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'use strict';
/* jshint camelcase: false */

  .controller('EditArticleCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', '$analytics', '$interval', '$timeout', '$anchorScroll', 'Article', 'article',
      function ($rootScope, $scope, $stateParams, $state, $analytics, $interval, $timeout, $anchorScroll, Article, article) {

    var confirmEditMessage = ('عملية تعديل المقال تنقل المقال إلى مسوداتك. يمكنك' +
        ' نشرها مجدداً بالضغط على نشر.');

    var lastSavedArticle = {};
    // Load the article if we are editing.
    lastSavedArticle = angular.copy(article);
    $scope.article = article;
     * Checks if the article has been changed since the last time it was saved.
     * @return {boolean} True if the article has been changed.
    var isDirty = function () {
      var maybeUpdatedArticle = angular.copy($scope.article);
      var attrs = ['body', 'json_model', 'cover_url', 'tagline', 'title', 'topic'];
      for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
        if (!angular.equals(
            maybeUpdatedArticle[attrs[i]], lastSavedArticle[attrs[i]])) {
          return true;
      return false;

    // Update the page title when the title of the article changes.
    $scope.$watch('article.title', function(){
      $ = $scope.article.title || 'مقال جديد';

    // Warn the user that editing an article will move it to draft until
    // they publish it again.
    $timeout(function () {
      if (article.published) {
          title: 'متأكد من نقل المقال الى المسودات؟',
          text: confirmEditMessage,
          type: 'info',
          showCancelButton: true,
          confirmButtonText: 'نعم متأكد.',
          cancelButtonText: 'لا، الغ التعديل.',
          closeOnConfirm: true,
          closeOnCancel: true },
          if (!isConfirm) {
            $state.go('', {articleId:});
          } else {
            $scope.article.published = false;

    var updateSuccess = function (resource) {
      lastSavedArticle = angular.copy(resource);
      $timeout(function () {
        $scope.isSaving = false;
      }, 1000);
      $scope.inProgress = null;

      if (resource.published) {
        // First time this gets published.
        if (!$scope.article.published_at) {
          $scope.article.published_at = resource.published_at;
          $scope.article.topic = resource.topic;
          $analytics.eventTrack('New Article Published', {
            category: 'Article',
            label: resource.title
        } else {
          // The article has been already published, moved to draft and now
          // republished again.
          $analytics.eventTrack('Article Re-Published', {
            category: 'Article',
            label: resource.title
      if (resource.published) {
        $state.go('', {articleId:});

    var updateError = function (response) {
      $scope.inProgress = null;
      $analytics.eventTrack('Article Update Error', {
        category: 'Article',
        label: angular.toJson(response.errors)
      $scope.error = 'حدث خطأ في حفظ المقال.';

    var deleteSuccess = function () {
      $analytics.eventTrack('Article Deleted', {
        category: 'Article'

      swal('تم الحذف!', 'تم حذف مقالك.', 'success');

      $state.go('app.publishers.profile.user.published', {userId: $});

    var deleteError = function (response) {
      $scope.inProgress = null;
      $analytics.eventTrack('Delete Article Error', {
        category: 'Article',
        label: angular.toJson(response.errors)
      $scope.error = 'حدث خطأ في حذف المقال.';

    var publishingAfterTopicPicked = false;
     * Saves/Updates article data.
     * @param {Object} article Article data.
     * @param {boolean} published Whether to publish the article or save as a draft.
     * @param {boolean} silent Whether to flash the controls or not.
    $scope.saveArticle = function(article, published, silent) {
      // Clear autosave interval before sitting published.
      if(autoSavePromise && published) {
      article.published = published;

      // First time publishing article.
      if (published && !article.published_at && !article.topic) {
        $scope.visible = true;
        publishingAfterTopicPicked = published;
      } else {
        if (!silent) {
          $scope.inProgress = published ? 'publish' : 'save';

            { 'articleId': }, { article: article },
            updateSuccess, updateError, {ignoreLoadingBar: !published});

     * Deletes an article.
     * @param {Object} article Article data.
    $scope.deleteArticle = function(article) {
      $scope.inProgress = 'delete';

        title: 'متأكد من حذف المقال؟',
        text: 'لن تستطيع استعادة المقال بعد الحذف.',
        type: 'warning',
        showCancelButton: true,
        confirmButtonColor: '#DD6B55',
        confirmButtonText: 'نعم متأكد وأريد حذف المقال.',
        cancelButtonText: 'لا، الغ الحذف.',
        closeOnConfirm: false,
        closeOnCancel: false },
        if (isConfirm) {
          Article.delete({ 'articleId': }, {}, deleteSuccess, deleteError);
        } else {
          $scope.inProgress = null;
          swal('تم الغاء الحذف', 'مقالك بأمان :)', 'error');

     * Cancel creating an article.
    $scope.cancel = function() {
      $state.go('', {'articleId':});

     * Extracts title, snippet and HTML body from the editor when changed.
     * @param  {carbonEditor} editor A carbon editor instance.
    $scope.onChange = function(editor) {
      $scope.article.title = !editor.getTitle() ? '' : editor.getTitle();
      $scope.article.body = editor.getHTML();
      var snippet = !editor.getSnippet() ? '' : editor.getSnippet();
      if (snippet) {
        $scope.article.tagline = snippet;

    $scope.changeTopic = function() {

     * Start the auto save interval and save its promise to destroy it when the
     * user is done editing.
     * @return {!angular.$promise} A promise to be notified on each iteration.
    var autoSavePromise = $interval(function () {
      if (!isDirty()) {

      $scope.isSaving = true;
      $scope.saveArticle($scope.article, false, true);
    }, 5000);

    var topicSelectedUnbind = $rootScope.$on('topicSelected', function(event, data) {
      if (data.topic && {
        $scope.article.topic = data.topic;
        $scope.article.topic_id =;
        $scope.article.category = data.topic.category;
        $scope.article.category_id =;
      $scope.article.published_at = publishingAfterTopicPicked;
      $scope.saveArticle($scope.article, publishingAfterTopicPicked);

     * When the user logout while in edit mode redirect the user,
    var loggedOutUnbined = $rootScope.$on('auth:logout-success', function () {
      if ($scope.article.published) {
        $state.go('', {articleId: $stateParams.articleId});
      } else {

     * Make sure to cleanup the binded events and intervals when the user
     * leaves to another controller.
    var onDestroy = function () {

    // Make sure to cleanup the binding. Otherwise the event listener will
    // be added everytime the controller load and when the controller is
    // still loaded it would still listen to the event.
    $scope.$on('$destroy', onDestroy);
