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          <span class="ui mini label">v{{version}}</span>
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          Just a little (only 5kb compressed) notifications plugin
        <a class="ui inverted blue huge button" href="{{name}}/archive/">Download</a>
        <br />

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        <a href="" class="github-button">Follow @{{author|raw}}</a>
        <a data-count-api="/repos/mamboer/{{name}}#stargazers_count" data-count-href="/mamboer/{{name}}/stargazers" href="{{name}}" class="github-button">Star</a>
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        <p>Add styles and scripts to your page:</p>
        <pre><code data-language="html">&lt;script src="/path/to/{{name}}.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;link href="/path/to/{{name}}.css" rel="stylesheet" /&gt;</code></pre>
        <div class="ui message warning">
                    <i>Don't forget to load jQuery <b>before</b> {{name}}.min.js!</i>
                    {{name}}.js must be put inside the body tag.
        <p>Or, load Motice via require.js</p>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">
    Motice({ text:'Hello, Motice!' });    


  <div class="ui vertical segment">
    <div class="ui page grid">
      <div class="column">
        <h4>Basic notification:</h4>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ text: 'Hello, Motice!' });</code></pre>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ text: 'Hello, Motice!' });">Run</div>
        <h4>Forcing close:</h4>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ text: 'Hello, Motice!' });</code></pre>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="window['motice2']=Motice({ text: 'Click Close button to close me immediately!' });">Run</div>
        <div class="ui yellow button" onclick="motice2.close(true);">Close!</div>
        <h4>Notification with custom image:</h4>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ text: 'Motice with custom image!', image: '' });</pre></code>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ text: 'Motice with custom image!', image: '' });">Run</div>
        <h4>Notification with title:</h4>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ title:'Motice' text: 'With title !'});</pre></code>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice', text: 'With title!' });">Run</div>
        <h4>Notification with close button:</h4>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ title:'Motice' text: 'With close button !', closeButton:true });</pre></code>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice', text: 'With close button !', closeButton:true });">Run</div>
        <h4>Notification with progress bar counting for hiding:</h4>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ title:'Motice' text: 'With progress bar !', progressBar:true });</pre></code>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice', text: 'With progress bar !', progressBar:true });">Run</div>
            Notification on specified position:
            <select id="pos" class="ui dropdown">
                <option value="right-bottom">right-bottom</option>
                <option value="right-top" selected>right-top</option>
                <option value="left-bottom">left-bottom</option>
                <option value="left-top">left-top</option>
                <option value="center-bottom">center-bottom</option>
                <option value="center-top">center-top</option>
                <option value="fluid-bottom">fluid-bottom</option>
                <option value="fluid-top">fluid-top</option>
                <option value="center">center</option>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ title:'Motice Position',text: 'Notification at top right', position: 'right-top' });</pre></code>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice Position', text: 'Notification at '+$('#pos').val().replace('-',' '), position: $('#pos').val() });">Run</div>
        <h4>Notification with auto width:</h4>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ width: 'auto', text: 'Not too long text' });</pre></code>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ width: 'auto', text: 'Not too long text' });">Run</div>
            Notification with specified effect:
            <select id="eff" class="ui dropdown">
                <option value=''>No Effect</option>
                <option value='default'>default</option>
                <option value='jelly' selected>jelly</option>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({ title:'Motice effect',effect: 'jelly', text: '<a href="{{name}}" target="_blank">Notification with jelly effect</a>' });</pre></code>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick='effect()'>Run</div>
            var effect = function(){
                    title:'Motice Effect',
                    effect: $('#eff').val(), 
                    text: '<a href="{{name}}" target="_blank">Notification with effect: '+ $('#eff').val()||'none' +'</a>' 

