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# Our Vision of Inclusion

We invite participation both online and in person from all individuals regardless of experience, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, sexual orientation, personal appearance, body size, religion, disability, or other defining characteristic.

While diversity is integral to our community, differences in culture and communication styles can lead to misunderstandings.  We encourage people from all backgrounds to participate and we offer these guidelines to ensure everyone's experience is safe and welcoming.  This is not an exhaustive list of everything you should or should not do in our community, but rather a collection of suggestions to help build the type of environment that supports creativity and collaboration.  These guidelines apply to all members of this community.

This code and related procedures also apply to unacceptable behavior occurring outside the scope of community activities, in all community venues— online and in-person— as well as in all one-on-one communications, and anywhere such behavior has the potential to adversely affect the safety and well-being of community members.

# Expected Behavior

* Be welcoming to new users as well as veterans of the platform.
* Be kind, particularly when disagreements arise.
* Look out for each other. If you see objectionable behavior, report it.
* Offer constructive criticism with good cheer.
# Behavior To Avoid

* Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or otherwise discriminatory or offensive conduct or speech.
* Unwelcome, suggestive, derogatory, or inappropriate nicknames or terms.
* Disrespect towards others in the form of jokes, innuendo, and/or dismissive attitudes.
* Intimidation or harassment (online or in-person).
* Disagreeing in a disrespectful and/or hostile way.  Respect people's opinions and agree to disagree when necessary.
* Inappropriate attention or contact. If someone is uncomfortable with your actions, stop.
* Violence, threats of violence, or violent language.

# Enforcement

* For the safety and comfort of all, transgressions cannot be tolerated.  Harmful actions and words will have consequences.
* If you are the subject of (or witness to) any violations of this Code of Conduct, please contact us at <>.
* If violations occur, organizers will take any action they deem appropriate for the infraction, up to and including expulsion.

This code of conduct includes ideas from [Slack Code of Conduct]( and [Django Code of Conduct](  All changes are copyrighted (c) 2017 by MassChallenge, Inc. are also made available under the MIT license.