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Test Coverage
<h5>1.12 Beta 1       [2020-08-13]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.9
- clean up namespaces (mamba)
- added Migrate (mamba)
- renamed 'PHP_SELF' to 'SCRIPT_NAME' (mamba)
- Yoda (mamba)
- reversed to while (list()) (mamba)
- renamed $syspermHandler to $grouppermHandler (mamba)
- renamed include to required for files (mamba)
- http:// to https:// (mamba)
- Qualifier replaced with an import (mamba)
- replaced htmlSpecialCharsStrip() with htmlspecialchars() (mamba)

<h5>1.11 RC 1       [2017-09-04]</h5>
+ added install/update/uninstall scripts (mamba)
+ added Russian translations (aerograf)
+ copy flags on install and update (mamba)
x moved vCard to /classes (mamba)
* Short syntax in array literals (mamba)
+ added "todo.txt" file (mamba)
- delete getAdminMenu() (mamba)
+ namespaces (mamba)

<h5>1.11 Beta 2       [2017-09-02]</h5>
- fixed the possibility of publishing news (aerograf)
- fixed the possibility of publishing newbb (aerograf)
- reworked help (aerograf)
- added Server Stats via traits (mamba)
- added common.php language file
- moved version checks to a trait (mamba)
- added automated folder creation (mamba)
- added Configurator array (mamba)
- Short syntax for applied operation (mamba)
- code cosmetics for arrays in xoops_version.php (mamba)
- update to __DIR__ (mamba)
- deleted uploader.php - use XoopsMediaUploader (mamba)
- renamed files wfl_links.php and class_thumbnail.php (mamba)

<h5>1.10 RC-1        [2017-09-01]</h5>
- code cosmetics (mamba)
- removed @version (mamba)
- addNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
- dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba)
- XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7 (mamba)
- replaced < b /> with < b > (mamba)
- Unnecessary double quotes (mamba)
- reference mismatch (mamba)
- Hardening to type safe (mamba)
- update Help (mamba)
- changed _handler to Handler (mamba)
- removed '/' from void HTML elements (&lt;br&gt;, &lt;img&gt;, etc) (mamba)
- HTML 5: removed 'selected' and 'checked' (mamba)
- updated file headers for consistency (mamba)
- renamed several $indexAdmin with $adminObject for consistency (mamba)
- Updates for PayPal changes (zyspec)
- added (mamba)
- moved functions to Utility class (mamba)
- include_once to require_once (mamba)
- php-cs-fixer updates (mamba)
- started conversion to XMF (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- updated addInfoBoxLine entries (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- displayNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- changed to ->displayButton('left') (mamba)

<h5>1.10 Beta 2       [2017-08-31]</h5>
- modification for XOOPS 2.5.9 (aerograf)
- fixed the creation of screenshots (aerograf)
- changed some icons (aerograf)
- some corrections were made (aerograf)

<h5>1.10 Beta 1       [2014-04-23]</h5>
- moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba)
- renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba)
- converted old help/info files to new 2.5.7 Multi-Help format (mamba)
- XOOPS 2.5.8, PHP 7 (mamba)

<h5>1.09 Final          [2012-12-16]</h5>
- finalizing version (mamba)

<h5>1.09 Beta 2         [2012-06-25]</h5>
- changed editor list selection to dynamic (mamba)
- replace with for screenshots (Shine)
- fixed bug related to $myts constructor overriding (mamba)

<h5>1.09 Beta 1         [2012-06-24]</h5>
Shine and Mamba:
Fixed: Admin section:
- missing image: Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/16/folder_add.png
- Fixed: Startpage counters don't work in other language than english.
- Fixed: admin/index.php : Line prox 56 and Prox line 78:  was calling 2 ().php files which belong to other module (result of conversion).
- Changed main menu: moved manual into help. Added 'Link management'

<h5>1.08 Beta 1         [2012-04-25]</h5>
- converted to XOOPS 2.5.x Admin GUI (mamba)

