = '{tm}';
        $ent[] = '&trade;';
        $sym[] = '(tm)';
        $ent[] = '&trade;';
        $sym[] = '{sm}';
        // very poor font support for unicode code point for service mark, fake with markup
        $ent[] = '<span style="font-size: 50%; vertical-align: super;">SM</span>';
        $sym[] = '{nbsp}';
        $ent[] = '&nbsp;';

        $body = \str_ireplace($sym, $ent, $body);

        return $body;

     * Render a teaser section. If page includes a {more} tag, teaser will be text that preceeds it.
     * Otherwise try to break semantically at about 400 characters.
     * @param string|null $body  text to process, defaults to current page body
     * @param string|null $title title to use
     * @return string
    public function renderTeaser($body = null, $title = null)
        // chop body at more tag if it is set
        $splitsize = 400; // arbitrary size to use when no {more} tag
        if (empty($body)) {
            $body = $this->body;
        $pos = mb_stripos($body, '{more}');
        if (false === $pos && mb_strlen($body) > $splitsize) {
            $search  = "#\r\n?#";
            $replace = "\n";
            $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);
            $pos     = mb_stripos($body, "\n\n", $splitsize); // hopefully the end of a paragraph
        if (false !== $pos) {
            $body = mb_substr($body, 0, $pos);
            $url  = \sprintf($this->wikiLinkURL, $this->keyword);

        $body = \str_ireplace('{toc}', '', $body);
        $body = $this->renderPage($body, $title);
        if (false !== $pos) {
            $body .= '<a href="' . $url . '#more"><span class="wikimore">' . \_MD_GWIKI_MORE . '</span></a>';

        return $body;

     * block quote support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderBlockquote($matches)
        $src = \str_replace("\n", ' ', \preg_replace('#^> #m', '', $matches[0]));

        return '<blockquote class=\"wikiquote\">' . $src . "</blockquote>\n";

     * preformatted support callback
     * @param string[] $matches preg_replace_callback matches
     * @return string
    private function renderPreformat($matches)
        $src = \preg_replace('#^. #m', '', $matches[0]);

        return '<pre>' . $src . "</pre>\n";

     * Render a page
     * @param string|null $body  text to process, defaults to current page body
     * @param string|null $title title to use, defaults to current page title
     * @return string
    public function renderPage($body = null, $title = null)
        if (empty($body)) {
            $body = $this->body;
        $this->renderedPage = '';
        $this->noWikiQueue  = [];
        $this->noWikiIndex  = 0;
        $this->refShown     = false;

        if (empty($title)) {
            $title = $this->title;
        // do first because title should always be #toc0 - set in template
        $this->renderHeader(['', '', '', $title]);

        $body .= "\n";

