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import dataclasses
import math

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.stats

from .. import utilities
from ..statops import func

def calculate_o_p_ext(m, E, V, L=4):
    """Given data, calculate optimistic and pessimistic numbers
        m: Most likely
        E: Expected
        V: Variance
        L: PERT Lambda parameter
    dis = math.sqrt(
        L**2 * E**2
        - 2 * E * L**2 * m
        + L**2 * m**2
        + (4 * L + 12) * V)
    o = - (dis + L * m - E * L - 2 * E) / 2
    p = - (-dis + L * m - E * L - 2 * E) / 2
    return o, p

def calculate_o_p(m, E, V):
    """Given data, calculate optimistic and pessimistic numbers
        m: Most likely
        E: Expected
        V: Variance
    dis = math.sqrt(
        4 * E ** 2
        - 8 * E * m
        + 4 * m ** 2
        + 7 * V)
    o = 3 * E - 2 * m - dis
    p = 3 * E - 2 * m + dis
    return o, p

def find_optimistic_from_pert(dom, values):
    first_nonzero_index = utilities.first_nonzero_index_of(values)
    optimistic = dom[first_nonzero_index]
    return optimistic

def find_pessimistic_from_pert(dom, values):
    last_nonzero_index = utilities.last_nonzero_index_of(values)
    pessimistic = dom[last_nonzero_index]
    return pessimistic

def find_most_likely_from_pert(dom, values):
    most_likely_index = np.argmax(values)
    most_likely = dom[most_likely_index]
    return most_likely

class EstimInput:
    optimistic: float
    most_likely: float
    pessimistic: float
    LAMBDA = 4

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.optimistic = value
        self.most_likely = value
        self.pessimistic = value

    def distance_from(self, rhs: "EstimInput"):
        square_sum = (
            (self.optimistic - rhs.optimistic)**2
            + (self.most_likely - rhs.most_likely)**2
            + (self.pessimistic - rhs.pessimistic)**2
        return math.sqrt(square_sum)

    def copy(self):
        ret = EstimInput(self.most_likely)
        ret.optimistic = self.optimistic
        ret.pessimistic = self.pessimistic
        return ret

    def from_pert_and_data(cls, dom, values, expected, sigma):
        if sigma == 0:
            return cls(expected)
        ballpark_input = cls.from_pert_only(dom, values)
        m = ballpark_input.most_likely
        o, p = calculate_o_p_ext(m, expected, sigma ** 2, cls.LAMBDA)

        ret = cls(m)
        ret.optimistic = min(o, m)
        ret.pessimistic = max(p, m)
        ret.LAMBDA = cls.LAMBDA
        return ret

    def from_pert_only(cls, dom, values):
        optimistic = find_optimistic_from_pert(dom, values)
        pessimistic = find_pessimistic_from_pert(dom, values)
        most_likely = find_most_likely_from_pert(dom, values)

        ret = cls(most_likely)
        ret.optimistic = optimistic
        ret.pessimistic = pessimistic
        return ret

class Estimate:
    An estimate of difficulty, represented by expected value and standard deviation.
    Typically, the 3-point source of the estimate is known and stored as source.

    Estimates can get composed, when the resulting estimate represents the estimation of
    all its constituents.
    expected: float
    sigma: float

    source: EstimInput
    LAMBDA = 4

    def __init__(self, expected, sigma):
        self.expected = expected
        self.sigma = sigma

        self.source = None
        if self.sigma == 0:
            self.source = EstimInput(self.expected)

    def from_input(cls, inp: EstimInput):
        ret = cls.from_triple(inp.most_likely, inp.optimistic, inp.pessimistic, inp.LAMBDA)
        ret.source = inp.copy()
        return ret

    def from_triple(cls, most_likely, optimistic, pessimistic, LAMBDA=None):
        if LAMBDA is None:
            LAMBDA = cls.LAMBDA
        if not optimistic <= most_likely <= pessimistic:
            msg = (
                "The optimistic<=most likely<=pessimistic inequality "
                "is not met, i.e. it is not true that "
                f"{optimistic:.4g} <= {most_likely:.4g} <= {pessimistic:.4g}"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        expected = (optimistic + pessimistic + LAMBDA * most_likely) / (LAMBDA + 2)

        variance = (expected - optimistic) * (pessimistic - expected) / (LAMBDA + 3)
        if variance < 0 and variance > - 1e-10:
            variance = 0
        sigma = math.sqrt(variance)

        ret = cls(expected, sigma)
        ret.LAMBDA = LAMBDA
        ret.source = EstimInput(most_likely)
        ret.source.optimistic = optimistic
        ret.source.pessimistic = pessimistic
        return ret

