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1 hr
Test Coverage
"use strict";

// For generating the coverage badge
var path = require("path");
var downloader = require("./downloader");
var reportParser = require("./istanbulReportParser");
var defaultThresholds = require("./defaultThresholds");
var extend = require("xtend");

// exporting the plugin main function
module.exports = istanbulCoberturaBadger;

 * Creates a code coverage badge based on the cobertura report generated by istanbul.
 * @param {Object} opts is the set of properties provided to the api.
 * @param {Function} callback is the CPS function to get the results.
function istanbulCoberturaBadger(opts, callback) {
  // Resolve the options
  opts = extend({
    // Setting the default coverage file generated by istanbul cobertura report.
    istanbulReportFile: "./coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml",
    // The default location for the destination being the coverage directory from istanbul.
    destinationDir: null,
    // The shields host to be used for retrieving the badge.
    shieldsHost: process.env.SHIELDS_HOST || "",
    // The style of shield icon to generate (plastic, flat-square, flat)
    shieldStyle: "flat",
    // The name of the badge file to be generated
    badgeFileName: "coverage",
    // The thresholds to be used to give colors to the badge.
    thresholds: defaultThresholds
  }, opts);

  opts.badgeFormat = opts.badgeFormat || "svg";

  reportParser(opts.istanbulReportFile, function(err, report) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);

    // The color depends on the fixed thresholds (RED: 0 >= % < 60) (YELLOW: 60 >= % < 90) (GREEN: % >= 90)
    var color = report.overallPercent >= opts.thresholds.excellent ? "brightgreen" :
      (report.overallPercent >= opts.thresholds.good ? "yellow" : "red");

    // The shields service that will give badges.
    var url = opts.shieldsHost + "/badge/coverage-" + report.overallPercent;
    url += "%25-" + color + "." + opts.badgeFormat + "?style=" + opts.shieldStyle;

    // Save always as coverage image.
    var badgeFileName = path.join(opts.destinationDir, opts.badgeFileName + "." + opts.badgeFormat);

    downloader(url, badgeFileName, function(err, downloadResult) {
      if (err) {
        return callback(err);

      report.url = url;
      report.badgeFile = downloadResult;
      report.color = color;

      return callback(null, report);