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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace XoopsModules\Publisher;

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * PublisherUtil Class
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project (
 * @license GNU public license
 * @author      XOOPS Development Team
 * @since       1.03

use Xmf\Request;

 * Class Utility
class Utility extends Common\SysUtility
    //--------------- Custom module methods -----------------------------
     * Function responsible for checking if a directory exists, we can also write in and create an index.html file
     * @param string $folder The full path of the directory to check
    public static function createFolder($folder): void
        try {
            if (!\is_dir($folder)) {
                if (!\is_dir($folder) && !\mkdir($folder) && !\is_dir($folder)) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Unable to create the %s directory', $folder));
                file_put_contents($folder . '/index.html', '<script>history.go(-1);</script>');
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n", '<br>';

     * @param $file
     * @param $folder
     * @return bool
    public static function copyFile(string $file, string $folder): bool
        return \copy($file, $folder);
        //        try {
        //            if (!is_dir($folder)) {
        //                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to copy file as: %s ', $folder));
        //            } else {
        //                return copy($file, $folder);
        //            }
        //        } catch (\Exception $e) {
        //            echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n", "<br>";
        //        }
        //        return false;

     * @param $src
     * @param $dst
    public static function recurseCopy($src, $dst): void
        $dir = \opendir($src);
        //    @mkdir($dst);
        while (false !== ($file = \readdir($dir))) {
            if (('.' !== $file) && ('..' !== $file)) {
                if (\is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) {
                    self::recurseCopy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);
                } else {
                    \copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);

    // auto create folders----------------------------------------
    //TODO rename this function? And exclude image folder?
    public static function createDir(): void
        // auto crate folders
        //        $thePath = static::getUploadDir();

        if (static::getPathStatus('root', true) < 0) {
            $thePath = static::getUploadDir();
            $res     = static::mkdir($thePath);

        if (static::getPathStatus('images', true) < 0) {
            $thePath = static::getImageDir();
            $res     = static::mkdir($thePath);

            if ($res) {
                $source = PUBLISHER_ROOT_PATH . '/assets/images/blank.png';
                $dest   = $thePath . 'blank.png';
                static::copyr($source, $dest);

        if (static::getPathStatus('images/category', true) < 0) {
            $thePath = static::getImageDir('category');
            $res     = static::mkdir($thePath);

            if ($res) {
                $source = PUBLISHER_ROOT_PATH . '/assets/images/blank.png';
                $dest   = $thePath . 'blank.png';
                static::copyr($source, $dest);

        if (static::getPathStatus('images/item', true) < 0) {
            $thePath = static::getImageDir('item');
            $res     = static::mkdir($thePath);

            if ($res) {
                $source = PUBLISHER_ROOT_PATH . '/assets/images/blank.png';
                $dest   = $thePath . 'blank.png';
                static::copyr($source, $dest);

        if (static::getPathStatus('content', true) < 0) {
            $thePath = static::getUploadDir(true, 'content');
            $res     = static::mkdir($thePath);

    public static function buildTableItemTitleRow(): void
        echo "<table width='100%' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' border='0' class='outer'>";
        echo '<tr>';
        echo "<th width='40px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ITEMID . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th width='100px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ITEMCAT . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_TITLE . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th width='100px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_CREATED . '</strong></td>';

        echo "<th width='50px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_CO_PUBLISHER_WEIGHT . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th width='50px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_HITS . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th width='60px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_RATE . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th width='50px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_VOTES . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th width='60px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_COMMENTS_COUNT . '</strong></td>';

        echo "<th width='90px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_CO_PUBLISHER_STATUS . '</strong></td>';
        echo "<th width='90px' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ACTION . '</strong></td>';
        echo '</tr>';

     * @param int $level
    public static function displayCategory(Category $categoryObj, $level = 0): void
        $helper       = Helper::getInstance();
        $configurator = new Common\Configurator();
        $icons        = $configurator->icons;

        $description = $categoryObj->description;
        if (!XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES && !empty($description)) {
            if (\mb_strlen($description) >= 100) {
                $description = \mb_substr($description, 0, 100 - 1) . '...';
        $modify = "<a href='category.php?op=mod&amp;categoryid=" . $categoryObj->categoryid() . '&amp;parentid=' . $categoryObj->parentid() . "'>" . $icons['edit'] . '</a>';
        $delete = "<a href='category.php?op=del&amp;categoryid=" . $categoryObj->categoryid() . "'>" . $icons['delete'] . '</a>';
        $spaces = \str_repeat('&nbsp;', ($level * 3));
        $spaces = '';
        for ($j = 0; $j < $level; ++$j) {
            $spaces .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        echo "<tr>\n"
             . "<td class='even center'>"
             . $categoryObj->categoryid()
             . "</td>\n"
             . "<td class='even left'>"
             . $spaces
             . "<a href='"
             . PUBLISHER_URL
             . '/category.php?categoryid='
             . $categoryObj->categoryid()
             . "'><img src='"
             . PUBLISHER_URL
             . "/assets/images/links/subcat.gif' alt=''>&nbsp;"
             . $categoryObj->name()
             . "</a></td>\n"
             . "<td class='even center'>"
             . $categoryObj->weight()
             . "</td>\n"
             . "<td class='even center'> {$modify} {$delete} </td>\n"
             . "</tr>\n";
        $subCategoriesObj = $helper->getHandler('Category')
                                   ->getCategories(0, 0, $categoryObj->categoryid());
        if (\count($subCategoriesObj) > 0) {
            foreach ($subCategoriesObj as $thiscat) {
                self::displayCategory($thiscat, $level);
        //        unset($categoryObj);

