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 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
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 * pedigree module for XOOPS
 * @copyright   {@link The XOOPS Project}
 * @license     {@link GNU public license}
 * @package     pedigree
 * @author      XOOPS Module Dev Team

use Xmf\Request;

//require_once  \dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/mainfile.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/header.php';
$moduleDirName = basename(__DIR__);
xoops_loadLanguage('main', $moduleDirName);
require_once __DIR__ . '/config/config.php';
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $moduleDirName . '/include/common.php';
$dogid = Request::getInt('dogid', 0, 'GET');

//create data and variables
$sql = '
SELECT d.Id as d_id,
d.pname as d_pname,
d.roft as d_roft,
d.foto as d_foto,
f.Id as f_id,
f.pname as f_pname,
f.foto as f_foto,
m.Id as m_id,
m.pname as m_pname,
m.foto as m_foto,
ff.Id as ff_id,
ff.pname as ff_pname,
ff.foto as ff_foto,
mf.Id as mf_id,
mf.pname as mf_pname,
mf.foto as mf_foto,
fm.Id as fm_id,
fm.pname as fm_pname,
fm.foto as fm_foto,
mm.Id as mm_id,
mm.pname as mm_pname,
mm.foto as mm_foto,
fff.Id as fff_id,
fff.pname as fff_pname,
ffm.Id as ffm_id,
ffm.pname as ffm_pname,
fmf.Id as fmf_id,
fmf.pname as fmf_pname,
fmm.Id as fmm_id,
fmm.pname as fmm_pname,
mmf.Id as mmf_id,
mmf.pname as mmf_pname,
mff.Id as mff_id,
mff.pname as mff_pname,
mfm.Id as mfm_id,
mfm.pname as mfm_pname,
mmm.Id as mmm_id,
mmm.pname as mmm_pname
FROM ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' d
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' f ON d.father = f.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' m ON d.mother = m.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' ff ON f.father = ff.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' fff ON ff.father = fff.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' ffm ON ff.mother = ffm.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' mf ON m.father = mf.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' mff ON mf.father = mff.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' mfm ON mf.mother = mfm.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' fm ON f.mother = fm.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' fmf ON fm.father = fmf.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' fmm ON fm.mother = fmm.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' mm ON m.mother = mm.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . ' mmf ON mm.father = mmf.Id
LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . " mmm ON mm.mother = mmm.Id
where d.Id=$dogid";

$result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query($sql);
$male   = "<img src=\"" . PEDIGREE_IMAGE_URL . "/male.gif\">";
$female = "<img src=\"" . PEDIGREE_IMAGE_URL . "/female.gif\">";
$gender = '';
while (false !== ($row = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchArray($result))) {
    $gender = (Constants::MALE == $row['d_roft']) ? $male : $female;
    echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
    <meta name="AUTHOR" content="' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename'] . '">
    <meta name="COPYRIGHT" content="Copyright (c) 2019 by ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename'] . '">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="XOOPS Pedigree database">
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" onload="window.print()">
    <table border="0" width="640">

