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# koa-base
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## Installation
$ npm install koa-base
## Description
This package provides a quick start into the awesome [koa]( framework.
It does not tell you how to structure your koa application or which packages you should use.
Some basic packages are included out of the box:
- [dotenv](
- [koa-bodyparser](
- [koa-logger](
- [koa-static](
- [koa-static-cache](

**Dotenv** will search for a *.env* file, it should contain *=* separated values which will be put into the [process.env]( object.  
This value will be available as:
console.log(process.env.PORT); // 80
Port is the only required value in the *.env* file!

**koa-bodyparser** will parse the request for a json body and store it in ```this.request.body```.
This is something which most apps will need, that is why this package is included by default.

**koa-logger** is a development style logger which outputs requests to the console.

**koa-static** will serve static files out of a directory.
**koa-static-cache** can be used instead of *koa-static* to serve static files from memory.

## Usage
var koa = require('koa-base');

koa.config = app => {
    // configure app
}; = server => {
    // if you need the server object for e.g.

// start app, options are not necessary
    port: 80, // default: options.port || process.env.PORT || 80
    serve: 'public', // default: 'public'
    bodyParser: true // default: true
    staticCache: false // default: false
## Options
- ```port``` will use ```process.env.PORT``` or ```80``` by default
- ```serve``` the directory where static files will be served from (default: ```public```) 
- ```bodyParser``` whether json body contents should be parsed (default: ```true```)
- ```staticCache``` enable to serve static files from memory, requires restart to reload files (default: ```false```)

## Test
$ npm install -g mocha  
$ mocha

## Author

## License