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# Simple Search

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A Simple Search Engine in PHP

- Query the document index using multi word queries.
- Search result is ranked with TF-IDF term weighting and cosine similarity.
- Uses MongoDB, MySQL or SQLite to store the documents.
- Stores the search index in Memcached or MongoDB. 
- Easily extensible to support other storage providers.
- Uses Snowball- or Porter-stemming of tokens.

**NOTE: this project is still in development**

### Install

``` bash
$ composer require markusos/simple-search dev-master

When running the Search Engine make sure that the MongoDB and Memcached processes are running on the server.

### System Requirements

You need **PHP >= 5.4.0** to use `markusos\simple-search` but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended.

If you want to use the MongoDB storage and/or index providers, you need to install the `mongo` extension.

``` bash
$ pecl install mongo

To use the snowball stemmer you also need to install the `stem` extension.

``` bash
$ pecl install stem

Make sure that you install the languages that you need when installing the `stem` extension.

### Usage

#### Basic usage

**Index document:**


$document = new Search\Document(
    'Test Title',
    'This is a test document with some content to be searchable.'

$engine = new Search\Engine();




$engine = new Search\Engine();
$result = $engine->search('test document');


#### Custom setup

The search engine supports customization by exchangeable service providers. When initializing the search engine it is possible to switch out the default implementations and provide your own.


$config = Search\Config\Config::createBuilder()
$engine = new Search\Engine($config);


Or you can use the default and override the settings you need:


$config = Search\Config\Config::createBuilder()
                ->stopWords(['new', 'list', 'of', 'stop', 'words'])
$engine = new Search\Engine($config);


### Testing

Simple Search has a [PHPUnit]( test suite. To run the tests, run the following command from the project folder:

``` bash
$ phpunit

If you don't want to run the integration tests that require Memcached and MongoDB to be started, simply run: 

``` bash
$ phpunit --testsuite unit

### License

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Markus Östberg