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Test Coverage
Version: 1.61
Date:    2011/08/14

List of bugs:

 - bug in field.php (class moduleadmin not found) (Mage).

List of improvements:

 - Using Frameworks "ModuleClasses" 1.1 (Mage).

Version: 1.6
Date:    2011/06/19

List of bugs:

 - It was impossible to choose categories to show in the block admin (nothing is shown) (Mage).
 - In the modification request, if the logo doesn't exist, the default value wasn't "blank.gif" (Mage).
 - In the editing form of a download file, the date wasn't the current date (Mage).
 - Permissions by files don't run well (Mage).
 - In visit.php the url of download can cause a problem (Fabrice59).
 - Call of inexistent file in class tree.php (Mage).
 - the category title isn't informed in the notification message "category_newfile_notify.tpl" (Mage).
 - missing view.tag.php and list.tag.php added (voltan)
List of improvements:

 - Admission area has be recoded to be 100% compatible with xoops 2.5 (Mage).
 - Organization of preferences by sections (Mage).
 - We can now choose the number of columns to show the categories (Mage).
 - We can now choose the number of columns to show the downloads (Mage).
 - Add of RSS Feeds to the module (Mage).
 - Categories descriptions are now shown in viewcat.php (Mage).
 - We can now show the logo (or a screenshot) of the download and its description in all blocks (Mage).
 - System of limitation of downloading (Voltan, Mage).
 - The images 'new', 'updated' et 'popular' are now specific to each language (Mage, Mariane)
 - Adding a search block (Mage, Mariane)
 - Add bookmark and Social Networks (voltan)


 - See the file "lang_diff.txt" for changes in language.


 1 - You have to delete the existent folder "TDMDownloads" in "modules".
 2 - Upload the new folder  "TDMDownloads"   to your server in the "modules" folder.
 3 - Update the module.
 4 - Go to each block, then edit the options (important to insure the function  of the blocks).
 5 - If you overloaded your templates, it will be necessary to update them.

Version: 1.5
Date:    02.04.2010

List of bugs:

 - The display sub-categories in "viewcat.php" does not work.
 - Loss of many language definitions for the file : ratefile.php.
 - Fixed import system.
 - You could get downloads awaiting validation with their ids in "singlefile.php.
 - The categories were not viewed as a tree in the file "search.php".
 - Fixed file "search.php".
 - Pages's title were not working when we were in sub-categories.
 - When editing a download or a file, if the logo was no longer exists, the logo : "blank.gif" doesn't become the default".
 - Errors in language files.
 - In the preferences, if you set '0 ' as the number of new downloads on the homepage, all downloads were displayed
   Bug on display mode while redirections in the admin section.

List of improvements:

 - Performance Module (the number of request has decreased by 5).
 - The pages titles has been modified to improve the ranking.
 - Adding a permissions to download files. (2 types).
 - Adding permissions to auto-approve the proposals for download.
 - The display of categories in admin has been reviewed.
 - Permissions can be set creating a category.
 - You can now set manually the date of update, (allowed in the edit mode and for only administrators).
 - When creating or editing, you can choose whether the download is approved (only administrators).
 - The display of downloads page is modifiable only by admin side.
 - Empty fields are not displayed.
 - The file "search.php" has been completely redesigned to improve its speed.
 - Ability to protect downloads (impossible to download with a direct link). See the tab 'About' in the administration module.
 - Added a stylesheet for templates.
 - Added a "Donation Button" working only with Paypal.


 - Adding the suffix "cat_" in all fields of the table "tdmdownloads_cat.
 - See the file "lang_diff.txt" for changes in language.

Version: 1.10
Date:    11.11.2009

- The module supports the tagging system module 'TAG'.
- 2 options added in the preferences, the first to rename or not the uploaded file and the second to enter the prefix when the file is renamed.
- Added option "number of downloads per page in the administration."
- Fix a bug with the default editor of xoops (html display when editing).
- Fix a bug when deleting a category.
- Change management platforms (multi-menu selection) with the values defined in the preferences of the module.
- Added ability to rename the post and put the date of submission to date or not.
- Bug in the details of the votes in the admin, all votes were visible in all downloads.
- Fixed a bug in the admin for the download management when making a selection in the "waiting for validation", the filter brought on normal downloads.
- Added system information the last version
- Fixed French language files in uft-8
- Fixed script import Mydownloasd 1.6
- Fixed script import WF-Downloads 3.2 RC2

Voir le fichier lang_diff.txt pour les nouveaux define de langue.