     * @param bool $showmenu
     * @param int  $fileid
     * @param int  $itemId
    public static function editFile($showmenu = false, $fileid = 0, $itemId = 0): void
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();
        require_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('class/xoopsformloader.php');

        // if there is a parameter, and the id exists, retrieve data: we're editing a file
        if (0 != $fileid) {
            // Creating the File object
            /** @var \XoopsModules\Publisher\File $fileObj */
            $fileObj = $helper->getHandler('File')

            if ($fileObj->notLoaded()) {
                \redirect_header('<script>javascript:history.go(-1)</script>', 1, \_AM_PUBLISHER_NOFILESELECTED);

            echo "<br>\n";
            echo "<span style='color: #2F5376; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; margin: 6px 6px 0 0; '>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_FILE_EDITING . '</span>';
            echo '<span style="color: #567; margin: 3px 0 12px 0; font-size: small; display: block; ">' . \_AM_PUBLISHER_FILE_EDITING_DSC . '</span>';
            static::openCollapsableBar('editfile', 'editfileicon', \_AM_PUBLISHER_FILE_INFORMATIONS);
        } else {
            // there's no parameter, so we're adding an item
            $fileObj = $helper->getHandler('File')
            $fileObj->setVar('itemid', $itemId);
            echo "<span style='color: #2F5376; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; margin: 6px 6px 0 0; '>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_FILE_ADDING . '</span>';
            echo '<span style="color: #567; margin: 3px 0 12px 0; font-size: small; display: block; ">' . \_AM_PUBLISHER_FILE_ADDING_DSC . '</span>';
            static::openCollapsableBar('addfile', 'addfileicon', \_AM_PUBLISHER_FILE_INFORMATIONS);

        /** @var File $fileObj */
        $uploadForm = $fileObj->getForm();

        if (0 != $fileid) {
            static::closeCollapsableBar('editfile', 'editfileicon');
        } else {
            static::closeCollapsableBar('addfile', 'addfileicon');

     * @param bool          $showmenu
     * @param int           $categoryid
     * @param int           $nbSubCats
     * @param Category|null $categoryObj
    public static function editCategory($showmenu = false, $categoryid = 0, $nbSubCats = 4, $categoryObj = null): void
        $helper       = Helper::getInstance();
        $configurator = new Common\Configurator();
        $icons        = $configurator->icons;

        // if there is a parameter, and the id exists, retrieve data: we're editing a category
        /** @var Category $categoryObj */
        if (0 != $categoryid) {
            // Creating the category object for the selected category
            $categoryObj = $helper->getHandler('Category')
            if ($categoryObj->notLoaded()) {
                \redirect_header('category.php', 1, \_AM_PUBLISHER_NOCOLTOEDIT);
        } elseif (null === $categoryObj) {
            $categoryObj = $helper->getHandler('Category')

        if (0 != $categoryid) {
            echo "<br>\n";
            static::openCollapsableBar('edittable', 'edittableicon', \_AM_PUBLISHER_EDITCOL, \_AM_PUBLISHER_CATEGORY_EDIT_INFO);
        } else {
            static::openCollapsableBar('createtable', 'createtableicon', \_AM_PUBLISHER_CATEGORY_CREATE, \_AM_PUBLISHER_CATEGORY_CREATE_INFO);

        $sform = $categoryObj->getForm($nbSubCats);

        if ($categoryid) {
            static::closeCollapsableBar('edittable', 'edittableicon');
        } else {
            static::closeCollapsableBar('createtable', 'createtableicon');

        //Added by fx2024
        if ($categoryid) {
            $selCat = $categoryid;

            static::openCollapsableBar('subcatstable', 'subcatsicon', \_AM_PUBLISHER_SUBCAT_CAT, \_AM_PUBLISHER_SUBCAT_CAT_DSC);
            // Get the total number of sub-categories
            $categoriesObj = $helper->getHandler('Category')
            $totalsubs     = $helper->getHandler('Category')
            // creating the categories objects that are published
            $subcatsObj    = $helper->getHandler('Category')
                                    ->getCategories(0, 0, $categoriesObj->categoryid());
            $totalSCOnPage = \count($subcatsObj);
            echo "<table width='100%' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 border=0 class = outer>";
            echo '<tr>';
            echo "<td width='60' class='bg3' align='left'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_CATID . '</strong></td>';
            echo "<td width='20%' class='bg3' align='left'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_CATCOLNAME . '</strong></td>';
            echo "<td class='bg3' align='left'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_SUBDESCRIPT . '</strong></td>';
            echo "<td width='60' class='bg3' align='right'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ACTION . '</strong></td>';
            echo '</tr>';
            if ($totalsubs > 0) {
                foreach ($subcatsObj as $subcat) {
                    $modify = "<a href='category.php?op=mod&amp;categoryid=" . $subcat->categoryid() . "'>" . $icons['edit'] . '</a>';
                    $delete = "<a href='category.php?op=del&amp;categoryid=" . $subcat->categoryid() . "'>" . $icons['delete'] . '</a>';
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo "<td class='head' align='left'>" . $subcat->categoryid() . '</td>';
                    echo "<td class='even' align='left'><a href='" . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $helper->getModule()
                                                                                                      ->dirname() . '/category.php?categoryid=' . $subcat->categoryid() . '&amp;parentid=' . $subcat->parentid() . "'>" . $subcat->name() . '</a></td>';
                    echo "<td class='even' align='left'>" . $subcat->description() . '</td>';
                    echo "<td class='even' align='right'> {$modify} {$delete} </td>";
                    echo '</tr>';
                //                unset($subcat);
            } else {
                echo '<tr>';
                echo "<td class='head' align='center' colspan= '7'>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_NOSUBCAT . '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
            echo "</table>\n";
            echo "<br>\n";
            static::closeCollapsableBar('subcatstable', 'subcatsicon');

