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import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from .. import utilities

def get_lognorm_variance(mu, sigma):
    res = np.exp(sigma ** 2) - 1
    res *= np.exp(2 * mu + sigma ** 2)
    return res

def get_lognorm_mean_stdev(mu, sigma):
    lognorm_var = get_lognorm_variance(mu, sigma)
    mean = np.exp(mu + sigma ** 2 / 2)
    return mean, np.sqrt(lognorm_var)

def get_lognorm_mu_sigma_from_lognorm_mean_variance(mean, variance):
    # See, Variance + Mean
    sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(variance / mean ** 2 + 1))
    mu = np.log(mean) - sigma ** 2 / 2.0
    return mu, sigma

def get_lognorm_given_mean_median(mean, median, samples=200):
    mu, sigma = get_lognorm_mu_sigma(mean, median)
    return sp.stats.lognorm(scale=np.exp(mu), s=sigma)

def get_lognorm_mu_sigma(mean, median):
    mu = np.log(median)
    sigma = np.sqrt(2 * (np.log(mean) - mu))
    return mu, sigma

def separate_array_into_good_and_bad(wild_array, outlier_threshold):
    if outlier_threshold == -1:
        return wild_array, np.array([])
    raw_mean = wild_array.mean()
    good_array = wild_array[wild_array < raw_mean * outlier_threshold]
    bad_array = wild_array[wild_array >= raw_mean * outlier_threshold]
    return good_array, bad_array

def get_mean_median_dissolving_outliers(wild_array, outlier_threshold=-1):
    raw_mean = wild_array.mean()
    good_array, _ = separate_array_into_good_and_bad(wild_array, outlier_threshold)
    low_mean = good_array.mean()
    low_median = np.median(good_array)
    return raw_mean, low_median * raw_mean / low_mean

def _minimize_pdf_dom_hom(dom, hom):
    bounds = get_pdf_bounds_slice(hom)
    start = max(0, bounds.start - 1)
    stop = min(dom.size, bounds.stop + 1)
    larger_bounds = slice(start, stop)
    return dom[larger_bounds], hom[larger_bounds]

class PdfMultiplicator:
    def __init__(self, dom1, hom1, dom2, hom2):
        dom1, hom1 = _minimize_pdf_dom_hom(dom1, hom1)
        dom2, hom2 = _minimize_pdf_dom_hom(dom2, hom2)

        result_bounds = (dom1[0] * dom2[0], dom1[-1] * dom2[-1])

        self.dom = np.linspace(result_bounds[0], result_bounds[1], len(hom1) + len(hom2))

        self.values = np.zeros_like(self.dom, float)
        self.interp_1 = sp.interpolate.interp1d(dom1, hom1, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
        self.interp_2 = sp.interpolate.interp1d(dom2, hom2, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)

        self.dom1 = dom1

    # see also
    # Int pdf1(t) pdf2(x / t) / abs(t) dt
    def integrand(self, t, x):
        body = self.interp_1(t)
        if body == 0:
            return 0
        body *= self.interp_2(x / t)
        if body == 0:
            return 0
        ret = body / abs(t)
        return ret

    def __call__(self):
        for i, x in enumerate(self.dom):
            a = self.dom1[0]
            b = self.dom1[-1]
            if a == b:
                val = self.integrand(a, x)
                val = sp.integrate.quad(self.integrand, a, b, args=(x,), limit=20)[0]
            self.values[i] = val

        return self.dom, self.values

# see also
# Integral over support of the first pdf
# product(x) = Int pdf1(t) pdf2(x / t) / abs(t) dt
def multiply_two_pdfs(dom1, hom1, dom2, hom2):
    multiplicator = PdfMultiplicator(dom1, hom1, dom2, hom2)
    return multiplicator()

def _get_time_to_completion_gauss(velocity_mean, velocity_stdev, distance, confidence):
    # dst(p) = mu + sigma + probit(p)
    quantile = 1 - confidence
    # the sign of probit doesn't make a difference
    # sqrt of 2 as per wikipedia is probably some norming not compatible with scipy
    probit = sp.special.erfinv(2 * quantile - 1)

