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<div id="help-template" class="outer">
    <{include file=$smarty.const._MI_SF_HELP_HEADER}>

    <h4 class="odd">DESCRIPTION</h4> <br>

    <p class="even">SmartFAQ, as you would probably have guessed it by the name, is a Frequently Asked Questions system
        for XOOPS 2.x websites. Compared to XoopsFaq or WF-FAQ, SmartFAQ offers
        exciting new functionality that will help communities to quickly and easily build a complete FAQ system for
        their sites.<br> <br>
        Here are some of the features of SmartFAQ :<br> <br>

        - Users can request a Q&A<br> <br>
        - Accepted requests are published in the Open Questions section.<br> <br>
        - Users can see, in the Open Questions section, the questions that are yet unanswered.<br> <br>
        - Users can propose answers to these questions.<br> <br>
        - When an answer is approved, the Q&A is published in the Q&A section.<br> <br>
        - Each Q&A can have other information like a 'Did you know?' and 'How do I?' statement.<br> <br>
        - These statements can be randomly displayed in blocks, along with a link for the complete answer.<br> <br>
        - Q&A can be linked to a specific module or a specific URL.<br> <br>
        - If such a link is made, the Contextual Q&A block will display contextual Q&A relatively to where the user is
        on your site.<br> <br>
        - At any time, users can submit a better answer for a Q&A that already has an answer. This newly submitted
        answer will obviously need to be appoved by a moderator.<br> <br>

    <h4 class="odd">INSTALL/UNINSTALL</h4>

    <p class="even">No special measures necessary, follow the standard installation process –
        extract the module folder into the ../modules directory. Install the
        module through Admin -> System Module -> Modules.<br> <br>
        Detailed instructions on installing modules are available in the
        <a href="" target="_blank">Chapter 2.12 of our XOOPS
            Operations Manual</a></p>

    <h4 class="odd">OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS</h4>

    This module and its operations are very simple.<br> <br>
    Detailed instructions on configuring the access rights for user groups are available in the
    <a href="" target="_blank">XOOPS Operations Manual</a><br>

    <h4 class="odd">TUTORIAL</h4>

    <p class="even">Tutorial is available on <a href=""

    <br><br>To contribute to this Tutorial, <a href="" target="_blank">please fork it on GitHub</a>.
    <br> This document describes our <a href="" target="_blank">Documentation Process</a> and it will help you to understand how to contribute.
    There are more XOOPS Tutorials, so check them out in our <a href="" target="_blank">XOOPS Tutorial Repository on GitBook</a>.

    <h4 class="odd">TRANSLATIONS</h4> <br>
    <p class="even">
        Translations are on <a href="" target="_blank">Transifex</a> and in our <a href="" target="_blank">XOOPS Languages Repository on GitHub</a>.</p>

    <h4 class="odd">SUPPORT</h4> <br>
    <p class="even">
        If you have questions about this module and need help, you can visit our <a href="" target="_blank">Support Forums on XOOPS Website</a></p>

    <h4 class="odd">DEVELOPMENT</h4> <br>
    <p class="even">
        This module is Open Source and we would love your help in making it better! You can fork this module on <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub</a><br><br>
        But there is more happening on GitHub:<br><br>
        - <a href="" target="_blank">XOOPS Core</a> <br>
        - <a href="" target="_blank">XOOPS Modules</a><br>
        - <a href="" target="_blank">XOOPS Themes</a><br><br>
        Go check it out, and <strong>GET INVOLVED</strong>

