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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

 * Module: SmartFAQ
 * Author: The SmartFactory <>
 * Licence: GNU
define('_MD_SF_ACTION', 'Action');
define('_MD_SF_ALL', 'All');
define('_MD_SF_ADMIN_PAGE', ':: Admin Section ::');
define('_MD_SF_ALLOWCOMMENTS', 'Allow comments?');
define('_MD_SF_ANSWERED', 'Answered');
define('_MD_SF_ANSWERQUESTION', '[Submit an answer!]');
define('_MD_SF_ANSWER_FAQ', 'Answer');
define('_MD_SF_ANSWER_FAQ_DSC', 'Detailed answer to the above question.');
define('_MD_SF_APPROVE', 'Approve');
define('_MD_SF_ARTBODY', 'Detail answer');
define('_MD_SF_ARTICLES', ' Q&amp;A.');
define('_MD_SF_BACK2CAT', 'Return to category');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY_SUMMARY', 'Category summary');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY_SUMMARY_INFO', 'Here is information related to this category.');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY_EDIT', 'Edit category');
define('_MD_SF_CANCEL', 'Cancel');
define('_MD_SF_CLEAR', 'Clear');
define('_MD_SF_COMMENTS', 'Comment(s)');
define('_MD_SF_CONTEXTMODULELINK', 'Contextually linked to this module');
define('_MD_SF_CONTEXTMODULELINK_FAQ', 'Contextually linked to this module');
define('_MD_SF_CONTEXTMODULELINK_FAQ_DSC', "Select the module to which this Q&amp;A will be linked. If the Contextual Q&amp;A block is visible on that module, the 'How do I' statement of this Q&amp;A will be displayed.");
define('_MD_SF_CONTEXTPAGE', 'Contextually linked to this URL');
define('_MD_SF_CONTEXTPAGEDEF', 'Contextual Page');
define('_MD_SF_CONTEXTPAGEDEF_DSC', 'Page for which this Q&amp;A gives explanation <b>Example :</b> modules/newbb');
define('_MD_SF_CREATE', 'Submit the Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY', 'Category');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY_FAQ', 'Category');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY_FAQ_DSC', 'Select a category for this Q&amp;A.');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY_QUESTION', 'Category');
define('_MD_SF_CATEGORY_QUESTION_DSC', 'Select a category for this Question.');
define('_MD_SF_DATE', 'Date');
define('_MD_SF_DATESUB', 'Published on');
define('_MD_SF_DESCRIPTION', 'Description');
define('_MD_SF_DELETE', 'Delete Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_DIDUNO', 'Did You Know?');
define('_MD_SF_DIDUNO_FAQ', 'Did You Know?');
define('_MD_SF_DIDUNO_FAQ_DSC', 'This will be used in the Did You Know block.');
define('_MD_SF_DOHTML', 'Enable HTML tags ');
define('_MD_SF_DOSMILEY', 'Enable smiley icons ');
define('_MD_SF_DOXCODE', 'Enable XOOPS codes');
define('_MD_SF_EDIT', 'Edit Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_ERROR_ANSWER_NOT_SAVED', 'An error occurred. The answer was not saved in the database.');
define('_MD_SF_ERROR_FAQ_NOT_SAVED', 'An error occurred. The Q&amp;A was not saved in the database.');
define('_MD_SF_ERRORSAVINGDB', 'ERROR: Database has NOT been Updated due to an Error!');
define('_MD_SF_EXACTURL', 'Exact URL?');
define('_MD_SF_EXACTURL_DSC', "If set to 'Yes', the Q&amp;A will only display in the'Specific URL set above'. If set to 'No', the Q&amp;A will be displayed all pages that match a part of the root of the specific modules/newbb/*.php");
define('_MD_SF_FAQ_NEW_ANSWER_NEED_APPROBATION', 'Your answer was submitted successfully and will be reviewed by a moderator.');
define('_MD_SF_FAQ_NEW_ANSWER_PUBLISHED', 'Your answer was submitted successfully and will be automatically published in the Q&amp;A section, as a replacement of the original answer.');
define('_MD_SF_FAQCOMEFROM', 'This Q&amp;A was found on ');
define('_MD_SF_FINDFAQHERE', 'Find this Q&amp;A here : ');
define('_MD_SF_GOODDAY', 'Good day, ');
define('_MD_SF_HITS', 'Hits');
define('_MD_SF_HITSDETAIL', 'This Q&amp;A has been read');
define('_MD_SF_HOME', 'Home');
define('_MD_SF_HOWDOI', 'How do I...');
define('_MD_SF_HOWDOI_FAQ', 'How do I..');
define('_MD_SF_HOWDOI_FAQ_DSC', 'This will be used in the Contextual Q&amp;A Block. It should be a short version of the question.');
define('_MD_SF_INDEX_CATEGORIES_SUMMARY', 'Categories summary');
define('_MD_SF_INDEX_CATEGORIES_SUMMARY_INFO', 'Here is a list of the top categories and their sub-categories. Select a category to see the Q&amp;As within.');
