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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

 * ****************************************************************************
 * marquee - MODULE FOR XOOPS
 * Copyright (c) Hervé Thouzard (
 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * @copyright         Hervé Thouzard (
 * @license           GNU GPL 2.0 or later (
 * @author            Hervé Thouzard (
 * Version :
 * ****************************************************************************
define('_MI_MARQUEE_NAME', 'Marquee');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_DESC', 'Enable you to create scrolling texts (marquees)');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BNAME_01', 'Marquee 01');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BDESC_01', 'Display marquee 01');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BNAME_02', 'Marquee 02');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BDESC_02', 'Display marquee 02');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BNAME_03', 'Marquee 03');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BDESC_03', 'Display marquee 03');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BNAME_04', 'Marquee 04');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BDESC_04', 'Display marquee 04');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_MENU_01', 'Manage marquees');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_USE_KIOVI', 'Use kiovi?');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_USE_KIOVI_DESC', 'If it is detected then Kiovi will be used');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_METHOD', 'Method to use');
    "If you select the 'Marquee' method then the module will use the html marquee's tag, this method is not compatible with all navigators but offers many options.<br>If you select the 'dhtml' method, then the marquee should run with more navigators but it will require_once more code in your page and you will have less options"
define('_MI_MARQUEE_MARQUEE', 'Marquee');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_DHTML', 'Javascript');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_DATEFORMAT', "Date's format");
define('_MI_MARQUEE_DATEFORMAT_DESC', "Please refer to the Php documentation ( for more information on how to select the format. Note, if you don't type anything then the default date's format will be used");
define('_MI_MARQUE_ITEMSCOUNT', 'Items count');
define('_MI_MARQUE_ITEMSCOUNT_DESC', 'When you select to use the content of another module (and not a fixed text) to create Marquees, this is the number of items to list');
define('_MI_MARQUE_TITLELENGTH', 'Titles length');
define('_MI_MARQUE_TITLELENGTH_DESC', 'Define the maximum length for the items titles (0=no limit)');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_TEXT_EDITOR', 'Text editor to use');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_DIRNAME', basename(dirname(__DIR__, 2)));
define('_MI_MARQUEE_HELP_HEADER', __DIR__ . '/help/helpheader.tpl');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_BACK_2_ADMIN', 'Back to Administration of ');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_OVERVIEW', 'Overview');
//define('_MI_MARQUEE_HELP_DIR', __DIR__);
//help multipage
define('_MI_MARQUEE_DISCLAIMER', 'Disclaimer');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_LICENSE', 'License');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_SUPPORT', 'Support');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_HOME', 'Home');
define('_MI_MARQUEE_ABOUT', 'About');