import {
} from './constants';
const A = 'A'.charCodeAt(0);
const G = 'G'.charCodeAt(0);
const solfegeNotes = ['Do', 'Re', 'Mi', 'Fa', 'Sol', 'La', 'Si'];
const TRANSPOSE_DISTANCE_MAJOR: Record<number, number> = {
1: 0,
2: 2,
3: 4,
4: 5,
5: 7,
6: 9,
7: 11,
const TRANSPOSE_DISTANCE_MINOR: Record<number, number> = {
1: 0,
2: 2,
3: 3,
4: 5,
5: 7,
6: 8,
7: 11,
function keyToCharCode(key: string): number {
return key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
function clamp(note: number, min: number, max: number): number {
let newNote = note;
if (newNote < min) {
newNote += 7;
} else if (newNote > max) {
newNote -= 7;
return newNote;
function numeralToNumber(numeral: string): null | number {
for (let i = 0, count = ROMAN_NUMERALS.length; i < count; i += 1) {
const romanNumeral = ROMAN_NUMERALS[i];
if (romanNumeral === numeral || romanNumeral.toLowerCase() === numeral) {
return i + 1;
return null;
function numberToNumeral(number: number): string {
return ROMAN_NUMERALS[number - 1];
type AtomicNote = string | number;
interface NoteProperties {
note?: AtomicNote;
type?: ChordType;
minor?: boolean;
class Note implements NoteProperties {
readonly _note: AtomicNote;
type: ChordType;
minor = false;
constructor({ note, type, minor = false }: { note: AtomicNote, type: ChordType, minor?: boolean }) {
this._note = note;
this.type = type;
this.minor = minor;
static parse(note: string | number): Note {
const noteString = note.toString();
if (/^Do|Re|Mi|Fa|Sol|La|Si$/i.test(noteString)) {
return new Note({ note: noteString.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + noteString.slice(1).toLowerCase(), type: SOLFEGE });
if (/^[A-Ga-g]$/.test(noteString)) {
return new Note({ note: noteString.toUpperCase(), type: SYMBOL });
if (/^[1-7]$/.test(noteString)) {
return new Note({ note: parseInt(noteString, 10), type: NUMERIC });
const romanNumeralValue = numeralToNumber(noteString);
if (romanNumeralValue) {
return new Note({
note: romanNumeralValue,
type: NUMERAL,
minor: (noteString.toLowerCase() === note),
throw new Error(`Invalid note ${note}`);
toNumeral(): Note {
if (this.isNumeral()) {
return this.clone();
if (this.isNumeric()) {
return this.set({ type: NUMERAL });
throw new Error(`Converting a ${this.type} note to numeral is not supported`);
toNumeric(): Note {
if (this.isNumeric()) {
return this.clone();
if (this.isNumeral()) {
return this.set({ type: NUMERIC });
throw new Error(`Converting a ${this.type} note to numeric is not supported`);
isMinor(): boolean {
return this.minor;
equals(otherNote: Note): boolean {
return this._note === otherNote._note && this.type === otherNote.type && this.minor === otherNote.minor;
clone(): Note {
return this.set({});
up(): Note {
return this.change(1);
down(): Note {
return this.change(-1);
isOneOf(...options: AtomicNote[]): boolean {
return options.includes(this._note);
isNumeric(): boolean {
isChordSymbol(): boolean {
isChordSolfege(): boolean {
isNumeral(): boolean {
is(noteType: ChordType): boolean {
return this.type === noteType;
getTransposeDistance(minor: boolean): number {
if (typeof this._note === 'number') {
if (minor && this._note in TRANSPOSE_DISTANCE_MINOR) {
return TRANSPOSE_DISTANCE_MINOR[this._note];
if (this._note in TRANSPOSE_DISTANCE_MAJOR) {
return TRANSPOSE_DISTANCE_MAJOR[this._note];
return 0;
change(delta: number): Note {
if (this.isChordSolfege()) {
const solfegeNote = this._note as string;
const currentIndex = solfegeNotes.indexOf(solfegeNote);
return this.set({ note: solfegeNotes[(currentIndex + delta) % 7] });
if (this.isChordSymbol()) {
let charCode;
charCode = keyToCharCode(this._note as string);
charCode += delta;
charCode = clamp(charCode, A, G);
return this.set({ note: String.fromCharCode(charCode) });
let newNote = clamp((this._note as number) + delta, 1, 7);
if (newNote < 1) {
newNote += 7;
} else if (newNote > 7) {
newNote -= 7;
return this.set({ note: newNote });
get note(): string | number {
if (this.isNumeral()) {
const numeral = numberToNumeral(this._note as number);
if (this.isMinor()) {
return numeral.toLowerCase();
return numeral;
return this._note;
toString(): string {
const note = this.note as string;
switch (this.type) {
return `${this.minor ? note.toLowerCase() : note.toUpperCase()}`;
return `${this.note}`;
private set(properties: NoteProperties): Note {
return new Note({
note: this._note,
type: this.type,
minor: this.minor,,
export default Note;