define('_MD_SF_INDEX_CATEGORIES_QUESTIONS_SUMMARY_INFO', 'Here is a list of the top categories and their sub-categories. Select a category to see the open questions within.');
define('_MD_SF_INDEX_FAQS', 'Last published Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_INDEX_FAQS_INFO', 'Here is a list of the last Q&amp;As that were published.');
define('_MD_SF_INDEX_QUESTIONS', 'Last published questions');
define('_MD_SF_INDEX_QUESTIONS_INFO', 'Here is a list of the last open questions that were published.');
define('_MD_SF_INTARTFOUND', 'Here is an interesting Question and Answer I have found at %s');
define('_MD_SF_INTARTICLE', 'Have a look at this FAQ at %s');
define('_MD_SF_MAIL', 'Send Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_MAINHEAD', 'Welcome to the');
    "In this area of the site, you will find the answers to the frequently asked questions. Each Q&amp;A is placed in a category for easier finding. This is the section from where the random Q&amp;As in the right column of the site come from. Should you not find the answer to a particular question, don't hesitate to <a href='"
    . "/forms/askus/form.php'>Ask us a Question!</a>"
define('_MD_SF_MAINNOSELECTCAT', 'You did not select a valid category');
define('_MD_SF_MAINNOFAQS', 'There are no Q&amp;As in this category');
define('_MD_SF_MODERATION_MAIN_HEAD', 'Moderation section of ');
define('_MD_SF_MODERATION_MAIN_INTRO', 'As a moderator, you are allowed to approve and reject requests, questions and Q&amp;As.');
define('_MD_SF_MODERATIONPAGE', 'Moderation');
define('_MD_SF_MODERATION_PUBLISHED_NEW_ANSWER', 'Published Q&amp;A with newly submitted answer');
define('_MD_SF_NO', 'No');
define('_AM_SF_NO_CAT_PERMISSIONS', "Sorry, you don't have sufficient permissions to access this area.");
define('_AM_SF_NO_CAT_EXISTS', 'Sorry, there&#8217s no category defined as yet.<br>Please contact the site administrator and tell them about this.');
define('_MD_SF_NO_OPEN_QUESTION', 'There is currently no question in the Open Questions section.');
define('_AM_SF_NO_TOP_PERMISSIONS', 'Sorry, there is no Q&amp;A to display.');
define('_MD_SF_NONE', 'None');
define('_MD_SF_NOQUESTIONSYET', 'There is no questions to display.');
define('_MD_SF_NOTIFY', 'Notify me when this FAQ is published');
define('_MD_SF_NOFAQS_INFO', 'There is presently no Q&amp;A to display.');
define('_MD_SF_NOCATEGORYSELECTED', 'You did not select a valid category!');
define('_MD_SF_NOFAQSELECTED', 'You did not select a valid Q&amp;A!');
define('_MD_SF_OF', 'of');
define('_MD_SF_ON', 'on');
define('_MD_SF_OPEN_ANSWER_NEED_APPROBATION', 'Your answer has been submitted. and will be published in the Q&amp;A section upon approval by a moderator.');
define('_MD_SF_OPEN_SECTION', 'Open Questions');
define('_MD_SF_OPENED_INFO', "Here are the Opened Questions within this category. If you know the answer to any question, please, feel free to answer it by clicking on the question's title.");
define('_MD_SF_OPENED_QUESTIONS', 'Open Questions');
define('_MD_SF_OPTIONS', 'Options');
define('_MD_SF_ORIGINAL_ANSWER', 'Original answer');
define('_MD_SF_POSTED', 'Published');
define('_MD_SF_POSTEDBY', 'Published by');
define('_MD_SF_PREVIEW', 'Preview');
define('_MD_SF_PRINT', 'Print Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_PRINTERFRIENDLY', 'Print this Q&amp;A in a printer friendly format');
define('_MD_SF_QNA_RECEIVED_NEED_APPROVAL', 'Your Q&amp;A has been sent and will be published upon approval by a moderator.<br>Thank you for your contribution!');
define('_MD_SF_QNA_RECEIVED_AND_PUBLISHED', 'Your Q&amp;A has been sent and automatically published. Thank you for your contribution!');
define('_MD_SF_QUESTION', 'Question');
define('_MD_SF_QUESTIONCOMEFROM', 'This Question was found on ');
define('_MD_SF_QUESTIONS', 'Questions');
define('_MD_SF_READS', 'reads');
define('_MD_SF_REQUEST', 'Request a new Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_REQUEST_ERROR', 'An error occurred. Your request was not sent.');
    'You did not find the answer to the question you were looking for? No problem! Simply fill the following form in order to request the answer for a new question. The site administrator will review your request and publish this new question in the Open Questions section for someone to answer it!'
