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Test Coverage
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function () {
            axisY: {
                title: "Products in %"
            legend: {
                verticalAlign: "center",
                horizontalAlign: "right"
            data: [
                    type: "pie",
                    showInLegend: true,
                    toolTipContent: "{label} <br> {y} %",
                    indexLabel: "{y} %",
                    dataPoints: [
                        {label: "Male", y: <{$maledogs}>, legendText: "Male"},
                        {label: "Female", y: <{$femaledogs}>, legendText: "Female"}

<table class="width100">
        <!-- first column -->
        <td class="width50 top">
            <{if $pro}>
                <!-- top males and females -->
                <table class="width100 outer" cellspacing="1">
                        <td class="odd">
                        <td class="even">
            <!-- total number of males and females -->
            <table class="width100 outer" cellspacing="1">
                    <td class="odd">
                    <td class="even">
                    <!-- pie chart -->
                    <td class="odd center">
                        <div id="piechart" class="width100" style="height: 300px;"></div>
            <{if $pro}>
                <!-- view orphans -->
                <table class="width100 outer" cellspacing="1">
                        <td class="odd">
                        <td class="even">
                        <td class="odd">
        <!-- second column - only shown if content exists -->
<{*        <{<td class="width50 top">}>*}>
<{*            <!-- total number of dogs per pedigreebook -->*}>
<{*            <{foreach item=chapter from=$totpl name=ch}>*}>
<{*                <{if $}><td class="width50 top"><{/if}>*}>
<{*                <table class="width100 outer" cellspacing="1">*}>
<{*                    <tr>*}>
<{*                        <th colspan="3">*}>
<{*                            <{$chapter.title}>*}>
<{*                        </th>*}>
<{*                    </tr>*}>
<{*                    <{foreach item=link from=$chapter.content}>*}>
<{*                        <tr class="<{cycle values="even,odd"}>">*}>
<{*                            <td>*}>
<{*                                <{$}>*}>
<{*                            </td>*}>
<{*                            <td>*}>
<{*                                <{$}>*}>
<{*                            </td>*}>
<{*                        </tr>*}>
<{*                    <{/foreach}>*}>
<{*                </table>*}>
<{*                <br>*}>
<{*        <{if $}></td><{/if}>*}>
<{*            <{/foreach}>*}>
<{*        <{</td>}>*}>