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namespace Search\Ranker;

use Search\Document;

 * Class TFIDFDocumentRanker
 * Uses TF-IDF scoring and Cosine Similarity
 * to rank the Documents
 * @package Search
class TFIDFDocumentRanker implements DocumentRanker

     * Query after Tokenization
     * @var array
    private $queryTokens;

     * Query IDF scores
     * @var array
    private $queryTfIdf;

     * Document after Tokenization
     * @var array
    private $documentTokens;

     * Frequency of each unique Token in Document
     * @var array
    private $tokenFrequency;

     *  Number of tokens in document
     * @var integer
    private $documentTokenCount;

     * Number of documents in index
    private $indexSize;

     * Init the ranker with the search query
     * @param array $queryTokens Query tokens
     * @param integer $indexSize Number of documents in index
    public function init($queryTokens, $indexSize)
        $this->queryTokens = $queryTokens;
        $this->queryTfIdf = [];

        $this->indexSize = $indexSize;

    public function cacheTokenFrequency($token, $count)
        $this->queryTfIdf[$token] = $this->inverseDocumentFrequency($count);

     * Rank the Document based on TF-IDF scoring and Cosine Similarity
     * @param Document $document Document to rank
     * @return float Document rank
    public function rank(Document $document)

        $documentTfIdf = [];

        // Calculate TF-IDF score for each search token
        foreach ($this->queryTokens as $token) {
            $documentTf = $this->termFrequency($token);
            $documentTfIdf[$token] = $documentTf * $this->queryTfIdf[$token];

        return $this->cosineSimilarity($documentTfIdf, $this->queryTfIdf);

     * Find most important words in given text.
     * @param array $documentTokens Document tokens to find keywords in
     * @return array Result list of keywords ordered by importance.
    public function findKeywords($documentTokens)
        $uniqueTokens = array_unique($this->documentTokens);

        $keywords = [];
        foreach ($uniqueTokens as $token) {
            $documentTf = $this->termFrequency($token);
            $tokenIdf = $this->inverseDocumentFrequency($token);
            $keywords[$token] = $documentTf * $tokenIdf;


        $result = [];
        foreach ($keywords as $keyword => $score) {
            $result[] = ['keyword' => $keyword, 'score' => $score];

        return $result;

    private function initDocument($documentTokens)
        $this->documentTokens = $documentTokens;
        $this->tokenFrequency = array_count_values($this->documentTokens);
        $this->documentTokenCount = count($this->documentTokens);

     * Calculate the Cosine Similarity between a document and a query string
     * @param array $documentTfIdf Array of TF-IDF scores for the document tokens
     * @param array $queryTfIdf Array of TF-IDF scores for the query tokens
     * @return float Cosine Similarity between document and query
    private function cosineSimilarity($documentTfIdf, $queryTfIdf)
        $dot = array_sum(array_map(function ($a, $b) {
            return $a * $b;
        }, $documentTfIdf, $queryTfIdf));
        $absQuery = sqrt(array_sum(array_map(function ($a) {
            return $a * $a;
        }, $queryTfIdf)));
        $score = $dot / $absQuery;

        return $score;

     * Calculate the normalized Term Frequency of a Term token in a Content string
     * @param string $term Term to calculate the Term Frequency for
     * @return float The TF score
    private function termFrequency($term)
        if (isset($this->tokenFrequency[$term])) {
            return $this->tokenFrequency[$term] / $this->documentTokenCount;
        } else {
            return 0.0;

     * Calculate the IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) of a term in the Document Index
     * @param integer $termCount number of documents containing the term
     * @return float The IDF score
    private function inverseDocumentFrequency($termCount)
        $idf = 1 + log($this->indexSize / ($termCount + 1));
        return $idf * $idf;
