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 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of
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 * Module: Pedigree
 * @package   XoopsModules\Pedigree
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2001-2019 {@link XOOPS Project}
 * @license GNU Public License
 * @author    XOOPS Module Development Team

use Xmf\Request;
use XoopsModules\Pedigree;
use XoopsModules\Pedigree\Constants;

require_once __DIR__ . '/header.php';
/** @var XoopsModules\Pedigree\Helper $helper */
//xoops_load('Pedigree\Animal', $moduleDirName);

// Include any common code for this module.
require_once $helper->path('include/common.php');

// Get all HTTP post or get parameters into global variables that are prefixed with "param_"
//import_request_variables("gp", "param_");
extract($_GET, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "param");
extract($_POST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "param");

$GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['template_main'] = 'pedigree_sel.tpl';
include $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('/header.php');

$st     = Request::getInt('st', 0, 'GET');
$gend   = Request::getInt('gend', Constants::MALE, 'GET');
$curval = Request::getInt('curval', 0, 'GET');

/* @todo: default value of 'a' assumes english, this should be defined in language file */
$letter = Request::getString('letter', 'A', 'GET');

$confPerPage = (int)$helper->getConfig('perpage', Constants::DEFAULT_PER_PAGE);
$perPage     = (int)$confPerPage > 0 ? (int)$confPerPage : Constants::DEFAULT_PER_PAGE;

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('page_title', _MI_PEDIGREE_TITLE);

//count total number of dogs
$treeHandler = $helper->getHandler('Tree');
$criteria    = new \CriteriaCompo('roft', $gend);
$criteria->add(new \Criteria('pname', "{$letter}%"), 'LIKE');
$treeCount = $treeHandler->getCount($criteria);

//total number of pages
$numPages = floor($treeCount / $perPage) + 1;
if (($numPages * $perPage) == ($treeCount + $perPage)) {
//find current page
$currentPage = floor($st / $perPage) + 1;
$numDog = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . " WHERE pname LIKE '{$letter}%' AND roft = '{$gend}'";
$numRes = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query($numDog);
//total number of dogs the query will find
$numResults = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getRowsNum($numRes);
//total number of pages
$numPages = floor($numResults / $perPage) + 1;
if (($numPages * $perPage) == ($numResults + $perPage)) {
//find current page
$currentPage = floor($st / $perPage) + 1;
/* @todo: change this to use letters() from mylinks or similar module - this routine assumes english */
//create alphabet
$pages = '';
for ($i = 65; $i <= 90; ++$i) {
    if ($letter == chr($i)) {
        $pages .= "<b><a href='seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter=" . chr($i) . "'>" . chr($i) . '</a></b>&nbsp;';
    } else {
        $pages .= "<a href='seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter=" . chr($i) . "'>" . chr($i) . '</a>&nbsp;';
$pages .= '-&nbsp;';
$pages .= "<a href='seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter=Ã…\">Ã…</a>&nbsp;";
$pages .= "<a href='seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter=Ö\">Ö</a>&nbsp;";
//create linebreak
$pages .= '<br>';
//create previous button
if (($numPages > 1) && ($currentPage > 1)) {
    $pages .= "<a href='seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter={$letter}&st=" . ($st - $perPage) . "'>" . _MA_PEDIGREE_PREVIOUS . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp';
//create numbers
for ($x = 1; $x < ($numPages + 1); ++$x) {
    //create line break after 20 number
    if (0 == ($x % 20)) {
        $pages .= '<br>';
    if ($x != $currentPage) {
        $pages .= "<a href='seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter={$letter}&st=" . ($perPage * ($x - 1)) . "'>{$x}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp";
    } else {
        $pages .= "{$x}&nbsp;&nbsp";
//create next button
if (($numPages > 1) && ($currentPage < $numPages)) {
    $pages .= "<a href='seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter={$letter}&st=" . ($st + $perPage) . "'>" . _MA_PEDIGREE_NEXT . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp';

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('pedigree_registry') . " WHERE pname LIKE '{$letter}%' AND roft = '{$gend}' ORDER BY pname LIMIT {$st}, {$perPage}";
$result      = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query($sql);

$animal = new Pedigree\Animal();
//test to find out how many user fields there are...
$fields       = $animal->getNumOfFields();
$fieldsCount  = count($fields);
$numofcolumns = 1;
//@todo move hard coded language string to language file
$columns[] = ['columnname' => 'Name'];
foreach ($fields as $i => $iValue) {
    $userField = new Pedigree\Field($fields[$i], $animal->getConfig());
    $fieldType = $userField->getSetting('fieldtype');
    $fieldObj  = new $fieldType($userField, $animal);
    //create empty string
    if ($userField->isActive() && $userField->inList()) {
        if ($userField->hasLookup()) {
            $lookupValues = $userField->lookupField($fields[$i]);
            //debug information
        } else {
            $lookupValues = '';
        $columns[] = [
            'columnname'   => $fieldObj->fieldname,
            'columnnumber' => $userField->getId(),
            'lookupval'    => $lookupValues,