    # n^2 mu^2 - 2n (mu todo + 2 stdev^2 probit^2) + todo^2 = 0
    a = velocity_mean ** 2
    b = - 2 * (velocity_mean * distance + velocity_stdev ** 2 * probit ** 2)
    c = distance ** 2
    sign = 1 if confidence > 0.5 else -1
    solution = (- b + sign * np.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2.0 * a)
    return solution

def get_time_to_completion(velocity_mean, velocity_stdev, distance, confidence=0.99):
    if distance * confidence == 0:
        return 0
    if velocity_stdev == 0:
        return distance / velocity_mean
        return _get_time_to_completion_gauss(velocity_mean, velocity_stdev, distance, confidence)

def get_prob_of_completion(velocity_mean, velocity_stdev, distance, time):
    times = np.ones(1) * time
    return get_prob_of_completion_vector(velocity_mean, velocity_stdev, distance, times)[0]

def get_prob_of_completion_vector(velocity_mean, velocity_stdev, distance, times):
    if distance == 0:
        return np.ones_like(times, dtype=float)
    if velocity_stdev == 0:
        ret = np.zeros_like(times, dtype=float)
        ret[velocity_mean * times > distance] = 1
        return ret
    dist = sp.stats.norm(loc=velocity_mean * times, scale=np.sqrt(velocity_stdev ** 2 * times))
    ret = 1 - dist.cdf(distance)
    ret[times == 0] = 0
    return ret

def _custom_grid(array, callback):
    ret = np.meshgrid(array, 1.0)
    ret[1] *= callback(ret[0])
    return ret

def get_1d_lognorm_grid(lower_sigma, upper_sigma, mean, count=2):
    mu = lambda sigma: np.log(mean) - sigma ** 2 / 2
    sigmas = np.linspace(lower_sigma, upper_sigma, count)
    ret = _custom_grid(sigmas, mu)
    return ret[::-1]

def get_mu_pdf_lognorm(mu, sigma):
    def pdf(x):
        return sp.stats.lognorm.pdf(x, scale=np.exp(mu), s=sigma)
    return pdf

def apply_datapoint(doms, prior, datapoint, callback):
    mus_, sigmas_ = doms
    factors = np.ones_like(prior)
    for idx in range(prior.size):
        mu = mus_.flat[idx]
        sigma = sigmas_.flat[idx]
        factor = callback(mu, sigma)(datapoint)
        factors.flat[idx] = factor
    if False:
    prior *= factors
    prior /= prior.sum()
    return prior

def get_weighted_argmax(coords, array):
    result = [0, 0]
    arr_sum = array.sum()
    for idx, wgt in enumerate(array.flat):
        rel_wgt = wgt / arr_sum
        for dim in range(2):
            result[dim] += rel_wgt * coords[dim].flat[idx]
    return result

def estimate_lognorm(grids, samples):
    mus_, sigmas_ = grids
    prior = np.ones(mus_.shape, float)
    result = get_weighted_argmax((mus_, sigmas_), prior)
    for s in samples:
        prior = apply_datapoint((mus_, sigmas_), prior, s, get_mu_pdf_lognorm)
        result = get_weighted_argmax((mus_, sigmas_), prior)
    return result

def autoestimage_lognorm_general(samples, first_grid, radii, counts):
    mean = samples.mean()
    res = estimate_lognorm(first_grid, samples)
    for (radius, count) in zip(radii, counts):
        grid = get_1d_lognorm_grid(res[1] - radius, res[1] + radius, mean, count)
        res = estimate_lognorm(grid, samples)
    return res

def autoestimate_lognorm(samples):
    grids = get_1d_lognorm_grid(0.01, 5.0, samples.mean(), 10)
    res = autoestimage_lognorm_general(samples, grids, (0.5, 0.2), (10, 20))
    return res

def get_nonzero_velocity(velocity):
    return velocity[velocity > 0]