            static::openCollapsableBar('bottomtable', 'bottomtableicon', \_AM_PUBLISHER_CAT_ITEMS, \_AM_PUBLISHER_CAT_ITEMS_DSC);
            $startitem = Request::getInt('startitem');
            // Get the total number of published ITEMS
            $totalitems = $helper->getHandler('Item')
                                 ->getItemsCount($selCat, [Constants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED]);
            // creating the items objects that are published
            $itemsObj = $helper->getHandler('Item')
                               ->getAllPublished($helper->getConfig('idxcat_perpage'), $startitem, $selCat);
            $allcats  = $helper->getHandler('Category')
                               ->getObjects(null, true);
            echo "<table width='100%' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 border=0 class = outer>";
            echo '<tr>';
            echo "<td width='40' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ITEMID . '</strong></td>';
            echo "<td width='20%' class='bg3' align='left'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ITEMCOLNAME . '</strong></td>';
            echo "<td class='bg3' align='left'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ITEMDESC . '</strong></td>';
            echo "<td width='90' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_CREATED . '</strong></td>';
            echo "<td width='60' class='bg3' align='center'><strong>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_ACTION . '</strong></td>';
            echo '</tr>';
            if ($totalitems > 0) {
                foreach ($itemsObj as $iValue) {
                    $categoryObj = $allcats[$iValue->categoryid()];
                    $modify      = "<a href='item.php?op=mod&amp;itemid=" . $iValue->itemid() . "'>" . $icons['edit'] . '</a>';
                    $delete      = "<a href='item.php?op=del&amp;itemid=" . $iValue->itemid() . "'>" . $icons['delete'] . '</a>';
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo "<td class='head' align='center'>" . $iValue->itemid() . '</td>';
                    echo "<td class='even' align='left'>" . $categoryObj->name() . '</td>';
                    echo "<td class='even' align='left'>" . $iValue->getitemLink() . '</td>';
                    echo "<td class='even' align='center'>" . $iValue->getDatesub('s') . '</td>';
                    echo "<td class='even' align='center'> $modify $delete </td>";
                    echo '</tr>';
            } else {
                $itemId = -1;
                echo '<tr>';
                echo "<td class='head' align='center' colspan= '7'>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_NOITEMS . '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
            echo "</table>\n";
            echo "<br>\n";
            $parentid         = Request::getInt('parentid', 0, 'GET');
            $pagenavExtraArgs = "op=mod&categoryid=$selCat&parentid=$parentid";
            $pagenav = new \XoopsPageNav($totalitems, $helper->getConfig('idxcat_perpage'), $startitem, 'startitem', $pagenavExtraArgs);
            echo '<div style="text-align:right;">' . $pagenav->renderNav() . '</div>';
            echo "<input type='button' name='button' onclick=\"location='item.php?op=mod&categoryid=" . $selCat . "'\" value='" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_CREATEITEM . "'>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            echo '</div>';
        //end of fx2024 code

    //======================== FUNCTIONS =================================

     * Includes scripts in HTML header
    public static function cpHeader(): void

        //cannot use xoTheme, some conflit with admin gui
        echo '<link type="text/css" href="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/system/css/ui/' . \xoops_getModuleOption('jquery_theme', 'system') . '/ui.all.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link type="text/css" href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/css/publisher.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/js/funcs.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/js/cookies.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="' . XOOPS_URL . '/browse.php?Frameworks/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
    <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="' . XOOPS_URL . '/browse.php?Frameworks/jquery/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js"></script> -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="' . XOOPS_URL . '/browse.php?Frameworks/jquery/plugins/jquery.ui.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/js/ajaxupload.3.9.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/js/publisher.js"></script>

     * Default sorting for a given order
     * @param string $sort
     * @return string
    public static function getOrderBy($sort)
        if ('datesub' === $sort) {
            return 'DESC';
        if ('counter' === $sort) {
            return 'DESC';
        if ('weight' === $sort) {
            return 'ASC';
        if ('votes' === $sort) {
            return 'DESC';
        if ('rating' === $sort) {
            return 'DESC';
        if ('comments' === $sort) {
            return 'DESC';

        return null;

     * @credits Thanks to Mithandir
     * @param string $str
     * @param int    $start
     * @param int    $length
     * @param string $trimMarker
     * @return string
    public static function substr($str, $start, $length, $trimMarker = '...')
        // if the string is empty, let's get out ;-)
        if ('' == $str) {
            return $str;

        // reverse a string that is shortened with '' as trimmarker
        $reversedString = \strrev(\xoops_substr($str, $start, $length, ''));

        // find first space in reversed string
        $positionOfSpace = \mb_strpos($reversedString, ' ', 0);

        // truncate the original string to a length of $length
        // minus the position of the last space
        // plus the length of the $trimMarker
        $truncatedString = \xoops_substr($str, $start, $length - $positionOfSpace + \mb_strlen($trimMarker), $trimMarker);

        return $truncatedString;

