import { ChordLyricsPair, ChordSheetSerializer, Tag } from '../../src';
import {
createSong, createTag,
} from '../utilities';
import { exampleSongSolfege, exampleSongSymbol } from '../fixtures/song';
import { serializedSongSolfege, serializedSongSymbol } from '../fixtures/serialized_song';
import { changedSongSolfege, changedSongSymbol } from '../fixtures/changed_song';
import Song from '../../src/chord_sheet/song';
const createLineStub = ({ renderable }) => (
hasRenderableItems() {
return renderable;
hasContent() {
return renderable;
isEmpty() {
return false;
describe('Song', () => {
it('can have a title', () => {
const song = new Song({ title: 'Song title' });
expect(song.title).toEqual('Song title');
it('can have a subtitle', () => {
const song = new Song({ subtitle: 'Song subtitle' });
expect(song.subtitle).toEqual('Song subtitle');
it('can have an artist', () => {
const song = new Song({ artist: 'Song artist' });
expect(song.artist).toEqual('Song artist');
it('can have a composer', () => {
const song = new Song({ composer: 'Song composer' });
expect(song.composer).toEqual('Song composer');
it('can have a lyricist', () => {
const song = new Song({ lyricist: 'Song lyricist' });
expect(song.lyricist).toEqual('Song lyricist');
it('can have a copyright', () => {
const song = new Song({ copyright: 'Song copyright' });
expect(song.copyright).toEqual('Song copyright');
it('can have an album', () => {
const song = new Song({ album: 'Song album' });
expect(song.album).toEqual('Song album');
it('can have a year', () => {
const song = new Song({ year: 'Song year' });
expect(song.year).toEqual('Song year');
it('can have a key', () => {
const song = new Song({ key: 'Song key' });
expect(song.key).toEqual('Song key');
it('can have a time', () => {
const song = new Song({ time: 'Song time' });
expect(song.time).toEqual('Song time');
it('can have a tempo', () => {
const song = new Song({ tempo: 'Song tempo' });
expect(song.tempo).toEqual('Song tempo');
it('can have a duration', () => {
const song = new Song({ duration: 'Song duration' });
expect(song.duration).toEqual('Song duration');
it('can have a capo', () => {
const song = new Song({ capo: 'Song capo' });
expect(song.capo).toEqual('Song capo');
describe('#clone', () => {
it('returns a clone of the symbol song', () => {
const serializedExampleSong = new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(exampleSongSymbol);
const clone = exampleSongSymbol.clone();
const serializedClone = new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(clone);
it('returns a clone of the solfege song', () => {
const serializedExampleSong = new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(exampleSongSolfege);
const clone = exampleSongSolfege.clone();
const serializedClone = new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(clone);
describe('#bodyLines', () => {
it('returns the lines excluding leading non-renderable lines', () => {
const nonRenderableLine1 = createLineStub({ renderable: false });
const nonRenderableLine2 = createLineStub({ renderable: false });
const renderableLine1 = createLineStub({ renderable: true });
const nonRenderableLine3 = createLineStub({ renderable: false });
const song = createSong([nonRenderableLine1, nonRenderableLine2, renderableLine1, nonRenderableLine3]);
expect(song.bodyLines).toEqual([renderableLine1, nonRenderableLine3]);
describe('#mapLines', () => {
it('changes the symbol song', () => {
const song = exampleSongSymbol.clone();
[0, 1, 3, 2].forEach((expectedLineCount, index) => {
const changedSong = song.mapLines((line) => (
line.mapItems((item) => {
if (item instanceof ChordLyricsPair) {
return item
.transpose(2, 'D')
.setLyrics((item.lyrics || '').toUpperCase())
.setAnnotation((item.annotation || '').toUpperCase());
if (item instanceof Tag) {
let changedTag = item.set({ value: `${item.value} changed` });
if (item.attributes.label) {
changedTag = changedTag.setAttribute('label', `${item.attributes.label} changed`);
return changedTag;
return item;
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(changedSong)).toEqual(changedSongSymbol);
expect(changedSong.title).toEqual('Let it be changed');
expect(changedSong.subtitle).toEqual('ChordSheetJS example version changed');
expect(changedSong.key).toEqual('C changed');
expect(changedSong.composer).toEqual(['John Lennon changed', 'Paul McCartney changed']);
[0, 1, 3, 3].forEach((expectedLineCount, index) => {
it('changes the solfege song', () => {
const song = exampleSongSolfege.clone();
[0, 1, 3, 2].forEach((expectedLineCount, index) => {