<h5>1.07 Final          [23-6-2012]</h5>
- Fixed: 2 bugs popped up after release 1.07 Final (shine)
- Changed standard directory where flags are hold. Moved them to uploads/flags. (File: xoopsversion.php)
- Changed standard directory where images: category, screenshots are hold. Moved them to: uploads/wflinks/category and uploads/wflinks/screenshots (file: xoopsversion.php)

(below 2 bugs popped up:
Found a small typo in WF-Links 1.07 that causes new links not to be displayed correctly on the Index Page.
To fix this open the file ../templates/wflinks_index.html and find this line:
<{include file="db:wflinks_linkload.html" link=$link[i]}>

Replace the above line with the following:
<{include file="db:wflinks_linkload.html" wfllink=$link[i]}>

Save the file, upload it to your server and update WF-Links from the Module Administration.
Bug in include/notifications.php


When notifications are enabled an error might occur.

Open the file include/ and replace this line:
$mydirname = basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) );

with this line:
$mydirname = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) );

<h5>1.07 Final          [14.12.2008]</h5>
- Fixed: mysterious links in catview (hopefully)
- Fixed: setting 'total amount of characters for description'
- Fixed: unclosed div-tag in wflinks_viewcat.html
- Fixed: unclosed div-tag in wflinks_print.html
- Fixed: body-tag declared twice in wflinks_print.html

<h5>1.06 Final          [18.10.2008]</h5>
- Added Newbbex to list of forums
- User gets redirected back to link after voting
- Street2 can be used for all known addresses
- Extended list of address formats (include/address.php)
- Search result are sorted by title ascending
- Categories in Popular an Top Rated are sorted by setting in Preferences
- Removed justification from description
- Set Quick View option of by default

- Fixed bug: alternative cats were not deleted
- Fixed bug: blank page with Cancel button ratingpage
- Fixed bug: printing of screenshot when Display Screenshot is set to No

- Changed: references to class/xoopsmodule.php to kernel/module.php [vaughan]

- Updated the online documentation
- dutch [mcdonald]
- english [mcdonald]
- portuguese-brazilian [gibaphp]

- Removed file ../templates/wflinks_linkloadsimple.html
- Removed file ../docs/english/readme1st.txt

<h5>1.06 RC-2           [18.08.2008]</h5>
- Added noindex,nofollow meta-tag to broken- and rating pages
- Added option to Index Page to show Latest Links [trabis & mcdonald]

- Converted dutch & english language files into UTF-8

- Fixed rating page, removed closing div-tag
- Fixed mimetype setting for Forum icon
- Fixed notice Vote Data in main index

<h5>1.06 RC-1           [26.07.2008]</h5>
- Install folder can be renamed
- Replaced date() by formatTimestamp()
- Re-styled information block above submit form in administration
- Links in blocks will be ordered by publication date instead of submit date
- Modify option visible for submitter only
- Added disclaimer template [m0nty]
- Added Tag Cloud & Top Tags blocks, and added tags to template

- Added German language files with UTF-8 [xoops-magazine]
- Added Portugese language files (utf-8) [gibaphp]
- Added Portuguese-Brazilian language files (utf-8) [gibaphp]

- Fixed bug for urls containing spaces or %20
- Fixed bug where category was set as a subcat of itself
- Fixed modification feature (address items, etc.)

<h5>1.05 Final          [20.05.2008]</h5>
- Added wflinks_disclaimer.html Template for disclaimer text in submit.php & visit.php [vaughan]

<h5>1.05 RC-6           [19.04.2008]</h5>
- Added screenshot to print output
- Added module icon for impressCMS
- Added 'expired' icon to Status column in main index
- Added center bottom blocks to WF-Links block settings
- Added email field to submit forms and vCard
- Added VAT field to submit forms
- Added option to set the flags folder
- Added option for Auto Screenshots

- Updated module icon for impressCMS
- Submit form News story only active if News module is installed
- Replaced MS Live Maps by Multimap

- Fixed multilanguage issue in impressCMS
- Fixed comment template issue
- Fixed bug in News story submit option

