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<title>Fancytree - Example</title>
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var FT = $.ui.fancytree;
// attach to instance 1 and 3
$("#tree1, #tree3").fancytree({
checkbox: true,
selectMode: 1,
activate: function(event, data){
var node = data.node;
FT.debug("activate: event=", event, ", data=", data);
alert("custom node data: " + JSON.stringify(;
lazyLoad: function(event, data){
// we can't `return` values from an event handler, so we
// pass the result as `data.result` attribute:
data.result = {url: "ajax-sub2.json"};
// }).on("fancytreeactivate", function(event, data){
// $.ui.fancytree.debug("fancytreeactivate: event=", event, ", data=", data);
// return false;
// Load tree from Ajax JSON
source: {
url: "ajax-tree-plain.json"
lazyLoad: function(event, data){
data.result = $.ajax({
url: "ajax-sub2.json",
dataType: "json"
<!-- Start_Exclude: This block is not part of the sample code -->
label: "destroy all",
newline: false,
code: function(){
label: "init all",
newline: false,
code: function(){
label: "Reload() #1",
newline: false,
code: function(){
{title: "node1"},
{title: "node2"}
label: "Set 'source' option (all)",
newline: false,
code: function(){
$(".sampletree").fancytree("option", "source", [
{title: "node1"}
<!-- End_Exclude -->
<body class="example">
<h1>Example: Initialization Methods</h1>
<p class="description">
Use different methods to initialize the tree (Ajax, embedded <ul>,
embedded JSON).
Also distinct nodes contain custom data using `data="..."` attributes.
See the <a href=""
target="_blank" class="external">LoadData Tutorial</a>
for details.
<label for="skinswitcher">Skin:</label> <select id="skinswitcher"></select>
<p id="sampleButtons">
<p>Load from embedded <UL> markup:</p>
<div id="tree1" class="sampletree">
<ul id="treeData" styleXXX="display: none;">
<li>simple node (no explicit id, so a default key is generated)
<li id="id1" title="Look, a tool tip!">Define key and tooltip using 'id' and 'title' attributes
<li id="id2"><span>item2 with <b>html</b> inside a span tag</span>
<li class="nolink">this nodes adds class 'nolink', so no <a> tag is generated
<li><a href="http:/">using single a-tag to pass href (this would be clickable even if JavaScript is off)</a>
<li data-foo="bar">defining custom = 'bar' using a data-foo attribute
<li data-json='{"foo": "bar"}'>defining = 'bar' using a data-json attribute
<li class="my-extra-class">node with some extra classes (will be added to the generated markup)
<li id="id3" class="folder">Folder with some children
<li id="id3.1">Sub-item 3.1
<li id="id3.1.1">Sub-item 3.1.1
<li id="id3.1.2">Sub-item 3.1.2
<li id="id3.2">Sub-item 3.2
<li id="id3.2.1">Sub-item 3.2.1
<li id="id3.2.2">Sub-item 3.2.2
<li id="id4" class="expanded">Document with some children (expanded on init)
<li id="id4.1" class="active focus">Sub-item 4.1 (active and focus on init)
<li id="id4.1.1">Sub-item 4.1.1
<li id="id4.1.2">Sub-item 4.1.2
<li id="id4.2">Sub-item 4.2
<li id="id4.2.1">Sub-item 4.2.1
<li id="id4.2.2">Sub-item 4.2.2
<li class="lazy folder" data-source="foo">Lazy loading folder
<li id="id6" class="lazy folder expanded">Lazy loading folder (expand on init)
<p>Load from Ajax data:</p>
<div id="tree2" data-source="ajax" class="sampletree">
<p>Load from embedded JSON data:</p>
<div id="tree3" class="sampletree" data-type="json">
{"foo": "bazbaz", "children":
{"title": "node 1"},
{"title": "node 2", "folder": true }
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<p class="sample-links no_code">
<a class="hideInsideFS" href="">jquery.fancytree.js project home</a>
<a class="hideOutsideFS" href="#">Link to this page</a>
<a class="hideInsideFS" href="index.html">Example Browser</a>
<a href="#" id="codeExample">View source code</a>
<pre id="sourceCode" class="prettyprint" style="display:none"></pre>
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