     * @param string $document
     * @return mixed
    public static function html2text($document)
        // PHP Manual:: function preg_replace
        // $document should contain an HTML document.
        // This will remove HTML tags, javascript sections
        // and white space. It will also convert some
        // common HTML entities to their text equivalent.
        // Credits : newbb2
        $search = [
            "'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", // Strip out javascript
            "'<img.*?>'si", // Strip out img tags
            "'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", // Strip out HTML tags
            "'([\r\n])[\s]+'", // Strip out white space
            "'&(quot|#34);'i", // Replace HTML entities
        ]; // evaluate as php

        $replace = [
            ' ',

        $text = \preg_replace($search, $replace, $document);

            static function ($matches) {
                return \chr((int)($matches[1]));

        return $text;

     * @return array
    public static function getAllowedImagesTypes()
        return ['jpg/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/x-png', 'image/png', 'image/pjpeg'];

     * @param bool $withLink
     * @return string
    public static function moduleHome($withLink = true)
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        if (!$helper->getConfig('format_breadcrumb_modname')) {
            return '';

        if (!$withLink) {
            return $helper->getModule()

        return '<a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/">' . $helper->getModule()
                                                            ->getVar('name') . '</a>';

     * Copy a file, or a folder and its contents
     * @param string $source The source
     * @param string $dest   The destination
     * @return bool   Returns true on success, false on failure
     * @version     1.0.0
     * @author      Aidan Lister <>
    public static function copyr($source, $dest)
        // Simple copy for a file
        if (\is_file($source)) {
            return \copy($source, $dest);

        // Make destination directory
        if (!\is_dir($dest) && !\mkdir($dest) && !\is_dir($dest)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $dest));

        // Loop through the folder
        $dir = \dir($source);
        while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
            // Skip pointers
            if ('.' === $entry || '..' === $entry) {

            // Deep copy directories
            if (("$source/$entry" !== $dest) && \is_dir("$source/$entry")) {
                static::copyr("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry");
            } else {
                \copy("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry");

        // Clean up

        return true;

     * .* @credits Thanks to the NewBB2 Development Team
     * @param string $item
     * @param bool   $getStatus
     * @return bool|int|string
    public static function getPathStatus($item, $getStatus = false)
        $path = '';
        if ('root' !== $item) {
            $path = $item;

        $thePath = static::getUploadDir(true, $path);

        if (empty($thePath)) {
            return false;
        if (\is_writable($thePath)) {
            $pathCheckResult = 1;
            $pathStatus      = \_AM_PUBLISHER_AVAILABLE;
        } elseif (@\is_dir($thePath)) {
            $pathCheckResult = -2;
            $pathStatus      = \_AM_PUBLISHER_NOTWRITABLE . " <a href='" . PUBLISHER_ADMIN_URL . "/index.php?op=setperm&amp;path={$item}'>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_SETMPERM . '</a>';
        } else {
            $pathCheckResult = -1;
            $pathStatus      = \_AM_PUBLISHER_NOTAVAILABLE . " <a href='" . PUBLISHER_ADMIN_URL . "/index.php?op=createdir&amp;path={$item}'>" . \_AM_PUBLISHER_CREATETHEDIR . '</a>';
        if (!$getStatus) {
            return $pathStatus;

        return $pathCheckResult;

     * @credits Thanks to the NewBB2 Development Team
     * @param string $target
     * @return bool
    public static function mkdir($target)
        // saint at
        // bart at cdasites dot com
        if (empty($target) || \is_dir($target)) {
            return true; // best case check first

        if (\is_dir($target) && !\is_dir($target)) {
            return false;

        if (static::mkdir(\mb_substr($target, 0, \mb_strrpos($target, '/')))) {
            if (!\is_dir($target)) {
                $res = \mkdir($target, 0777); // crawl back up & create dir tree

                return $res;
        $res = \is_dir($target);

        return $res;

     * @credits Thanks to the NewBB2 Development Team
     * @param string $target
     * @param int    $mode
     * @return bool
    public static function chmod($target, $mode = 0777)
        return @\chmod($target, $mode);

     * @param bool   $hasPath
     * @param string $item
     * @return string
    public static function getUploadDir($hasPath = true, $item = '')
        if ('' !== $item) {
            if ('root' === $item) {
                $item = '';
            } else {
                $item .= '/';

        if ($hasPath) {
            return PUBLISHER_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $item;

        return PUBLISHER_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $item;

     * @param string $item
     * @param bool   $hasPath
     * @return string
    public static function getImageDir($item = '', $hasPath = true)
        if ($item) {
            $item = "images/{$item}";
        } else {
            $item = 'images';

        return static::getUploadDir($hasPath, $item);

     * @param array $errors
     * @return string
    public static function formatErrors($errors = [])
        $ret = '';
        foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {
            $ret .= '<br> - ' . $value;

        return $ret;

     * Checks if a user is admin of Publisher
     * @return bool
    public static function userIsAdmin()
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        static $publisherIsAdmin;

        if (null !== $publisherIsAdmin) {
            return $publisherIsAdmin;

        if ($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) {
            //            $publisherIsAdmin = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->isAdmin($helper->getModule()->getVar('mid'));
            $publisherIsAdmin = $helper->isUserAdmin();
        } else {
            $publisherIsAdmin = false;

        return $publisherIsAdmin;

     * Check is current user is author of a given article
     * @param \XoopsObject $itemObj
     * @return bool
    public static function userIsAuthor($itemObj)
        return (\is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) && \is_object($itemObj) && ($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->uid() == $itemObj->uid()));

     * Check is current user is moderator of a given article
     * @param \XoopsObject $itemObj
     * @return bool
    public static function userIsModerator($itemObj)
        $helper            = Helper::getInstance();
        $categoriesGranted = $helper->getHandler('Permission')

        return (\is_object($itemObj) && \in_array($itemObj->categoryid(), $categoriesGranted, true));

