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Test Coverage
import collections
import typing

from .problem import Problem
from . import solutions

class ProblemCategory:
    name: str = "generic"
    weight: float = 50
    summary: str = ""
    description: str = ""
    solution: solutions.Solution = None
    impact: str = ""

    required_tags: typing.FrozenSet[str] = frozenset()
    unwanted_tags: typing.FrozenSet[str] = frozenset()

    def matches(self, p: Problem):
        if set(p.tags).intersection(self.required_tags) != self.required_tags:
            return False
        if set(p.tags).intersection(self.unwanted_tags):
            return False
        return True

    def _get_solution_of(self, p: Problem):
        return self.solution(p)

    def get_solution_of(self, p: Problem):
        if not self.solution:
            return None
        return self._get_solution_of(p)

class ProblemClassifier:
    CATEGORIES: typing.OrderedDict[str, ProblemCategory] = dict()
    classified_problems: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Mapping[str, Problem]]
    _problem_to_catname = typing.Mapping[Problem, str]

    def __init__(self):
        self.not_classified = []
        self.CATEGORIES = {
            name: cat for name, cat in sorted(self.CATEGORIES.items(), key=lambda c: c[1].weight)
        self.classified_problems = collections.defaultdict(dict)
        self._problem_to_catname = dict()

    def classify(self, problems: typing.Iterable[Problem]):
        for p in problems:

    def _classify_problem(self, problem: Problem):
        for c_name, c in self.CATEGORIES.items():
            if c.matches(problem):
                self.classified_problems[c_name][problem.affected_card_name] = problem
                self._problem_to_catname[problem] = c_name

    def get_category_of(self, problem: Problem):
        cat_name = self._problem_to_catname.get(problem, None)
        return self.CATEGORIES.get(cat_name, ProblemCategory())

    def get_categories_with_problems(self):
        return [cat for name, cat in self.CATEGORIES.items() if name in self.classified_problems]

    def add_category(self, cat_type: typing.Type[ProblemCategory]):
        if (name := in self.CATEGORIES:
            msg = f"Already have a category named '{name}'"
            raise KeyError(msg)
        self.CATEGORIES[name] = cat_type()

def problem_category(cls):
    ProblemClassifier.CATEGORIES[] = cls()
    return cls

class ReasonableOutdated(ProblemCategory):
    name = "reasonable_outdated"
    summary = "Likely Outdated Estimates"
    description = "Current estimate is inconsistent with children tasks, but lower than their nominal size and greater than the size of tasks not yet completed."
    solution = solutions.SolutionByUpdatingSelf
    weight = 20

    required_tags = frozenset([
    unwanted_tags = frozenset([

class SuppliedInput(ProblemCategory):
    name = "supplied_input"
    summary = "Estimated in Estimagus"
    description = "The task has been estimated in Estimagus, which overrides the different estimate in the tracker."
    solution = solutions.SolutionByUpdatingSelf
    weight = 10

    required_tags = set([

class UnestimatedChildren(ProblemCategory):
    name = "unestimated_children"
    summary = "Unestimated Children"
    description = "Children have no size estimated, but the parent issue has."
    solution = solutions.SolutionByUpdatingChildren
    weight = 10

    required_tags = set([

class UnestimatedParent(ProblemCategory):
    name = "unestimated_parent"
    summary = "Unestimated Parent"
    description = "Task with children has no size estimated, while children have estimates."
    solution = solutions.SolutionByUpdatingSelf
    weight = 15

    required_tags = set([

class GenericInconsistent(ProblemCategory):
    name = "generic_inconsistent"
    summary = "Generic Inconsistency"
    solution = solutions.SolutionByUpdatingSelf
    weight = 80

    required_tags = frozenset(["inconsistent_estimate"])
    unwanted_tags = frozenset(["missing_estimates"])