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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

 * Module: SmartFAQ
 * Author: The SmartFactory <>
 * Licence: GNU

use Xmf\Request;
use XoopsModules\Smartfaq;
use XoopsModules\Smartfaq\Helper;

require_once __DIR__ . '/header.php';

$faqid = Request::getInt('faqid', 0, 'GET');

if (0 == $faqid) {
    redirect_header('<script>javascript:history.go(-1)</script>', 1, _MD_SF_NOFAQSELECTED);

// Creating the FAQ handler object
/** @var \XoopsModules\Smartfaq\FaqHandler $faqHandler */
$faqHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Faq');

// Creating the FAQ object for the selected FAQ
$faqObj = new Smartfaq\Faq($faqid);

// If the selected FAQ was not found, exit
if ($faqObj->notLoaded()) {
    redirect_header('<script>javascript:history.go(-1)</script>', 1, _MD_SF_NOFAQSELECTED);

// Creating the category object that holds the selected FAQ
$categoryObj = $faqObj->category();

// Creating the answer object
$answerObj = $faqObj->answer();

// Check user permissions to access that category of the selected FAQ
if (Smartfaq\Utility::faqAccessGranted($faqObj) < 0) {
    redirect_header('<script>javascript:history.go(-1)</script>', 1, _NOPERM);

global $xoopsConfig, $xoopsDB, $xoopsModule, $myts;

$who_where = $faqObj->getWhoAndWhen();
$comeFrom  = $faqObj->getComeFrom();

echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n";
echo "<html>\n<head>\n";
echo '<title>' . _MD_SF_FAQCOMEFROM . ' ' . $xoopsConfig['sitename'] . "</title>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=" . _CHARSET . "'>\n";
echo "<meta name='AUTHOR' content='" . $xoopsConfig['sitename'] . "'>\n";
echo "<meta name='COPYRIGHT' content='Copyright (c) 2001 by " . $xoopsConfig['sitename'] . "'>\n";
echo "<meta name='DESCRIPTION' content='" . $xoopsConfig['slogan'] . "'>\n";
echo "<meta name='GENERATOR' content='" . XOOPS_VERSION . "'>\n\n\n";

echo "<body bgcolor='#ffffff' text='#000000' onload='window.print()'>
     <div style='width: 650px; border: 1px solid #000; padding: 20px;'>
     <div style='text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 0 6px 0;'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/smartfaq/assets/images/logo_module.png' border='0' alt=''><h2 style='margin: 0;'>" . $faqObj->question() . "</h2></div>
     <div align='center'>" . $who_where . "</div>
                <div style='text-align: center; display: block; padding-bottom: 12px; margin: 0 0 6px 0; border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;'></div>
                <b><p>" . $faqObj->question() . '</p></b>
                <p>' . $answerObj->answer() . "</p>
                <div style='padding-top: 12px; border-top: 2px solid #ccc;'></div>
                <p>" . $comeFrom . '</p>

echo '<br>