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Test Coverage
import functools
import logging
import operator
import re
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from typing import List, Any, Tuple, Dict

import iso8601
from telegram import Bot, Message
from telegram._utils.types import ReplyMarkup

from keel_telegram_bot.config import Config

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONFIG = Config()

def _is_filtered_for(filters: List[Dict], chat_id: str, identifier: str) -> bool:
    for config in filters:
        filter_chat_id = config["chat_id"]
        identifier_regex = config["identifier"]

        if str(filter_chat_id) == str(chat_id):
            identifier_pattern = re.compile(identifier_regex)
            result =
            if result is None:
                return True

    return False

def flatten(data: List[List[Any]]) -> List[Any]:
    Flattens a list of lists
    :param data: the data to flatten
    :return: flattened list
    return functools.reduce(operator.iconcat, data, [])

def format_for_single_line_log(text: str) -> str:
    Formats a text for log
    :param text:
    text = "" if text is None else text
    return " ".join(text.split())

async def send_message(bot: Bot, chat_id: str, message: str, parse_mode: str = None, reply_to: int = None,
                       menu: ReplyMarkup = None) -> Message:
    Sends a text message to the given chat
    :param bot: the bot
    :param chat_id: the chat product_id to send the message to
    :param message: the message to chat (may contain emoji aliases)
    :param parse_mode: specify whether to parse the text as markdown or HTML
    :param reply_to: the message product_id to reply to
    :param menu: inline keyboard menu markup
    from emoji import emojize

    emojized_text = emojize(message)
    return await bot.send_message(
        chat_id=chat_id, parse_mode=parse_mode, text=emojized_text,

def fuzzy_match(term: str, choices: List[Any], limit: int = None, key=lambda x: x, ignorecase: bool = True) -> List[
    Tuple[Any, int]]:
    Does a fuzzy search on the given choices
    :param term: the search term
    :param choices: list of possible choices
    :param key: function to turn a choice item into a string
    :param limit: Optional maximum for the number of elements returned
    :return: List of (choice, ratio) tuples, sorted by descending ratio
    # map choices to key
    if ignorecase:
        term = term.casefold()
    choices = filter(lambda x: key(x) is not None, choices)
    key_map = dict(map(lambda x: (key(x).casefold() if ignorecase else key(x), x), choices))

    from fuzzywuzzy import process
    from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
    matches = process.extract(term, key_map.keys(), limit=limit, scorer=fuzz.UWRatio)

    # map results back to original choices
    result = list(map(lambda x: (key_map[x[0]], x[1]), matches))

    return result

def filter_new_by_key(a: List, b: List, key: callable) -> List:
    Returns a list of all items, that are new in b when compared to a,
    using the key function to determine a unique identifier for list items
    :param a: "old" list
    :param b: "new" list
    :param key: function to map list items to a unique identifier
    :return: new list items
    a_ids = set(map(key, a))
    b_ids = set(map(key, b))
    new_ids = b_ids - a_ids

    result = []
    for id in new_ids:
        item_in_b = list(filter(lambda x: key(x) == id, b))[0]
    return result

def approval_to_str(data: dict) -> str:
    id = data["id"]
    identifier = data["identifier"]
    current_version = data["currentVersion"]
    new_version = data["newVersion"]
    votes_required = data["votesRequired"]
    votes_received = data["votesReceived"]
    deadline = iso8601.parse_date(data["deadline"])
    message = data["message"]

    now_utc =
    deadline_diff = timedelta(seconds=(deadline.replace(microsecond=0) - now_utc).total_seconds())

    deadline_abs_str = deadline.strftime('%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
    deadline_remaining_str = deadline_diff_to_str(deadline_diff)

    text = "\n".join([
        f"Id: {id}",
        f"Identifier: {identifier}",
        f"Version: {current_version} -> {new_version}",
        f"Votes: {votes_received}/{votes_required}",
        f"Expires: {deadline_abs_str} ({deadline_remaining_str})"

    return text

def deadline_diff_to_str(deadline_diff) -> str:
    units = []

    days = deadline_diff.days if deadline_diff.days else ""
    if days:

    hours = deadline_diff.seconds // 3600
    if hours:

    minutes = (deadline_diff.seconds // 60) % 60
    if minutes:

    seconds = int(deadline_diff.seconds) % 60
    if seconds:

    return "".join(units)