$empty = array_fill(0, $numofcolumns, ['value' => '']);
for ($i = 1; $i < $numofcolumns; ++$i) {
    $empty[] = array('value' => "");
if (Constants::MALE === $gend) {
    $dogs[] = [
        'id'          => '0',
        'name'        => '',
        'gender'      => '',
        'link'        => '<a href="' . $helper->url("updatepage.php?gend=" . Constants::MALE . "&curval={$curval}&thisid=0") . '">' . strtr(_MA_PEDIGREE_ADD_SIREUNKNOWN, ['[father]' => $helper->getConfig('father')]) . '</a>',
        'colour'      => '',
        'number'      => '',
        'usercolumns' => $empty,
} else {
    $dogs[] = [
        'id'          => '0',
        'name'        => '',
        'gender'      => '',
        'link'        => '<a href="' . $helper->url("updatepage.php?gend=" . Constants::FEMALE . "&curval={$curval}&thisid=0") . '">' . strtr(_MA_PEDIGREE_ADD_DAMUNKNOWN, ['[mother]' => $helper->getConfig('mother')]) . '</a>',
        'colour'      => '',
        'number'      => '',
        'usercolumns' => $empty,

while (false !== ($row = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchArray($result))) {
    //create picture information
    $camera = ('' != $row['foto']) ? " <img src=\"" . PEDIGREE_IMAGE_URL . "/camera.png\">" : '';
    $name   = stripslashes($row['pname']) . $camera;
    //empty array
    //fill array
    for ($i = 1; $i < $numofcolumns; ++$i) {
        $x = 'user' . $columns[$i]['columnnumber'];
        if (is_array($columns[$i]['lookupval'])) {
            foreach ($columns[$i]['lookupval'] as $key => $keyValue) {
                if ($key == $row[$x]) {
                    $value = $keyValue['value'];
            //debug information
            ///echo $columns[$i]['columnname']."is an array !";
        } //format value - cant use object because of query count
        elseif (0 === strncmp($row[$x], 'http://', 7)) {
            $value = "<a href='{$row[$x]}'>{$row[$x]}</a>";
        } else {
            $value = $row[$x];
        $columnvalue[] = ['value' => $value];
    if (Constants::MALE == $gend) {
        $dogs[] = [
            'id'          => $row['id'],
            'name'        => $name,
            'gender'      => "<img src=\"" . PEDIGREE_IMAGE_URL . "/male.gif\" alt=\"" . $helper->getConfig('male') . "\" title=\"" . $helper->getConfig('male') . "\">",
            'link'        => "<a href='updatepage.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&thisid={$row['id']}'>{$name}</a>",
            'colour'      => '',
            'number'      => '',
            'usercolumns' => isset($columnvalue) ?: [],
    } else {
        $dogs[] = [
            'id'          => $row['id'],
            'name'        => $name,
            'gender'      => "<img src=\"" . PEDIGREE_IMAGE_URL . "/female.gif\" alt=\"" . $helper->getConfig('female') . "\" title=\"" . $helper->getConfig('female') . "\">",
            'link'        => "<a href='updatepage.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&thisid={$row['id']}'>{$name}</a>",
            'colour'      => '',
            'number'      => '',
            'usercolumns' => isset($columnvalue) ?: [],

//add data to smarty template
//assign dog
                                 'dogs'         => $dogs,
                                 'columns'      => $columns,
                                 'numofcolumns' => $numofcolumns,
                                 'tsarray'      => Pedigree\Utility::sortTable($numofcolumns),
//add data to smarty template
if (0 == $gend) {
    $selTtlParent = strtr(_MA_PEDIGREE_FLD_FATH, ['[father]' => $helper->getConfig('father')]);
} else {
    $selTtlParent = strtr(_MA_PEDIGREE_FLD_MOTH, ['[mother]' => $helper->getConfig('mother')]);
$seltitle = _MA_PEDIGREE_SEL . $selTtlParent . _MA_PEDIGREE_FROM . Pedigree\Utility::getName($curval);

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('seltitle', $seltitle);

//find last shown number
$lastshown = (($st + $perPage) > $numResults) ? $numResults : $st + $perPage;

//create string
/* @todo: move hard coded language string to language files */
$matches     = strtr(_MA_PEDIGREE_MATCHES, ['[animalTypes]' => $helper->getConfig('animalTypes')]);
$nummatchstr = "{$numResults}{$matches}" . ($st + 1) . " - {$lastshown} ({$numPages} pages)";
                                 'nummatch' => $nummatchstr,
                                 'pages'    => $pages,
                                 'curval'   => $curval,

//mb ========= MOTHER LETTERS===============================
$roft = $gend;
//$criteria = $helper->getHandler('Tree')->getActiveCriteria($roft);
$activeObject = 'Tree';
$name         = 'pname';
$number1      = '1';
$number2      = '0';
$link         = "seldog.php?gend={$gend}&curval={$curval}&letter=";

$criteria = $helper->getHandler('Tree')->getActiveCriteria($roft);
$criteria->setGroupby('UPPER(LEFT(' . $name . ',1))');

$motherArray['letters'] = Pedigree\Utility::lettersChoice($helper, $activeObject, $criteria, $name, $link);
//$catarray['toolbar']          = pedigree_toolbar();
$xoopsTpl->assign('motherArray', $motherArray);

//mb ========================================

include $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('footer.php');