import {
} from '../../../src';
describe('Ternary', () => {
describe('#evaluate', () => {
it('evaluates a simple variable lookup', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({ variable: 'composer' });
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('John');
it('evaluates with a true expression and a present variable', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({ variable: 'composer', trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is present')] });
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('Composer is present');
it('evaluates with a true expression and an absent variable', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({ variable: 'composer', trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is present')] });
const metadata = new Metadata();
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('');
it('evaluates with a true expression and a truthy value test', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({
variable: 'composer',
valueTest: 'John',
trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is John')],
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('Composer is John');
it('evaluates with a true expression and a falsy value test', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({
variable: 'composer',
valueTest: 'Mary',
trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is John')],
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('');
it('evaluates with both a true expression and false expression and a present variable', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({
variable: 'composer',
trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is present')],
falseExpression: [new Literal('Composer is absent')],
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('Composer is present');
it('evaluates with both a true expression and false expression and an absent variable', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({
variable: 'composer',
trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is present')],
falseExpression: [new Literal('Composer is absent')],
const metadata = new Metadata();
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('Composer is absent');
it('evaluates with both a true expression and false expression and a truthy value test', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({
variable: 'composer',
valueTest: 'John',
trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is John')],
falseExpression: [new Literal('Composer is not John')],
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('Composer is John');
it('evaluates with both a true expression and false expression and a falsy value test', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({
variable: 'composer',
valueTest: 'Mary',
trueExpression: [new Literal('Composer is John')],
falseExpression: [new Literal('Composer is not John')],
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('Composer is not John');
it('evaluates an empty expression with an upper context', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({ variable: '' });
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',', 'composer')).toEqual('John');
it('evaluates a nested ternary via upper context', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({
variable: 'composer',
trueExpression: [
new Ternary({ }),
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toEqual('John');
it('raises on an empty expression without a upper context', () => {
const ternary = new Ternary({ line: 3, column: 20 });
const metadata = new Metadata({ composer: 'John' });
expect(() => ternary.evaluate(metadata, ',')).toThrow('Unexpected empty expression on line 3 column 20');