        // eliminate double line endings
        $search  = "#\r\n?#";
        $replace = "\n";
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // neuter html tags
        $search  = '#<#';
        $replace = '&lt;';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // neuter single quotes
        $search  = "#'#";
        $replace = "\\'";
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // nowiki - tilde escape
        $search  = "#~([^ \t\r\n\v\f])#U";
        $replace = [$this, 'noWikiHoldInline'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // nowiki content gwiki style
        $search  = '#{nowiki}(.*){endnowiki}#Umsi';
        $replace = [$this, 'noWikiHoldInline'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // nowiki content block creole style (a nowiki that forces a style, how odd.)
        $search  = "#^{{{\n(.*)^}}}\n#Umsi";
        $replace = [$this, 'noWikiHoldBlock'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // nowiki content inline creole style
        $search  = '#{{{(.*)}}}#U';
        $replace = [$this, 'noWikiHoldWCInline'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // automatically nowiki content of code box - {code title}xxx{endcode}
        $search  = "#({code [^\"<\n]+?})(.*?)({endcode})#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'noWikiHoldCode'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // center ++ xxx
        $search  = "#^(\+{2})(.*)(?=\n\n|\Z)#Usm";
        $replace = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"wikicenter\">\n\\2\n</div>\n";
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // : indent up to 5 levels
        $search  = "#^(\:{1,5})\s(.*)(?=\n\n|\Z)#Usm";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderIndent'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // lists
        $search  = "#^( *[*\#]{1,} (.*)\n)+#m";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderLists'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // bold **xxx**
        $search  = "#\*{2}(.*?)(\*{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<strong class="wikistrong">\\1</strong>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // italic //xxx//
        $search  = "#(?<![:])/{2}(.*?[^:])(/{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<em class="wikiem">\\1</em>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // horizontal rule ---- (not an empty strikethru; creole says 4 or more so this needs to go first)
        $search  = '#^-{4,}$#m';
        $replace = "\n<hr  class=\"wikihr\">\n";
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // strikethru --xxx-- (this does NOT cross lines, as '--' is a common typographic convention
        $search  = '#-{2}([^\s]{1}.*?)(-{2})#';
        $replace = '<del class="wikidel">\\1</del>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // underline __xxx__
        $search  = "#(?<=\s)_{2}(.*?)(_{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<span class="wikiu">\\1</span>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // superscript ^^xxx^^
        $search  = "#\^{2}(.*?)(\^{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<sup class="wikisup">\\1</sup>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // subscript ,,xxx,,
        $search  = "#,{2}(.*?)(,{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<sub class="wikisub">\\1</sub>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // monospace ##xxx##
        $search  = "#\#{2}(.*?)(\#{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<span class="wikitt">\\1</span>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // color !!color:xxx!!
        $search  = "#!{2}(\#{0,1}[0-9A-Za-z]*):(.*?)(!{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<span style="color:\\1;">\\2</span>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // color !!color,background:xxx!!
        $search  = "#!{2}(\#{0,1}[0-9A-Za-z]*),(\#{0,1}[0-9A-Za-z]*):(.*?)(!{2}|(?=\n\n))#s";
        $replace = '<span style="color:\\1; background-color:\\2;">\\3</span>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // forced line break creole style \\, just a bare break tag
        $search  = "#(\\\{2})#i";
        $replace = '<br>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // forced line break blog [[br]] or gwiki {break} styles, themed - by default clear all
        $search  = '#(\[\[BR\]\]|{break})#i';
        $replace = '<br class="wikibreak">';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // image {{image url|alt text|align|max width in pixels}}
        $search  = '#\{{2}(.*)\}{2}#Um';
        $replace = [$this, 'renderImage'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // info box {info title}xxx{endinfo}
        $search  = "#{(info) ([^\"<\n]+?)?}(.*?){endinfo}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderBox'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // note box {note title}xxx{endnote}
        $search  = "#{(note) ([^\"<\n]+?)?}(.*?){endnote}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderBox'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // tip box {tip title}xxx{endtip}
        $search  = "#{(tip) ([^\"<\n]+?)?}(.*?){endtip}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderBox'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // warning box {warning title}xxx{endwarning}
        $search  = "#{(warn)ing ([^\"<\n]+?)?}(.*?){endwarning}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderBox'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // code (preformatted) box {code title}xxx{endcode}
        $search  = "#{(code) ([^\"<\n]+?)?}(.*?){endcode}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderBox'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // folded box {folded title}xxx{endfolded}
        $search  = "#{(folded) ([^\"<\n]+?)?}(.*?){endfolded}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderBox'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // urls - smells like a link
        $search  = '#(?<=\s)((http|https|ftp|ftps)://.{2,}\..*)(?=[,.?!:;]{0,1}\s)#Ui';
        $replace = [$this, 'renderLink'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // link [[link|linktext]]
        $search  = '#\[{2}(.*)\]{2}#Um';
        $replace = [$this, 'renderLink'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // email
        $search  = '#(?<=\s)([A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4})(?=\s)#i';
        $replace = '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // CamelCase wiki link "#^([A-Z][a-z\:]+){2,}\d*$#"
        // Could be between whitespace on either end or between > on start and/or < on end
        if ($this->useCamelCase) {
            $search  = '#(?<=\s|>)' . \_WIKI_CAMELCASE_REGEX . '(?=\s|</l|</t)#';
            $replace = [$this, 'wikiCCLink'];
            $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // =====headings up to 5 levels
        $search  = '#(^\s{0,})(={1,5})([^=].*[^=])(={0,5})\s*$#Um';
        $replace = [$this, 'renderHeader'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // blockquote > xxx
        $search  = "#^(> .*\n)+#m";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderBlockquote'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // preformated  .xxx
        $search  = "#^(\. .*\n)+#m";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderPreformat'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // reference {ref id|first-ref}source{endref}
        $search  = "#{ref( [^\"<\n]+?)?}(.*?){endref}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderRef'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // forced line break blog [[br]] or gwiki {break} styles, themed - by default clear all
        $search  = '#({reflist})#i';
        $replace = [$this, 'renderRefList'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // index or change list {pageindex prefix}
        $search  = "#{(PageIndex|RecentChanges)([^\"<\n]+?)?}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderIndex'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // table of contents
        $search  = '#\{toc\}#i';
        $replace = [$this, 'renderToc'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // page set table of contents
        $search  = '#\{pagesettoc\}#i';
        $replace = [$this, 'renderPageSetTocWrapper'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // image gallery {gallery size}
        $search  = "#{gallery([^\"<\n]+?)?}#si";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderGallery'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // more anchor - indicates end of teaser/summary
        $search  = '#\{more\}#i';
        $replace = '<span id="more"></span>';
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // tables
        $search  = "#^( *\|((.*)\|){1,}\s*\n)+#m";
        $replace = [$this, 'renderTables'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        // paragraph on 2 consecutive newlines
        $search  = "#\n{2}#";
        $replace = "\n<p>";
        $body    = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $body);

        // restore cached nowiki content, all styles
        // (if you need to use {PdNlNw:#} in your page, put it in a nowiki tag)
        $search  = '#{PdNlNw:([0-9]{1,})}#';
        $replace = [$this, 'noWikiEmit'];
        $body    = \preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $body);

        if (false === $this->refShown && $this->refIndex > 0) {
            $body .= $this->renderRefList(null);
        $body = \stripslashes($this->convertEntities($body));

        $this->renderedPage = $body;

        return $this->renderedPage;