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namespace XoopsModules\Pedigree;

// eq_pie written by ellardus (C) 2005
// for more info look at
// or email at
// Feel free to use it, a reference to me would be nice.
// Thank you and good luck!

 * Class eq_pie
class eq_pie
     * eq_pie constructor.
    public function __construct()

     * @param $number
     * @return mixed
    public function getColor($number)
        $color = [

        return $color[$number];

     * @param $filename
     * @param $pieWidth
     * @param $pieHeight
     * @param $ShadowDistance
     * @param $pieBackgroundColor
     * @param $EQpieData
     * @param $legend
    public function MakePie(
    ) {
        if (!\function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
            exit('Error, GD Library 2 needed.');

        //set some limitations
        if ($pieWidth < 100 | $pieWidth > 500) {
            $pieWidth = 100;
        if ($pieHeight < 100 | $pieHeight > 500) {
            $pieHeight = 100;
        if ($ShadowDistance < 1 | $ShadowDistance > 50) {
            $ShadowDistance = 10;

        $pieWidth           *= 3;
        $pieHeight          *= 3;
        $ShadowDistance     *= 3;
        $pieBackgroundColor = $pieBackgroundColor;

        $pie = @\imagecreatetruecolor($pieWidth, $pieHeight + $ShadowDistance);

        $colR  = \hexdec(mb_substr($pieBackgroundColor, 1, 2));
        $colG  = \hexdec(mb_substr($pieBackgroundColor, 3, 2));
        $colB  = \hexdec(mb_substr($pieBackgroundColor, 5, 2));
        $pieBG = \imagefilledarc($pie, $colR, $colG, $colB);
        \imagefill($pie, 0, 0, $pieBG);

        // get the total value for percentage calculations
        $this->total = 0;

        $maxStringLenght = 0;
        foreach ($EQpieData as $i => $value) {
            $this->total += $value[1];
            if (mb_strlen($value[0]) > $maxStringLenght) {
                $maxStringLenght = mb_strlen($value[0]);

        $pieParts = $i + 1;
        $legendWidth = (($legend > 0) ? \imagefontwidth(2) * ($maxStringLenght + 6) + 40 : 0);

        // the first pie-part starts with offset in degrees up from horizantal right, looks better this way
        $pieStart = 135;

        foreach ($EQpieData as $i => $value) {
            // the name  for each part is $value[0]
            // the value for each part is $value[1]
            // the color for each part is $value[2]

            $piePart = $value[1];
            if (isset($this->total) && $this->total > 0) {
                $piePart100 = \round($piePart / $this->total * 100, 2);  // value in percentage, the rounding and * 100 for extra accuracy for pie w/o gaps
            } else {
                $piePart100 = 0;

            $piePart360 = $piePart100 * 3.6;                    // in degrees

            $colR      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 1, 2));
            $colG      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 3, 2));
            $colB      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 5, 2));
            $PartColor = \imagefilledarc($pie, $colR, $colG, $colB);

            $ShadowColR = (($colR > 79) ? $colR - 80 : 0);
            $ShadowColG = (($colG > 79) ? $colG - 80 : 0);
            $ShadowColB = (($colB > 79) ? $colB - 80 : 0);

            $ShadowColor = \imagefilledarc($pie, $ShadowColR, $ShadowColG, $ShadowColB);

            //Here we create the shadow down-worths
            for ($i = 0; $i < $ShadowDistance; ++$i) {
                \imagefilledarc($pie, $pieWidth / 2, $pieHeight / 2 + $i, $pieWidth - 20, $pieHeight - 20, \round($pieStart), \round($pieStart + $piePart360), $ShadowColor, \IMG_ARC_NOFILL);

            $pieStart += $piePart360;

        $pieStart = 135;

        foreach ($EQpieData as $i => $value) {
            $piePart = $value[1];
            if (isset($this->total) && $this->total > 0) {
                $piePart100 = \round($piePart / $this->total * 100, 2);  // value in percentage, the rounding and * 100 for extra accuracy for pie w/o gaps
            } else {
                $piePart100 = 0;
            $piePart360 = $piePart100 * 3.6;                    // in degrees

            $colR      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 1, 2));
            $colG      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 3, 2));
            $colB      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 5, 2));
            $PartColor = \imagefilledarc($pie, $colR, $colG, $colB);

            //Here we create the real pie chart
            \imagefilledarc($pie, $pieWidth / 2, $pieHeight / 2, $pieWidth - 20, $pieHeight - 20, \round($pieStart), \round($pieStart + $piePart360), $PartColor, \IMG_ARC_PIE);

            $pieStart += $piePart360;

        // create final pie picture with proper background color
        $finalPie = \imagecreatetruecolor($pieWidth / 3 + $legendWidth, ($pieHeight + $ShadowDistance) / 3);
        \imagefill($finalPie, 0, 0, $pieBG);

        // resample with pieGraph inside (3x smaller)
        \imagecopyresampled($finalPie, $pie, 0, 0, 0, 0, $pieWidth / 3, ($pieHeight + $ShadowDistance) / 3, $pieWidth, $pieHeight + $ShadowDistance);

        // Create the ledgend ...
        if ($legendWidth > 0) {
            // Legend Box
            $leg_width   = $legendWidth - 10;
            $leg_height  = $pieParts * (\imagefontheight(2) + 2) + 2;
            $legendImage = \imagecreatetruecolor($leg_width, $leg_height);
            //ImageFill($legendImage, 0, 0, $pieBG);

            $borderColor = \imagefilledarc($pie, '155', '155', '155');
            $boxColor    = \imagefilledarc($pie, '255', '255', '255');
            $textColor   = \imagefilledarc($pie, '55', '55', '55');

            \imagefilledrectangle($legendImage, 0, 0, $leg_width, $leg_height, $boxColor);
            \imagerectangle($legendImage, 0, 0, $leg_width - 1, $leg_height - 1, $borderColor);

            $box_width  = \imagefontwidth(2) - 5;
            $box_height = \imagefontheight(2) - 5;
            $yOffset    = 2;

            foreach ($EQpieData as $i => $value) {
                $piePart = $value[1];
                if (isset($this->total) && $this->total > 0) {
                    $piePart100 = \round($piePart / $this->total * 100, 2);  // value in percentage, the rounding and * 100 for extra accuracy for pie w/o gaps
                } else {
                    $piePart100 = 0;
                $colR      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 1, 2));
                $colG      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 3, 2));
                $colB      = \hexdec(mb_substr($value[2], 5, 2));
                $PartColor = \imagefilledarc($legendImage, $colR, $colG, $colB);

                \imagefilledrectangle($legendImage, 5, $yOffset + 2, 5 + $box_width, $yOffset + $box_height + 2, $PartColor);
                \imagerectangle($legendImage, 5, $yOffset + 2, 5 + $box_width, $yOffset + $box_height + 2, $borderColor);

                $text = $value[0] . ' ' . $piePart100 . '%';
                \imagestring($legendImage, 2, '20', $yOffset, $text, $textColor);
                $yOffset += 15;

            \reset($EQpieData); // reset pointer in array to first

            \imagecopyresampled($finalPie, $legendImage, $pieWidth / 3, 10, 0, 0, $leg_width, $leg_height, $leg_width, $leg_height);
        \header('Content-type: image/png');
        \imagepng($finalPie, $filename);