     * Saves permissions for the selected category
     * @param null|array $groups     : group with granted permission
     * @param int        $categoryid : categoryid on which we are setting permissions
     * @param string     $permName   : name of the permission
     * @return bool : TRUE if the no errors occured
    public static function saveCategoryPermissions($groups, $categoryid, $permName)
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        $result = true;

        $moduleId = $helper->getModule()
        /** @var \XoopsGroupPermHandler $grouppermHandler */
        $grouppermHandler = \xoops_getHandler('groupperm');
        // First, if the permissions are already there, delete them
        $grouppermHandler->deleteByModule($moduleId, $permName, $categoryid);

        // Save the new permissions
        if (\count($groups) > 0) {
            foreach ($groups as $groupId) {
                $grouppermHandler->addRight($permName, $categoryid, $groupId, $moduleId);

        return $result;

     * @param string $tablename
     * @param string $iconname
     * @param string $tabletitle
     * @param string $tabledsc
     * @param bool   $open
    public static function openCollapsableBar($tablename = '', $iconname = '', $tabletitle = '', $tabledsc = '', $open = true): void
        $image   = 'open12.gif';
        $display = 'none';
        if ($open) {
            $image   = 'close12.gif';
            $display = 'block';

        echo "<h3 style=\"color: #2F5376; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; margin: 6px 0 0 0; \"><a href='javascript:;' onclick=\"toggle('" . $tablename . "'); toggleIcon('" . $iconname . "')\">";
        echo "<img id='" . $iconname . "' src='" . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/images/links/' . $image . "' alt=''></a>&nbsp;" . $tabletitle . '</h3>';
        echo "<div id='" . $tablename . "' style='display: " . $display . ";'>";
        if ('' != $tabledsc) {
            echo '<span style="color: #567; margin: 3px 0 12px 0; font-size: small; display: block; ">' . $tabledsc . '</span>';

     * @param string $name
     * @param string $icon
    public static function closeCollapsableBar($name, $icon): void
        echo '</div>';

        $urls = static::getCurrentUrls();
        $path = $urls['phpself'];

        $cookieName = $path . '_publisher_collaps_' . $name;
        $cookieName = \str_replace('.', '_', $cookieName);
        $cookie     = static::getCookieVar($cookieName, '');

        if ('none' === $cookie) {
            echo '
        <script type="text/javascript">
        toggle("' . $name . '"); 
        toggleIcon("' . $icon . '");

     * @param string $name
     * @param string $value
     * @param int    $time
    public static function setCookieVar($name, $value, $time = 0): void
        if (0 === $time) {
            $time = \time() + 3600 * 24 * 365;
        //        setcookie($name, $value, $time, '/');
        setcookie($name, $value, $time, '/', \ini_get('session.cookie_domain'), (bool)\ini_get('session.cookie_secure'), (bool)\ini_get('session.cookie_httponly'));

     * @param string $name
     * @param string $default
     * @return string
    public static function getCookieVar($name, $default = '')
        //    if (isset($_COOKIE[$name]) && ($_COOKIE[$name] > '')) {
        //        return $_COOKIE[$name];
        //    } else {
        //        return $default;
        //    }
        return Request::getString($name, $default, 'COOKIE');

     * @return array
    public static function getCurrentUrls()
        $http = false === \mb_strpos(XOOPS_URL, 'https://') ? 'https://' : 'https://';
        //    $phpself     = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
        //    $httphost    = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        //    $querystring = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
        $phpself     = Request::getString('SCRIPT_NAME', '', 'SERVER');
        $httphost    = Request::getString('HTTP_HOST', '', 'SERVER');
        $querystring = Request::getString('QUERY_STRING', '', 'SERVER');

        if ('' != $querystring) {
            $querystring = '?' . $querystring;

        $currenturl = $http . $httphost . $phpself . $querystring;

        $urls                = [];
        $urls['http']        = $http;
        $urls['httphost']    = $httphost;
        $urls['phpself']     = $phpself;
        $urls['querystring'] = $querystring;
        $urls['full']        = $currenturl;

        return $urls;

     * @return string
    public static function getCurrentPage()
        $urls = static::getCurrentUrls();

        return $urls['full'];

     * @param null|Category $categoryObj
     * @param int|array     $selectedId
     * @param int           $level
     * @param string        $ret
     * @return string
    public static function addCategoryOption(Category $categoryObj, $selectedId = 0, $level = 0, $ret = '')
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        $spaces = '';
        for ($j = 0; $j < $level; ++$j) {
            $spaces .= '--';

        $ret .= "<option value='" . $categoryObj->categoryid() . "'";
        if (\is_array($selectedId) && \in_array($categoryObj->categoryid(), $selectedId, true)) {
            $ret .= ' selected';
        } elseif ($categoryObj->categoryid() == $selectedId) {
            $ret .= ' selected';
        $ret .= '>' . $spaces . $categoryObj->name() . "</option>\n";

        $subCategoriesObj = $helper->getHandler('Category')
                                   ->getCategories(0, 0, $categoryObj->categoryid());
        if (\count($subCategoriesObj) > 0) {
            foreach ($subCategoriesObj as $catId => $subCategoryObj) {
                $ret .= static::addCategoryOption($subCategoryObj, $selectedId, $level);

        return $ret;

