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# PHP Slack Client

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A basic Slack client library providing simple posting to Slack channels using the webhook API.

## Installation

       "require": {
        "markenwerk/slack-client": "~2.0"

## Usage

### Autoloading and namesapce


### Posting to a channel or member

The following example will post to a Slack channel or member looking like this: 

![Slack Example Post](example-post.png "Slack Example Post")

#### Setup the API client

use Markenwerk\SlackClient\SlackClient;

$client = new SlackClient();
    ->setUsername('PHP SlackClient');

#### Setup a Slack message with attachments

use Markenwerk\SlackClient\SlackAttachment;
use Markenwerk\SlackClient\SlackAttachmentField;
use Markenwerk\SlackClient\SlackMessage;

$message = new SlackMessage();
    ->setText('A basic Slack client library providing simple posting to Slack channels using the webhook API.')

$attachment = new SlackAttachment();
    ->setText('A basic Slack client library providing simple posting to Slack channels using the webhook API.')
    ->setPretext('A basic Slack client library.')
    ->setFallback('A basic Slack client library providing simple posting to Slack channels using the webhook API.')

$shortAttachmentField = new SlackAttachmentField();
    ->setTitle('Short field')
    ->setValue('Some chars')

$anotherShortAttachmentField = new SlackAttachmentField();
    ->setTitle('Short field')
    ->setValue('Some chars')

$attachmentField = new SlackAttachmentField();
    ->setTitle('Regular field')
    ->setValue('Some more chars')

$anotherAttachmentField = new SlackAttachmentField();
    ->setTitle('Regular field')
    ->setValue('Some more chars')



#### Post to a channel

$client->postToChannel('#channel', $message);

#### Post to a member

$client->postToMember('@member', $message);


## Exception handling

PHP Basic HTTP Client provides different exceptions – also provided by the PHP Common Exceptions project – for proper handling.  
You can find more information about [PHP Common Exceptions at Github](

### Exceptions to be expected

In general you should expect that any setter method could thrown an `\InvalidArgumentException`. The following exceptions could get thrown while using PHP Slack Client.

- `Markenwerk\CommonException\ParserException\StringifyException` on posting to Slack
- `Markenwerk\CommonException\NetworkException\UnexpectedResponseException` on posting to Slack
- `Markenwerk\CommonException\NetworkException\ConnectionTimeoutException` on posting to Slack
- `Markenwerk\CommonException\NetworkException\CurlException` on posting to Slack


## Contribution

Contributing to our projects is always very appreciated.  
**But: please follow the contribution guidelines written down in the []( document.**

## License

PHP Slack Client is under the MIT license.