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namespace XoopsModules\Tdmdownloads;

 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * @copyright    XOOPS Project
 * @license      GNU GPL 2 or later (
 * @package
 * @since
 * @author       XOOPS Development Team
class Constants
     * Constant definition
    //    const MODULE_DIRNAME0 = basename(__DIR__);
    //    static $moddir = basename(dirname(__DIR__));
    public static $moduleDirName = null;
    public static $mydirname2    = null; //set in constructor
    public static $moduleUrl     = null;
    public static $modulePath    = null;
    public static $imagesUrl     = null;
    public static $imagesPath    = null;
    public static $adminUrl      = null;
    public static $adminPath     = null;
    public static $uploadsUrl    = null;
    public static $uploadsPath   = null;
    //    const ROOT = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."project/";
    //    const MODULE_DIRNAME = basename(dirname(__DIR__));
    //    const MODULE_URL = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . self::MODULE_DIRNAME;
    //    const IMAGES_URL = PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/images';
    //    const ADMIN_URL = PUBLISHER_URL . '/admin';
    //    const UPLOADS_URL = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . self::MODULE_DIRNAME;
    //    const MODULE_PATH = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . self::MODULE_DIRNAME;
    //    const UPLOADS_PATH = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/uploads/' . self::MODULE_DIRNAME;

    // common constants
    // constants for state
    public const STATE_OFFLINE_VAL = 0;
    public const STATE_ONLINE_VAL  = 1;
    public const STATE_APPROVAL_VAL = 2;

    // constants for rating
    public const RATING_NONE = 0;
    public const RATING_5STARS = 1;
    public const RATING_10STARS = 2;
    public const RATING_LIKES   = 3;
    public const RATING_10NUM = 4;

    //Application Folders (from xHelp module)
    define('BASE_PATH', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/'. XHELP_DIR_NAME);
    define('CLASS_PATH', XHELP_BASE_PATH.'/class');
    define('BASE_URL', XHELP_SITE_URL .'/modules/'. XHELP_DIR_NAME);
    define('UPLOAD_PATH', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/".XHELP_DIR_NAME);
    define('INCLUDE_PATH', XHELP_BASE_PATH.'/include');
    define('INCLUDE_URL', XHELP_BASE_URL.'/include');
    define('IMAGE_PATH', XHELP_BASE_PATH.'/images');
    define('IMAGE_URL', XHELP_BASE_URL.'/images');
    define('ADMIN_URL', XHELP_BASE_URL.'/admin');
    define('ADMIN_PATH', XHELP_BASE_PATH.'/admin');
    define('PEAR_PATH', XHELP_CLASS_PATH.'/pear');
    define('CACHE_PATH', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/cache');
    define('CACHE_URL', XHELP_SITE_URL .'/cache');
    define('SCRIPT_URL', XHELP_BASE_URL.'/scripts');
    define('JPSPAN_PATH', XHELP_INCLUDE_PATH.'/jpspan');
    define('FAQ_ADAPTER_PATH', XHELP_CLASS_PATH.'/faq');
    define('REPORT_PATH', XHELP_BASE_PATH .'/reports');
    define('REPORT_URL', XHELP_BASE_URL .'/reports');
    define('JPGRAPH_PATH', XHELP_INCLUDE_PATH .'/jpgraph');
    define('JPGRAPH_URL', XHELP_INCLUDE_URL .'/jpgraph');
    define('RPT_RENDERER_PATH', XHELP_CLASS_PATH .'/reportRenderer');
     *  do not allow
    public const DISALLOW = 0;
     *  allow
    public const ALLOW = 1;
     *  top level Category ID
    public const ALLOW_MEMBERS = 2;
     *  top level Category ID
    public const TOP_LEVEL_CID = 0;
     *  indicates default number of feed items to show
    public const DEFAULT_FEED_COUNT = 10;
     *  maximum number of characters for feed description
    public const MAX_FEED_DESC_COUNT = 1000;
     *  feed image height default
    public const FEED_IMG_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = 31;
     *  feed image height maximum
    public const FEED_IMG_HEIGHT_MAX = 400;
     *  feed image width default
    public const FEED_IMG_WIDTH_DEFAULT = 88;
     *  feed image width maximum
    public const FEED_IMG_WIDTH_MAX = 144;
     *  google magic used for page rank
    public const GOOGLE_MAGIC = 0xE6359A60;
     *  anonymous user's ID
    public const ANON_USER_ID = 0;
     *  default feed type
    public const DEFAULT_FEED_TYPE = 'RSS';
     *  number of subcategories to display
    public const SHOW_SUBCAT_COUNT = 5;
     * allow HTML in WYSIWYG editor
    public const ALLOW_HTML = 1;
     * do not allow HTML in WYSIWYG editor
    public const DISALLOW_HTML = 0;
     * no delay XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_NONE = 0;
     * short XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_SHORT = 1;
     * medium XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_MEDIUM = 3;
     * long XOOPS redirect delay (in seconds)
    public const REDIRECT_DELAY_LONG = 7;
     * maximum acceptable rating
    public const RATING_MAX = 10;
     * minimum acceptable rating
    public const RATING_MIN = 1;
     * days between ratings from single IP
    public const RATING_WAIT = 1;
     * sort list by popularity
    public const SORT_BY_POPULARITY = 1;
     * sort list by rating
    public const SORT_BY_RATING = 2;
     * sort list by most recent
    public const SORT_BY_MOST_RECENT = 3;
     * link status - inactive
    public const STATUS_INACTIVE = 0;
     * new link status
    public const STATUS_NEW = 1;
     * modified link status
    public const STATUS_UPDATED = 1;

    public function __construct()
        self::$mydirname2 = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));

     * @return null|string
    public static function mydirname()
        if (null === self::$moduleDirName) {
            self::$moduleDirName = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));
        return self::$moduleDirName;