     * @param int|array|string $selectedId
     * @param int              $parentcategory
     * @param bool             $allCatOption
     * @param string           $selectname
     * @param bool             $multiple
     * @return string
    public static function createCategorySelect($selectedId = 0, $parentcategory = 0, $allCatOption = true, $selectname = 'options[1]', $multiple = true)
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        $selectedId  = \explode(',', $selectedId);
        $selectedId  = \array_map('\intval', $selectedId);
        $selMultiple = '';
        if ($multiple) {
            $selMultiple = " multiple='multiple'";
        $ret = "<select name='" . $selectname . "[]'" . $selMultiple . " size='10'>";
        if ($allCatOption) {
            $ret .= "<option value='0'";
            if (\in_array(0, $selectedId, true)) {
                $ret .= ' selected';
            $ret .= '>' . \_MB_PUBLISHER_ALLCAT . '</option>';

        // Creating category objects
        $categoriesObj = $helper->getHandler('Category')
                                ->getCategories(0, 0, $parentcategory);

        if (\count($categoriesObj) > 0) {
            foreach ($categoriesObj as $catId => $categoryObj) {
                $ret .= static::addCategoryOption($categoryObj, $selectedId);
        $ret .= '</select>';

        return $ret;

     * @param int  $selectedId
     * @param int  $parentcategory
     * @param bool $allCatOption
     * @return string
    public static function createCategoryOptions($selectedId = 0, $parentcategory = 0, $allCatOption = true)
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        $ret = '';
        if ($allCatOption) {
            $ret .= "<option value='0'";
            $ret .= '>' . \_MB_PUBLISHER_ALLCAT . "</option>\n";

        // Creating category objects
        $categoriesObj = $helper->getHandler('Category')
                                ->getCategories(0, 0, $parentcategory);
        if (\count($categoriesObj) > 0) {
            foreach ($categoriesObj as $catId => $categoryObj) {
                $ret .= static::addCategoryOption($categoryObj, $selectedId);

        return $ret;

     * @param array  $errArray
     * @param string $reseturl
    public static function renderErrors($errArray, $reseturl = ''): void
        if ($errArray && \is_array($errArray)) {
            echo '<div id="readOnly" class="errorMsg" style="border:1px solid #D24D00; background:#FEFECC url(' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/images/important-32.png) no-repeat 7px 50%;color:#333;padding-left:45px;">';

            echo '<h4 style="text-align:left;margin:0; padding-top:0;">' . \_AM_PUBLISHER_MSG_SUBMISSION_ERR;

            if ($reseturl) {
                echo ' <a href="' . $reseturl . '">[' . \_AM_PUBLISHER_TEXT_SESSION_RESET . ']</a>';

            echo '</h4><ul>';

            foreach ($errArray as $key => $error) {
                if (\is_array($error)) {
                    foreach ($error as $err) {
                        echo '<li><a href="#' . $key . '" onclick="var e = xoopsGetElementById(\'' . $key . '\'); e.focus();">' . \htmlspecialchars($err, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5) . '</a></li>';
                } else {
                    echo '<li><a href="#' . $key . '" onclick="var e = xoopsGetElementById(\'' . $key . '\'); e.focus();">' . \htmlspecialchars($error, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5) . '</a></li>';
            echo '</ul></div><br>';

     * Generate publisher URL
     * @param string $page
     * @param array  $vars
     * @param bool   $encodeAmp
     * @return string
     * @credit : xHelp module, developped by 3Dev
    public static function makeUri($page, $vars = [], $encodeAmp = true)
        $joinStr = '';

        $amp = ($encodeAmp ? '&amp;' : '&');

        if (!\count($vars)) {
            return $page;

        $qs = '';
        foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
            $qs      .= $joinStr . $key . '=' . $value;
            $joinStr = $amp;

        return $page . '?' . $qs;

     * @param string $subject
     * @return string
    public static function tellAFriend($subject = '')
        if (false !== \mb_strpos($subject, '%')) {
            $subject = \rawurldecode($subject);

        $targetUri = XOOPS_URL . Request::getString('REQUEST_URI', '', 'SERVER');

        return XOOPS_URL . '/modules/tellafriend/index.php?target_uri=' . \rawurlencode($targetUri) . '&amp;subject=' . \rawurlencode($subject);

     * @param bool      $another
     * @param bool      $withRedirect
     * @param Item|null $itemObj
     * @return bool|string|null
    public static function uploadFile($another, $withRedirect, &$itemObj = null)
        //        require_once PUBLISHER_ROOT_PATH . '/class/uploader.php';

        //    global $publisherIsAdmin;
        $helper = Helper::getInstance();

        $itemId  = Request::getInt('itemid', 0, 'POST');
        $uid     = \is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->uid() : 0;
        $session = Session::getInstance();
        $session->set('publisher_file_filename', Request::getString('item_file_name', '', 'POST'));
        $session->set('publisher_file_description', Request::getString('item_file_description', '', 'POST'));
        $session->set('publisher_file_status', Request::getInt('item_file_status', 1, 'POST'));
        $session->set('publisher_file_uid', $uid);
        $session->set('publisher_file_itemid', $itemId);

        if (!\is_object($itemObj) && 0 !== $itemId) {
            $itemObj = $helper->getHandler('Item')

        $fileObj = $helper->getHandler('File')
        $fileObj->setVar('name', Request::getString('item_file_name', '', 'POST'));
        $fileObj->setVar('description', Request::getString('item_file_description', '', 'POST'));
        $fileObj->setVar('status', Request::getInt('item_file_status', 1, 'POST'));
        $fileObj->setVar('uid', $uid);
        $fileObj->setVar('itemid', $itemObj->getVar('itemid'));
        $fileObj->setVar('datesub', \time());