<h5>1.05 RC-5           [24.03.2008]</h5>
- Added vCard feature to address
- Added Print feature
- Added Mobile/Cell phone field to submit forms
- Added Sponsor (banner) feature to categories
- Added block for Sponsor (banner) statistics
- Added option to set date format for blocks
- Added option to Preferences to turn off address forms
- Updated countries conform ISO-3166
- Swapped names 'Publisher' and 'Submitter'
- Extended ranges Popular Count and Links per Page in Preferences

<h5>1.05 RC-4           [08.03.2008]</h5>
- Fixed XSS vulnerabilities [Vaughan/McDonald]
- Fixed bug in sub-cat listing
- Fixed bug page nav in Recent Links

<h5>1.05 RC-3           [29.02.2008]</h5>
- Added VoIP number field to submit forms
- Corrected street 1 typo in dutch langfile
- Revamped Set Publishing Date
- Different date format can be set for admin section
- Removed files bugfixlist0.php & bugfixlist1.php
- Fixed bug in editors function (FCKEditor)

<h5>1.05 RC-2           [21.02.2008]</h5>
- Added German language files [sato-san & Burkhard]
- Added address and map features to user submit form
- Added TinyMCE to list of editors (works for XOOPS & ImpressCMS)
- Added Control Panel icons for ImpressCMS
- Changed Warning system to recognise if folders are writeable y/n
- Replaced form for meta keywords
- Fixed 'Latest Listings' page
- Minor improvements in subcat listing template

<h5>1.05 RC-1           [29.01.2008]</h5>
- Added WHOIS icon to frontpage and Main Index for admins (
- Added address feature
- Added Google, Yahoo and MS Live Maps feature
- Fixed option to move links from category to category
- Modified include/update.php, no need for SmartObject anymore

<h5>1.04 Stable         [24.01.2008]</h5>
- Changed version number to 1.04
- Fixed search routine
- Fixed category path in singlelink view
- Fixed some typos
- Improved 'Back' button
- PageRank can be switched off in Preferences
- Added main category title to main index
- Added icon in submit form for checking url
- Added Pagerank to Pingtime page as extra check for brokenlinks
- Added Latest Listings to Main Menu
- Added editor DHTML Extended
- Added social bookmarks
- Added support for Tag-module
- Added extra page nav above link listing in Main Index
- Editor for user & admin can be different (Preferences)
- Removed Spaw editor from selection menu
- Replaced icons by new ones (

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [20.12.2007]</h5>
- Fixed bug in brokenlinks, edit option not working
- Added Quick View option [freeop]
- Added Google PageRank� []
- Added Back button above detailed view page of link
- Added links to Support Forums in About

<h5>1.0.3c Stable         [09.11.2007]</h5>
- Added option in Prefs to turn on/off 'Other links by'
- Amount of characters of description in category view can be set
- Comment option not visible when disabled in Preferences [peter55]
- Added option for sorting categories by weight or title
- Rewrote Permissions page

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [10.09.2007]</h5>
- Removed some redundant code from singlelink.html

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [02.09.2007]</h5>
- Removed installscript.php and admin/resources.php
- Tables wf_resources and wf_resource_types will be removed on update
- Corrections for field length of meta keywords
- Added corrected language file for SmartObject module

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [03.08.2007]</h5>
- Amount of characters for field length of keywords can
be set in Preferences
- Removed Inbetween from WYSIWYG editors list

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [03.06.2007]</h5>
fixed bug: Notice from linkload.php
fixed bug: Error displayed when updating module

- removed 'Moderator Options'

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [25.05.2007]</h5>
- Category titles visible in browser title bar

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [23.05.2007]</h5>
- modified Latest Listings page
- new WF-Links 1.03c icon in admin section

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [10.05.2007]</h5>
fixed bug: Meta keywords feature not compatible with Xoops 2.0.x [peter55]

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [04.04.2007]</h5>
fixed bug: Security hole [m0nty]

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [06.03.2007]</h5>
- meta keywords now replaces the Xoops meta keywords
- title of link now appears in browser title bar

<h5>1.0.3c Stable           [04.11.2006]</h5>
Added feature: Use of WYSIWYG editors.
Added feature: Country of origin of the website.
Added feature: Meta keywords.

