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# lita-pivotal-tracker

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**lita-pivotal-tracker** is a handler plugin for [Lita]( that manages [Pivotal Tracker]( stories.

## Installation

Add lita-pivotal-tracker to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

``` ruby
gem "lita-pivotal-tracker"

## Configuration

config.handlers.pivotal_tracker.token = `YOUR_PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN`

## Usage

`(pt|pivotaltracker) add [feature (default) | bug | chore] <name> to <project>`

### Examples

`lita pt add Exhaust ports are ray shielded to Death Star` will add a __Feature__ named _Exhaust ports are ray shielded_ to the _Death Star_ project.

`lita pt add bug Explosive chain reaction in exhaust ports to Death Star` will add a __Bug__ named _Explosive chain reaction in exhaust ports_ to the _Death Star_ project.

## License