        // Get available mimetypes for file uploading
        $allowedMimetypes = $helper->getHandler('Mimetype')
        // TODO : display the available mimetypes to the user
        $errors = [];
        if ($helper->getConfig('perm_upload') && \is_uploaded_file(($_FILES['item_upload_file']['tmp_name']) ?? '')) {
            if (!$ret = $fileObj->checkUpload('item_upload_file', $allowedMimetypes, $errors)) {
                $errorstxt = \implode('<br>', $errors);

                $message = \sprintf(\_CO_PUBLISHER_MESSAGE_FILE_ERROR, $errorstxt);
                if ($withRedirect) {
                    \redirect_header('file.php?op=mod&itemid=' . $itemId, 5, $message);
                } else {
                    return $message;

        // Storing the file
        if (!$fileObj->store($allowedMimetypes)) {
            //        if ($withRedirect) {
            //            redirect_header("file.php?op=mod&itemid=" . $fileObj->itemid(), 3, _CO_PUBLISHER_FILEUPLOAD_ERROR . static::formatErrors($fileObj->getErrors()));
            //        }
            try {
                if ($withRedirect) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException(\_CO_PUBLISHER_FILEUPLOAD_ERROR . static::formatErrors($fileObj->getErrors()));
            } catch (\Throwable $e) {
                \redirect_header('file.php?op=mod&itemid=' . $fileObj->itemid(), 3, \_CO_PUBLISHER_FILEUPLOAD_ERROR . static::formatErrors($fileObj->getErrors()));
            //    } else {
            //        return _CO_PUBLISHER_FILEUPLOAD_ERROR . static::formatErrors($fileObj->getErrors());

        if ($withRedirect) {
            $redirectPage = $another ? 'file.php' : 'item.php';
            \redirect_header($redirectPage . '?op=mod&itemid=' . $fileObj->itemid(), 2, \_CO_PUBLISHER_FILEUPLOAD_SUCCESS);
        } else {
            return true;

        return null;

     * @return string
    public static function newFeatureTag()
        $ret = '<span style="padding-right: 4px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff0000;">' . \_CO_PUBLISHER_NEW_FEATURE . '</span>';

        return $ret;

     * Smarty truncate_tagsafe modifier plugin
     * Type:     modifier<br>
     * Name:     truncate_tagsafe<br>
     * Purpose:  Truncate a string to a certain length if necessary,
     *           optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and
     *           appending the $etc string or inserting $etc into the middle.
     *           Makes sure no tags are left half-open or half-closed
     *           (e.g. "Banana in a <a...")
     * @param mixed $string
     * @param mixed $length
     * @param mixed $etc
     * @param mixed $breakWords
     * @return string
     * @author   Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>, modified by Amos Robinson
     *           <amos dot robinson at gmail dot com>
    public static function truncateTagSafe($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', $breakWords = false)
        if (0 == $length) {
            return '';

        if (\mb_strlen($string) > $length) {
            $length -= \mb_strlen($etc);
            if (!$breakWords) {
                $string = \preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', \mb_substr($string, 0, $length + 1));
                $string = \preg_replace('/<[^>]*$/', '', $string);
                $string = static::closeTags($string);

            return $string . $etc;

        return $string;

     * @param string $string
     * @return string
     * @author   Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>, modified by Amos Robinson
     *           <amos dot robinson at gmail dot com>
    public static function closeTags($string)
        // match opened tags
        if (\preg_match_all('/<([a-z\:\-]+)[^\/]>/', $string, $startTags)) {
            $startTags = $startTags[1];
            // match closed tags
            if (\preg_match_all('/<\/([a-z]+)>/', $string, $endTags)) {
                $completeTags = [];
                $endTags      = $endTags[1];

                foreach ($startTags as $key => $val) {
                    $posb = \array_search($val, $endTags, true);
                    if (\is_int($posb)) {
                    } else {
                        $completeTags[] = $val;
            } else {
                $completeTags = $startTags;

            $completeTags = \array_reverse($completeTags);
            foreach ($completeTags as $iValue) {
                $string .= '</' . $iValue . '>';

        return $string;

     * Get the rating for 5 stars (the original rating)
     * @param int $itemId
     * @return string
    public static function ratingBar($itemId)
        $helper          = Helper::getInstance();
        $ratingUnitWidth = 30;
        $units           = 5;

        $criteria   = new \Criteria('itemid', $itemId);
        $ratingObjs = $helper->getHandler('Rating')

        $uid           = \is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid') : 0;
        $count         = \count($ratingObjs);
        $currentRating = 0;
        $voted         = false;
        $ip            = \getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
        $rating1       = $rating2 = $ratingWidth = 0;

        foreach ($ratingObjs as $ratingObj) {
            $currentRating += $ratingObj->getVar('rate');
            if ($ratingObj->getVar('ip') == $ip || ($uid > 0 && $uid == $ratingObj->getVar('uid'))) {
                $voted = true;

        $tense = 1 == $count ? \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_VOTE : \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_VOTES; //plural form votes/vote

