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# Contributing Towards Managur

Managur is open source software, available under the MIT license.

We absolutely welcome contributions from the community, whether by reporting
issues, or adding new functionality.

## How to contribute

### Have you found a bug?

**If you have discovered a security bug, please do not open an issue. Instead,
please email with full details, and we will have the issue
resolved ASAP.**

1. Ensure that you have tested against the latest version of the library that
you have found the fault in; you may be using an old version and we may have
already fixed it.

1. If the fault still exists in the latest version, please search the project
issues to see if anyone else has already reported the bug.

1. If you can't find a bug report that describes the fault that you have found,
please open a new issue and detail:
    - what the fault is
    - how to replicate
    - versions of all applicable software

1. Optionally, if you have a fix for the bug itself, please follow the
instruction below regarding contributing code to Managur

### Do you want to submit code?

To submit code to any Managur library, fork the repository, make your changes
and submit a pull request.

All code must be [PSR-2](
compliant and we recommend checking coding standards with [PHP Code Sniffer](
If your code is not PSR-2 compliant then it will not be accepted.

We usually insist that adequate _working_ tests accompany any PR. Please bear
that in mind before you submit any code.

**Note**: We won't accept all PRs. If your code is adding functionality that you
have not discussed with the core developers ahead of time, we cannot guarantee
that we will want it in Managur. Please talk to us first to ensure that you do
not waste your time.

We also won't necessarily accept PRs that fix typos or formatting issues. If you
believe that you have found such a problem, please open an issue in the library

## Thank you!
To everyone who supports Managur