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namespace XoopsModules\Pedigree;

 *  Copyright 2005 Zervaas Enterprises (
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 * ZervWizard
 * A class to manage multi-step forms or wizards. This involves managing
 * the various steps, storing its values and switching between each
 * step
 * @author  Quentin Zervaas
class ZervWizard
    // whether or not all steps of the form are complete
    public $_complete = false;
    // internal array to store the various steps
    public $_steps = [];
    // the current step
    public $_currentStep = null;
    // the prefix of the container key where form values are stored
    public $_containerPrefix = '__wiz_';
    // an array of any errors that have occurred
    public $_errors = [];
    // key in container where step status is stored
    public $_step_status_key = '__step_complete';
    // key in container where expected action is stored
    public $_step_expected_key = '__expected_action';
    // options to use for the wizard
    public $options = ['redirectAfterPost' => true];
    // action that resets the container
    public $resetAction = '__reset';

     * ZervWizard
     * Constructor. Primarily sets up the container
     * @param array  &$container Reference to container array
     * @param string  $name      A unique name for the wizard for container storage
    public function __construct($container, $name)
        if (!\is_array($container)) {
            $this->addError('container', 'Container not valid');


        $containerKey = $this->_containerPrefix . $name;
        if (!\array_key_exists($containerKey, $container)) {
            $container[$containerKey] = [];

        $this->container = &$container[$containerKey];

        if (!\array_key_exists('_errors', $this->container)) {
            $this->container['_errors'] = [];
        $this->_errors = &$this->container['_errors'];

     * process
     * Processes the form for the specified step. If the processed step
     * is complete, then the wizard is set to use the next step. If this
     * is the initial call to process, then the wizard is set to use the
     * first step. Once the next step is determined, the prepare method
     * is called for the step. This has the method name prepare_[step name]()
     * @param string|null $action  The step being processed. This should correspond
     *                             to a step created in addStep()
     * @param array  &    $form    The unmodified form values to process
     * @param bool        $process True if the step is being processed, false if being prepared
     * @param string|null $action  The step being processed. This should correspond
     *                             to a step created in addStep()
     * @param array  &    $form    The unmodified form values to process
     * @param bool        $process True if the step is being processed, false if being prepared
     * @todo    Need a way to jump between steps, e.g. from step 2 to 4 and validating all data
    public function process($action, $form, $process = true)
        if ($action == $this->resetAction) {
        } elseif (isset($form['reset'])) {
        } elseif (isset($form['previous']) && !$this->isFirstStep()) {
            // clear out errors
            $this->_errors = [];

        } elseif (isset($form['addvalue']) && !$this->isFirstStep()) {
            // clear out errors
            $this->_errors = [];

            // processing callback must exist and validate to proceed
            $callback = 'process' . $action;
            $complete = \method_exists($this, $callback) && $this->$callback($form);

            $this->container[$this->_step_status_key][$action] = $complete;
        } else {
            $proceed = false;

            // check if the step to be processed is valid
            if ('' === $action) {
                $action = $this->getExpectedStep();

            if ($this->stepCanBeProcessed($action)) {
                if ($this->getStepNumber($action) <= $this->getStepNumber($this->getExpectedStep())) {
                    $proceed = true;
                } else {
                    $proceed = false;

            if ($proceed) {
                if ($process) {
                    // clear out errors
                    $this->_errors = [];

                    // processing callback must exist and validate to proceed
                    $callback = 'process' . $action;
                    $complete = \method_exists($this, $callback) && $this->$callback($form);

                    $this->container[$this->_step_status_key][$action] = $complete;

                    if ($complete) {
                    } // all ok, go to next step
                    else {
                    } // error occurred, redo step

                    // final processing once complete
                    if ($this->isComplete()) {

                } else {
            } else {
                // when initally starting the wizard


        // setup any required data for this step
        $callback = 'prepare' . $this->getStepName();
        if (\method_exists($this, $callback)) {

     * completeCallback
     * Function to run once the final step has been processed and is valid.
     * This should be overwritten in child classes
    public function completeCallback()

    public function doRedirect()
        if ($this->coalesce($this->options['redirectAfterPost'], false)) {
            $redir = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            $redir = \preg_replace('/\?' . preg_quote($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '/') . '$/', '', $redir);
            \header('Location: ' . $redir);

     * isComplete
     * Check if the form is complete. This can only be properly determined
     * after process() has been called.
     * @return bool True if the form is complete and valid, false if not
    public function isComplete()
        return $this->_complete;

     * setCurrentStep
     * Sets the current step in the form. This should generally only be
     * called internally but you may have reason to change the current
     * step.
     * @param string|null $step The step to set as current
    public function setCurrentStep($step)
        if (null === $step || !$this->stepExists($step)) {
            $this->_complete                            = true;
            $this->container[$this->_step_expected_key] = null;
        } else {
            $this->_currentStep                         = $step;
            $this->container[$this->_step_expected_key] = $step;

     * @return mixed|null
    public function getExpectedStep()
        $step = $this->coalesce($this->container[$this->_step_expected_key], null);
        if ($this->stepExists($step)) {
            return $step;

        return null;

     * stepExists
     * Check if the given step exists
     * @param string $stepname The name of the step to check for
     * @return bool True if the step exists, false if not
    public function stepExists($stepname)
        return \array_key_exists($stepname, $this->_steps);

     * getStepName
     * Get the name of the current step
     * @return string The name of the current step
    public function getStepName()
        return $this->_currentStep;

