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Test Coverage
    "app": {
        "name": "Markdown notes",
        "issues_link": "",
        "description": "A note taking app with markdown at the core, designed for advanced users.",
        "app_fatal_close": "The application can no longer function normally and is going to close.",
        "app_support": "Please raise your issues here -"
    "notebook": {
        "new_notebook": "New notebook",
        "add_note": "Add note",
        "settings": "Settings",
        "empty_notebook": "This notebook does not seem to have any notes on this day.",
        "notebook_name": "Name",
        "is_task_based": "Will the notebook contain tasks?",
        "save_changes": "Save changes",
        "close": "Close",
        "deletion_confirmation" : "This will delete the notebook and the notes in the notebook. Continue?",
        "delete_notebook" : "Delete this notebook"
    "note": {
        "deletion_confirmation_text": "Are you sure you want to delete the note?",
        "deletion_confirmation_title": "Deletion confirmation",
        "": "",
        "change_date": "Change the date...",
        "move_to_past_sure": "You are moving a non-completed note to the past. This will be marked as completed. Continue?"
    "shortcut": {
        "shortcut": "Shortcut",
        "description": "Description",
        "kbd_new_note": "<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>N</kbd>",
        "desc_new_note": "Creates a new note when focused on an existing note.",
        "kbd_save_note": "<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd>",
        "desc_save_note": "Saves the currently focused note.",
        "kbd_delete_note": "<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>D</kbd>",
        "desc_delete_note": "Deletes the currently focused note.",
        "kbd_complete_note": "<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd>",
        "desc_complete_note": "Marks the currently focused note as complete.",
        "kbd_edit_note": "<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>E</kbd>",
        "desc_edit_note": "Makes the currently focused note editable.",
        "kbd_move_note_date": "<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>O</kbd>",
        "desc_move_note_date": "Move the note from one date to another in the future."
    "error": {
        "loading_database": "There was an error while creating/loading the database.",
        "empty_database_path": "Empty database path found!",
        "checking_default_notebook": "There was an error while checking if the default notebook exists.",
        "creating_default_notebook": "'There was an error while creating the default notebook.'",
        "retrieving_notebooks": "There was an error while retrieving your notebooks.",
        "retrieving_notebook": "There was an error while retrieving information about your notebook.",
        "notes_fetch_error": "There was an error while fetching the notes. ",
        "notes_save_validation_err": "Hmph! Some of the expected info for the note seems to be missing. Sorry, we couldn't save the note.",
        "note_delete_validation_err": "Whew! Unexpected error while deleting the note.",
        "note_delete_err": "There was an error while deleting the note.",
        "note_delete_not_found": "Unknown note sent for deletion!",
        "partial_load_error": "Error while loading your file - '%s'.",
        "notebook_display_error": "There was an error while displaying the notes.",
        "notebook_hide_error": "There was an error while closing the notebook.",
        "app_init": "There was an error while initializing the app.",
        "notes_display_error": "There was an error while displaying the notes.",
        "app_unstable": "The application is in an unstable state and should be restarted. Sorry for the inconvinience.",
        "notebook_not_found": "Notebook with ID '%s' was not found.",
        "shortcut_dialog_display": "There was an error while displaying the shortcuts.",
        "notes_update_err": "There was an error while updating the note.",
        "notes_modification_err": "There was an error while inserting or updating the note.",
        "note_fetch_error": "There was an error while fetching the contents of the note.",
        "notebook_container_not_found": "There was an error while fetching the notebook container.",
        "savenote_invalid_call": "saveNote called without notebookID and noteID.",
        "notes_deletion_err": "There was an error while deleting the note.",
        "mark_note_complete": "There was an error while marking the note as complete.",
        "err_date_change": "There was an error while showing the notes for the given date.",
        "add_new_error": "There was an error while adding the note.",
        "save_and_create_note": "Unexpected error while saving the note.",
        "settings_dialog_display": "There was an error while loading the settings dialog.",
        "about_dialog_display": "There was an error while loading About us.",
        "new_notebook_display_error": "There was an error while displaying the newly created notebook.",
        "notebook_creation": "There was an error while creating the notebook.",
        "note_dlg_change_open": "There was an error while displaying the dialog.",
        "invalid_note_id": "Invalid note was sent. Please ensure that the note has been saved first!",
        "notes_complete": "There was an error while marking the note as complete.",
        "notebook_init_display" : "There was an error while inititalizing the notebooks!",
        "no_notebook_name" : "No notebook name provided.",
        "notes_delete_err" : "There was an error while deleting the notes in the notebook.",
        "notebook_delete_error" : "There was an error while deleting the notebook."
    "settings": {
        "name": "Settings",
        "general": "General",
        "notebooks": "Notebooks",
        "notes": "Notes",
        "save_changes": "Save changes",
        "close": "Close",
        "work_in_progress": "Work in progress.",
        "database_location": "Database Location",
        "global_shortcut_key": "Global Shortcut Key",
        "super_key": "Super",
        "shift_key": "Shift",
        "choose_file": "...",
        "settings_applied": "Settings saved and applied successfully.",
        "settings_applied_restart": "Settings saved successfully, but some of the changes require an application restart.",
        "settings_error": "There was an error while saving your settings. We suggest you restart the application.",
        "settings_save_fatal": "There was an error while moving/saving your default settings. Please check that you have the ability to write to the application's directory."
    "about": {
        "reporting": "Found an issue or want a feature? Report ",
        "here": "here"