    def variance(self):
        return self.sigma ** 2

    def __add__(self, rhs):
        result = self.compose_with(rhs)
        return result

    def get_pert_of_given_density(self, samples_per_unit=30):
        lower_bound = self.source.optimistic - 1
        upper_bound = self.source.pessimistic + 1
        dom = np.linspace(lower_bound, upper_bound,
                          round(samples_per_unit * (upper_bound - lower_bound)))
        return self.get_pert(dom=dom)

    def get_pert(self, num_samples=100, dom=None):
        if num_samples < 1:
            msg = (
                f"Invalid sample size {num_samples} - need at least 1"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if dom is None:
            dom = np.linspace(
        values = self._get_pert(dom)
        if len(dom) > 1:
            utilities.norm_pdf(values, dom[1] - dom[0])
            values[0] = 1

        return np.array([dom, values])

    def compose_with(self, rhs: "Estimate", samples_per_unit=30):
        if self.source is None or rhs.source is None:
            return self.compose_using_simple_values(rhs)
        return self.compose_using_pert_values(rhs, samples_per_unit)

    def compose_using_pert_values(self, rhs: "Estimate", samples_per_unit=30):
        if self.sigma > 0 and rhs.sigma > 0:
            pert = self.get_composed_pert(rhs, samples_per_unit)
            value_estimate = self.compose_using_simple_values(rhs)
            inp = EstimInput.from_pert_and_data(
                pert[0], pert[1], value_estimate.expected, value_estimate.sigma)
            return self.from_input(inp)
            return self._compose_using_shift(rhs)

    def compose_using_simple_values(self, rhs: "Estimate"):
        ret = Estimate(self.expected, self.sigma)
        ret.expected += rhs.expected
        ret.sigma = math.sqrt(self.variance + rhs.variance)
        ret.source = None
        return ret

    def _compose_using_shift(self, rhs: "Estimate"):
        ret = Estimate.from_input(self.source)
        ret.expected += rhs.expected
        ret.sigma += rhs.sigma
        if self.source and rhs.source:
            ret.source.optimistic += rhs.source.optimistic
            ret.source.most_likely += rhs.source.most_likely
            ret.source.pessimistic += rhs.source.pessimistic
        return ret

    def get_composed_pert(self, rhs: "Estimate", samples_per_unit=20):
        dom_len_self = round((self.source.pessimistic - self.source.optimistic) * samples_per_unit)
        dom_len_rhs = round((rhs.source.pessimistic - rhs.source.optimistic) * samples_per_unit)
        composed_pert = self.compose_perts_of_same_scale(
            self.get_pert(dom_len_self), rhs.get_pert(dom_len_rhs))
        return composed_pert

    def compose_perts_of_same_scale(self, pert1, pert2):
        domain, convolution = utilities.eco_convolve(* pert1, * pert2)
        return np.array([domain, convolution])

    def width(self):
        return self.source.pessimistic - self.source.optimistic

    # Those are respective shape parameters of the Beta distribution.
    # It is magic that works, sourced from
    # see
    def pert_beta_a(self):
        return 1 + self.LAMBDA * (self.source.most_likely - self.source.optimistic) / self.width

    def pert_beta_b(self):
        return 1 + self.LAMBDA * (self.source.pessimistic - self.source.most_likely) / self.width

    def _get_rv(self):
        return sp.stats.beta(
            self.pert_beta_a, self.pert_beta_b,
            scale=self.width, loc=self.source.optimistic)

    def _get_pert(self, domain):
        if self.width == 0:
            right_spot = np.argmin(np.abs(domain - self.source.most_likely))
            ret = np.zeros_like(domain)
            ret[right_spot] = 1.0
            return ret
        values = self._get_rv().pdf(domain)
        return values

    def pert_rvs(self, size):
        if self.width > 0:
            ret = self._get_rv().rvs(size=size)
            ret = np.ones(size) * self.source.most_likely
        return ret

    def rank_distance(self, estimate):
        Given an estimate, return a float that
        is proportional to the differences between expected values and
        inversely proportional to the sum of standard deviations.

        If you are roughly after a value being within 2-sigma band,
        go for rank < 2, and so on
        diff_of_expected = abs(estimate.expected - self.expected)
        sum_of_sigmas = estimate.sigma + self.sigma
        if diff_of_expected > 0 and sum_of_sigmas == 0:
            return float("inf")
        if diff_of_expected == 0:
            return 0
        return diff_of_expected / sum_of_sigmas