     * getStepNumber
     * Gets the step number (from 1 to N where N is the number of steps
     * in the wizard) of the current step
     * @param string $step Optional. The step to get the number for. If null then uses current step
     * @return int The number of the step. 0 if something went wrong
    public function getStepNumber($step = null)
        $steps    = \array_keys($this->_steps);
        $numSteps = \count($steps);

        if ('' === $step) {
            $step = $this->getStepName();

        $ret = 0;
        for ($n = 1; $n <= $numSteps && 0 == $ret; ++$n) {
            if ($step == $steps[$n - 1]) {
                $ret = $n;

        return $ret;

     * @param $step
     * @return bool
    public function stepCanBeProcessed($step)
        $steps    = \array_keys($this->_steps);
        $numSteps = \count($steps);

        foreach ($steps as $iValue) {
            $_step = $iValue;
            if ($_step == $step) {

            if (!$this->container[$this->_step_status_key][$_step]) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * getStepProperty
     * Retrieve a property for a given step. At this stage, the only
     * property steps have is a title property.
     * @param string $key     The key to get a property for
     * @param mixed  $default The value to return if the key isn't found
     * @return mixed The property value or the default value
    public function getStepProperty($key, $default = null)
        $step = $this->getStepName();
        if (isset($this->_steps[$step][$key])) {
            return $this->_steps[$step][$key];

        return $default;

     * getFirstStep
     * Get the step name of the first step
     * @return string The name of the first step, or null if no steps
    public function getFirstStep()
        $steps = \array_keys($this->_steps);

        return \count($steps) > 0 ? $steps[0] : null;

     * @return mixed|null
    public function getFirstIncompleteStep()
        $steps    = \array_keys($this->_steps);
        $numSteps = \count($steps);

        foreach ($steps as $iValue) {
            $_step = $iValue;

            if (!\array_key_exists($this->_step_status_key, $this->container)
                || !$this->container[$this->_step_status_key][$_step]) {
                return $_step;

        return null;

     * getPreviousStep
     * Gets the step name of the previous step. If the current
     * step is the first step, then null is returned
     * @param $step
     * @return string The name of the previous step, or null
    public function getPreviousStep($step)
        $ret   = null;
        $steps = \array_keys($this->_steps);

        $done = false;
        foreach ($steps as $s) {
            if ($s == $step) {
                $done = true;
            $ret = $s;

        return $ret;

     * getFollowingStep
     * Get the step name of the next step. If the current
     * step is the last step, returns null
     * @param $step
     * @return string The name of the next step, or null
    public function getFollowingStep($step)
        $ret   = null;
        $steps = \array_keys($this->_steps);

        $ready = false;
        foreach ($steps as $s) {
            if ($s == $step) {
                $ready = true;
            } else {
                if ($ready) {
                    $ret = $s;

        return $ret;

     * addStep
     * Adds a step to the wizard
     * @param string $stepname The name of the step
     * @param string $title    The title of the current step
    public function addStep($stepname, $title)
        if (\array_key_exists($stepname, $this->_steps)) {
            $this->addError('step', 'Step with name ' . $stepname . ' already exists');


        $this->_steps[$stepname] = ['title' => $title];

        if (!\array_key_exists($this->_step_status_key, $this->container)) {
            $this->container[$this->_step_status_key] = [];

        if (!\array_key_exists($stepname, $this->container[$this->_step_status_key])) {
            $this->container[$this->_step_status_key][$stepname] = false;

     * isFirstStep
     * Check if the current step is the first step
     * @return bool True if the current step is the first step
    public function isFirstStep()
        $steps = \array_keys($this->_steps);

        return \count($steps) > 0 && $steps[0] == $this->getStepName();

     * isLastStep
     * Check if the current step is the last step
     * @return bool True if the current step is the last step
    public function isLastStep()
        $steps = \array_keys($this->_steps);

        return \count($steps) > 0 && \array_pop($steps) == $this->getStepName();

     * setValue
     * Sets a value in the container
     * @param string $key The key for the value to set
     * @param mixed  $val The value
    public function setValue($key, $val)
        $this->container[$key] = $val;

     * getValue
     * Gets a value from the container
     * @param string $key     The key for the value to get
     * @param mixed  $default The value to return if the key doesn't exist
     * @return mixed Either the key's value or the default value
    public function getValue($key, $default = null)
        return $this->coalesce($this->container[$key], $default);

     * clearContainer
     * Removes all data from the container. This is primarily used
     * to reset the wizard data completely
    public function clearContainer()
        foreach ($this->container as $k => $v) {

     * coalesce
     * Initializes a variable, by returning either the variable
     * or a default value
     * @param mixed &$var     The variable to fetch
     * @param mixed  $default The value to return if variable doesn't exist or is null
     * @return mixed The variable value or the default value
    public function coalesce($var, $default = null)
        return (isset($var) && null !== $var) ? $var : $default;

     * addError
     * Add an error
     * @param string $key An identifier for the error (e.g. the field name)
     * @param string $val An error message
    public function addError($key, $val)
        $this->_errors[$key] = $val;

     * isError
     * Check if an error has occurred
     * @param string $key The field to check for error. If none specified checks for any error
     * @return bool True if an error has occurred, false if not
    public function isError($key = null)
        if (null !== $key) {
            return \array_key_exists($key, $this->_errors);

        return \count($this->_errors) > 0;

     * @param $key
     * @return mixed|null
    public function getError($key)
        return \array_key_exists($key, $this->_errors) ? $this->_errors[$key] : null;