        // now draw the rating bar
        if (0 != $count) {
            $ratingWidth = \number_format($currentRating / $count, 2) * $ratingUnitWidth;
            $rating1     = \number_format($currentRating / $count, 1);
            $rating2     = \number_format($currentRating / $count, 2);
        $groups = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
        /** @var GroupPermHandler $grouppermHandler */
        $grouppermHandler = $helper->getHandler('GroupPerm');

        if (!$grouppermHandler->checkRight(
            'global', Constants::PUBLISHER_RATE, $groups, $helper->getModule()
        )) {
            $staticRater   = [];
            $staticRater[] .= "\n" . '<div class="publisher_ratingblock">';
            $staticRater[] .= '<div id="unit_long' . $itemId . '">';
            $staticRater[] .= '<div id="unit_ul' . $itemId . '" class="publisher_unit-rating" style="width:' . $ratingUnitWidth * $units . 'px;">';
            $staticRater[] .= '<div class="publisher_current-rating" style="width:' . $ratingWidth . 'px;">' . \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_RATING . ' ' . $rating2 . '/' . $units . '</div>';
            $staticRater[] .= '</div>';
            $staticRater[] .= '<div class="publisher_static">' . \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_RATING . ': <strong> ' . $rating1 . '</strong>/' . $units . ' (' . $count . ' ' . $tense . ') <br><em>' . \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_DISABLE . '</em></div>';
            $staticRater[] .= '</div>';
            $staticRater[] .= '</div>' . "\n\n";

            return \implode("\n", $staticRater);
        $rater = '';
        $rater .= '<div class="publisher_ratingblock">';
        $rater .= '<div id="unit_long' . $itemId . '">';
        $rater .= '<div id="unit_ul' . $itemId . '" class="publisher_unit-rating" style="width:' . $ratingUnitWidth * $units . 'px;">';
        $rater .= '<div class="publisher_current-rating" style="width:' . $ratingWidth . 'px;">' . \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_RATING . ' ' . $rating2 . '/' . $units . '</div>';

        for ($ncount = 1; $ncount <= $units; ++$ncount) {
            // loop from 1 to the number of units
            if (!$voted) {
                // if the user hasn't yet voted, draw the voting stars
                $rater .= '<div><a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/rate.php?itemid=' . $itemId . '&amp;rating=' . $ncount . '" title="' . $ncount . ' ' . \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_OUTOF . ' ' . $units . '" class="publisher_r' . $ncount . '-unit rater" rel="nofollow">' . $ncount . '</a></div>';

        $ncount = 0; // resets the count
        $rater  .= '  </div>';
        $rater  .= '  <div';

        if ($voted) {
            $rater .= ' class="publisher_voted"';

        $rater .= '>' . \_MD_PUBLISHER_VOTE_RATING . ': <strong> ' . $rating1 . '</strong>/' . $units . ' (' . $count . ' ' . $tense . ')';
        $rater .= '  </div>';
        $rater .= '</div>';
        $rater .= '</div>';

        return $rater;

     * @param array|null $allowedEditors
     * @return array
    public static function getEditors($allowedEditors = null)
        $ret    = [];
        $nohtml = false;
        $editorHandler = \XoopsEditorHandler::getInstance();
        //        $editors       = array_flip($editorHandler->getList()); //$editorHandler->getList($nohtml);
        $editors = $editorHandler->getList($nohtml);
        foreach ($editors as $name => $title) {
            $key = static::stringToInt($name);
            if (\is_array($allowedEditors)) {
                //for submit page
                if (\in_array($key, $allowedEditors, true)) {
                    $ret[] = $name;
            } else {
                //for admin permissions page
                $ret[$key]['name']  = $name;
                $ret[$key]['title'] = $title;

        return $ret;

     * @param string $string
     * @param int    $length
     * @return int
    public static function stringToInt($string = '', $length = 5)
        $final     = '';
        $substring = \mb_substr(\md5($string), $length);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
            $final .= (int)$substring[$i];

        return (int)$final;

     * @param string $item
     * @return string
    public static function convertCharset($item)
        if (_CHARSET !== 'windows-1256') {
            return \utf8_encode($item);

        if (false !== ($unserialize = \unserialize($item))) {
            foreach ($unserialize as $key => $value) {
                $unserialize[$key] = @\iconv('windows-1256', 'UTF-8', $value);
            $serialize = \serialize($unserialize);

            return $serialize;

        return @\iconv('windows-1256', 'UTF-8', $item);

     * @param mixed $path
     * @param mixed $image
     * @param mixed $alt
     * @return array
    //    public static function getModuleStats()
    //    {
    //        $helper = Helper::getInstance();
    //        //        $moduleStats = [];
    //        //        if (\count($configurator->moduleStats) > 0) {
    //        //            foreach (\array_keys($configurator->moduleStats) as $i) {
    //        //                $moduleStats[$i] = $configurator->moduleStats[$i];
    //        //            }
    //        //        }
    //        $moduleStats  = [
    //            'totalcategories' => $helper->getHandler('Category')->getCategoriesCount(-1),
    //            'totalitems'      => $helper->getHandler('Item')->getItemsCount(),
    //            'totalsubmitted'  => $helper->getHandler('Item')->getItemsCount(-1, Constants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_SUBMITTED),
    //            'totalpublished'  => $helper->getHandler('Item')->getItemsCount(-1, Constants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED),
    //            'totaloffline'    => $helper->getHandler('Item')->getItemsCount(-1, Constants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_OFFLINE),
    //            'totalrejected'   => $helper->getHandler('Item')->getItemsCount(-1, Constants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_REJECTED),
    //        ];
    //        return $moduleStats;
    //    }

     * @param $path
     * @param $image
     * @param $alt
     * @return string
    public static function iconSourceTag($path, $image, $alt)
        $imgSource = "<img src='" . $path . "$image'  alt='" . $alt . "' title='" . $alt . "' align='middle'>";

        return $imgSource;