const changedSong = song.mapLines((line) => (
line.mapItems((item) => {
if (item instanceof ChordLyricsPair) {
return item
.transpose(2, 'Re')
.setLyrics((item.lyrics || '').toUpperCase())
.setAnnotation((item.annotation || '').toUpperCase());
if (item instanceof Tag) {
return item.set({ value: `${item.value} changed` });
return item;
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(changedSong)).toEqual(changedSongSolfege);
expect(changedSong.title).toEqual('Let it be changed');
expect(changedSong.subtitle).toEqual('ChordSheetJS example version changed');
expect(changedSong.key).toEqual('Do changed');
expect(changedSong.composer).toEqual(['John Lennon changed', 'Paul McCartney changed']);
[0, 1, 3, 3].forEach((expectedLineCount, index) => {
describe('#mapItems', () => {
it('changes the symbol song', () => {
const song = exampleSongSymbol.clone();
expect(song.paragraphs.map((p) => p.lines.length)).toEqual([0, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3]);
const changedSong = song.mapItems((item) => {
if (item instanceof ChordLyricsPair) {
return item
.transpose(2, 'D')
.setLyrics((item.lyrics || '').toUpperCase())
.setAnnotation((item.annotation || '').toUpperCase());
if (item instanceof Tag) {
let changedTag = item.set({ value: `${item.value} changed` });
if (item.attributes.label) {
changedTag = changedTag.setAttribute('label', `${item.attributes.label} changed`);
return changedTag;
return item;
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(changedSong)).toEqual(changedSongSymbol);
expect(changedSong.title).toEqual('Let it be changed');
expect(changedSong.subtitle).toEqual('ChordSheetJS example version changed');
expect(changedSong.key).toEqual('C changed');
expect(changedSong.composer).toEqual(['John Lennon changed', 'Paul McCartney changed']);
[0, 1, 3, 3].forEach((expectedLineCount, index) => {
it('changes the solfege song', () => {
const song = exampleSongSolfege.clone();
expect(song.paragraphs.map((p) => p.lines.length)).toEqual([0, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3]);
const changedSong = song.mapItems((item) => {
if (item instanceof ChordLyricsPair) {
return item
.transpose(2, 'Re')
.setLyrics((item.lyrics || '').toUpperCase())
.setAnnotation((item.annotation || '').toUpperCase());
if (item instanceof Tag) {
return item.set({ value: `${item.value} changed` });
return item;
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(changedSong)).toEqual(changedSongSolfege);
expect(changedSong.title).toEqual('Let it be changed');
expect(changedSong.subtitle).toEqual('ChordSheetJS example version changed');
expect(changedSong.key).toEqual('Do changed');
expect(changedSong.composer).toEqual(['John Lennon changed', 'Paul McCartney changed']);
[0, 1, 3, 3].forEach((expectedLineCount, index) => {
it('symbol can be serialized', () => {
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(exampleSongSymbol)).toEqual(serializedSongSymbol);
it('symbol can be deserialized', () => {
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().deserialize(serializedSongSymbol)).toEqual(exampleSongSymbol);
it('solfege can be serialized', () => {
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().serialize(exampleSongSolfege)).toEqual(serializedSongSolfege);
it('solfege can be deserialized', () => {
expect(new ChordSheetSerializer().deserialize(serializedSongSolfege)).toEqual(exampleSongSolfege);
describe('#getChords', () => {
it('returns the unique chords in a song', () => {
const song = createSong([
createChordLyricsPair('CM7', 'let'),
createChordLyricsPair('', 'it'),
createChordLyricsPair('Dm7', ''),
createChordLyricsPair('Dm7 ', ''),
createChordLyricsPair('F#', 'be'),
createChordLyricsPair('d#', 'be'),
createChordLyricsPair(' F#', 'be'),
createChordLyricsPair('', 'changed'),
expect(song.getChords()).toEqual(['CM7', 'Dm7', 'F#', 'D#']);
it('returns an empty array if there are no chords in the song', () => {
const song = createSong([
createChordLyricsPair('', 'let'),
createChordLyricsPair('', 'it'),
createChordLyricsPair('', ''),
createChordLyricsPair('', 'be'),
createChordLyricsPair('', 'changed'),
describe('#getChordDefinitions', () => {
it('returns the unique chord definitions in a song', () => {
const cm7 = createChordDefinition('CM7', 3, ['x', '0', 1]);
const dm = createChordDefinition('Dm', 3, ['x', 3, 5]);
const song = createSong([
createTag('chord', 'CM7', cm7),
createTag('define', 'Dm', dm),
CM7: cm7,
Dm: dm,
it('returns an empty array if there are no chords in the song', () => {
const song = createSong([
createTag('chord', 'CM7'),
createChordLyricsPair('Am', 'be'),