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Test Coverage
<h5>2.61.0 RC1  [2023-12-25]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.33, PHP 8.3.1
- adjustments for Smarty 3 and PHP 8.x (mamba)
- cosmetics (mamba)

<h5>2.61.0 Beta 2  [2022-02-20]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.27, PHP 8.0.16
- index.html in /preloads (mamba)

<h5>2.61.0 Beta 1  [2020-11-10]</h5>  Dev: Xoops 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.22, PHP 8.0.8
- cosmetics

<h5>2.60 Final  [2020-11-10]</h5>  Dev: Xoops 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.12, PHP 8.0 RC 3
- added Blocksadmin (mamba)
- added test data (mamba)
- added import sample data buttons (mamba)
- replaced index.html with index.php (geekwright/mamba)
- PHP 8 tests (mamba)
- code cosmetics

<h5>2.60 Beta 2  [2019-07-28]</h5>  Dev: Xoops 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.7
- namespaces, autoloading (mamba)
- XMF (mamba)
- cosmetics (mamba)
- PhpDocs (mamba)

<h5>2.60 Beta 1  [2018-01-19]</h5>  Dev: Xoops 2.5.9, PHP 7.2.1
- namespaces, autoloading (mamba)

<h5>2.50 RC 1       [2016-03-23]</h5>
- updates for XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7 (mamba)

<h5>2.50 Beta 1       [2014-04-23]</h5>
- moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba)
- renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba)

<h5>2.49 Final  [2011/12/12] </h5>
- updated to ModuleClasses 1.1 (mamba)
- added ColorPicker to form (mamba)
- added update.php to increase background color size in DB

<h5>2.48 [2011/02/23]</h5>
- updated GUI to XOOPS Standard  (mamba)

- You can use different editors (not only kiovi)

- Bugs corrections

- I have replaced the PHP glob() function with another one (because of some hosts)
- I have corrected a bug in the administration's menu (bad link)

- Two new plugins, one for article 0.95 and another one for TplLeagueStats 1 - thank you very much Defkon1 !

- I have added a plugin for catads

<h5>2.0 & 2.2</h5>
- You can use kiovi to create, in the module's admin part, kiovi to create your marquees
- If the module detects that a web spyder is reading its content then it will replace the marquees with pure text
- You can add blocks on-fly as following (so it means that you can create as many marquees as you want, not only 4).
    1 Enter 'Administration Menu'=>"block admin"=>"Add new block"
    2 In the "Add a new block":
    2.1 Block Type: choose anyone as you prefer
    2.2 Weight: input any valid value as you prefer
    2.3 Visible: select any one as you prefer
    2.4 Visible in: set any one as you prefer
    2.5 Title: input any valid text as you prefer
    2.6 Content:

        include_once(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/marquee/blocks/marquee_bloc.php');

    2.7 Content Type: MUSTBE "PHP Script"
    2.8 Cache lifetime: choose any one as you prefer
    2.9 Preview, Submit: press any one as you prefer, BE SURE press at least one time "submit" before leaving block admin

    Explanation : the number between parenthesis, in b_marquee_custom(1), is the marquee's ID you want to display.
    You can see this ID in the module's admin part (that's the first column in the admin's index)
- You have the choice to use a dhtml marquee or the html marquee's tag
- You can show the last informations from the folowing modules :
    - Xoops comments
    - News (1.2 or greater)
    - Newbb & CBB
    - Mylinks
    - Mydownloads
    - XoopsFaq
    - XoopsPoll
    - Smartclient
    - Smartfaq
    - Smartmedia
    - Smartpartner
    - Smartsection
    - Wfdownloads 3
    - Wfsection 1
    - Xfsection
    - Xoopspartners

- You can select the number of items to display if you have selected to display a content coming from a module
- You can select the date's format