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package config

// StartupFlags is a struct containing options that can be passed via the
// command line
type StartupFlags struct {
    ConfigFile                 string
    Filenames                  []string
    Parser                     string
    Format                     string
    Namespace                  string
    ListenAddress              string
    ListenPort                 int
    EnableExperimentalFeatures bool
    MetricsEndpoint            string
    VerifyConfig               bool
    Version                    bool

    LogLevel  string
    LogFormat string

    CPUProfile string
    MemProfile string

// Config models the application's configuration
type Config struct {
    Listen                     ListenConfig
    Consul                     ConsulConfig
    Namespaces                 []NamespaceConfig `hcl:"namespace"`
    EnableExperimentalFeatures bool              `hcl:"enable_experimental" yaml:"enable_experimental"`

    // In YAML, the EnableExperimentalFeatures property was originally set by the
    // "enableexperimentalfeatures" property (although documented as "enable_experimental").
    // This property is here for enabling the config to behave as documented, while keeping BC.
    EnableExperimentalFeaturesOld bool `yaml:"enableexperimentalfeatures"`

// ListenConfig is a struct describing the built-in webserver configuration
type ListenConfig struct {
    Port            int
    Address         string
    MetricsEndpoint string `hcl:"metrics_endpoint" yaml:"metrics_endpoint"`

// ConsulConfig describes the connection to a Consul server that the exporter should
// register itself at
type ConsulConfig struct {
    Enable     bool
    Address    string
    Datacenter string
    Scheme     string
    Token      string
    Service    ConsulServiceConfig

// ConsulServiceConfig describes the Consul service that the exporter should use
type ConsulServiceConfig struct {
    ID      string
    Name    string
    Address string
    Tags    []string

// StabilityWarnings tests if the Config or any of its sub-objects uses any
// configuration settings that are not yet declared "stable"
func (c *Config) StabilityWarnings() error {
    if c.EnableExperimentalFeatures || c.EnableExperimentalFeaturesOld {
        return nil

    for i := range c.Namespaces {
        if err := c.Namespaces[i].StabilityWarnings(); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

// MetricsEndpointOrDefault returns the configured metrics endpoint or the
// default value if no configuration was provided.
func (l *ListenConfig) MetricsEndpointOrDefault() string {
    if l.MetricsEndpoint == "" {
        return "/metrics"

    return l.MetricsEndpoint