    echo "    <table width='100%' cellspacing='2' border='2'>\n"
         . "      <!-- header (dog name) -->\n"
         . "      <tr>\n"
         . "          <th colspan='4' style='text-align:center;'>\n"
         . '              '
         . stripslashes($row['d_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "          </th>\n"
         . "      </tr>\n"
         . "      <tr>\n"
         . "          <!-- selected dog -->\n"
         . "          <td width='25%' rowspan='8'>\n"
         . "              {$gender}"
         . stripslashes($row['d_pname'])
         . "\n";
    if ('' != $row['d_foto']) {
        echo "              <br><img src='" . PEDIGREE_UPLOAD_URL . '/images/thumbnails/' . $row['d_foto'] . "_150.jpeg' width='150px;'>";
    echo "          </td>\n" . "             <!-- father -->\n" . "             <td width='25%' rowspan='4'>\n" . "                 {$male}" . stripslashes($row['f_pname']) . "\n";
    if ('' != $row['f_foto']) {
        echo "                 <br><img src='" . PEDIGREE_UPLOAD_URL . '/images/thumbnails/' . $row['f_foto'] . "_150.jpeg' width='150px;'>\n";
    echo "          </td>\n" . "             <!-- father father -->\n" . "             <td width='25%' rowspan='2'>\n" . "                 {$male}" . stripslashes($row['ff_pname']) . "\n";
    if ('' != $row['ff_foto']) {
        echo "                 <br><img src='" . PEDIGREE_UPLOAD_URL . '/images/thumbnails/' . $row['ff_foto'] . "_150.jpeg' width='150px;'>\n";
    echo "          </td>\n"
         . "             <!-- father father father -->\n"
         . "             <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                 {$male}"
         . stripslashes($row['fff_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "             </td>\n"
         . "         </tr>\n"
         . "         <tr>\n"
         . "             <!-- father father mother -->\n"
         . "             <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                 {$female}"
         . stripslashes($row['ffm_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "             </td>\n"
         . "         </tr>\n"
         . "         <tr>\n"
         . "         <!-- father mother -->\n"
         . "             <td width='25%' rowspan='2'>\n"
         . "                 {$female}"
         . stripslashes($row['fm_pname'])
         . "\n";
    if ('' != $row['fm_foto']) {
        echo "                 <br><img src='" . PEDIGREE_UPLOAD_URL . '/images/thumbnails/' . $row['fm_foto'] . "_150.jpeg' width='150px;'>\n";
    echo "             </td>\n"
         . "                <!-- father mother father -->\n"
         . "                <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                    {$male}"
         . stripslashes($row['fmf_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "                </td>\n"
         . "            </tr>\n"
         . "            <tr>\n"
         . "                <!-- father mother mother -->\n"
         . "                <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                    {$female}"
         . stripslashes($row['fmm_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "                </td>\n"
         . "            </tr>\n"
         . "            <tr>\n"
         . "                <!-- mother -->\n"
         . "                <td width='25%' rowspan='4'>\n"
         . "                    {$female}"
         . stripslashes($row['m_pname'])
         . "\n";
    if ('' != $row['m_foto']) {
        echo "                 <br><img src='" . PEDIGREE_UPLOAD_URL . '/images/thumbnails/' . $row['m_foto'] . "_150.jpeg' width='150px;'>\n";
    echo "             </td>\n" . "                <!- mother father -->\n" . "                <td width='25%' rowspan='2'>\n" . "                    {$male}" . stripslashes($row['mf_pname']) . "\n";
    if ('' != $row['mf_foto']) {
        echo "                 <br><img src='" . PEDIGREE_UPLOAD_URL . '/images/thumbnails/' . $row['mf_foto'] . "_150.jpeg' width='150px;'>\n";
    echo "                    </td>\n"
         . "                    <!-- mother father father -->\n"
         . "                    <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                      {$male}"
         . stripslashes($row['mff_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "                    </td>\n"
         . "                </tr>\n"
         . "                <tr>\n"
         . "                    <!-- mother father mother -->\n"
         . "                    <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                        {$female}"
         . stripslashes($row['mfm_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "                    </td>\n"
         . "                </tr>\n"
         . "                <tr>\n"
         . "                    <!-- mother mother -->\n"
         . "                    <td width='25%' rowspan='2'>\n"
         . "                        {$female}"
         . stripslashes($row['mm_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "                    </td>\n"
         . "                    <!-- mother mother father -->\n"
         . "                    <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                        {$male}"
         . stripslashes($row['mmf_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "                    </td>\n"
         . "                </tr>\n"
         . "                <tr>\n"
         . "                    <!-- mother mother mother -->\n"
         . "                    <td width='25%'>\n"
         . "                        {$female}"
         . stripslashes($row['mmm_pname'])
         . "\n"
         . "                    </td>\n"
         . "                </tr>\n"
         . "                <!-- footer (dog url) -->\n"
         . "                <tr>\n"
         . "                    <th colspan='4' style='text-align:center;'>\n"
         . "                        <a href='"
         . $GLOBALS['xoops']->url("www/modules/pedigree/pedigree.php?pedid={$dogid}")
         . "'>"
         . $GLOBALS['xoops']->url("www/modules/pedigree/pedigree.php?pedid={$dogid}")
         . "</a>\n"
         . "                    </th>\n"
         . "                </tr>\n"
         . "            </table>\n"
         . "            </td>\n"
         . "        </tr>\n"
         . "    </table>\n"
         . "    </body>\n"
         . "    </html>\n";