  <div class="ui vertical segment">
    <div class="ui page grid">
      <div class="column">
        <p>All Motice options:</p>
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">{
  // background image path (http/base64)
  image: undefined,
  // Position on screen, values: right-bottom, right-top, left-bottom, left-top, fluid-top, fluid-bottom, center-top, center-bottom
  position: 'right-bottom',
  // Theme, values: default, info, warning, success, error
  theme: 'default',
  // Template, these classes should ALWAYS be there
  template:   '<div class="motice-item">' + 
                '<div class="motice-progress"></div>' +
                '<button type="button" class="motice-close-button" role="button">&times;</button>' +
                '<div class="motice-title"></div>' +
                '<div class="motice-text"></div>' + 
  // hard-code css width, use theme specifed with by default
  width: false,
  // Text that will be displayed in notification
  text: '',
  // Title
  title: null,
  // Hide by click
  clickHide: true,
  // Autohide delay timeout
  timeOut: 4500,
  // autoHide delay timeout after hover out the notification
  // Enable animation effects, default is 'default', another effect called 'jelly' is also provided inernally.
  effect: 'default',
  // We will put an effect class to the notification dom combining 'effectPrefix' and 'effect'
  //progress bar
  progressBar: false,

  //close button
  closeButton: false,

  onShown: function(){},
  onClick: null

  <div class="ui vertical segment">
    <div class="ui page grid">
      <div class="sixteen wide column">
        <h3>Default themes:</h3>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice Theme', theme: 'default', text: 'Default theme' });">Dark (default)</div> 
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice Theme', theme: 'info', text: 'Theme: info' });">info</div>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice Theme', theme: 'warning', text: 'Theme: warning' });">warning</div>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice Theme', theme: 'success', text: 'Theme: success' });">success</div>
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({ title:'Motice Theme', theme: 'error', text: 'Theme: error' });">error</div>
        <h3>Creating custom themes:</h3>
      <div class="eight wide column">
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice.addTheme('dark', {
    classes: 'motice-theme-dark'
        <pre><code data-language="css">.motice-theme-dark {
  background-color: #202020;
  color: #f5f5f5;
      <div class="eight wide column">
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">{

    Blocks order:

    | container
    | - item
    | -- progress
    | -- close-button
    | -- title
    | -- text
    | - item
    | -- progress
    | -- close-button
    | -- title
    | -- text
    | ...


  // Classes that will be added to base element

  classes: ''

  <div class="ui vertical segment">
    <div class="ui page grid">
      <div class="sixteen wide column">
        <h1>Custom animation effects</h1>
          You can use your own show and hide css3 animations. If user's browser does not support css3 animations, simple hide/show will be used as fallback.
      <div class="eight wide column">
        <pre><code data-language="css">@keyframes custom-hide-animation {
  0% {
    transform: scale(1, 1);
  20% {
    opacity: 1;
  100% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(1.5, 1.5);
@keyframes custom-show-animation {
    from {
    to {
.motice-effect-custom.motice-hide {
    animation: custom-hide-animation 0.5s forwards;
.motice-effect-custom.motice-show {
    animation: custom-show-animation 0.5s forwards;
      <div class="eight wide column">
        <pre><code data-language="javascript">Motice({
  text: 'Custom hide animation',
  effect: 'custom'
        <div class="ui blue button" onclick="Motice({text: 'Custom hide animation', effect: 'custom'});">Run</div>

  <div class="ui vertical segment">
    <div class="ui page grid">
      <div class="column">
        <h1>Build and run this site</h1>
          To build Motice from sources you need to install Gulp
        <pre><code data-language="shell">$ npm install gulp-cli -g</code></pre>
          Then navigate in terminal to downloaded sources and install some required modules
        <pre><code data-language="shell">$ npm install</code></pre>
          Then run Gulp, and preview at http://localhost:4000/site/
        <pre><code data-language="shell">$ gulp</code></pre>
          You can take compressed and optimized files from <b>dist</b> folder

  <div class="ui inverted black vertical segment">
    <div class="ui page grid">
      <div class="column">
          Created by <a href="">Levin Van</a>, 2015 - <script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear());</script>
          <br />From China
          <br />
          <br />Site built with awesome <a href="">Semantic UI</a>
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