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Test Coverage

/* replace elephant friend with vinyl */
.drawer__inner__mastodon {background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'%3F%3E%3Csvg version='1.1' id='Layer_1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='0 0 488.2 488.2' style='enable-background:new 0 0 488.2 488.2;' xml:space='preserve'%3E%3Ccircle style='fill:%232A3332;' cx='244.1' cy='244.2' r='244'/%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23121C1B;' d='M71.3,71.4c95.2-95.2,249.6-95.2,344.8,0s95.2,249.6,0,344.8'/%3E%3Ccircle style='fill:%23F74D19;' cx='244.1' cy='244.2' r='104.8'/%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23FF7A17;' d='M139.3,244.2c0-57.6,47.2-104.8,104.8-104.8s104.8,47.2,104.8,104.8'/%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23E0360E;' d='M263.3,229l-36.8,36.8l69.6,69.6c8-4.8,15.2-10.4,22.4-16.8c5.6-5.6,11.2-12.8,15.2-19.2L263.3,229z' /%3E%3Ccircle style='fill:%23D3DEE2;' cx='244.1' cy='244.2' r='29.6'/%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23EBF0F2;' d='M244.1,273.8c-16,0-29.6-13.6-29.6-29.6s12.8-29.6,29.6-29.6'/%3E%3Cg%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23726C6A;' d='M244.1,448.2c-112.8,0-204-91.2-204-204c0-4,3.2-8,8-8c4,0,8,3.2,8,8c-0.8,104,84,188.8,188,188.8 c4,0,8,3.2,8,8C252.1,445,248.1,448.2,244.1,448.2z'/%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23726C6A;' d='M440.9,252.2c-4,0-8-3.2-8-8c0-104-84.8-188.8-188.8-188.8c-4,0-8-3.2-8-8c0-4,3.2-8,8-8 c112.8,0,204,92,204,204C448.1,248.2,444.9,252.2,440.9,252.2z'/%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23726C6A;' d='M244.1,401c-86.4,0-156.8-70.4-156.8-156.8c0-4,3.2-8,8-8c4,0,8,3.2,8,8 c0,77.6,63.2,141.6,141.6,141.6c4,0,8,3.2,8,8C252.1,397.8,248.1,401,244.1,401z'/%3E%3Cpath style='fill:%23726C6A;' d='M392.9,252.2c-4,0-8-3.2-8-8c0-77.6-63.2-141.6-141.6-141.6c-4,0-8-3.2-8-8c0-4,3.2-8,8-8 c86.4,0,156.8,70.4,156.8,156.8C400.9,248.2,397.7,252.2,392.9,252.2z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A") no-repeat bottom center / contain !important;}
.drawer__inner__mastodon > img {display: none;}

/* repeating musical notes in background */
.columns-area {background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg version='1.0' xmlns='' width='75.000000pt' height='100.000000pt' viewBox='0 0 456.000000 599.000000' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet'%3E%3Cg transform='translate%280.000000,599.000000%29 scale%280.100000,-0.100000%29' fill='%2300000022' stroke='none'%3E%3Cpath d='M2261 5576 c-51 -226 -189 -845 -306 -1376 -254 -1146 -404 -1813 -410 -1819 -3 -2 -40 18 -82 45 -133 83 -256 142 -380 183 -149 50 -254 65 -397 58 -197 -9 -328 -66 -461 -201 -128 -129 -193 -275 -217 -484 -28 -253 33 -443 192 -603 108 -108 221 -176 365 -222 341 -107 706 -24 1038 237 154 120 139 89 213 442 35 170 78 370 94 444 285 1311 472 2165 475 2168 3 4 1446 -1016 1495 -1056 20 -17 20 -18 -134 -712 -198 -890 -315 -1402 -320 -1408 -3 -2 -45 20 -93 51 -397 248 -767 304 -1063 161 -113 -55 -232 -178 -294 -305 -52 -106 -71 -174 -87 -304 -11 -91 -6 -227 12 -300 48 -196 209 -374 433 -481 351 -166 755 -105 1122 169 37 29 92 74 122 102 l53 50 464 2009 463 2010 -24 18 c-214 169 -1623 1180 -1929 1385 -104 69 -213 137 -236 145 -13 5 -30 -60 -108 -406z m1037 -967 c406 -293 741 -536 746 -540 8 -8 -34 -235 -54 -292 -5 -15 -131 71 -760 519 -415 295 -757 538 -759 540 -2 2 11 74 29 159 26 121 37 155 48 150 7 -3 345 -244 750 -536z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E") space 0 0;}

/* vignette on headers and dropdowns */
.column-header {box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);}
.column-header__button {background: transparent !important;}
.column-header__collapsible-inner {box-shadow: inset 0 0 10em 10em rgba(0,0,0,0.3);}