# Style guide rationale:
# Width 80 is default (and explicitly recommended) by prettier
# - 2 space indentation and trailing semicolons seem to be most popular
# https://hackernoon.com/what-javascript-code-style-is-the-most-popular-5a3f5bec1f6f
# It is also the prettier's default
# - Double quotes are default in prettier and mandatory in Black
# - Trailing comma produces smaller diffs
# BUT:
# As a first step, we keep the current whitespace setting:
# - use tabs
# - tabWitdh 4
printWidth: 80
useTabs: true
tabWidth: 4
# useTabs: false
# tabWidth: 2
semi: true
singleQuote: false
trailingComma: "es5"
bracketSpacing: true # because it's prettier's default
#requirePragma: true
# - files: "*.test.js"
# options:
# semi: true