define('_MD_SF_REQUEST_RECEIVED_NEED_APPROVAL', 'Your request has been sent and will be published in the Open Questions section upon approval by a moderator.<br>Thank you for your contribution!');
define('_MD_SF_REQUEST_RECEIVED_AND_PUBLISHED', 'Your request has been sent and automatically published in the Open Questions section. Thank you for your contribution!');
define('_MD_SF_REQUESTED', 'Requested');
define('_MD_SF_REQUESTEDBY', 'Requested by %s on %s');
define('_MD_SF_REQUESTEDANDANSWERED', 'Requested and Answered by %s on %s');
define('_MD_SF_REQUESTEDBYANDANSWEREDBY', 'Requested by %s and Answered by %s on %s');
define('_MD_SF_RETURN', 'Return');
define('_MD_SF_RETURN2INDEX', 'Return to module index');
define('_MD_SF_SMARTFAQS', 'Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_SPECIFIC_URL_SELECT', 'Specific URL...');
define('_MD_SF_SENDSTORY', 'Send this Q&amp;A to a friend');
define('_MD_SF_SPECIFIC_URL', 'Specific URL');
define('_MD_SF_SPECIFIC_URL_DSC', "If you have set the 'Contextually link to this module' to <i>" . _MD_SF_SPECIFIC_URL_SELECT . "</i>, please specify the URL.<br>\n<b>Example :</b> modules/newbb");
define('_MD_SF_SUB_INTRO', 'please fill this form to send your Q&amp;A. The site administrator will review it and then publish it as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your contribution.');
define('_MD_SF_SUB_SNEWNAME', 'Submit a Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_SUB_SMNAME', 'Submit a Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMIT_ERROR', 'An error occurred. Your FAQ was not submitted.');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMITANSWER', 'Submit answer');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMITANSWERTO', 'Submit an answer to %s');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMITANSWER_INTRO', 'please fill this form to submit an answer for this question. The site adminisrator will review it and then publish it as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your contribution.');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMITANSWERBUTTON', 'Submit the answer');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMITAPPROVED', 'The answer you sent has been received. Since the auto-approve option is on, the answer has been accepted and the Q&amp;A has been published.');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMIT_FROM_ADMIN', 'Since you are an admin of the module, the Q&amp;A was automatically published with all permissions.');
define('_MD_SF_LAST_QUESTION', 'Last question published');
define('_MD_SF_LAST_SMARTFAQ', 'Last Q&amp;A published');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMITRECEIVED', 'The answer you sent has been received. We&#8217ll look at it as soon as possible.');
define('_MD_SF_SMARTFAQS_INFO', 'Here are the published Q&amp;As of that category.');
define('_MD_SF_SUBMITART', 'Submit a Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_THE', 'the');
define('_MD_SF_TOTAL_SMARTFAQS', 'Total Q&amp;As');
define('_MD_SF_TOTAL_QUESTIONS', 'Total Questions');
define('_MD_SF_TIMES', 'times');
define('_MD_SF_FAQ', 'Q&amp;A');
define('_MD_SF_UNKNOWNERROR', 'ERROR.  Returning you to where you where!');
define('_MD_SF_WEIGHT', 'Weight');
define('_MD_SF_OPEN_WELCOME', 'Welcome to the Open Questions section of %s');
define('_MD_SF_YES', 'Yes');


define('_MD_SF_THIS_FILE_WAS_ATTACHED_TO_THIS_POST', 'Attached file:');
define('_MD_SF_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS', 'Allowed extensions');
define('_MD_SF_MAX_FILESIZE', 'Maximum file size');
define('_MD_SF_ATTACHMENT', 'Attach file');
define('_MD_SF_FILESIZE', 'Size');
define('_MD_SF_MAXPIC', 'Images at the max. Size %s X %s pixels.');
define('_MD_SF_REMOVE', 'Remove');
define('_MD_SF_UPLOAD', 'Upload');
define('_MD_SF_ATTACHED_FILES', 'Attached files: <br>Check those that you want to delete');
define('_MD_WB_SEARCHFORM', 'Search Form');
define('_MD_WB_LOOKON', 'Look on');
define('_MD_WB_TERMS', 'Terms');
define('_MD_WB_DEFINS', 'Defines');
define('_MD_WB_TERMSDEFS', 'Terms Definitions');
define('_MD_WB_CATEGORY', 'Category');
define('_MD_WB_ALLOFTHEM', 'All of them');
define('_MD_WB_TERM', 'Term');
define('_MD_WB_SEARCH', 'Search');

define('_MD_FILESIZE', 'File Size');
define('_MD_ATTACHMENT', 'Attach file');
define('_MD_HITS', 'Hits');
define('_MD_REMOVE', 'Remove');