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Test Coverage
<h5>1.41 RC 1   [NOT RELEASED]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.1
 - cosmetics (goffy)
<h5>1.41 Beta 1   [NOT RELEASED]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.1
 - __NAMESPACE__ in helper.php (mamba)
 - added Feedback (mamba)
 - added language translations (mamba)
 - fixed bug in adding subcriber (goffy)
 - implemented syncronisation with phyton-mailman (goffy)
 - implemented template files for admin area (goffy)
 - letter templates can be selected as on - or offline (goffy)
 - updated bmh (goffy)
 - various bug fixes (goffy)
 - usage of activation key for each subscriber (goffy)
 - added preference for level of protocol/debugging in cron (goffy)
 - added possibility to request subscriptions (goffy)
 - check whether there are existing sbuscription to this cat before deleting (goffy)
 - new maintenance: delete data in table catsubscr, if cat is no more existing in table cat (goffy)
 - changed content of activation key (goffy)
 - delete catsubscr when deleting subscriber (goffy)
 - possibility to delete general protocol (goffy)
 - secured listing of existing subscription (goffy)

<h5>1.4 Beta 2   [2019-10-05]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.10
 - fix problem of none showing privous newsletters in newsletter list (goffy)

<h5>1.4 Beta 1   [2019-10-05]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.10
 - fix getConfig() (goffy/mamba)
 - fix call to PHPMailer (goffy/mamba)
 - add check for getModule() in menu (mamba)
 - add check for $pathModIcon32 in menu (mamba)
 - fixed bugs in templates (goffy)
 - fixed bugs in cron (goffy)
 - fixed bugs in (goffy)
 - added protocol level to cron for testing pruposes (goffy)
 - add check for upload paths in admin/index (goffy)
 - fixed bugs in calc letter size (goffy)
 - various cosmetics in admin area (goffy)
 - rebuilt list protocol items (goffy)

<h5>1.4 Alpha 1   [WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT RELEASED]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.9
 - namespaces (mamba)
 - class autoloading (mamba)
 - reverted in_array() true check (mamba)
 - reversed to while (list()) (mamba)
 - fix Capital letters in getHandler() (goffy/mamba)
 - fix namespaces in oninstall (goffy/mamba)

<h5>1.3     NOT RELEASED</h5>
 - replaced "dirname(__FILE__)" with "__DIR__" (mamba)
 - centered icons in tables (mamba)
 - some English updates (mamba)
 - standardize code (mamba,luciorota)
 - import procedure: check if limit options are compatible with php.ini 'max_input_vars' setting (luciorota)
 - update procedure: rename module's directory name to lowercase (luciorota)
 - templatize user side (luciorota)
 - added: send attachment as email attachment or as link (luciorota)
 - added: possibility to choose the maximum number of attachments (luciorota)
 - added: calculate email and attachments size (luciorota)
 - added: possibility to store templates also in database (luciorota)
 - added: html2txt function for non-HTML mail clients (luciorota)
 - added: breadcrumb class (luciorota)
 - added: updating to XOOPS 2.5.7 Multi-page help (luciorota)
 - fixed: when there is an apostrophe in the title, a backslash is obtained on reading the email (luciorota)
 - moved /css and /images to /assets (mamba)
 - renamed template extensions from .html to .tpl (mamba)
 - reversed "mod_" prefix on tables (mamba)
 - normalized prefixes for language constants to XNEWSLETTER (mamba)
 - replaced $i++ with ++$i (mamba)

 - standardize code (luciorota)
 - added newsletter info field is html compatible (luciorota)
 - added new tag <{$title}> in letter templates (luciorota)
 - added new block for general info (feichtl/goffy)
 - removed xoops captcha when unsubscribe by link (feichtl/goffy)
 - transfered error text to language file (feichtl/goffy)
 - fixed bug when filter subscribers in admin/subscr.php (feichtl/goffy)
 - french translation (pierredelu)
 - corrected english language files (cesag)
 - added plugin for import from module 'subscribers' (cesag/goffy)
 - changed english language file from ansi to utf8 without bom, corrected translation errors (cesag/goffy)
 - changed redirect_header from subscription.php to index.php after successful deleting a subscription (cesag/goffy)
 - added plugin for module 'evennews' (tatane/goffy)
 - added the possibility to show a list of subscriptions for each subscriber in admin/tab subscriber (goffy)
 - added the possibility to clone a newsletter (luciorota)
 - updated help file concerning import tool (goffy)
 - changed query to queryF to solve problems while running imports (goffy)
 - Fix error $xnewsletter->getHandler('Protocol') (alfred)
 - added the possibility to search for subscriptions concerning an email, if the current user have the right to see/edit subscriptions of other persons (goffy)
 - resize images to xoops standard 16x16 (mamba/goffy)
 - fixed bug in showing tasklist, if email is deleted between creation of task and execution (goffy)
 - fix sql-injection (alfred)
 - Update Adminindex (alfred)
 - fix userinput (alfred)

 - Add option to send newsletters in packages by using a cronjob (goffy)
 - Rebuilt importtool based on temporary table (goffy)
 - Changed table names to new xoops table scheme(table name starts with mod_) (goffy)
 - Add Importtool for rmbulletin, xoopsuser, csv, weblinks, smartpartner (goffy)
 - Fix images from xoops (goffy)
 - Fix errors in languages(alfred)
 - fix error none subscriber for send newsletter (goffy)
 - fix error in blocks (goffy)

 - Original release xnewsletter (goffy,alfred)