<h5>1.0.3b Stable           [29.03.2006]</h5>
fixed bug: Page Navigation fails in admin main index. [Bender]
fixed bug: Modifying category fails. [Mithrandir?]
fixed bug: Sorting options on front page fails. [CyberDiver]
fixed bug: Page navigation on front page fails. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Option like bold, italic, url, imagemanager, etc. of DHTML editor fails. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: groupid in file modules/wflinks/index.php line 78. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Icon view.gif is missing. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Modified category menu in submit.php to be same as in admin editors. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Comment out line 135-136 and 143-144 of xoops_version.php. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Truncated description in wflinks_linkload.html to 256 characters. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Popularity and Rating lists fail. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Total links count fails when category contains sub-categories. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Blocks not showing when outside WF-Links. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Popular icon/text not showing. [McDonald]
fixed bug: Link Management option in Modules -> WF-Links was same as Main Index option. [McDonald]

Updated: Disabled maturity rating

<h5>1.0.3 Stable            [21.06.2005]</h5>
fixed bug: Smarty error Error [Xoops]: Smarty error: [in db:wflinks_linkload.html line 41]: syntax error: unidentified token '=' (cosmodrum).
fixed bug: SQL file seems to be for mysql 4.x (contains DEFAULT CHARSET entry), Fix for backward compat with older versions of Mysql.
fixed bug: Updated String version in Xoops_version.php to show correct module version number.
fixed bug: resource image width issue in wflinks_singlelink.html.
fixed bug: Resource types, updating the above should now see resource types work in admin and should be usable.
fixed bug: Resource types, changed icon to match the proper icon in the admin link index.
fixed bug: Resource types will no longer be taken into account when rendering veiwcat.php. Should cut down on un-needed mysql queries
during this operation.

Updated: Added 'onUpdate' to Xoops_version.php to allow for WF-Resources tables to be added to the database.
Updated: cleaned some html in indexpage.php for 'Index Page Information'.

<h5>1.0.2           [18.06.2005]</h5>
fixed bug: search not working correct due to missing function.
fixed bug: found remaining non 'group' function and used correct function.

<h5>1.0.2           [16.06.2005]</h5>
fixed bug: submit feature showing regardless of permissions
fixed bug: wrong amount of links displayed in main index
fixed bug: in some cases non published links would show in listing
fixed bug: incorrect count shown depending on sub sections
fixed bug: cross category permissions now correctly adhered too.
fixed bug: page navigation should not show when more than 10 links per category.
fixed bug: fixed text not showing as html.
fixed bug: undefined function group() in blocks fixed.
fixed bug: fixed bug for resource update. Resource tables should be installed on install/update

Updated: permission system updated to use Xoops group permissions
Updated: Rating permissions for each category.

Added feature: Auto approve feature for submissions for each category
Added feature: Moderator permissions and abilites for each category
Added feature: Moderator permissions and abilites

<h5>1.0.1 RC            [26.03.2005]</h5>
Added feature: Check for Broken links and the ability to edit or delete them
Added feature: Check ping times of links (in Admin )
Added feature: Auto approve links by selected groups
Added feature: Category image in category listing (Thanx Gigaphp)

Updated: Add new version of GIJoes Admin Block hack
Updated:New Icon Set By Xpider (Please read in the about us regarding these images use)

fixed bug: Fixed redeclared thumb image (Thanks to PD-Dreams)
fixed bug: Fixed Sql install error.
fixed bug: Fixed cannot redclare wllists.
fixed bug: fixed the page navigation in category listings
fixed bug: Fixed some action icons navigation, not deleting or editing items when supposed to.
fixed bug: "Notify me when this file is approved"
fixed bug: Approving item no longer give white page.
fixed bug: Submission and Moderator bugs
fixed bug: category images where not sized to choosen sizes
fixed bug: search permissions not working correctly
fixed bug: smilies, images etc should work in the description of the indexpage and category listings
Many more small bugs fixed......